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Oh dip! It's Shady's turn....

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"He and his group, from the moment they sat down, were verbally abusive to our staff in the most insulting ways. The derogatory statements about women and their sheer contempt for the staff serving them wasn't the end, however."



Given what has happened to Ray Rice, how can these guys make DEROGATORY STATEMENTS ABOUT WOMEN in the open for everyone to hear.



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Time to ring Rodger Goodell.


How many games should he get for leaving a .20 tip on a 60 dollar bill and making derogatory statements about women in the open?

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If yhe service was bad he has a right...regardless of how much he makes.


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I dont care if the service is bad. Really if you have multimillions, can anything in your life be considered bad? Its your duty as a public figure and entertainer to rise above stuff that will obviously spread bad publicity and tip generously.

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Did y'all expect him to say "the service was great so I left 20 cents".



I'm not shocked... From what I've been reading "slim" is more like the amount of restaurants that will serve "shady" in PA. Guess he walks out on bills and tips regularly...

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I wonder what the 'derogatory' comments towards women were...hmm...let me think.


"btich deserved to be KNOCKED OUT"

"Ya, i'll hit that hoe"

"That hoe looks great laying there"

"Them btiches love to cause trouble"

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I dont care if the service is bad. Really if you have multimillions, can anything in your life be considered bad? Its your duty as a public figure and entertainer to rise above stuff that will obviously spread bad publicity and tip generously.


Yea sorry if you don't tip you're scum. Most of these waiters make a living serving. Imagine u have to get someone water and then their bread then their order for food and go back and grab ketchup,ranch,refill drinks,make their salad and then grab them dessert. Then you find out you get a few bucks that you have to tip out to the bartender,host and buster. Absolute BS. Now of the service is god awful that's one thing but being a manager at a restaurant I see people come in all the tip and get great service and tip bad. I'm sorry if you can't tip then don't eat out.


True story a girl with a kid at my job served on Ronaldo Maclain who ran up a bill for $500 and left be $5 tip. So pretty much she served him for free. She should have gotten $70-100 tip instead he tipped her $5 and it was slow and her only table so he got really good service I watched from a distance. SCUM

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I don't think it's the TIP that's the issue here folks.

If Shady and his boys wouldn't have been rude from the time they stepped into the restaurant, i'm sure the owner would had let it slide.

The fact that he and his boys were complete scumbags is the reason why the owner had to speak up.


He's just calling the dude out.

We heard rumors Shady is a pretty low life individual. This just CONFIRMS it.

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I always top . Again I never know what problems that person might be having . Everyone has bad days . And yes you should leave it at home , but we sometimes don't . That's there income . And they still get charged a tax for the hours they work even if they don't get that tip . Sad the pride is killing these guys

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20 cents is a statement, that the service sucked.


I normally tip well and to be honest, I'm not sure why, it's a pretty stupid way to tax the patron for something that should be overhead but I feel guilty if I don't add on 10... err 15... errrrr 18 percent... or whatever the fashionable 'norm' is lately. Really I always left more than ten, but since the expectation has gotten up to 20, I find myself doing the easy math more often and leaving closer to ten again.


And why is it car washes, waiters, waitresses, bartenders, coffee places, hair cuts, cab drivers, bell hops... you name it... all expect you do dole out of pocket for them doing their job. You work at a coffee house, make some flipping coffee already. The entitlement of some industries who think you MUST tip for any service is hard to figure out. Oil change guy doesn't sit there with his hand out, transmission rebuild guy doesn't run a tip jar, real estate agents don't have coffee cans with coin sized slits in them at the table next to the literature... so who made it a law that you have to pay 5 bucks for a beer, then another buck for the girl to pour it, and another for the one that delivers it. Or four bucks for coffee, but another for the skilled cash register entry representative.


Isn't that their job?

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I tip at restaurants/bars even on To Go orders. Minimum of 20% as I've been there (working 2 jobs to feed the family). The benefit of tipping well is that for places you frequent, you will never be standing/waiting long to be seated.


That being said, service can suck to the point where I'll drop down to 10%; the 10% is given as a way of warning that person I wasn't pleased.

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I can't believe people say that they tip no matter what. Do you pay people in all walks of life "because they have a family?" If the guy cutting your grass only cuts half of it how much would you pay him? If they have a family maybe they should be trying their dammed to make as much money as possible with exemplary service.

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I can't believe people say that they tip no matter what. Do you pay people in all walks of life "because they have a family?" If the guy cutting your grass only cuts half of it how much would you pay him? If they have a family maybe they should be trying their dammed to make as much money as possible with exemplary service.


I have a bit of expendable income and as I say, I've been there. These people typically don't have much and remember the people that tip well. I also remember great service and will request that person.


Leaving a bare bones tip for someone most likely overworked isn't cool. Sh!t happens.

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Being a server has to be the worst job. Not only are you dependent on your customers generosity they also get judged based upon every other aspect of the dining experience....the food, the atmosphere, the service...how many other jobs are there that the customer actually decides what to pay or not pay at all. I sympathize with waitstaff's. I can not leave a bad tip and trust me I am in no position to even be dining out. I am a single father raising my two teenage sons all on my own.

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If you take a job for $5/hr, I don't see that as my fault. It's called college.


I make enough to tip but I resent the out of being guilted into it just because I established a decent life and you didn't. The service industry needs a reboot or something I don't know, but having to tack on 20% just because it's "normal" or whatever. Fock that.

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I am an eagles fan and I am disgusted by this. My father put himself through pharmacy school by waiting tables and he told me how demoralizing it is when you offer great service and your guests leave you peanut shells as a tip. Sure you idiots can say "go get a better job" but a**holes guess what, that's not how this world works, God just doesn't fart out good jobs to everybody. Many people make a career waiting & tending, depending solely on gratuity, and it disgusts me to the core when blessed people decide to take sh!t on the person serving their meals. If you have the nerve to look down on someone serving your food then I pray they have the nerve to dip their balls in your salsa you pricks.

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Umm, good jobs and careers they are earned, not given to you. If you are fortunate enough to respect your blessings from God, then you should also know that you have the free will to proactively improve your situation, not post pictures of peoples receipts as an excuse to whine about it. Where is the full story anyways, isn't a hint when you only see half the tale lobbied around in a provocative way?


I worked my way thru college as well, those jobs I took then were stepping stones and are work I will never do again. I'm not pissed at the world over it, I was poor and had a plan, its not someone else's problem that I was in a crap situation, I never once recall looking at my wallet and being pissed at anyone, then again I was never at a point where I had so little to offer that waiting tables or pouring beer was my only redeemable skill set. I lived on dollar pizza I think, I bet I missed a few meals as well, is that your problem because you make 200k? Not really...


It's not about looking down on people, its more about people knowing their place. Forcing some customers to tip is going to create situations like this, whether or not there is some issue with the food or service or anyone being belligerent. When we were on vacation recently in Canadia, more than once I had the help check the receipt before we left and remark "Oh glad to see you aren't Germans, they never tip..." What is that about, does my family need to be involved in your personal issues with Germany? Should I have pulled my tip over this because I was offended? I left a tip, should I get all uppity because I didn't get a thank you over it, should I be put off because someone needed to grind an axe that was totally unrelated to me? Some in this world are just ok with turning life into their personal quest for an enlistment... panhandlers, our government, barista's, bellhops, valet kids, they all feel entitled to a piece of your wallet, and regardless of how hard you worked for it, they only move a few feet before sitting there waiting for you to slice them off a chunk.


Back on topic and not that its really anyone business to make this such a public skirt pulling contest, but maybe shady left 20 cents more than the help deserved that night. Is that possible or does it not matter because he is a 1%'er and should just flood others with cash because they 'deserve' it?

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If you take a job for $5/hr, I don't see that as my fault. It's called college.


I make enough to tip but I resent the ###### out of being guilted into it just because I established a decent life and you didn't. The service industry needs a reboot or something I don't know, but having to tack on 20% just because it's "normal" or whatever. Fock that.

Most people who serve are college students who can't work a 9-5 and work late nights and go to school. I served tables and went to school to pay for my classes. If you can't afford to tip then don't go out and be served on. Make ur own food and serve urself.


One thing I've learned in my years of serving tables is that those who don't tip usually don't have money in a sense karma. It's rare that someone who has money doesn't tip. So in my mind when people didn't tip me I laughed in my head and never got mad cause I knew those scummy bastards don't have money. #losersdonttip

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I am an eagles fan and I am disgusted by this. My father put himself through pharmacy school by waiting tables and he told me how demoralizing it is when you offer great service and your guests leave you peanut shells as a tip. Sure you idiots can say "go get a better job" but a**holes guess what, that's not how this world works, God just doesn't fart out good jobs to everybody. Many people make a career waiting & tending, depending solely on gratuity, and it disgusts me to the core when blessed people decide to take sh!t on the person serving their meals. If you have the nerve to look down on someone serving your food then I pray they have the nerve to dip their balls in your salsa you pricks.

Hahaha right on bro. Perfect post...People have no clue what it's like serving tables. From 18-23 I served tables and have people amazing service and still they leave a horrible tip. It's crazy how some ghetto people come in and talk to u and then they complain just to get free food. Think about how many dumb people are in this world now think about serving most of those people. People who are having a bad day, a super ghetto family who complains about everything and asks the price of everything,kids who want 20 refills on cokes,a mean dad whose wife is being a pain,Asians family who can't talk and orders by pointing, drunks and theist goes on and on.

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I cannot believe what some of you all saying. I used to tip based on their performance or how "well" I was served, until the day I found out that restaurant industry has a monopoly over keeping the wages low over decades. Nobody can live and survive off a $3.50 an hour. According to the restaurant industry claims, we're getting cheaper food because of the low wages. So we should seriously reconsider our attitudes towards tipping even if the service is subpar. Seeing how Shady treated the staff there is just downright pitiful.

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Again, i don't think most of you understand the situation fully. The owner went on social media to expose Shady for who he was. He only did it because Shady and his pals were complete @ssholes the moment they sat down. They made matters worst by making "DEROGATORY" comments about women and then left with a .20 cent tip. That .20 was a statement. The statement was clear. "I'm rich and famous, you best bow down to me and kiss my ass no matter how rude or disrespect of a person i am."


Based on what was written, the owner stood up for his employee (waitress).

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So many assumptions in here. We don't know what happened.


For the record I plunged sh!t filled toilets to pay for college. I never received a single tip. I was happy to have a job and didn't complain about my 8 bucks an hour. I've also waited tables before in a pinch as I normally worked in the back of the house at a restaurant. I made significantly more than minimum wage. You people realize the guy taking your order at McDonald's or the one sweeping the floor at Walmart are 2 of the poorest people you will encounter who are employed. Do you tip them? Nope... People mostly make fun of them for that occupation.


The notion that someone should tip because they are rich is asinine. Every person they encounter during the day will make less than them. Maybe McCoy is a huge dbag. Maybe it was terrible service and the restaurant owner is trying to make something out of nothing for publicity... Because that never happens right?

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For the record I plunged sh!t filled toilets to pay for college. I never received a single tip.


How would you feel if the toilet you plunged was full of and the owner give you a quarter for the fine job. :)

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How would you feel if the toilet you plunged was full of ###### and the owner give you a quarter for the fine job. :)

Well considering that isn't how employment works I wouldn't be continuing to work there.


You realize that a waiter only needs to make 4 bucks off tips to exceed minimum wage per hour? Those that think waiting tables is the hardest job in the world have lost touch. I know guys without a college degree making more than people with a master's degree WHO WAIT TABLES.

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Most people who serve are college students who can't work a 9-5 and work late nights and go to school. I served tables and went to school to pay for my classes. If you can't afford to tip then don't go out and be served on. Make ur own food and serve urself.


One thing I've learned in my years of serving tables is that those who don't tip usually don't have money in a sense karma. It's rare that someone who has money doesn't tip. So in my mind when people didn't tip me I laughed in my head and never got mad cause I knew those scummy bastards don't have money. #losersdonttip


I didn't post in here to carry the torch here, there are plenty of others who agree with alot of this, they however won't post it. I will, I don't mind. Again though, since most won't read up, I tip plenty, usually 15 now since 10 is no longer "good enough". I'm familiar with all the issues presented in here, being poor or trying to work and make a school schedule fit in life are things other people have endured as well, that should be considered deeply in any 'poor me' scenario.

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I am an eagles fan and I am disgusted by this. My father put himself through pharmacy school by waiting tables and he told me how demoralizing it is when you offer great service and your guests leave you peanut shells as a tip. Sure you idiots can say "go get a better job" but a**holes guess what, that's not how this world works, God just doesn't fart out good jobs to everybody. Many people make a career waiting & tending, depending solely on gratuity, and it disgusts me to the core when blessed people decide to take sh!t on the person serving their meals. If you have the nerve to look down on someone serving your food then I pray they have the nerve to dip their balls in your salsa you pricks.




Amen. Remember the movie Fight Club? I don't want any secret sauce, nut dunks or anything else in my drink/food.


I NEVER send anything back and everything is fantastic when they ask me. If the service or food was crappy I just won't be back or will avoid that person's section in the future.

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Amen. Remember the movie Fight Club? I don't want any secret sauce, nut dunks or anything else in my drink/food.


I NEVER send anything back and everything is fantastic when they ask me. If the service or food was crappy I just won't be back or will avoid that person's section in the future.


I know many people in the food industry and the chit some of these people do to plates that are send back will make you vomit.


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I went to culinary school and have cooked in restaurants from fast food to fine dining. I've never seen anyone do anything like that to a plate when it came back. I'm sure it happens but normally what happened in fine dining was the exec chef throwing that sh!t at your feet and cussing you until you got it out right.


I've seen dozens of things hit the floor and then magically appear on the plate in time for a runner to take it out.

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The reason you tip good is to get good service. If you want your drink full,your food fast and hot, your dessert not melted and your bill fast and correct then tip good. That's called good service and that's what your paying for.


If you tip bad then don't be shocked if you had to wait a long time for your food. Don't be mad that your drink wasn't filled up and your plates weren't taken away. You paid for the food so eat it and leave but don't think you should get good service because you're not paying for service your laying for food.


People who tip good and come in and sit with my servers get free drinks,bread,desserts and sometime I even take care of the bill. They also get seated when it's busy and get treated well. We know who tips well and who doesn't. Those who tip bad we could care less about and at my restaurant we profit 6million a year so I could care less about ghetto people who don't tip. Go to mcdonalds or eat at home. Don't eat at a place that has servers who serve you serve yourself.

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The issue is you aren't a regular at every restaurant. I don't eat anywhere often enough for people to give me the services you describe. I do however tip well based on good service. I also have no problem leaving a 5% tip or even rounding up to the next dollar if the service is piss poor.


I really don't understand what is so hard about paying for what you get. The job is for you to serve me things in a reasonable time and refill my drinks. If that isn't done then the job wasn't done. In what other world do you get paid for not doing a job?

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The issue is you aren't a regular at every restaurant. I don't eat anywhere often enough for people to give me the services you describe. I do however tip well based on good service. I also have no problem leaving a 5% tip or even rounding up to the next dollar if the service is piss poor.


I really don't understand what is so hard about paying for what you get. The job is for you to serve me things in a reasonable time and refill my drinks. If that isn't done then the job wasn't done. In what other world do you get paid for not doing a job?


Because a tip really isn't a tip in today's world.

A tip is part of the cost of dining out.

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