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What if it's found that Trump did help the Russians

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This goes all the way back to Benghazi and the coverup there. Deep ties to the muslim brotherhood that was still ongoing thanks to the Awan brothers. Simply too much dirt on too many folks in all the high places to hide it all. Nearly the entire Obama Establishment should go to jail.


Thank God some folks stood bravely against the corruption. Seth Rich, NSA Director Rogers, Nunes, etc.....they appear to have saved the country from evil.

and the true Americans who voted Trump and saved the country
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Among many other things, still have never gotten an intelligent answer as to why it is literally everybody in Trump's Inner Circle has lied repeatedly under penalties of perjury about their contacts with some pretty shady damn Russians.


Here's a good question for you to ponder: If the Russians are so damn shadey, why would any stoopid focker sell them uranium?

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Here's a good question for you Anti Trumpers. If monkeys fly out your butt, would you let them vote?

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Question for the Trump supporters. IF it turns out that members of the Trump campaign helped the Russians with who to target with the false stories and whatnot online, would you consider it collusion?





Answer the other question first; what's Trump done (proven) to be worthy of impeachment?


Here's a good question for you Anti Trumpers. If monkeys fly out your butt, would you let them vote?


Only if they pledge to vote Hillary (Sanders voters get their votes deleted or changed)

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Answer the other question first; what's Trump done (proven) to be worthy of impeachment?


As far as Im aware, nothing has been proven that would be anywhere near worthy of a Trump impeachment.


So now its your turn.

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Question for the Trump supporters. IF it turns out that members of the Trump campaign helped the Russians with who to target with the false stories and whatnot online, would you consider it collusion?







what about CNN, Huffpo, DailyBeast, Salon, Yahoo, Washington Post, NY Times, running false stories daily targeting Trump?

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As far as Im aware, nothing has been proven that would be anywhere near worthy of a Trump impeachment.


So now its your turn.


I only asked that in response to your earlier response wanting to impeach him.


In answer to your question; no. As we now know the ENTIRE Russian collusion investigation is tainted by Mueller's picks and the previous actions of the FBI/DOJ (Comey/Strzok/Lynch/Clinton/Obama). ANY material produced must be viewed as fruit of the poisoned tree and summarily thrown out.

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I only asked that in response to your earlier response wanting to impeach him.


In answer to your question; no. As we now know the ENTIRE Russian collusion investigation is tainted by Mueller's picks and the previous actions of the FBI/DOJ (Comey/Strzok/Lynch/Clinton/Obama). ANY material produced must be viewed as fruit of the poisoned tree and summarily thrown out.

It appears you are making a legal argument. Should he be found guilty in court of collusion? Your answer would be no because you believe the evidence never should have legally been obtained. But thats not what I asked.


You, not as a juror, but as a person.....if its shown beyond a reasonable doubt that Trumps team worked with the Russians to help said Russians determine who to target with their fake stories, would you consider that collusion?

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It appears you are making a legal argument. Should he be found guilty in court of collusion? Your answer would be no because you believe the evidence never should have legally been obtained. But thats not what I asked.

You, not as a juror, but as a person.....if its shown beyond a reasonable doubt that Trumps team worked with the Russians to help said Russians determine who to target with their fake stories, would you consider that collusion?

First and foremost; what fake news stories are you referring to? Please list those in your response.

Secondly; who determines what's 'fake news stories'? According to Democrats, the Uranium One sale and Hillary being guilty of mishandling classified material stories were fake news however there's a mountain of evidence proving otherwise and the same corrupt FBI/DOJ covered both up. With both those having been proven as facts, you have to view the Benghazi investigation in a different light.

As far as 'fake news' impacting the election, I don't believe it made that much of a difference. Electorally speaking, Trump kicked her a$$.


So again, no. I would not find him guilty of collusion.

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Alternatively, some have suggested charging Trump with a conspiracy to hack a computer system if the Trump people knew that the Russians were actively hacking into Clinton or DNC computers. Of course, after spending millions of dollars and more than a year of investigation, charging a conspiracy to hack a computer would be like mounting a guppy in your trophy room. More important, after a year of multiple investigations (and endless leaks), there is no evidence of any coordination or direction to hack a computer system.


Just as some of have said all along; DNC server wasn't focking hacked.

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Just as some of have said all along; DNC server wasn't focking hacked.

Seth Rich

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There goes the whole "dossier created the FBI investigation" thing...



So they presented hearsay to a Fisa court to get a warrant? Lol. Try again

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There goes the whole "dossier created the FBI investigation" thing...



wut ? :lol:

I'll raise you

BREAKING: Senator Lindsey Graham Just Confirmed The Steele Dossier Was Used For 2016 FISA Warrant



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There goes the whole "dossier created the FBI investigation" thing...






Sure it does.


Despite contradictory claims already made by the FBI/DOJ, this article states May 2016 the Pappadopolus guy runs his mouth. Two months later Australian officials notify American officials. It just so happens that Strzok is selected to run this investigation JUST weeks after clearing Hillary on the email scandal. The same guy caught texting his girlfriend Lisa Page about taking action as an insurance policy. Now that guy is sweating it out in the HR dept while he awaits word on his fate.


Just like all criminals, the story changes to explain away facts that contradict the previous one.




Release #3 was the information about DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr being in contact with Fusion GPS at the same time as the FISA application was submitted and granted by the FISA court; which authorized surveillance and wiretapping of candidate Donald Trump; that release also attached Bruce Ohr and Agent Strzok directly to the Steele Dossier.



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There goes the whole "dossier created the FBI investigation" thing...



This article, and the way it is presented, is proof that the NYT has decended into tabloid territory. They just don't care anymore. Wiffle should get a job there.

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The details of this conspiracy are so broad and so elevated (all the way to Obama) that it's akin to eating a whale. The IG is releasing portions out for consumption otherwise it might have dire consequences.

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This article, and the way it is presented, is proof that the NYT has decended into tabloid territory. They just don't care anymore. Wiffle should get a job there.

how about he starts with a job

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First and foremost; what fake news stories are you referring to? Please list those in your response.


Secondly; who determines what's 'fake news stories'? According to Democrats, the Uranium One sale and Hillary being guilty of mishandling classified material stories were fake news however there's a mountain of evidence proving otherwise and the same corrupt FBI/DOJ covered both up. With both those having been proven as facts, you have to view the Benghazi investigation in a different light.


As far as 'fake news' impacting the election, I don't believe it made that much of a difference. Electorally speaking, Trump kicked her a$$.


So again, no. I would not find him guilty of collusion.

For the sake of this discussion, the answer is YOU. If YOU determine stories were 100% fake and it is proven to YOU that the Trump campaign helped Russia with who to target with the fake stories, would YOU consider Trumps campaign to be guilty of colluding with Russia?

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For the sake of this discussion, the answer is YOU. If YOU determine stories were 100% fake and it is proven to YOU that the Trump campaign helped Russia with who to target with the fake stories, would YOU consider Trumps campaign to be guilty of colluding with Russia?


No because as I stated previously, it amounted to what?


Also, what fake news are you referring to? Second time asking....and waiting.

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No because as I stated previously, it amounted to what?


Also, what fake news are you referring to? Second time asking....and waiting.

There were a few in September 2016. The ones I remember ending up on my Facebook feed were a handful of older people I know sharing stories stating Hillary had Vascular Dimentia and less than a year to live, while I saw others saying she had Parkinsons and less than a year to live. They didnt want to vote for someone that wasnt even going to be around a year later..... Supposedly these have been tied back to Russia. Maybe you believe those stories (which you can still find online) but then theyve been doing a solid Weekend at Bernies routine in recent months.


Im sure with some research I could find more.

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No because as I stated previously, it amounted to what?


Also, this is a strange stance.


If Im reading it right, you are saying even if Trumps campaign colluded with Russia in an effort to affect the election, thats not collusion because we dont know exactly what effect it had.


Its just....a strange stance.

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Also, this is a strange stance.


If Im reading it right, you are saying even if Trumps campaign colluded with Russia in an effort to affect the election, thats not collusion because we dont know exactly what effect it had.


Its just....a strange stance.


Certainly no stranger than you and others supporting Hillary given all that you know now about her/DNC/Obama/FBI/DOJ/Fusion GPS colluding to rig the election and/or run Trump out of office.


Trump has faced an uphill battle (given what we know now) and has been crucified in the media yet he still comes out on top. He's doing more for Americans than any President in my lifetime. Of course a good deal of that is simply undoing the horrible policies of Obama but none of this would have happened with Hillary there.

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Certainly no stranger than you and others supporting Hillary given all that you know now about her/DNC/Obama/FBI/DOJ/Fusion GPS colluding to rig the election and/or run Trump out of office.


Trump has faced an uphill battle (given what we know now) and has been crucified in the media yet he still comes out on top. He's doing more for Americans than any President in my lifetime. Of course a good deal of that is simply undoing the horrible policies of Obama but none of this would have happened with Hillary there.

I understand your point of view better now, and I appreciate the civil discussion.

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There were a few in September 2016. The ones I remember ending up on my Facebook feed were a handful of older people I know sharing stories stating Hillary had Vascular Dimentia and less than a year to live, while I saw others saying she had Parkinsons and less than a year to live. They didnt want to vote for someone that wasnt even going to be around a year later..... Supposedly these have been tied back to Russia. Maybe you believe those stories (which you can still find online) but then theyve been doing a solid Weekend at Bernies routine in recent months.


Im sure with some research I could find more.

Is it collision by the mainstream media and Hollywood to state matter-of-factly that Trump is a racist/Nazi/misogynist? They spread those stories freely during the election cycle with no evidence. It was slander as far as I'm concerned. I was a Kasich fan, but the more I see Trump slandered, the more I am drawn to support him.

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Is it collision by the mainstream media and Hollywood to state matter-of-factly that Trump is a racist/Nazi/misogynist? They spread those stories freely during the election cycle with no evidence. It was slander as far as I'm concerned. I was a Kasich fan, but the more I see Trump slandered, the more I am drawn to support him.

One of Hillary Clinton’s wealthy pals paid $500,000 in an unsuccessful effort to fund women willing to accuse President Trump of sexual misconduct before the 2016 election


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One of Hillary Clinton’s wealthy pals paid $500,000 in an unsuccessful effort to fund women willing to accuse President Trump of sexual misconduct before the 2016 election



And another added $200,000



Willing to pay supposed victims of Trump to come out right before election (just like Moore?) and they STILL couldn't get any takers. So either these women were lying or they viewed Trump as a better option to Hillary.


Despicable behavior to say the least that they'd pay these women to make the claims right before the election when it would have the greatest impact and couldn't be refuted in time to undo the damage.


Including the millions spent on the Dossier and $1 billion spent on the Hillary campaign, what does that bring the total to?

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Certainly no stranger than you and others supporting Hillary given all that you know now about her/DNC/Obama/FBI/DOJ/Fusion GPS colluding to rig the election and/or run Trump out of office.


Trump has faced an uphill battle (given what we know now) and has been crucified in the media yet he still comes out on top. He's doing more for Americans than any President in my lifetime. Of course a good deal of that is simply undoing the horrible policies of Obama but none of this would have happened with Hillary there.

thread winner

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So you fellas just ignoring the recent Papadopoulos revelations?


So you're just ignoring all the revelations on the DOJ/FBI colluding with HRC/DNC/Fusion GPS to spy on Trump then Strzok's insurance policy (this very investigation you're referring to)?


You're falling for the redirect of the MSM to somehow legitimize all the corruption that led to this phony investigation.

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What revelation? That he exposed information that was publicly available for anyone to access? That revelation?

WASHINGTON An Australian diplomat's tip appears to have helped persuade the FBI to investigate Russian meddling in the U.S. election and possible coordination with the Trump campaign, The New York Times reported Saturday.


Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos told the diplomat, Alexander Downer, during a meeting in London in May 2016 that Russia had thousands of emails that would embarrass Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, the report said. Downer, a former foreign minister, is Australia's top diplomat in Britain.


Australia passed the information on to the FBI after the Democratic emails were leaked, according to The Times, which cited four current and former U.S. and foreign officials with direct knowledge of the Australians' role.

Pretty damning, no?

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Pretty damning, no?


Maybe for him? Where is the smoking gun to nail Trump? No where do I see that Trump acted on any of this himself (which has always been the liberals goal).


I'm afraid we're seeing another GOT 'EEM! only to have this walked back to another OOPS, WE JUMPED THE GUN AGAIN IN OUR INSANE ZEAL TO REVERSE THE 2016 ELECTIONS!

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So you fellas just ignoring the recent Papadopoulos revelations?

that nonsense was decimated within minutes of it posting on the hack NYT.

You conveniently ignore that?

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Pretty damning, no?


For Hillary, yes.

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that nonsense was decimated within minutes of it posting on the hack NYT.

You conveniently ignore that?


Yes they will ignore the content of the emails (pay for play, Clinton foundation money laundering, and mishandling of classified emails) Because someone told a guy who knows Trump that Hillary is dirty.


Clearly Trump is in the wrong here and should be investigated.

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