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'This was a banner jobs report' What economists are saying about the July jobs numbers

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The July jobs report topped expectations
and sent the unemployment rate to a 16-year low.
And economists almost uniformly see this report as good news for the economy.
“This was a banner jobs report,” said Jed Kolko, chief economist at Indeed.
“With the strong payroll number in July, job growth in the past three months is ahead of the 2016 pace and way ahead of what’s needed to keep up with population growth. Working-age adults are now more likely to be employed than at any time since the recession.”
In July the U.S. economy added 209,000 jobs and the unemployment rate fell to 4.3%. Expectations were for payrolls to grow by 180,000. The unemployment rate fell as expected.
Shortly after the report’s release, President Donald Trump tweeted about the report, saying “Excellent Jobs Numbers just released – and I have only just begun.”
“For the second straight month, payroll employment beat consensus expectations,” said Neil Dutta, head of economics at Renaissance Macro.
“The July employment report was solid all around with strong payroll growth, rising earnings, and an improvement in labor force participation. The labor market data seems consistent with an economy growing 2.5 to 3.0 percent, not 2.0 percent.”
By industry, job gains were concentrated in the services sector with leisure and hospitality employment rising by 62,000 in July while the education and health services industry added 54,000 jobs. Professional and business services jobs rose by 49,000 in July.
Overall, 22,000 jobs were added to the goods-producing sector, with 16,000 jobs added in manufacturing and 6,000 added in construction.
The underemployment rate, which includes those out of work as well as folks working part-time but who would like full-time work, held steady at 8.6%. This rate has gotten more attention of late as President Trump’s chief economic advisor Gary Cohn has said this number is a point of emphasis for the administration. At the peak of the last labor market cycle in 2007, this rate fell below 8%.





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Thanks Reagan.


Woah! What about Washington? no love?

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I have a feeling of anything good happens in this country idiots will be applauding Obama even if its years after he was president :doh:

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I have a feeling of anything good happens in this country idiots will be applauding Obama even if its years after he was president :doh:

I only saw one post in this thread where someone implied or mentioned Obama and that was RaiderHater. Maybe read the thread before marching in here and making an ass hole out of yourself. :wave:

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I only saw one post in this thread where someone implied or mentioned Obama and that was RaiderHater. Maybe read the thread before marching in here and making an ass hole out of yourself. :wave:

Yea you DO realize you're one of the main ones who does that stupid stuff right?

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Link please?


I want to see if these are the same numbers from the same sources that Trump routinely called phony before. You know, where he was claiming the real unemployment rate was far higher.


Thanks in advance for your help

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Link please?


I want to see if these are the same numbers from the same sources that Trump routinely called phony before. You know, where he was claiming the real unemployment rate was far higher.


Thanks in advance for your help






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Yea you DO realize you're one of the main ones who does that stupid stuff right?

I gave it a thumbs up and said 'Keep it going'. :doh: My God, you get dumber by the day.

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Link please?


I want to see if these are the same numbers from the same sources that Trump routinely called phony before. You know, where he was claiming the real unemployment rate was far higher.


Thanks in advance for your help


Good call, we need a crack team on this STAT!


:lol: :lol:

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I gave it a thumbs up and said 'Keep it going'. :doh: My God, you get dumber by the day.

Sure bro. I'll just ignore all the other threads where you've said "keep it up Obama" or "thanks Obama" to stuff like this.

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Sure bro. I'll just ignore all the other threads where you've said "keep it up Obama" or "thanks Obama" to stuff like this.

After 15 posts where no one gave Obama credit, you chimed in and said that anytime something good happens in this country, idiots will be applauding Obama. ROFL. Instead of digging yourself deeper and looking even more dumb, simply say "Ooops. I assumed liberals were here giving Obama credit and I was wrong"


Go ahead. Try it. It'll feel liberating. It's better than twisting in the wind and continuing to let me kick you in the teeth.

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After 15 posts where no one gave Obama credit, you chimed in and said that anytime something good happens in this country, idiots will be applauding Obama. ROFL. Instead of digging yourself deeper and looking even more dumb, simply say "Ooops. I assumed liberals were here giving Obama credit and I was wrong"


Go ahead. Try it. It'll feel liberating. It's better than twisting in the wind and continuing to let me kick you in the teeth.

Sure bro if that's what you think. Obama is mentioned here and multiple times in other threads by you. So when you say "keep it going" it's kind of obvious what/who you're talking about. Similar to "praise him". We know people are talking about God. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out. You're just too dumb to admit it don't like being called out on it. Despite the fact that I didn't even name any names you chimed in cause you KNOW it applied to you. Youve got such a weak masculinity bro

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Sure bro if that's what you think. Obama is mentioned here and multiple times in other threads by you. So when you say "keep it going" it's kind of obvious what/who you're talking about. Similar to "praise him". We know people are talking about God. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out. You're just too dumb to admit it don't like being called out on it. Despite the fact that I didn't even name any names you chimed in cause you KNOW it applied to you. Youve got such a weak masculinity bro

bwahaha. He was mentioned once. Facetiously. By a conservatibe who hates obama. You are just too dumb to figure it out. You saw his name, didn't even look to see who posted it, and started running your mouth. And now you're letting me continue to kick the sh1t out of you. Are you some kind of masochist? Most sane people have a little alarm that goes off in their head when they realize they are wrong and they are getting hammered. Stop digging deeper

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bwahaha. He was mentioned once. Facetiously. By a conservatibe who hates obama. You are just too dumb to figure it out. You saw his name, didn't even look to see who posted it, and started running your mouth. And now you're letting me continue to kick the sh1t out of you. Are you some kind of masochist? Most sane people have a little alarm that goes off in their head when they realize they are wrong and they are getting hammered. Stop digging deeper

Lol the fact that you think you're kicking the sh1t out of me is hilarious. I posted something without names and you took it personally. Should tell you ALL you need to know. Poor newbies mangina is hurting. Better get the midol :lol:

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Lol the fact that you think you're kicking the sh1t out of me is hilarious. I posted something without names and you took it personally. Should tell you ALL you need to know. Poor newbies mangina is hurting. Better get the midol :lol:

I didn't mention me. You thought you were making a point against the board liberals. And not a single one even mentioned Obama. You did a quick scan of the thread, saw that a few of us posted in it, and noticed Obama's name. Then thought you'd start a little flame war and make a grand post about liberals always giving Obama credit. But.,..OOOOPS! You done focked up.


You're better when you're just lying about your profession and your athletic endeavors. Then we can all just roll our eyes and realize the board liar is at it again. Don't venture off into trying to throw shade in political threads. Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to. :clap: :first:

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I didn't mention me. You thought you were making a point against the board liberals. And not a single one even mentioned Obama. You did a quick scan of the thread, saw that a few of us posted in it, and noticed Obama's name. Then thought you'd start a little flame war and make a grand post about liberals always giving Obama credit. But.,..OOOOPS! You done focked up.


You're better when you're just lying about your profession and your athletic endeavors. Then we can all just roll our eyes and realize the board liar is at it again. Don't venture off into trying to throw shade in political threads. Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to. :clap: :first:

Sure bro.

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There ya go. Much better. Limp away.

No I just make a point not to argue with stupid HTH

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No I just make a point not to argue with stupid HTH

I hope you learned something here today. I don't get pleasure out of pounding the snot out of idiots. I seriously don't. But if they learn from it, I feel it was worth it. Read the thread before jumping to conclusions. The thread was going well. No one was trolling. Until you decided to. So not only are you a thread-hijacking troll. But you have a bloody mouth and bruised ribs. Not a good start to the weekend. Hope this doesn't interfere with any pro baseball games. :doh:

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I hope you learned something here today. I don't get pleasure out of pounding the snot out of idiots. I seriously don't. But if they learn from it, I feel it was worth it. Read the thread before jumping to conclusions. The thread was going well. No one was trolling. Until you decided to. So not only are you a thread-hijacking troll. But you have a bloody mouth and bruised ribs. Not a good start to the weekend. Hope this doesn't interfere with any pro baseball games. :doh:

Sure bro

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