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Illegal Aliens & the Schocheting of America

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2 minutes ago, League Champion said:

Your President is a scum bag. Listen to your fellow Liberals. Does this not mean anything to you?



It’s a sad fact that those already here are intolerant of newcomers. It’s been that way all throughout our history. If that’s your thing too I get it. But I’m not that way myself. 

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3 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

It’s a sad fact that those already here are intolerant of newcomers. It’s been that way all throughout our history. If that’s your thing too I get it. But I’m not that way myself. 

Intolerant because they want to protect their communities? Why would anyone want ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS roaming their streets? 

You're a strange dude, and a liar. 

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On 5/10/2023 at 12:23 PM, The Real timschochet said:

Only the Republicans. Democrats have been willing to tackle this for years now. 

so why didn't they fix this when they had the Presidency, House & Senate?

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7 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:


Then don't say this bald faced lie:

only the Republicans. Democrats have been willing to tackle this for years now. 


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19 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:



It's crazy how they change their tune when it's in their backyard. You'd feel the EXACT same way. 



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32 minutes ago, shadrap said:

Then don't say this bald faced lie:

only the Republicans. Democrats have been willing to tackle this for years now. 


You’re right. When I wrote it I didn’t think I was lying. Democrats say the right things on this issue (usually). In terms of my point of view. But you’re absolutely correct that when they’re in charge they do nothing about it. And they’ve had more than one opportunity. 

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1 hour ago, League Champion said:

Intolerant because they want to protect their communities? Why would anyone want ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS roaming their streets? 

You're a strange dude, and a liar. 

I’m not a liar. Sometimes I get things wrong but I don’t deliberately tell falsehoods. I leave that to the politicians. 

To answer your question, I don’t believe that illegals immigrants threaten my community or cause my community to need special protection. I believe they are poor, usually honest, extremely hard working folks looking for a better life. I don’t see them as the imposition you do, and I think they are both a net economic positive and a cultural positive as well. I don’t particularly like or approve of how they got here but in general I welcome their presence. 

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2 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

Really? NYC is out of room. So wtf are you talking about? You’re a stupid person.   

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Just now, Hardcore troubadour said:

Really? NYC is out of room. So wtf are you talking about? You’re a stupid person.   

You love to throw around insults. It doesn’t affect me but it makes you look even worse. 

I was talking about the fact that most conservative pundits predicted that the end of Title 42 would lead to an absolute catastrophe. Trump called it “a day of infamy”. But it really hasn’t changed anything. There was a humanitarian crisis at the border before today and there still is one. But it hasn’t gotten worse. 

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1 hour ago, The Real timschochet said:

I’m not a liar. Sometimes I get things wrong but I don’t deliberately tell falsehoods.

You're a pathological liar.  It's possible you really think you don't, but I don't buy it.  Either way, seek help.  

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1 hour ago, The Real timschochet said:

I’m not a liar. Sometimes I get things wrong but I don’t deliberately tell falsehoods. I leave that to the politicians. 

To answer your question, I don’t believe that illegals immigrants threaten my community or cause my community to need special protection. I believe they are poor, usually honest, extremely hard working folks looking for a better life. I don’t see them as the imposition you do, and I think they are both a net economic positive and a cultural positive as well. I don’t particularly like or approve of how they got here but in general I welcome their presence. 

Because there’s a gate in front of it 

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2 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

I don’t believe that illegals immigrants threaten my community or cause my community to need special protection

Please open your eyes 



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On 5/12/2023 at 2:12 PM, The Real timschochet said:

It’s a sad fact that those already here are intolerant of newcomers. It’s been that way all throughout our history. If that’s your thing too I get it. But I’m not that way myself. 

You should congratulate yourself, yet again, on what you percieve to be your high-minded enlightenment.  Some of us may have missed it the first several score times you have already done so and as nobody else chooses to give you the props you feel you deserver why not do it yourself?  Once you are done you might just consider that folks already here are not intolerant of some newcomers, lawful newcomers, but are intolerant of a flood of illegals overwhelming community resources.

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There were a million legal newcomers a year that immigrated here during the Trump years.  Tim either doesn’t know that , shame on him, or doesn’t acknowledge it, again, shame on him.  

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On 5/11/2023 at 4:17 PM, The Real timschochet said:

This much I know: if you think illegals are taking jobs away from homeless vets or anyone else in our society then you’re a focking idiot. 

Busboy jobs are for 16 year old Tommy to learn what being an employee is all about. Showing up to work on time, working hard, earning a paycheck, paying taxes....

They aren't for 26 year old Pedro who speaks little, if any, English to get paid under the table so he can send half of his earnings home to Mexico, thereby taking that money out of the U.S. economy, while sharing a 1 bedroom apartment with 27 of his fellow countrymen so they can afford the rent. 


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5 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

There were a million legal newcomers a year that immigrated here during the Trump years.  Tim either doesn’t know that , shame on him, or doesn’t acknowledge it, again, shame on him.  

I'd be fine with a number of legal immigrants each year totaling 1% of our population.  i think we can absorb and assimilate that many.  But I want them to be legal, to be documented, to be innoculated, and to be apportioned across the world, not primarily from one region.  My reason for the latter is that when they all come from one region I believe that prevents assimilation.  it allows for ethnic ghettos, and very little good comes from that.  

I believe those legal immigrants should be put on a pathway to citizenship.  They start as permanent resident aliens.  If they show meaningful employment and no felonies for 5 years they can take the citizenship test and become full citizens.  If they commit and are convicted of a felony or are not meaningfully employed (read paying income tax for at least four ofd the five years), they are deported back to their country of origin.  If they go voluntarily they can take their wealth.  If they have to be deported through a court proceeding their wealth is forfeited to the U.S. treasury.

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On 5/12/2023 at 1:09 PM, League Champion said:

Your President is a scum bag. Listen to your fellow Liberals. Does this not mean anything to you?



Fock those people. They voted for this sh!t. Let them deal with it. 

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Gotta love how liberals viciously go after religion and then go kiss black churches ass come election time. Preacher man drives a Benz for a reason. 

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2 hours ago, 5-Points said:

Busboy jobs are for 16 year old Tommy to learn what being an employee is all about. Showing up to work on time, working hard, earning a paycheck, paying taxes....

They aren't for 26 year old Pedro who speaks little, if any, English to get paid under the table so he can send half of his earnings home to Mexico, thereby taking that money out of the U.S. economy, while sharing a 1 bedroom apartment with 27 of his fellow countrymen so they can afford the rent. 


There is some truth to this.  Around here, Tommy isn't applying for these jobs at the rate that Pedro is, either.  That is part of the equation.  

You claim these jobs aren't for certain people, but someone has to do them.  

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1 hour ago, BuckSwope said:

There is some truth to this.  Around here, Tommy isn't applying for these jobs at the rate that Pedro is, either.  That is part of the equation.  

You claim these jobs aren't for certain people, but someone has to do them.  

I don't think illegals should be working any jobs in this country. Come here legally and work any job you can get. 

And you're right, spoiled Tommy doesn't want to work a job he feels is beneath him so he sits on his mom's couch playing video games on the console she bought him, with the games she bought him, on the TV she bought. 

Tommy's parents are to blame for that. They're failures as parents, raising a failure of a human being. I didn't want to get a job as a kid either, but my parents made me. It's called parenting. And America's parents, to a large extent, are failing their kids and the country suffers as a result. 


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48 minutes ago, 5-Points said:

I don't think illegals should be working any jobs in this country. 


You can think this all you want but it’s not realistic; it doesn’t reflect the marketplace. Capitalism works; it’s very difficult to regulate. When you try it just hurts the public. 

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9 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

You can think this all you want but it’s not realistic; it doesn’t reflect the marketplace. Capitalism works; it’s very difficult to regulate. When you try it just hurts the public. 

Fine the sh!t out of anybody caught employing illegals. Get caught a second time you go to jail. 

If you remove the incentive to hire illegals, you remove the incentive for illegals to come here illegally. 

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11 minutes ago, 5-Points said:

Fine the sh!t out of anybody caught employing illegals. Get caught a second time you go to jail. 

If you remove the incentive to hire illegals, you remove the incentive for illegals to come here illegally. 

So fine half the small business restaurants in the country? Send their owners to jail? Good luck with that. 

It’s not gonna happen. Grow up. 

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1 hour ago, The Real timschochet said:

So fine half the small businesses in the country? Send their owners to jail? Good luck with that. 

It’s not gonna happen. Grow up. 

Half? Link? 

Half the small business owners in this country aren't unscrupulous cheapskates looking to save a buck on the backs of illegals. Try again. 

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2 minutes ago, 5-Points said:

Half? Link? 

Half the small business owners in this aren't unscrupulous cheapskates looking to save a buck on the backs of illegals. Try again. 

I meant to write half the small business restaurants. My bad. At least half, probably more. 

And again it’s not a case of cheapskates, it’s a matter of staying competitive on menu prices. 

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1 minute ago, The Real timschochet said:

I meant to write half the small business restaurants. My bad. At least half, probably more. 

And again it’s not a case of cheapskates, it’s a matter of staying competitive on menu prices. 

If your food is so bad that you have to save money by breaking the law and hiring illegals in order to keep the doors open, you probably shouldn't be running a restaurant. 


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1 minute ago, 5-Points said:

If your food is so bad that you have to save money by breaking the law and hiring illegals in order to keep the doors open, you probably shouldn't be running a restaurant. 


OK. You’re just not a part of the reality of this country. 

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2 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

OK. You’re just not a part of the reality of this country. 

Says the unscrupulous cheapskate who hires illegals to save a few bucks. 

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The reason title 42 expiring didn't make much difference is because the POS in the WH already opened the border completely when he got the power to do so. the illegals were already pouring across the border.

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8 minutes ago, lod001 said:

The reason title 42 expiring didn't make much difference is because the POS in the WH already opened the border completely when he got the power to do so. the illegals were already pouring across the border.

MAGAturd catastrophizing and misinformation. Our borders are not open, and the new Biden policy has slashed crossings. Facts, asshat.

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15 minutes ago, lod001 said:

The reason title 42 expiring didn't make much difference is because the POS in the WH already opened the border completely when he got the power to do so. the illegals were already pouring across the border.

Careful you don’t get dizzy spinning like that.

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3 hours ago, 5-Points said:

Fine the sh!t out of anybody caught employing illegals. Get caught a second time you go to jail. 

If you remove the incentive to hire illegals, you remove the incentive for illegals to come here illegally. 

Never going to happen - you think any politician is going to clamp down on Big Ag in this way?   We can all agree something like this should happen, but it's not reality.  

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1 hour ago, Pimpadeaux said:

MAGAturd catastrophizing and misinformation. Our borders are not open, and the new Biden policy has slashed crossings. Facts, asshat.

☝️ As dumb as mayorkis, who the tard quotes. 😆 Record #s have entered illegally since your butt buddy biden started destroying the border. FACT! Even your tard D mayors in D cities are saying its a disaster. 

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28 minutes ago, BuckSwope said:

Never going to happen - you think any politician is going to clamp down on Big Ag in this way?   We can all agree something like this should happen, but it's not reality.  

They can apply for temporary seasonal work permits.

I never said it would happen. I'm saying it SHOULD happen. 

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