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Maximum Overkill

The Church Shooter Was A Liberal Tranny

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6 minutes ago, MDC said:

Another tranny thread. 😂 

I know right? I was shocked as well to hear about another violent gun toting Tranny. And then to hear that he was a Liberal. I'm still in disbelief. 

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10 minutes ago, MDC said:

Another tranny thread. 😂 

Maybe if they’d stop being violent immature brats there wouldn’t be as many threads 😂😂😂. But there’s an OBVIOUS mental health problem with the new age trannys cause the old ones just wanted to live their lives. These new ones want to inflict pain & suffering 

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A couple of good guys with guns saved a lot of lives yesterday.  

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1 minute ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

A couple of good guys with guns saved a lot of lives yesterday.  

No doubt, who knows what these violent Trannys are capable of. They'd kill us all if they could. 

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1 minute ago, TimHauck said:

Darn, League Champion is back

Be careful Tim, they may come for you someday. They're a sneaky breed. 

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If you see a tranny walking into a church or school keep your guard up and prepare to take action.  

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Just now, Hardcore troubadour said:

If you see a tranny walking into a church or school keep your guard up and prepare to take action.  

Agree, every Church may have to install Tranny Detectors at every entrance now. But it's not just Churches, Tranny's enjoy shooting up schools as well. 

  • Haha 1

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1 minute ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

If you see a tranny walking into a church or school keep your guard up and prepare to take action.  

Pretty much. You see them anywhere nowadays you have to have your guard up. Used to be, they just wanted to live their life which I was fine with. It’s their life, their business, who am I to tell them how they’re supposed to dress. But these new ones? They’re violent. 

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I’m sure you fellas prepare for “action” no matter where you see the tranny. :wub: 

  • Haha 3

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Just now, MDC said:

I’m sure you fellas prepare for “action” no matter where you see the tranny. :wub: 

Actioned up ur mom last night 😂

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It figures.   OP have seen any updates about the five year old boy? 

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24 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

If you see a tranny walking into a church or school keep your guard up and prepare to take action.  

Of you see a tranny anywhere.  

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I keep running off that 50 plus tranny who works in the Sams Club gas station, guy always comes around and knocks windows to say hi to the kids in the car, he did that to my grandson once, I chased him away, and every tine I return, I see him coming over, I look at him, and turns away.  

Stay away clowns.  

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Just now, weepaws said:

Of you see a tranny anywhere.  

Jesus was anti-Tranny 


"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God". 

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1 minute ago, weepaws said:

I keep running off that 50 plus tranny who works in the Sams Club gas station, guy always comes around and knocks windows to say hi to the kids in the car, he did that to my grandson once, I chased him away, and every tine I return, I see him coming over, I look at him, and turns away.  

Stay away clowns.  

Haha, that's awesome!! 👍

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37 minutes ago, MDC said:

I’m sure you fellas prepare for “action” no matter where you see the tranny. :wub: 

You just have to be aware. Not all Trannies are nice like Ellen or Michelle Obama. 

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37 minutes ago, Stryker Ryker said:

Actioned up ur mom last night 😂

Oh, you must like em really big. :shocking:

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15 minutes ago, Maximum Overkill said:

Jesus was anti-Tranny 


"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God". 

Love that guy

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45 minutes ago, Maximum Overkill said:

Agree, every Church may have to install Tranny Detectors at every entrance now. But it's not just Churches, Tranny's enjoy shooting up schools as well. 

Would Michelle Obama set off the tranny detector?

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Just now, TimHauck said:

Would Michelle Obama set off the tranny detector?

Of course he would. Rumor has it that Michael is packing a cannon downstairs. 

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9 minutes ago, seafoam1 said:

Oh, you must like em really big. :shocking:

And old. My mom is like 75. 😂 

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9 minutes ago, MDC said:

And old. My mom is like 75. 😂 

Well, apparently she's still working the corner to be able to buy you your Kraft mac and cheese dinners. Or does she still feed you the Dollar Store stuff? 

Make sure you're in bed by 9pm or you won't get your lime jello tomorrow for desert. 

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1 hour ago, MDC said:

Another tranny thread. 😂 

League Champion came back under this alias just in time. 😀

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8 minutes ago, squistion said:

League Champion came back under this alias just in time. 😀

Look everyone, the NARC Pedocrat Rat is back.

Who will he report and harass today??? 

Stop harassing me Rat Boy. 

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Just now, Dizkneelande said:

You’re too stupid to know that the feds approve gun purchases not states. 

He's dumb as F. He'll defend this ONLY because it's a tranny. 

Pedocrats love Trannies 

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13 minutes ago, squistion said:

just in time




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FBI drop the ball again? They choke more than Shanahan. 

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