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War imminent as Russia masses troops at East Ukraine border

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BHO has always had a problem making a tough decisions. This should have been dealt with in Nov / Dec 2013. He is always a dollar short and a day late.




When protests in Ukraine grew and violence ensued, it was surely evident to people in the intelligence community and to the White House that President Putin might try to take advantage of the situation to capture Crimea, or more.


That was the time to talk with our global allies about punishments and sanctions, to secure their solidarity, and to communicate these to the Russian president. These steps, plus assurances that we would not exclude Russia from its base in Sevastopol or threaten its influence in Kiev, might have dissuaded him from invasion.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/mar/18/romney-obama-failed-act-russia-when-action-was-pos/#ixzz2wSFIPZ74


Didn't get enough response when you posted that earlier?

BTW...you really think they should have instituted sanctions before Putin even did anything?

Yeah...see how that goes with our allies.

Also, Im doubting you made it to the bottom of the article...but just took Romney's word for it right...why? That little R next to his name.

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Sanctions? We talking sanctions?

We sittin' here, Obama's s'posed to be a franchise player, and we sittin' here talkin' 'bout sanctions.


How the hell can Obama make Putin go back with sanctions? I mean, how silly is that?


What we talkin' about, man? We talkin' bout sanctions.

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All the time.


But the question was: Show examples of Presidents taking the military option off the table at the start of a crisis.


Your one example so far resulted in thousands of American deaths..........hardly a success story.



Really? Do you think that U. S. isolationism in Europe in 1941 led to Japan bombing Pearl Harbor?

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Also, why do the people who complain about liberal media bias always post articles from self proclaimed comservative sources?



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Also, why do the people who complain about liberal media bias always post articles from self proclaimed comservative sources?




Its the only source phurfur knows.

I think he gets updates anytime fox posts something negative about Obama (so, pretty much all the time).

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Also, why do the people who complain about liberal media bias always post articles from self proclaimed comservative sources?



Cnn is busy covering the air plane that got sucked up by a black hole.

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Cnn is busy covering the air plane that got sucked up by a black hole.

This is true. We have TVs at multiple places where I work, always on CNN... they seem to be covering the plane story 24/7

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Putin is backing off like a pvssy today. Not on Crimea annexation but on the sanctions. Some in Russia want Russia to respond with more "sanctions" of their own but Putin knows that is a battle they will never win.




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BHO has always had a problem making a tough decisions. This should have been dealt with in Nov / Dec 2013. He is always a dollar short and a day late.




You start 10 political thread per day. Should be very easy for you to go find a point in Nov/Dec 2013 where you gave your opinion on what Obama should have done to "deal with it" back then.



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MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian billionaire said on Monday he planned to relocate his company that runs the Brooklyn Nets basketball team to Russia in keeping with the Kremlin's call on Russian businessmen to repatriate their assets to help combat new U.S. sanctions.


The United States and European Union have imposed visa bans and asset freezes on officials and businessmen believed to be close to Russian President Vladimir Putin in protest at Moscow's annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region.


Mikhail Prokhorov, owner of the Brooklyn Nets, had said before that he planned to relocate the company that runs the NBA team to Russia, but his comments to reporters in the Kremlin underlined his support for Putin.


"A Russian company will own the basketball club," Prokhorov said before receiving a medal for services to Russia along with other national sports officials.


"This (move) does not violate any NBA (U.S. National Basketball Association) rules and I will bring it (under Russian jurisdiction) in accordance with Russian law."


Prokhorov himself has not been hit by Western sanctions and, although he ran against Putin in the 2012 presidential election, he has underlined his loyalty to the president.


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Well that could get dicey quick. NBA was stupid to let him own the team anyway, this kind of thing was not entirely unforeseeable

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Who the fock is going to want to play for the Nets now?

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Real Black Russians


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Prokhorov himself has not been hit by Western sanctions


Well, who would have thought to impose Western sanctions on Russians who actually have money in the United States? :doh:

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CNN still has the airplane covered if this lame story is boring you.


This story stalled. Russia hasn't gone any further and nobody is challenging for Crimea. Sanctions by the international comminuty are the only thing happening now.


And those sanctions are killing an otherwise interesting news story. :mad:

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Can there be war if one side surrenders at every confrontation before shots are fired?

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Putin is backing off like a pvssy today. Not on Crimea annexation but on the sanctions. Some in Russia want Russia to respond with more "sanctions" of their own but Putin knows that is a battle they will never win.


Yes. Putin is on the run. :doh:


In military rout, Russia seizes 51 Ukrainian ships in Crimea



In its invasion and annexation of Crimea, Russia has seized 51 vessels belonging to the Ukrainian navy, according to information compiled by Dmitry Tymchuk, director of the Center of Military and Political Research in Kyiv.

Among the Ukrainian vessels reportedly captured by the Russians are submarine Zaporizhia, management ship Slavutych, landing ship Konstantin Olshansky, landing ship Kirovohrad, minesweeper Chernihiv and minesweeper Cherkasy.

The Cherkasy was the last of the ships to have been overtaken following weeks of threats and ultimatums to surrender. It was finally chased down and overtaken by the Russian navy on March 25 after failing to slip past a blockade of two ships intentionally sunk by the Russians to trap it and other vessels in a narrow gulf, keeping them from escaping into the Black Sea.



As of March 26, just 10 Ukrainian vessels remained in its navy's possession, including frigate Hetman Sahaydachniy, gunboat Skadovsk, intelligence ship Pereyaslav and diving vessel Netishin.






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The French government is facing pressure from the U.S. over the sale of two warships to the Russian navy, amid reports that Paris plans to push ahead with the controversial deal.


Despite broader efforts by the U.S. and Europe to isolate Moscow over the intervention and unrest in Ukraine, French President Francois Hollande said he plans to go through with a $1.6 billion deal to build warships for Russia, NPR reported.


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Maybe the righties will be back with freedom toast and freedom fries in protest.

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Maybe the righties will be back with freedom toast and freedom fries in protest.

Maybe Obama will hashtag the Frenchies.


That'll show em!

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How is Putin doing in the Fox News reader approval ratings? Still their favorite world leader?

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How is Putin doing in the Fox News reader approval ratings? Still their favorite world leader?

you tell us youre the Fox news expert

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Putin is backing off like a pvssy today. Not on Crimea annexation but on the sanctions. Some in Russia want Russia to respond with more "sanctions" of their own but Putin knows that is a battle they will never win.



Good call.




Russia to ban US from using Space Station over Ukraine sanctions



Russia is to deny the US future use of the International Space Station beyond 2020 and will also bar its rocket engines from launching US military satellites as it hits back at American sanctions imposed over Ukraine crisis.

Russia’s deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin announced a series of punitive measures on Tuesday against the US in response to sanctions imposed after Russia annexed Crimea.

The two countries have long cooperated closely on space exploration despite their clashes in foreign policy.

The Space Station is manned by both American and Russian crew, but the only way to reach it is by using Russia’s Soyuz spacecraft.

The US is keen to keep the $100 billion (£600) ISS flying until at least 2024, four years beyond its original target.




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Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday the country will only deliver gas to Ukraine if it pays in advance in cash starting from June.


Putin first warned in April that Russia would do so, in a letter to European leaders whose nations are customers of Russian state-controlled Gazprom natural gas giant. He said Moscow would have to demand advance payment if Ukraine failed to start settling its mounting gas debt.


In the second letter released by the Kremlin Thursday, Putin said that a meeting involving Russian, Ukrainian and the European Union officials has failed to settle the issue. Putin said that Ukraine's gas debt to Russia has kept rising and has reached $3.5 billion.


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ZeroHedge explains:

With Ukraine no longer paying for Russian gaz, and with Gazprom making it clear Kiev has to a) first pay the overdue $2+ billion in invoice and then B) prepay some $5 billion in gas until the end of the year of Europe gets it, it was only a matter of time before the US Treasury stepped in and paid off part or all of Gazprom's demands. That time is now, when moments ago Jack Lew announced a $1 billion loan guarantee for Ukraine - very much the same way that the US provided billions in loan guarantees for the now long overthrown Mursi regime in Egypt.

OAO Gazprom is the largest extractor of natural gas and one of the largest companies in the world. Its name is a contraction of the Russian words Gazovaya Promyshlennost (Газовая промышленность), meaning "gas industry".


The major part of Gazprom's production fields are located around the Gulf of Ob in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in Western Siberia, while the Yamal Peninsula is expected to become the company's main gas producing region in the future. Gazprom possesses the largest gas transport system in the world, with approximately 158,200 kilometres of gas trunk lines.


It should be noted that while Russian President Putin allows pretty much free market operations in most sectors. He considers the energy sector his personal domain. According to the Guardian, Putin own 4.5% of Gazprom. So in a way, with the guarantee, the U.S. just put $45 million into Putin's personal pocket.



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a hashtag would have made it more effective

Hashtags are only for conducting foreign policy and international threats.

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