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the pedophilistic political movement begins

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liberals :thumbsdown:

really, they could have just joined the democrat party :banana:

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:thumbsdown: Animals should at least be 18 before you can have sex with them, IMO.

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really, they could have just joined the democrat party :first:


i'm sure they'd say they were moderates. :banana:


:thumbsdown: Animals should at least be 18 before you can have sex with them, IMO.


dog years or regular?

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The sex with animals thing gets trotted out a lot in discussions about same-sex marriage ("If you let two consenting adults of the same sex marry, the next thing you know they'll want to marry a horse!") but it's a bad comparison. Animals can't consent to sex and that (and the fact that sex with animals is just gross) is the big difference.


I've got mixed feelings about the legal cutoff age. Most people have sex before they're 18 years old. What if you're 18 and dating someone who's 17? It also doesn't account for ability to consent. I'm sure there are 15 and 16 year olds with more emotional maturity than people who are 19 or 20. On the other hand you've got to draw the line somewhere - it has more to do with age difference and appropriateness than an 18-yo line in the sand IMO.

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To 12 years old? Are you focking kidding me? Now thats focking sick man. Who the fock are these retards?How can a 12 year old girl be attractive to a grown man? They need to let them form the party. Wait till they assemble somewhere and arrest/kill them all.

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Animals can't consent to sex


Typical statement from someone who doesn't have sex with animals. :thumbsdown:

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The sex with animals thing gets trotted out a lot in discussions about same-sex marriage ("If you let two consenting adults of the same sex marry, the next thing you know they'll want to marry a horse!") but it's a bad comparison. Animals can't consent to sex and that (and the fact that sex with animals is just gross) is the big difference.


I've got mixed feelings about the legal cutoff age. Most people have sex before they're 18 years old. What if you're 18 and dating someone who's 17? It also doesn't account for ability to consent. I'm sure there are 15 and 16 year olds with more emotional maturity than people who are 19 or 20. On the other hand you've got to draw the line somewhere - it has more to do with age difference and appropriateness than an 18-yo line in the sand IMO.



uhhhh, this isn't the thread for well thought, insightful responses. See posts above. :thumbsdown:

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uhhhh, this isn't the thread for well thought, insightful responses. See posts above. :thumbsdown:

You don't think killing them all is an insinsightful response?

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You guys didn't read the article all the way, they're even supporting FREE train rides! They can't be that bad!

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what's the best thing about sex with twenty seven year olds?


There's 20 of them.

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You guys didn't read the article all the way, they're even supporting FREE train rides!

Yea, free train rides on 12 year olds.

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Q: What's the worst thing about sex with a five-year-old?

A: Trying to get the blood off the clown suit.



Your name would not be John Gacy would it?

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I know your trying to be funny but that is just terrible :ninja: :blink:


I have a 5 year old daughter and this is making me ill.


those are said between single guys who are still talking in gutter humor....if you have kid it makes the stomach turn and a man's violence factor to go up

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I absolutely love their reasoning for wanting to make the age of consent 12 and eventually no age limit :

"A ban just makes children curious,"

:ninja: :blink: :lol: :lol:

Its hard to believe that there are people out there that actually think this could be accepted. If you proposed that here(other than alabama) you would be hunted down.

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Its hard to believe that there are people out there that actually think this could be accepted. If you proposed that here(other than alabama) you would be hunted down.


the libs around here would call you intolerant. :ninja:

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the libs around here would call you intolerant. :ninja:

They would be 100% right. On this subject i am absolutly intolerant. Kids are the one part of the population that need the most protection and sh!t like this makes me sick.

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the libs around here would call you intolerant. :ninja:


Stop!....I lean Lib (not by much)...and I work in the Child Protective Field....I would like nothing more than to kill on these focks when I go to their homes...PhillyBear style!!

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Q: What do you get when you cut a baby with a razor blade?

A: An erection.




I live within 30 miles of you.....and dont think this is funny! :wacko:

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I live within 30 miles of you.....and dont think this is funny! :first:


Need a babysitter?

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I know your trying to be funny but that is just terrible :first: :wacko:


I have a 5 year old daughter and this is making me ill.


MDC is infamous for these particular quips about kids in past threads.

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I need the IQ points I just lost reading this thread, dambit!


:first: :wacko:


You sure could use some IQ points,you liberal.

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Am I the only one that is missing the link between crazy Dutch pedophiles and liberals? :thumbsup:


Or is it just more fun to make baseless assumptions and randomly call people names?

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Am I the only one that is missing the link between crazy Dutch pedophiles and liberals? :ninja:


Or is it just more fun to make baseless assumptions and randomly call people names?


Prolly the only one.The liberals here in the US want the same exact thing as the Dutch liberals.


The ACLU represents NAMBLA for free,what more proof do you need???

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Prolly the only one.The liberals here in the US want the same exact thing as the Dutch liberals.


The ACLU represents NAMBLA for free,what more proof do you need???



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Prolly the only one.The liberals here in the US want the same exact thing as the Dutch liberals.


The ACLU represents NAMBLA for free,what more proof do you need???


You really love to stretch that liberal thinking


Liberal= Child Molester Backing???


I think people want ALL people to have rights and let courts decide what can be shot down....Let the Morons at NAMBLA have representation and then let a judge say what they do or what they want is not good for the commons


and I think that KKK morons should also get their right to march so long as they get the appropriate permits etc....

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The people here that make sweeping generalizations accusing Liberals of supporting pedophilia are the same ones who agree with Jerry Falwell that the United States deserved, and asked for 9-11 to happen. Crazy fringe militia freaks.


See both sides can do it.

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And conservative priests love to rape alter boys. :thumbsup:

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wasn't so long ago that NAMBLA was marching in gay rights parades <_<


gay-rights folk don't want US to remember that porkbutt....and how long will it be before sex with 12 yr olds is a "right"?


fight back my friends and be afraid...it's later than any of US think.

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gay-rights folk don't want US to remember that porkbutt....and how long will it be before sex with 12 yr olds is a "right"?


fight back my friends and be afraid...it's later than any of US think.


Right on the money.Don't forget,Ruth Bader Ginsberg,one of our Supreme Court Justices,was part of the ACLU back in her hayday. :unsure:

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Right on the money.Don't forget,Ruth Bader Ginsberg,one of our Supreme Court Justices,was part of the ACLU back in her hayday. :lol:

:unsure: :lol: Not the ACLU!!! WE'RE DOOMED!!!

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about time someone stepped up and is trying to make a difference. its my god-given right to have a 3some with a 12 year old and a goat if i want to. :doublethumbsup:





Q. how you make an 8 year old cry twice?


A. by wiping your bloody d*ck on her teddy bear.



the 9:25 train to hell. all aboard!!!

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