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Rusty Syringes

Has your life changed much since Sept. 11?

Life after Sept. 11  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Has life for you changed much since Sept. 11

    • Yes, that event has changed life drastically
    • It did at first, but it has died down a bit since then
    • I have really noticed much difference, really

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We're on the cusp of the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorists attacks. I'm curious as to whether people now think it has had a dramatic affect on their life, or if it's pretty much the same-old same-old

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Except for Bush using the event to turn our country into Big Brother, not much has changed.

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Oh yeah. Of course I was more directly affected then some, but things are different for sure.

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Oh yeah. Of course I was more directly affected then some, but things are different for sure.


Yeah I saw that in the other thread. Your sister? Care to elaborate?



I wouldn't either with this crowd. And by this crowd I mean me.

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Long story short, she was on Flight 93.

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Yeah I would say things are different.

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Sorry to hear that.



If this is true, I certainly would not mind hearing this story, although I can understand why he wouldn't want to share it.

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Hard to say... I guess in a way...out here in NYC things have changed.. but people seem to generally go about their own ways again. Then again, I live in one of the 5 boroughs ( staten island ) , so about the only time I venture into Manhattan anymore is for NY Ranger games.

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My life is much different, but it has nothing to do with 9/11. The events of 9/11 hasn't changed me much at all. (how should I vote?)

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I randomly kick towel heads on the subway, I never did that before 9/11


oh and I wipe my ass with the flag.

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I think that I have been affected in subtle ways. I think that the events on 9/11 took away the "innocence" of America for many of us too young during Vietnam to remember. The first Gulf War for those at home seemed more like a video game, but the events on that day came as a shocking reminder that there are some very bad people who want to do very bad things to us here.


With all of the events since 9/11, I have found myself to be more cynical of government and their true intentions. I don't really know if that would have occurred if 9/11 had not happened.

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other than being really pissed afterwards for a few months life has really been same ole.. :( I wasn't at all directly effected by the events - i really bad awful for the people that were but for me personally not a lot really has changed.

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If this is true, I certainly would not mind hearing this story, although I can understand why he wouldn't want to share it.

Is true. What do you want to hear that you don't know/have heard already?


Sorry to hear that.


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Is true. What do you want to hear that you don't know/have heard already?



I don't know. I just can't imagine what this has all been like for you.



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With all of the events since 9/11, I have found myself to be more cynical of government and their true intentions. I don't really know if that would have occurred if 9/11 had not happened.


That's because of George Bush, not 9/11.

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I don't know. I just can't imagine what this has all been like for you.



Mixed emotions on the whole war thing. You kinda want justice and everybody/somebody to pay. It is hard to believe she was a small part of such a big thing. Her personality was such that if there is a heaven she would be up there now saying "Holy ######, I can't believe this is what came of what happened to us?" I've been to a few of the premeires for the various movies, and different dedications, it pretty much is a cry fest at all of them. But the people in Shanksville are unbelievable. They have adopted the site and the victims as their own. It really is incredible!

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That's because of George Bush, not 9/11.



I'm sure Bush and his administration have performed far greater feats in the human rights, economic development, health services and other departments than their good ol' counterparts over there in China, sonnyboy.


Mixed emotions on the whole war thing. You kinda want justice and everybody/somebody to pay. It is hard to believe she was a small part of such a big thing. Her personality was such that if there is a heaven she would be up there now saying "Holy ######, I can't believe this is what came of what happened to us?" I've been to a few of the premeires for the various movies, and different dedications, it pretty much is a cry fest at all of them. But the people in Shanksville are unbelievable. They have adopted the site and the victims as their own. It really is incredible!


So was she able to get a cell phone call to you? Any word at all about what was going on with her? How did you first hear about it?



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I'm sure Bush and his administration have performed far greater feats in the human rights, economic development, health services and other departments than their good ol' counterparts over there in China, sonnyboy.

So was she able to get a cell phone call to you? Any word at all about what was going on with her? How did you first hear about it?



At the time, her phone was probably in her check in luggage. My Mom was trying to call, but it kept getting the busy sig.

Mom called around 5 am my time (hawaii) and told me to turn on the television, she said some weird stuff was going on and there was a possibility that Christine was on one of the flights. She actually changed her flight to leave a little early. turns out she got on flight 93. :huh:

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That's because of George Bush, not 9/11.

That was certainly my point, since the question was not "Has your life changed much because of Sept. 11?", but rather "Has your life changed much since Sept. 11?". As such, I put one part on how 9/11 affected me and how my life has been affected since then. I left out the personal stuff that no one really is asking about here.

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I was working at a restaurant then, now I have a real job.

I'm married.

I have a baby with another on the way.

My brother and grandfather have passed away.


I'd say my life has changed :cry:

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I was working at a restaurant then, now I have a real job.

I'm married.

I have a baby with another on the way.

My brother and grandfather have passed away.


I'd say my life has changed :cry:

You're still an alcoholic and the Royals still suck, so you have that going for you, which is nice. :first:

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You're still an alcoholic and the Royals still suck, so you have that going for you, which is nice. :first:

you forgot



chiefs > bengals




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you forgot

chiefs > bengals


You're right, oh wait the Chefs MISSED the playoffs. That sucks. Too bad, you're wrong. :first:





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My life changed quite a bit. My building was severely damaged durning 9/11. It was right across the street from the WTC on Liberty St. For 2 years my job kept shuffling workers to uptown, NJ and Baltimore until we finally move in to 60 Wall ST.


Also, the long trip home on 9/11 make me do alot of thinking. When I got home to my GF (pre-wife) she was a nervous, crying wreck. Cell phones were not working that day, so she had no idea if I was alright. My family and friends kept calling the house to see if I was alright, but I was not home yet. I did not get home to almost 4:30. When I finally got home, to see my GF was an emotional thing. 2 weeks later, I bought an engagement ring and popped the question at Midnight, on Christmas.


This October, it will be 3 years of marriage. Without a doubt, the best thing I have ever done. :D

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I remember Ed McCaffrey breaking his leg the night before, on MNF. I also remember watching the towers fall, saying no way those should go down like that.

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At the time we were 5 minutes from DFW Airport...eery going to work with no planes in the sky :huh:

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I remember Ed McCaffrey breaking his leg the night before, on MNF. I also remember watching the towers fall, saying no way those should go down like that.

Comparable. :huh:

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On 9/10/2001 I had a pretty good job, making 60K a year, plus good beni's, and I had a sweet APT in Hoboken with a view of the WTC.


I don't consider myself DIRECTLY effected, but it certainly changed my life. I was already planning on going back to school, and leaving my job ... and moving from Hoboken back to the City, but hafting to go through ground zero, the same way, via PATH train every morning to work in lower Manhattan, made it that much more unbearable. So, in a way, it facilitated getting me focused on what I needed to accomplish. Not just in a way, FEMA paid my rent for awhile, and that's why I was able to afford grad school. Also, I ended up getting some of that money back, via the lawsuit with my landlord, which is what I bought my Jeep with. And even though $25k worth of student loans got killed by the BK, I got to keep my Jeep.


So, by a few degrees of seperation, I have my MS and my Jeep because of 9/11. My parents were scheduled to fly out of New York that afternoon. It could have been so much worse. Nobody really close to me died. I'm very fortunate.


Sorry for your loss TAS. Believe me, I'd give my own life to erase that day if I could.

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Right on Giants Fan, I appreciate that. It's thoughts and words like yours by countless others, friends, co-workers, total strangers that made it a little easier everyday to deal with it all. Those weeks and months after it all helped restore my faith in the American spirit! So many did so much to help out.

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Comparable. :rolleyes:


2 guys I tele-worked with, were on flight 11. I was walking towards the PATH train in Hoboken when both flights hit. A good friend of mines ex-fiance was also lost in one of the towers.


Everyone remembers it from TV, I remember, walking around the corner, from Newark Street towards the PATH trying to understand why everyone was so freaked out, then I saw the towers on fire ... and said out loud, "Oh my God", I bought a pack of Cigs from the Newstand there, talked to a guy and his girlfriend, they said 2 planes had hit, you couldn't really tell ... and I said, "That's a terrorist attack" and my next thought was, "I better hurry up and get on a train before they shut 'em down", and it was all so surreal, I didn't see any women on that train, only men with very stern faces ... and nobody said a word. I know I was praying.


So, I got out, at 14th st. and 6th Ave, about 9:20 and everyone was standing on the street, staring, and I turned and looked, and thoght, "Yep, 2 planes, both towers ... this wasn't just some idiot in a Cessna" ... the whole city was just stopped. I remember seeing a guy with his deli apron on, standing outside his store. And, that image will forever be burned in my brain. Both towers burning ... and even though I knew it was terrorists ... I thought, no way those towers fall. It's hard to describe how massive those buildings were unless you've been in them. The way I described it to my family in Arizona, is "Imagine if one day, the mountains were gone."


Also ... if it all had happened 45 minutes later .... there woulda been a lot more people in the WTC. A LOT more people woulda died.

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"this wasn't just some idiot in a Cessna"

That was my first thought when I heard a report of a plane hitting the World Trade Center. Someone in a small general aviation aircraft.


Instantly you couldn't get on CNN.com or any other news site. That's when I knew some serious schitt was going down.


A bunch of us piled into cars and drove to my house nearby, which I had just purchased on 8/31, to watch it on TV. Heard of the first tower falling on the radio in the car. Saw the second on TV.

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Right on Giants Fan, I appreciate that. It's thoughts and words like yours by countless others, friends, co-workers, total strangers that made it a little easier everyday to deal with it all. Those weeks and months after it all helped restore my faith in the American spirit! So many did so much to help out.


I wish it wasn't replayed on TV so much. Sometimes, it still makes me cry. I didn't cry that day ... took me awhile. Also, the smell for awhile ... sometimes I walk by a construction site, and the smell of burnt metal ... reminds me every time.

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did 9/11 make GF GFIAP or was he already GFIAP? :rolleyes:


Believe it or not ... people gave me shiat about 9/11 here, at the time. Very uncool, and really pissed me off. Tarhole, specificly, used it as a tool to slander me, and make me look like I lied about shiat I never said. I think, because he was angry I had been posting my anti-Bush cartoons here.


But I digress. The term, GFIAP, I have explained it's origin (Smitty) before ... came pre-9/11.


I miss Smitty.


We're doing the same kind of poll at my newspaper.




Just scroll down the left side toward the bottom and vote!






Rusty, you should put this link in the first post.


Ask the same people ... if Katrina effected them.


I remember, musta been late September 2001, interviewing some Cowboy fan in the parking lot outside Dallas Stadium, while I could smell the WTC burning in Hoboken ... they asked him about 9/11 ... and I remember he said, "We're pretty much over it." and I about put my foot through that TV. Yelled, "Of course your over it, YOU LIVE IN DALLAS!"

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Believe it or not ... people gave me shiat about 9/11 here, at the time. Very uncool, and really pissed me off. Tarhole, specificly, used it as a tool to slander me, and make me look like I lied about shiat I never said. I think, because he was angry I had been posting my anti-Bush cartoons here.


But I digress. The term, GFIAP, I have explained it's origin (Smitty) before ... came pre-9/11.


I miss Smitty.

Rusty, you should put this link in the first post.


Ask the same people ... if Katrina effected them.


I remember, musta been late September 2001, interviewing some Cowboy fan in the parking lot outside Dallas Stadium, while I could smell the WTC burning in Hoboken ... they asked him about 9/11 ... and I remember he said, "We're pretty much over it." and I about put my foot through that TV. Yelled, "Of course your over it, YOU LIVE IN DALLAS!"


Dood, I couldn't even imagine what was going through your head when it happened. :rolleyes:


TAS, I didn't know about your sister..Thoughts and prayers :(


On the lighter side TAS, Don't let Saw confuse you with that goofy ass country music she is sending you..

Be a man and don't listen :thumbsdown:

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