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Jeb Bush

Wow Michael Richards (Kramer from Seinfield) is in deep sh*t

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Guest Davaco

its just another reason to watch the show. i hate blacks too



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Sooooooo.... Seinfeld Season 7 is being released just in time for the Holiday shopping frenzy.

AAnnnnnnnd..... Michael "Kramer" Richards is now making headlines.


Hmmmmmmm.... no publicity is bad publicity.


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Can someone post the 'good parts'? I don't think I want a racial tirade coming from my machine at work.


The "good parts" were when half the audience left in the middle of the tirade.

Kinda like a Retodd gig <_<

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If you ever saw Richards do stand up you would remember it for it's thorough lack of humor. It is the antidote for funny. Horrible.

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The "good parts" were when half the audience left in the middle of the tirade.

Kinda like a Retodd gig <_<


It was nothing like a redtodd gig.


(There were actually people in the audience.)




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It appears that some black guy was talking during the show and Richards started giving him sht about it and it led to him shouting at the heckler "He's a nhigger! He's a nhigger!"


What the heck is that all about? Dang.

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My favorite part was where the audience member said "That sh1t was uncalled for.", to which Kramer replied, "That's what happens when you interrupt a white man.".


Those black people need to get a better sense of humor. :mad:

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CNN's running a news video on this story on it's homepage.


Paul Rodriguez was on the bill with Richards that night and absolutely threw Richards "under the bus" with no qualms.

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Guest Davaco

i dont understand the outrage, was it something he said?

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In a related story, Southwest Airlines will use the footage from Michael Richards' latest show at the Laugh Lounge in their "Wanna get away?" commercials.


Ba bing!

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I swear. I am the king of Johnny Come Lately repeat posts.




Tony: Nothing for this? :ninja:


I kinda liked it.

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In a related story, Southwest Airlines will use the footage from Michael Richards' latest show at the Laugh Lounge in their "Wanna get away?" commercials.


;) :thumbsdown:


Even I get a better reaction from crowds. This is why I only perform where there are no blacks.

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whats the big deal, I see blacks comedians say worse stuff about whites all the time, its comedy....big whipdeedoo.


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Honestly what he said was wrong and insensitive but who gives a sh!t. This is gonna get blown so far out of proportion. Ive said ni**ger before, everyone I know has, it doesnt mean we are racist.....ive hooked up with a black girl before and still say ni**er every so often. When people get pisssed at each other they look for the thing thats gonna pisss the other person off the most i.e. a heavy person will be called "Fatazz", does that make you a "Fatist" or a messican will be called a "Spic" or a kid with acne in highschool will be called "Pizza face" does that make you an "Acne-ist". You will look for a term that will inflict the most pain, which is a far cry from having a KKK tattoo and a black doll hanging from a noose on your rearview mirror.


People need to lighten the fock up.

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Countdown to the following headling:



"Michael Richards enters rehab. Swears he's not an anti-negrite."




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Honestly what he said was wrong and insensitive but who gives a sh!t. This is gonna get blown so far out of proportion. Ive said ni**ger before, everyone I know has, it doesnt mean we are racist.....ive hooked up with a black girl before and still say ni**er every so often. When people get pisssed at each other they look for the thing thats gonna pisss the other person off the most i.e. a heavy person will be called "Fatazz", does that make you a "Fatist" or a messican will be called a "Spic" or a kid with acne in highschool will be called "Pizza face" does that make you an "Acne-ist". You will look for a term that will inflict the most pain, which is a far cry from having a KKK tattoo and a black doll hanging from a noose on your rearview mirror.


People need to lighten the fock up.


Pizza face and fat ass don't have the history behind them like the word nigg** does. Same reason why you can unfarily call white people trailer trash, redneck, hick, without anyone thinkin about it twice. The "n-word" has such a brutal history and is meant to degrade another human being.


But yea, i do think people need to get over it. It'd be one thing if all black people detested the word, but black people say it more than anyone. Sure they call themselves that word so they're not trying to belittle the person, but if i kept calling myself fat, i couldn't get mad at you for calling me that.


Either nigg** will have to become a word like redneck, wigger, trailer trash or black people have to stop calling themselves that. But then again, who am i to judge.

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Pizza face and fat ass don't have the history behind them like the word nigg** does. Same reason why you can unfarily call white people trailer trash, redneck, hick, without anyone thinkin about it twice. The "n-word" has such a brutal history and is meant to degrade another human being.


But yea, i do think people need to get over it. It'd be one thing if all black people detested the word, but black people say it more than anyone. Sure they call themselves that word so they're not trying to belittle the person, but if i kept calling myself fat, i couldn't get mad at you for calling me that.


Either nigg** will have to become a word like redneck, wigger, trailer trash or black people have to stop calling themselves that. But then again, who am i to judge.


Im aware of the history behind niggger but its still rediculous. I know they were sprayed with high pressure hoses......ive seen this done around the world to quite a few people, and some because of their race who were not black.....yes a few dogs attacked them, once a again this has happened to many races around the world. Slavery has also existed in every single society in history. "Slavery predates writing and evidence for it can be found in almost all cultures and continents. Its many origins reamain unknown". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery. And besides, they sold themselves to American slave owners.


Im not gonna sit here and say racism does not exist, its obviously still alive and well on all sides. Its just stupid that we still give it so much credence as to any sum effect it has on any single person or race. I dont have the time or the interest enough to type the THOUSANDS or hundreds of thousands of black men and women, including my allergy doctor, who have found the same and in many cases more success than "The white man". The power and significance of "Racism" is hype, a hype that could only be exploited so successfully in a democracy. Racism is Nazi germany, killing 6 million jews........racism is fantical Islam trying to destroy every single person on the planet that is not muslim. These things do not exist in America.

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I enjoy comedy. What was this? :bench:


Seriously, if you could work "nigga" into a funny bit, I wouldn't object. But he was just... not funny. So I guess I object to his total lack of hilarity. :P

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I enjoy comedy. What was this? :bench:


Seriously, if you could work "nigga" into a funny bit, I wouldn't object. But he was just... not funny. So I guess I object to his total lack of hilarity. :P


The "upside down, fork up the butt" comment was funny IMO. I have a Nigerian friend that I've known for 10 years and we've been joking about it all day. Racial segregation isn't funny, but this was just such an absurd tirade that came out of nowhere.....THAT is what made it funny for us. Random as hell. Totally wouldn't expect that from "Kramer".

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Pizza face and fat ass don't have the history behind them like the word nigg** does. Same reason why you can unfarily call white people trailer trash, redneck, hick, without anyone thinkin about it twice. The "n-word" has such a brutal history and is meant to degrade another human being.


Very true.


Call me any "white derogatory" name in the book, and I would just laugh.

Me calling a person of color nigg** is a totally different animal.

Not right, and ill advised. Even though it is just a word, it has way too much meaning behind it coming from a white guy to not be offensive. (Whether the person saying it is racist or not)

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:banana: Such a horrible history yet a black person will use it at a drop of a dime and it's okay.

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:banana: Such a horrible history yet a black person will use it at a drop of a dime and it's okay.

I thought that you were Black... :mad:

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I thought that you were Black... :mad:

:banana: Would you love me any less?

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:cry: Would you love me any less?


Lets just say that I wouldn't love you any more :wub: (j/k)


Also, you seem to think that I work for Jiffy Lube :ninja:

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Lets just say that I wouldn't love you any more :wub: (j/k)


Also, you seem to think that I work for Jiffy Lube :ninja:

you dont ? :cry:

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