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Skins LB R. Godfrey BLASTS Belicheat

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Tom Curran of NBCSports.com reports that Redskins linebacker Randall Godfrey is upset with the manner in which the Patriots continued to pour it on while comfortably ahead of the Redskins on Sunday.


"I said something to [belichick] after the game," Godfrey told Curran. "I told him, 'You need to show some respect for the game.' You just don't do that. I don't care how bad it is. You're up 35 and you're still throwing deep? That's no respect.


"You look at all the great head coaches . . . I'm just disappointed," he said. "You gotta show some class, show some respect. Joe Gibbs? We wouldn't have done that. Bill Walsh? You wouldn't see those types of guys doing that stuff. I've never seen nothing like that. Most teams, you get up like that you sit on the ball and try to run the time out. They're up 30-some points and they're throwing deep. That was blatant disrespect. I hope we can see them again, definitely. You don't see Joe Gibbs doing that. You can't even imagine that kind of stuff coming from him. Joe Gibbs. Bill Walsh. Bill Parcells. This isn't like college going for power rankings. This is the pros you show some respect, show some class."


But Belichick made no excuses for his team's reputation for pouring it on in a Friday interview with Curran.


"I've been coaching too long," Belichick said. "I remember being on that side. When I was coaching defense it was my job to keep the score down, not theirs. When you're playing defense it's your job to stop them. It's not [the offense's] job to not score. It's like I tell the offense, what the [bleep] do you think I send you guys out there for? To punt? We have a punt team for that. That's not your job. Your job is to go out there and score points. If you come off the field and you haven't scored points you haven't done your job."


We still think there's a line, somewhere. And though we don't know precisely where it is, we think it was crossed on Sunday.

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I don't disagree with anything that Godfrey said, and I'm glad to see some players starting to come out and talk about it. That said, Bellycheck is right; the defense needs to show some balls and step up; otherwise, it's on them.

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I guess New England should have (respectfully) taken a knee for a quarter so Godfrey wouldn't get his sissy feelings hurt. How embarrassing.


I'm a Cowboys fan, but you have to be able to give a great team there due. The Skins just don't have the talant to hang with the Pats. Why should Pats fans have to not get to see all the scoring their team can put up in a home game? The Pats put in their 3rd string QB for crying out loud.

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Like a former 12 year NFL vet just said, if I was on the field and they( the Patriots) took a knee on 4`th down with 8 plus minutes in the game nothing would infuriate me more. Should they have kicked the gimme F G and the 3 points? The 4`th string RB ran up the middle, WTF do you want. This week Pats/Colts will be different :blink:

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Technically, Belicheck is right. It's not his job to contain his own offense; it's the opposing D's. I understand all that. However, there are unwritten rules in sports. I mean how many baseball teams up by 10 runs turn their baserunners loose and have them steal base after base? I know someone will say the fock with the unwritten rules? Who wrote them anyway blah blah blah. I understand all that.


This is all about the Pats sending a BIG FU to the NFL. The Pats hate Peyton and want Brady to annihilate his TD record. They hate the Dolphins and want to go undefeated to send them a big FU. Mostly, they want to some how justify their reputation in the league beased on the cheating scandal that broke earlier this year and are basically saying we can destroy everyone so therefore our camera scandal was meaningless. I understand all that and don't begrudge them that.


I will say this though. This crow will come home to roost. I don't when and I don't where. But it will come home to roost. Some up and coming Buddy Ryan will put a bounty on Brady's head and in some meaningless game up by 42 Brady will have his sack ripped off and shoved down his throat. I will cheer that day. I will cheer :overhead:

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I am also going to take the devil's advocate position on this won, despite the fact that I think Belicheat is a total focking madman...


When your team and individual players are in a position to make NFL history - why should they NOT do it out of this alleged "respect" for the game? They players are out there to make money and win games. Why shouldn't Brady try to throw 70 touchdowns, Moss catch 35 of them, the team score the most points in a season, the team go 16-0 and sweep through the playoffs?


I can't say it isn't embarrassing or degrading to the team getting steamrolled, but fock you - they have things to accomplish both as a team and individually and there are significant financial and historical significance to many of them.


And I am not a Cheatriots fan.

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I am also going to take the devil's advocate position on this won, despite the fact that I think Belicheat is a total focking madman...


When your team and individual players are in a position to make NFL history - why should they NOT do it out of this alleged "respect" for the game? They players are out there to make money and win games. Why shouldn't Brady try to throw 70 touchdowns, Moss catch 35 of them, the team score the most points in a season, the team go 16-0 and sweep through the playoffs?


I can't say it isn't embarrassing or degrading to the team getting steamrolled, but fock you - they have things to accomplish both as a team and individually and there are significant financial and historical significance to many of them.


And I am not a Cheatriots fan.



Don't forget the fact if the Patriots keep taking their starters out in the 3rd quarter every week, that's a lot less time they get to actually play against a so called real NFL defense.

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Godfrey..should get Mike and Mike's , "Just Shut Up" award this week.

:overhead: Sounds like a poor loser to me.

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It's starting.


All one sicko defensive-guy trying to make a name for himself has to do is hear a fellow NFL player start to complain, and it plants the seed that a nice Harrison-style cheapshot will not only get him on Sportscenter, but earn him a lot of 'secret' respect around the league.


It's coming soon.

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There is a point where enough is enough. No need to throw deep when you are up 42-0 in the 4th. No need to go for it on 4th and 1 on the 10 when you are up 42-0 in the 4th. If that is the approach Bellyache want to take then so be it. They are going to run into a team like the Ravens in week 13 where one of their goons is going to chop Brady down low and take out his knees or go up high with the elbow to the head. OK, I'll take the 15 yards but your QB is being carried out on a stretcher. Hey, I know we are down 60-0, but we are trying to win the game, so we took him out. That will be a day I will truly enjoy (I actually like Brady).

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players, coaches, fans - and everybody else needs to get over it. is it crappy, perhaps - but so what?


that being said, here's the flip side to this: the Pats are playing with fire here. fine if you want to show off your arsenal, fine if you're mad for getting busted for

cheating, fine if you want to rewrite the record books - but this could all very easily come with a price - karma has a way of evening things out. you keep leaving brady out there in these type situations, you're just begging for something to happen to him.

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Wow, I'm just thinking about how exciting it would be for the fans if, out of MUTUAL respect for each other - when a game gets out of hand, both teams just take a knee and run out the clock. A whole quarter of each QB kneeling. Wow.


Wouldn't that be a treat for the fans and sponsors of the game.

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There is a point where enough is enough. No need to throw deep when you are up 42-0 in the 4th. No need to go for it on 4th and 1 on the 10 when you are up 42-0 in the 4th. If that is the approach Bellyache want to take then so be it. They are going to run into a team like the Ravens in week 13 where one of their goons is going to chop Brady down low and take out his knees or go up high with the elbow to the head. OK, I'll take the 15 yards but your QB is being carried out on a stretcher. Hey, I know we are down 60-0, but we are trying to win the game, so we took him out. That will be a day I will truly enjoy (I actually like Brady).


It did look like the Patriots were running up the score, but you picked a strange example to show it. They were up 42, so the run makes sense. I would've suggested they were running up the score if they did kick the field goal, and they're not going to punt from the 10. So, a run seems logical here. I think they would've kept the offense in even if it was 4th and 10 from the 10.


My thoughts on why they're not just handing off the ball play after play:


1) They wanted their backup QB to get reps playing the Patriots offensive scheme, which apparently has very little to do with running the football.


2) They are thin at RB's due to injuries, and didn't relish sending their RB's up the gut just so they can get pounded by some frustrated/angry defensive players.


3) They wanted to give the other team a chance, and kept passing so every attempt gives the defense a chance at an interception, and every incompletion stops the clock (ok, just kidding on this one)

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Someone posted this in another thread but it makes sense to me. Why does the team that is winning have to quit playing first, why doesn't the losing team take a knee first or stop throwing deep. Let the team that wants to give up run it up the middle for 2 quarters of football. If NE had take a knee or ran it up the middle I would turn the game off I didn't yesterday. At least one team was playing football.

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Someone posted this in another thread but it makes sense to me. Why does the team that is winning have to quit playing first, why doesn't the losing team take a knee first or stop throwing deep. Let the team that wants to give up run it up the middle for 2 quarters of football. If NE had take a knee or ran it up the middle I would turn the game off I didn't yesterday. At least one team was playing football.

And you'll be the first one crying and calling for your coach's head when your starting QB gets the inside of his knee turned into a bowl of spaghetti because he was throwing deep up by 42.

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I never understood this kind of crap.


These guys are out there to play football.


I don't want to see anybody lay down just because they have a lead.


Play the game till the end... Great comebacks happen all the time as well.


Godfrey should shut the F*** UP and play the game.




When the Pats beat the Colts do you think Peyton is going to stand up there and say

Ohhh Wwwaaaaahhh... Brady threw a bunch of long passes in the 4th quarter after they had a big lead....

I would never do that..... NO PEYTON WOULD NOT SAY THAT.

Peyton will play balls out till the end and take his loss like a man!!

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No one is suggesting they start kneeling in the second quarter. No one is saying that so just stop bringing it. Anyone defending this is obviously a Pats homer, and thats fine. There is NOTHING wrong with running up the score, its just not normally done as your goal is to win football games, not humiliate the other team. You don't steal second up 12-0 in the ninth inning of a baseball game. It's not against the rules, its just not done. The Pat's don't need to just kneel it out on 4th and 1, but when it's 38-0 with like 10:00 left, why on earth wouldn't you kick the FG? There's no reason at all for it. I know its the Redskins job to stop it, but they couldn't. Everyone saw who the better team was on Sunday, why humiliate washington?

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No one is suggesting they start kneeling in the second quarter. No one is saying that so just stop bringing it. Anyone defending this is obviously a Pats homer, and thats fine. There is NOTHING wrong with running up the score, its just not normally done as your goal is to win football games, not humiliate the other team. You don't steal second up 12-0 in the ninth inning of a baseball game. It's not against the rules, its just not done. The Pat's don't need to just kneel it out on 4th and 1, but when it's 38-0 with like 10:00 left, why on earth wouldn't you kick the FG? There's no reason at all for it. I know its the Redskins job to stop it, but they couldn't. Everyone saw who the better team was on Sunday, why humiliate washington?

Point well taken. Although I don't mind seeing Daniel Snyder humiliated.

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I'm the furthest thing from a Pats fan, sorry to disappoint you.


See my previous "Devil's Advocate" post. After all, the Patriots are led by the devil himself. Focking Belicheat looks like the Emperor from Star Wars on the sidelines with his hoodie.

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They used Brady on a 4th down play also, not just the backup QB.


I think it's horse s**t to run up the score like that. Just kick the freaking field goal. Goodfrey is right, Gibbs, Parcells, Walsh, none of them would do it. Name one other coach that would.


You can say it's the D's job to stop them from doing it. Yep that's right, and one day (probably sooner rather than later), a team will stop them one way or the other. Probbly won't end good for Brady.

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I keep hearing about Karma.


In the same threads & posts I keep hearing about malicious injury.


In the same threads & posts I keep hearing about past inccidents & a continued lamenting regardless that fines & penalties were assesed & paid.


In the same threads & posts I keep hearing insults & crass gutter like remarks regarding individuals.



Karma works in many ways.....who's to say that Karma isn't working in the Pat's favor right now :pointstosky:

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No one is suggesting they start kneeling in the second quarter. No one is saying that so just stop bringing it. Anyone defending this is obviously a Pats homer, and thats fine. There is NOTHING wrong with running up the score, its just not normally done as your goal is to win football games, not humiliate the other team. You don't steal second up 12-0 in the ninth inning of a baseball game. It's not against the rules, its just not done. The Pat's don't need to just kneel it out on 4th and 1, but when it's 38-0 with like 10:00 left, why on earth wouldn't you kick the FG? There's no reason at all for it. I know its the Redskins job to stop it, but they couldn't. Everyone saw who the better team was on Sunday, why humiliate washington?



I agree totally. After watching the end of that game yesterday, I don't see how you could interpret it any other way than trying to run up a score and humiliate another team, which is both very unprofessional and quite frankly, stupid. I'm not one to think you need to start kneeling, but why not kick the FG? Why not run the clock out and take your W? I see nothing wrong with continuing to run your offense, but why not get your subs some much needed PT? Especially in a year with so many injuries, I fail to see the logic in risking your much relied upon starters just to send a message or break some stupid record. Its pointless and a devastating injury could come at any time. Honestly, how much egg would Belichick have dripping off his face if Brady were to have ripped up his ACL in garbage time yesterday? It happens. Why risk it? Its just foolish IMO.

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The sissy gameplan by the skins got them the beating they deserved. Dude needs to question Williams, not Bellycheck.

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They used Brady on a 4th down play also, not just the backup QB.


I think it's horse s**t to run up the score like that. Just kick the freaking field goal. Goodfrey is right, Gibbs, Parcells, Walsh, none of them would do it. Name one other coach that would.


You can say it's the D's job to stop them from doing it. Yep that's right, and one day (probably sooner rather than later), a team will stop them one way or the other. Probbly won't end good for Brady.



OK Mr. Holier Than Thou... so it's better to suggest that one of the defenses playing against the PATs should try to injur Brady :banana:


Play the game. If you can get a clean shot on Brady, then so be it!

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I agree totally. After watching the end of that game yesterday, I don't see how you could interpret it any other way than trying to run up a score and humiliate another team, which is both very unprofessional and quite frankly, stupid. I'm not one to think you need to start kneeling, but why not kick the FG? Why not run the clock out and take your W? I see nothing wrong with continuing to run your offense, but why not get your subs some much needed PT? Especially in a year with so many injuries, I fail to see the logic in risking your much relied upon starters just to send a message or break some stupid record. Its pointless and a devastating injury could come at any time. Honestly, how much egg would Belichick have dripping off his face if Brady were to have ripped up his ACL in garbage time yesterday? It happens. Why risk it? Its just foolish IMO.


Exactly right.

Everyone running out that stupid "if the other team can't stop them, its their problem" line is ignoring the real issue. This isn't about respecting the game or humiliating the other team, it's about proper game management. At some point the mission changes from "win the game" to "preserve the win and get the hell out of here." There is no reason not to simply use every second of the play clock and run the ball on every down. If you get first downs, great. If your RB breaks one and scores, fine. But when it's 38-0 or 45-0 in the fourth, there isn't any reason to keep playing like it's 0-0 in the first. You've won. Milk the clock, rest your guys, get on the bus. As others have said, as soon as one of the Pats starters blows out a knee or gets a concussion because they're airing it out when the game's firmly in hand, everyone will change their tune.


Belichick is an a-hole, everyone knows he's an a-hole, and that's fine. But he's not stupid. And right now he's playing stupid.

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OK Mr. Holier Than Thou... so it's better to suggest that one of the defenses playing against the PATs should try to injur Brady :thumbsdown:


Play the game. If you can get a clean shot on Brady, then so be it!


Someone throws on 4th down and has me beat 38-0, had better not cross the white line again.

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I think Godrey needs to wash the sand out of his vag!na. :rolleyes:



I love watching the Pats mow through the league with the Fock you attitude. :thumbsdown:

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OK Mr. Holier Than Thou... so it's better to suggest that one of the defenses playing against the PATs should try to injur Brady :thumbsdown:


Play the game. If you can get a clean shot on Brady, then so be it!



Read the post again. Nowhere do I say they SHOULD give him a cheap shot. But someone will do it.

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Belichick " Mercy is for da weak - we do not train to be merciful here "



" Sweep the leg Rodney ... Sweep the leg "

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I don't even have a problem with the backup QB throwing the ball.


The Redskins were clearly outclassed. There is a point where you call off the dogs.


They could have run the ball, they could have worked on things they can't do in practice.


A frustrated goon will be lurking. Oops a 15 yard penalty. Seperated shoulder, out 4 weeks. Oh well, we are just trying to win the game.

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Play the game till the end... Great comebacks happen all the time as well.


This might be the dumbest statement of the day. Do teams score 38 points in 9 minutes? If that's happened before, I haven’t seen it.

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I keep hearing about Bellichick being this football genius. I have to question this after him leaving the NFL MVP #1 (Brady) and #2 (Moss) in when they are up 38-0 in the 4th quarter. He'll rue the day when some pissed off linebacker plants Brady's head about 2 feet deep into the ground or some hotshot safety knocks Moss' teeth out.


It doesn't sound too smart to me. Common sense would dictate neither one even sees the field in 4th quarter. If the Skins come back and actually score a couple of TDs to make it even a 3 TD game, then MAYBE you put them back in.


One of these days, he's going to do that to the wrong team, the wrong coach, or the wrong player and it's not going to be pretty.


I've heard all about the "you should stop them from scoring, then" argument. That's BS. He was running up the score and everyone that's not an idiot knows it. I'm a Cowboy homer and I hate the Skins, but I wish Joe Gibbs would have cack-punched him after they shook hands.

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There is only one game that I expect the Pats will not try to run up the score: the Ravens. This is because Billick showed some indirect support for Belichick by calling Mangini out after their game.



Everyone else, by virtue of the fact that they let the Patriots twist in the wind or did some of the twisting themselves, is a target.

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I get sick of this "take a knee" defense. Teams win with class every weak and not by taking knees in the 4th quarter....but they don't go for it when up by 38 late in the 4th quarter either........when there is a chip shot FG to be had.


It's OK to win a game 35 to 7. Lots of teams could run it up but wisely chose not too cause this isn't college football and the risk of injury isn't worth it.


And the Pats could have done this every year when they were winning superbowls, they didn't because it's not the smart thing to do.


But Bellicheat thinks if he wins by 30 every week it will erase his cheatfull pass. But it doesn't. Those were different years.

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I get sick of this "take a knee" defense. Teams win with class every weak and not by taking knees in the 4th quarter....but they don't go for it when up by 38 late in the 4th quarter either........when there is a chip shot FG to be had.


It's OK to win a game 35 to 7. Lots of teams could run it up but wisely chose not too cause this isn't college football and the risk of injury isn't worth it.

Like San Diego yeterday. They had 35 at halftime and threw theree more passes the whole game. And you know what? It counted exactly the same in the standing as the Patriots win.


It's coming.

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