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Did Blank just say that?

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Listening to the Atlanta Sports Radio programs, alot of blacks were calling in complaining that Blank was going after Vick's money and piling on. Also several stated that it's only because Vick is black that the Falcons are doing that. Mental note to self; stay away from Sportstalk Radio tomorrow.


Guaranteed by the end of the week, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will be called upon to react and they'll threaten 'A million man march' that will basically consist of about 400 people. :cheers:

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That's almost as bad as Oprah's racist comments supporing Obama over the weekend. :cheers:

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Blank was talking about Vick coming back to the Falcons after his imprisonment and saying something along the lines of, "well, as long as he keeps himself in shape and doesn't put on a lot of weight eating fried chicken and fries. and as long as he keeps his mind in the game..."


was seriously funny shiat...

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Blank was talking about Vick coming back to the Falcons after his imprisonment and saying something along the lines of, "well, as long as he keeps himself in shape and doesn't put on a lot of weight eating fried chicken and fries. and as long as he keeps his mind in the game..."


was seriously funny shiat...


Interesting . . .



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Interesting . . .




i honestly don't think he meant anything by it, but it was "curious" wording at best.

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Blank was talking about Vick coming back to the Falcons after his imprisonment and saying something along the lines of, "well, as long as he keeps himself in shape and doesn't put on a lot of weight eating fried chicken and fries. and as long as he keeps his mind in the game..."


was seriously funny shiat...



Even Fuzzy Zoeller thinks that was out of line.

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It's not like Vick is going to have a personal chef in the slammer and inmates are fed a ton of fried foods - totally harmless.

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Interesting . . .




That's paraphrasing. You really have to hear the delivery to understand the connotation behind the statement anyway.

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It's not like Vick is going to have a personal chef in the slammer and inmates are fed a ton of fried foods - totally harmless.


If he has just left it at fried foods nobodt would have even mentioned it but to say fried chicken specifically is a poor choice of words. Especially considering that he is the owner of the team with the largest percentage of black fans in the country.


Not a big deal to me personally but it will be something for the talking heads to babble about tomm and Blank prolly wishes he had said foods instead of chicken.

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That's paraphrasing. You really have to hear the delivery to understand the connotation behind the statement anyway.


Yeah, I wish I had heard it since it appears to be one of the more entertaining moments of this crappy game. Have the TV on with the sound down as Im reading and helping the wife w/ law school stuff.


Aw well.

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Google "Vick and fried chicken."


This is already in the news and has bloggers are hitting it with full force.

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You've got to be focking kidding me. Saying Fried Chicken in reference to a black man is apparently racism???!!!? :music_guitarred:


Yet every day I have to listen to a black man on the radio say that he wants the next head coach of Nebraska to be a black man (Turner Gill) but he made it obvious that he really wanted him b/c he's black. (prior to the Bo Pelini hiring). Oh, and he hates Bo Pelini. :doublethumbsup: He could say he was only joking around, but I know that's b.s. and he really did want a black head coach. This kind of reverse racism happens multiple times a day in our society and it's ignored. Well, I'm a white guy and I'm focking offended.

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You've got to be focking kidding me. Saying Fried Chicken in reference to a black man is apparently racism???!!!? :doublethumbsup:


Yet every day I have to listen to a black man on the radio say that he wants the next head coach of Nebraska to be a black man (Turner Gill) but he made it obvious that he really wanted him b/c he's black. (prior to the Bo Pelini hiring). Oh, and he hates Bo Pelini. :overhead: He could say he was only joking around, but I know that's b.s. and he really did want a black head coach. This kind of reverse racism happens multiple times a day in our society and it's ignored. Well, I'm a white guy and I'm focking offended.


I don't see anything wrong with Blank saying fried chicken. It's a popular meal. :music_guitarred:

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Listening to the Atlanta Sports Radio programs, alot of blacks were calling in complaining that Blank was going after Vick's money and piling on. Also several stated that it's only because Vick is black that the Falcons are doing that. Mental note to self; stay away from Sportstalk Radio tomorrow.


Guaranteed by the end of the week, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will be called upon to react and they'll threaten 'A million man march' that will basically consist of about 400 people. :overhead:


Mental note, blacks will never learn

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At least he didn't say Watermelon.




washin' it down with a cold 40 in a paper bag could have been bad too!! :lol:

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washin' it down with a cold 40 in a paper bag could have been bad too!! :dunno:


Colt 45 Malt Liquor!!! :dunno:


btw. I was laughing my ass off when he said that. The Falcons message board was on fire....it's always a riot (get it...riot) there.

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Some bastard had the nerve to stop into my office and ask me if I was eating pizza today. Un-######-believable. I said, yep. :banana:

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Some guy in my office asked me if I wanted "crackers" with my salad!! I was so offended as a white male!! Give me a damn break!! :overhead: Some people just look for shite to offend them and this is another example of that...

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It amazes me, how focking sensitive some people are. You can't say black people eat fried chicken? You have to call a fireman a firefighter, just in case he is a she. Unbelievable! Toughen up America! Is it true that people in the South like NASCAR? oops! I may have just offended someone.

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see what you fockers started :thumbsup:


how sad, someone in the deep south can't even express his joy of fried chicken.


plus won't he be in virginia?

he'll probably just be eating collard greens and grits

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I haven't heard one African American say they were offended by this. This is a made up issue by White people that are so confused by all the PC issues they don't know what to say or how to react. It is the world our leaders have created. They must be proud!

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As the whitest whitey ya'll ever seen, I find this statement disgusting. I did not get fat from my daily fried chicken and fries. It was caused by the diet cokes.

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