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Hurricane Ditka


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You sad focks! B!tching about the price of gas! :shocking: Imagine what you will do when the whole fockin' economy comes crashing down!


Let's recap:


- Dollar in the crapper

- Wages down

- Prices up

- Housing market crashing

- Government in a panic



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Blow into the midsection of the auto pilot, economy saved

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My tank was on E yesterday, I mean it was below the E line.


I went to the gas station and it cost me an all time record $39.50 to fill my tank(I gave the guy $41, I tip everyone) used to cost me $20.


Luckily, I only fill up twice a month :pointstosky:


Also, I am due to fill up my oil tank in the house too. It's just below 1/4 of a tank. Now that's going to sting. prolly cost me around $600 :dunno:

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I just filled up ... colder out at 2:30 AM, means the gas is more condensed ... and I had to drive to get there ....




Pretty sad, but that's a good price these days.

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THREAD OVAH! :pointstosky:

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Not only that....but goods delivered to grocery stores, etc. Think about what milk will cost if you live in Texas if it's imported from the Midwest, or what Oranges would cost in MN. it will change everything.


Um, we have plenty of cows here in Texas. :pointstosky: :dunno:

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You sad focks! B!tching about the price of gas! :lol: Imagine what you will do when the whole fockin' economy comes crashing down!


Let's recap:


- Dollar in the crapper

- Wages down

- Prices up

- Housing market crashing

- Government in a panic




Don't tell Rp for gods sake, reality offends that cat.... :overhead:

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No President can fix the gas prices though - only consumer demand can do that. Even if McCain's Idea goes through to suspend the gas tax - Oil companies will just raise the price more to compensate and get even richer.


Oil companies know the days of a Oil powered world are numbered and soon there will be alternate forms of energy ( in 50 years oil production in the Mid East is supposed to peak anyway ) the Oil companies are trying to make as much as they can while they still can. At least thats the only reason I can think of here - that and Iran and Chavez trying to guag us as much as they can.


I thought the Iraq war was all about Oil -- where the fock is it then !!! :overhead:

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Um, we have plenty of cows here in Texas. :shocking: :unsure:



That's the only thing you have to offer?


Forgive me for not knowing there are Dairy cows in Texas. My bad....I'll go blow my head off now. BRB. :rolleyes:

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It doesn't cost anything to ride a bicycle. I just might start doing that.



Just refreshing beer to cool off. :cheers: I wish I could ride a bicycle to and from work; 60 miles a day w/no bike paths just isn't going to work






As to the gas, low grade $3.47, mid $3.52, top $3.57

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The government gave me a free minivan with a credit card, so I am the driver of the car pool. I get 200 personal miles but I go way over that each month. I have a 2 week class right now and this is this first time in a year where I am using my car for most of the drivin and it cost $50 to fill up, and that was a weeks worth of driving for me, so that minivan saves me about $200 a month so about $2400 a year. Not bad

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That's the only thing you have to offer?


Forgive me for not knowing there are Dairy cows in Texas. My bad....I'll go blow my head off now. BRB. :lol:


Hey, I'm only human. I can only correct you one mistake at a time.


I didn't realize cows in TX was such a secret. :lol: :unsure:


As for your last sentence, I suggest Gun Control..............................prop the shotgun up against something solid so the job is done right. :cheers:

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You do realize that 76 made record profits 2 quarters in a row right? Not company records either. Records as in compared to any U.S. company.


Also, the 10% margin thing is meaningless. As the 70's proved, gas doesn't follow the economic rules that almost all things do. Your company's product/service is slightly different than something like gas/oil.


A percent is a percent. They were making 10% back when gas was $1 a gallon and they make 10% now. It is what it is. When you maintain a 10% margin, and gas reaches record price levels, you're conversely going to make record profits.


I just don't understand this hatred towards oil companies. They simply deal in a near uncomprehensible volume. All you hear about is record profits, but didn't Exxon pay something like $30 billion in taxes last year? That's got to be some kind of a record. It's an overall money maker - for stock holders, the Gov't, and the corporation.

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look, I dont care if its 10% profit or whatever. Here in Texor, most people have to drive far daily because the state is so farkin huge. Most have a semi-long work commute. So when a regular JOE family is spending $700+ a month on gas and its somewhere around a 6th or 7th of their bring-home income, Gas has officially gotten too expensive. WAIT, before you bust out your "move closer" or "get a better job" blast, this is not my situation. I run a company from home and dont drive much anymore. This comes from a conversation with a very good buddy of mine who works for Cannon Copiers. I dont know how he is gonna make it. He already drives a small 4 cyl. car right now.

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I went to the gas station and it cost me an all time record $39.50 to fill my tank(I gave the guy $41, I tip everyone) used to cost me $20.


I'm confused here... Who exactly did you tip? Did he pump your gas for you? :huh:

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I'm confused here... Who exactly did you tip? Did he pump your gas for you? :lol:



1. pull into gas station with car

2. press button and window goes down

3. old Armenian guy says "can I help you"

4. I say "fill it up, regular please"

5. Guy says "39.50"

6. Give guy 41 and say "keep the change"

7. Guy says "thank you"

8. Drive home



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1. pull into gas station with car

2. press button and window goes down

3. old Armenian guy says "can I help you"

4. I say "fill it up, regular please"

5. Guy says "39.50"

6. Give guy 41 and say "keep the change"

7. Guy says "thank you"

8. Drive home




I didn't realize full serve stations were still around.

Or I thought only the elderly and handicapped used them. :overhead:


Why don't you just pump your own gas?

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I didn't realize full serve stations were still around.

Or I thought only the elderly and handicapped used them. :music_guitarred:


Why don't you just pump your own gas?



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Or I thought only the elderly and handicapped used them. :music_guitarred:


Why don't you just pump your own gas?


Stupid question...

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$4.07 at San Diego. That's right Four dollars and seven cents. You know what we should do?


We should solve the ass raping at the pump (the nozzle goes in sideways in SoCal) by letting Bush take over an oil rich nation under false pretenses, that will fix everything.


Wait, what? It's been done? And instead of affordable gas the heads of Halliburton have the financial power to declare 'primae noctis'??? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primae_noctis)


Man, am I glad I voted for Bush, and by voted for Bush I mean voted for Kerry in the state of Florida. :doublethumbsup:





By Michael Savage



For years, I have been calling for Iraq to pay us back for the cost of liberating them from the torture chambers of Saddam Hussein. Iraq's sustainable oil production capacity is almost 3 million barrels per day. The earth beneath Iraqi sands holds more than 112 billion barrels of oil – the world's second largest proven reserves – and unexplored regions could yield an additional 100 billion barrels, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Iraq also contains 110 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. And yet this war has nearly bankrupted our treasury.


I was surprised to hear Senator Carl Levin, a Democrat from Michigan, call for this very idea at the Petraeus hearings this week he said, "We need to put continuous and increasing pressure on the Iraqis to settle their political differences, to pay for their own reconstruction with their oil windfalls, and to take the lead in conducting military operations."


It is fascinating to hear a liberal congressman repeat my idea while the so-called "conservatives", the Whig Party of our time, the Republicans continue to pump money from American taxpayers to support this unpopular war instead of pumping Iraqi oil. We have spent 500 billion, half a trillion dollars so far on making the Sunni triangle safe for democracy, but it hasn't even kept our own Marines safe from prosecution. The month that President Bush was sworn into office, gas was $1.40 a gallon. This week, gas is averaging $3.30 a gallon, and near $5 a gallon in Los Angeles. Two dollars a gallon more for the war on terror! Make the Iraqis foot the bill for their own liberation!


When the Republican Party stops depleting the tax base for this endless war, Iraq's oil can be used to rebuild their country and pay us back. Now it is time for the 24 million liberated Iraqis to pay back their liberators. With the one resource they have – oil.



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mmmmmmmm....Alaska...... :music_guitarred:

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If everyone in the world drove like me, the price of gas would be cut in half.


Soft on the pedal, slowing down way early before red lights, rarely using a/c, avoiding use of the brake as much as possible, and running yellow lights. My Jeep Cherokee gets an average of 23 mph in the city. The dude at my work has the exact same model and drives like a friking maniac - he gets 14 mpg city.




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If everyone in the world drove like me, the price of gas would be cut in half.


Soft on the pedal, slowing down way early before red lights, rarely using a/c, avoiding use of the brake as much as possible, and running yellow lights. My Jeep Cherokee gets an average of 23 mph in the city. The dude at my work has the exact same model and drives like a friking maniac - he gets 14 mpg city.



Yeah, I find it hilarious that idiots swerve all over the place and stomp down the road, and then I am right next to them at the next stop light.... :cheers: :banana:

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Yeah, I find it hilarious that idiots swerve all over the place and stomp down the road, and then I am right next to them at the next stop light.... :cheers: :banana:


or they can't wait to pass you and 3 miles down the road, they are still right in front of you. as if that helped them any. :ninja:

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or they can't wait to pass you and 3 miles down the road, they are still right in front of you. as if that helped them any. :first:



yeah, with the congestion and stop lights etc.....it makes no sense at all....the only time speeding truly helps is if you are on one of the 6 hour+ drives on a nice open highway

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Every gas station in Oregon is full service. They get pissed when you try to pump your own gas. But I don't let them fools touch my Harley.

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Every gas station in Oregon is full service. They get pissed when you try to pump your own gas. But I don't let them fools touch my Harley.



One of the most liberal states in the country. Any wonder you elect people who don't thnk you are capable of pumping your own gas? :overhead:


Gubmint knows best. :first:

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If everyone in the world drove like me, the price of gas would be cut in half.


Soft on the pedal, slowing down way early before red lights, rarely using a/c, avoiding use of the brake as much as possible, and running yellow lights. My Jeep Cherokee gets an average of 23 mph in the city. The dude at my work has the exact same model and drives like a friking maniac - he gets 14 mpg city.


sorry we are all douch's and not as good as you. Now go kill yourself by farkin an aid's infested homeless dead guy and catchin' the aids..


fishing experiment done.....

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Where are you getting the 10% from? Are you just repeating what you've heard?


I done googled that sucker. :overhead:


Last year, Exxon had $404.55 billion in sales, and ended up with $40.61 billion in profits. That's a net profit margin of 10.04%. Compare and contrast with the companies below:


Link for comparison to other companies


The oil industry urges people to look beyond its profits to its profit margin: about 7.6 percent of revenues late last year. That's not much higher than the 5.8 percent profit margin for all U.S. manufacturing, and if you exclude the financially troubled auto industry from that analysis, the oil industry actually appears less profitable than most manufacturers, which were earning 9.2 cents on every dollar of sales.



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I'm not saying it's a conspiracy but with Bush being an Oil guy and with Condolezza Rice being a former board of directors at Exxon (They named an oil tanker after her), it's a little fishy that the price of gas has jumped from around $1.20 when Bush took office to $4+ a gallon and rising? Not to mention Cheney's secret meeting with the top oil executives to form our nations energy policies, remember, the meeting that the oil executives lied about being in and then it turned out they were at the meeting (Good thing that Republican Senator made sure they didn't have to testify under oath).

I forget which comedian said it but if we elected Colonel Sanders as president and the price of chicken went through the roof, i'd be a little suspicious.

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No President can fix the gas prices though - only consumer demand can do that. Even if McCain's Idea goes through to suspend the gas tax - Oil companies will just raise the price more to compensate and get even richer.


Oil companies know the days of a Oil powered world are numbered and soon there will be alternate forms of energy ( in 50 years oil production in the Mid East is supposed to peak anyway ) the Oil companies are trying to make as much as they can while they still can. At least thats the only reason I can think of here - that and Iran and Chavez trying to guag us as much as they can.


I thought the Iraq war was all about Oil -- where the fock is it then !!! :(


Geez... This is the first semi-correct answer. :lol:

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I forget which comedian said it but if we elected Colonel Sanders as president and the price of chicken went through the roof, i'd be a little suspicious.


Bill Maher.





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Filled up last night.....$3.19/gallon. And that was with the $.20/gallon discount. Something to keep in mind that I forgot about, the price per barrell we hear about is traded on futures which I understand has a 2-3 month delay to hit the markets. Meaning right around July/Aug we should be seeing silly prices. :dunno:

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