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I want to test a theory about politics

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Simple questions. Be completely honest.


Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal

2. What was your first job

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility

4a. If so, how was it paid for

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.)



I'll post my thoughts on my theory AFTER everyone answers.


ETA: I'm an cowludge gradchewate....so I fixed it.

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Simple questions. Be completely honest.


Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal - Conservative\Libertarian

2. What was your first job - Janitor at Bakery

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich - Mix between poor/lower middle class, then later (teens) Middle Class

4. Did you graduation from any post high school education facility - yes, 2-2 year AAS degrees in Computers

4a. If so, how was it paid for - Borrowed every penny

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) - Yes


I'll post my thoughts on my theory AFTER everyone answers.

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Simple questions. Be completely honest.


Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberalslightly right of center

2. What was your first jobTrash man thru college, programmer after college

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/richMiddle

4. Did you graduation from any post high school education facilitycollege

4a. If so, how was it paid forall sources...parents, loans, work, grants

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.)No

I'll post my thoughts on my theory AFTER everyone answers.

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Holy crap. My answers are nearly identical.


Simple questions. Be completely honest.


Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal - Conservative\Libertarian

2. What was your first job - Janitor at Department Store

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich - Mix between poor/lower middle class, then later (teens) Middle Class

4. Did you graduation from any post high school education facility - Some College

4a. If so, how was it paid for - Borrowed every penny

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) - No

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Simple questions. Be completely honest.


Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal

2. What was your first job

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich

4. Did you graduation from any post high school education facility

4a. If so, how was it paid for

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.)

I'll post my thoughts on my theory AFTER everyone answers.


1. Conservative Christian right wing Bible apologist.

2. Oak Tree golf course greens mower and fairway patcher.

3. Mixture between poor/middle class.

4. Graduated from UCO in 1997with a Bachelor of Arts degree.

4a. Paid for from a few small pel-grants, work study, and my parents. No loans thank the good Lord.

5. Never touched welfare, and have to much pride to ever do so. Not Knocking welfare, I'm just not interested in using it ever. I'll earn my own keep. If I don't work, then I won't eat.

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Simple questions. Be completely honest.


Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal- Libertarian/Conservative

2. What was your first job- Day care for a Down-Syndrome lady that was a sister of/lived with my best friends Aunt and Uncle on weekends.

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich- Middle Class

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility-I'll graduate college in 4 years.

4a. If so, how was it paid for-100% scholarship

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.)-no

I'll post my thoughts on my theory AFTER everyone answers.


ETA: I'm an cowludge gradchewate....so I fixed it.

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Simple questions. Be completely honest.


Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal - Con w/lib leanings on social issues

2. What was your first job - Little League Umpire

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich - Upper middle class

4. Did you graduation from any post high school education facility - BA from a 4 year university

4a. If so, how was it paid for - Parents & student loans

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) - No

I'll post my thoughts on my theory AFTER everyone answers.

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1. Conservative or Liberal Consevative Nazi

2. What was your first job Janitor at a Porn Shop

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich po

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility No

4a. If so, how was it paid for N/A

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) Yes, more often than not

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Simple questions. Be completely honest.


Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal. I think I lean conservative overall. Really depends on the issue. I hate both Republicans and Democrats alike.

2. What was your first job. Paper route. Worked ever since I was old enough to get a paper route.

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich. Lower middle class.

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility. AA in Computer Science. Couple of credits shy of Bachelors.

4a. If so, how was it paid for. Paid for it myself.

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) Never. When I was a poor college kid, I ate MacNCheese generic for breakfast lunch and dinner. Work swing and graveyard just to pay for it.

I'll post my thoughts on my theory AFTER everyone answers.


ETA: I'm an cowludge gradchewate....so I fixed it.

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1. Conservative or Liberal Conservative

2. What was your first job bag boy at grocery

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich middle

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility yes

4a. If so, how was it paid for loans

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) no

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I hear ya on hating them both....but do you think your hatred is more towards the status quo for politics (corruption, lies, etc) than the party philosophy?

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Ain't there any liberals here?? I'm curious and need some input to identify any possible contrasts.

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Simple questions. Be completely honest.


Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal

2. What was your first job

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility

4a. If so, how was it paid for

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.)

I'll post my thoughts on my theory AFTER everyone answers.


ETA: I'm an cowludge gradchewate....so I fixed it.



First job: busboy at a restaurant

Home: Middle class

School beyond high school: yes

Paid for by: a mix of me, parents, grants, and loans. Still working on the loans.

Never been on welfare

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Simple questions. Be completely honest.


Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal Conservative, with some Libertarian leanings

2. What was your first job Referee for youth soccer

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich Middle-class

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility I will graduate with a BA next May

4a. If so, how was it paid for Scholarships and money from the 'rents

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) No

I'll post my thoughts on my theory AFTER everyone answers.


ETA: I'm an cowludge gradchewate....so I fixed it.

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1. Conservative or Liberal


Conservative me:


Voted Republican in the last 3 Presidential elections and plan to vote for McCain next.

I agreed with the Iraq war.

I hate poor people.


Liberal me:


Debate like a liberal... anti-death penalty, pro-choice, pro-ACLU, etc.

I disagree with the Patriot Act or anything big brother.

I hate rich people.




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1. Conservative or Liberal Fiscal Conservative

2. What was your first job Worked in a bike shop / owned part of a skateboard shop

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich middle class

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility No

4a. If so, how was it paid for

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc No

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Simple questions. Be completely honest.


Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal-lean liberal

2. What was your first job-Burger King

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich-middle class

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility-yes

4a. If so, how was it paid for-I paid for it

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.)-no

I'll post my thoughts on my theory AFTER everyone answers.


ETA: I'm an cowludge gradchewate....so I fixed it.

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Conservative me:


Voted Republican in the last 3 Presidential elections and plan to vote for McCain next.

I agreed with the Iraq war.

I hate poor people.


Liberal me:


Debate like a liberal... anti-death penalty, pro-choice, pro-ACLU, etc.

I disagree with the Patriot Act or anything big brother.

I hate rich people.





FYI...the Patriot Act and anything Big Brother are NOT true Conservative values.

We're both in the same boat there.

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1. Conservative or Liberal - Moderate democrat. More liberal than conservative

2. What was your first job - Working in a warehouse.

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich - grew up middle class - live in an affluent area/home now

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility - yes BSCE (Civil Engineering) MBA

4a. If so, how was it paid for - paid for it by self with loans and summer jobs and grants

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) - no

I'll post my thoughts on my theory AFTER everyone answers.

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1. Conservative

2. Grocery store bagger and stocker

3. Middle class

4. No

4a. N/A

5. Yes

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1. Conservative or Liberal - Libertarian-liberal social, some fiscal conservative

2. What was your first job - Dishwasher

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich - Upper middle class

4. Did you graduation from any post high school education facility - BA from a 4 year university

4a. If so, how was it paid for - partial scholarship/worked fulltime

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) - No


Unless your political theory specifically pertains to the geek club, this place isn't a very accurate cross sampling of America.

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Simple questions. Be completely honest.


Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal Socially VERY liberal, economically just right of center

2. What was your first job Contruction trash boy

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich upper middle class

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility BS from Purdue University

4a. If so, how was it paid for Parents

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) Nevah

I'll post my thoughts on my theory AFTER everyone answers.


ETA: I'm an cowludge gradchewate....so I fixed it.

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1. Conservative or Liberal - Conservative, i think.

2. What was your first job - Go cart dude.

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich. - Middle class home, despite wealthy family.

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility - Finance degree.

4a. If so, how was it paid for - Parents.

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) - No. But with my pathetic income, I could probably qualify. :rolleyes:

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Worked as a cart washer and behind the counter at a golf course.

Middle Class

4 year graduate in business



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Simple questions. Be completely honest.


Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal - Right of center

2. What was your first job - Worked at an agriculteral experiment station at 16

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich - Middle class

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility - Yes

4a. If so, how was it paid for - Parents and myself

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.)- Nope

I'll post my thoughts on my theory AFTER everyone answers.


ETA: I'm an cowludge gradchewate....so I fixed it.

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1. Conservative or Liberal - Libertarian-liberal social, some fiscal conservative

2. What was your first job - Dishwasher

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich - Upper middle class

4. Did you graduation from any post high school education facility - BA from a 4 year university

4a. If so, how was it paid for - partial scholarship/worked fulltime

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) - No


Unless your political theory specifically pertains to the geek club, this place isn't a very accurate cross sampling of America.


I realize it's a bit skewed, but I'm not gonna run out and ask people on the street.

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I realize it's a bit skewed, but I'm not gonna run out and ask people on the street.


You probably need to wait till monday afternoon to get enough answers to come to any generalizations.

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Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal - conservative

2. What was your first job - lumber yard worker/gopher

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich - middle

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility - yes

4a. If so, how was it paid for - work/grants/loans

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) - unemployment for 5 weeks, but not welfare

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1. Social liberal, Fiscal conservative.

2. Detasselling.

3. Low end of middle class

4. Bachelor's degree in chemistry

4a. Loans, grants, and work.

5. No.

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How long til results from the BLS Political Theory?



I'm hoping for some more liberal leaning folks to reply so we can have a proper contrast.


Also, what would you define as socially liberal?

Gay Marriage ok, Pro-choice, etc? is that what you mean by that?

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1. Conservative or Liberal Libertarian

2. What was your first job Selling vegetables on the sidewalk in front of our house

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich Very, very poor

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility Yes, 2 bachelor degrees

4a. If so, how was it paid for Cash. I worked a lot of hours at multiple jobs

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) No

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1. Conservative or Liberal Anarchist

2. What was your first job Pimping out my sisters

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich Lets just say that Top Ramen was a delicacy

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility What the fock is high school?

4a. If so, how was it paid for Cantelope

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) Food stamps are pretty tasty with a dash of salt



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Simple questions. Be completely honest.


Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal - Conservative

2. What was your first job - Working the counter at a Chick-Fil-A (fast food)

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich - middle class

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility - Bachelor's Degree from college.

4a. If so, how was it paid for - Student Loans

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) - No.

I'll post my thoughts on my theory AFTER everyone answers.


ETA: I'm an cowludge gradchewate....so I fixed it.



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1. Liberal, although I don't really like pigeonholing like that. Socially, I am a libertarian. I don't want the Patriot Act or no-warrant wiretapping, but I also don't want Joe Lieberman and Hillary Clinton telling me what I can and can't watch on TV. Economically, I believe in government spending for things like education and health care, but I am opposed to free-loader programs like unfettered welfare. I wouldn't call myself "fiscally conservative," but at the same time I think it is stupid to sink billions of dollars into war without any corresponding increase in taxes.


2. First job: sales clerk in a shoe store


3. I grew up in a middle class home


4. I do have schooling beyond high school

4a. I paid for it through loans, with a little help from my parents


5. No welfare.

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Simple questions. Be completely honest.


Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal - Fiscal conservative, social liberal (by that I mean: 2nd amendment refers to militias, not individuals, pro-choice, pro gay union, pro-estate tax, pro increase to cap gains tax, etc.)

2. What was your first job - paperboy

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich - middle

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility - bachelors and MBA

4a. If so, how was it paid for - bachelors - student loans, now repaid; MBA - part me, part scholarship

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) - no

I'll post my thoughts on my theory AFTER everyone answers.


ETA: I'm an cowludge gradchewate....so I fixed it.


I might prove your point, I dunno - highly educated seems to = social liberal these days. Didn't see any other advanced degrees in the responses, and few non-conservatives as well.

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Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal

theoretically conservative(libertarian) but am registered democrat and have voted that way ever since i could vote in 1998...live in ny if that helps

2. What was your first job

stocked shelves in grocery

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich

became mid-upper middle class from lower middle

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility

MBA in finance

4a. If so, how was it paid for

mostly loans, parents helped out with undergrad

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.)



if any clarification is desired on political question, will answer

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if any clarification is desired on political question, will answer



No BS question, and no offense intended.


How do you consider yourself a theoritical libertarian yet register and vote Democratic?

How do you intertwine the two?


I'm seriously curious and again, no offense. Genuine question.

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Are you:


1. Conservative or Liberal Lean Liberal

2. What was your first job bus boy at a restaurant

3. Was your home poor, middle class or well-to-do/rich Middle class

4. Did you graduate from any post high school education facility masters degree

4a. If so, how was it paid for Loans, scholarships, summer work, and a little help from parents

5. Have you ever been on any form of welfare (food stamps, WIC, medicare, etc.) no

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