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Obama's acceptance speech

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He's spelled out his specific ideas throughout this campaign, but tonight he's just laying it all out there again so that the "no substance" argument goes away. Anyone who says that they don't know where he stands is an idiot. If someone disagrees with him, cool.......but enough of the same old crap.


How anyone can listen to what this guy has to say and then listen to a dolt like McCain........and like McCain..........well, it just blows my fucking mind.


That is all.

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Hrm. I guess I'm weird. I was inspired for a few minutes when the video was playing and he walked out. And then he started talking...

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anyone who doesn't think he's hitting a home run of epic proportions is in major denial...which means Fox, I guess :shocking:

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I'm watching. Seriously Rattle, what "substance" is he laying out? Not saying that this platform is the right or wrong place to do it, but frankly I haven't heard it. :shocking:

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I'm watching. Seriously Rattle, what "substance" is he laying out? Not saying that this platform is the right or wrong place to do it, but frankly I haven't heard it. :shocking:



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The sad thing? I'm not sure that a candidate with real ideas can stand up to the Anti-Christ. The Mayans had it right! 2012....the year President Obana's "vision" destroys the world.

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The sad thing? I'm not sure that a candidate with real ideas can stand up to the Anti-Christ. The Mayans had it right! 2012....the year President Obana's "vision" destroys the world.



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It was a good speech. It accomplished its goals. Specific objectives and plans will be required, but those are not part of an acceptance speech. Those are part of the coming months and debates.


Obama's substance and actual initiatives are still in question, but his oratory skills are not. Both will probably be necessary to win.


Let's see how McCain does in his first test.

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It was a good speech. It accomplished its goals. Specific objectives and plans will be required, but those are not part of an acceptance speech. Those are part of the coming months and debates.


Obama's substance and actual initiatives are still in question, but his oratory skills are not. Both will probably be necessary to win.


Let's see how McCain does in his first test.



McCain will eat him alive in the debates. Barack is all fluff.

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McCain will eat him alive in the debates. Barack is all fluff.


Are we talking about the guy who consistently doesn't know shia from shiite, al quaeda, czechoslavakia, etc. and admitingly knows jack squat about the economy and how it works???


Or are we talking about a different McCain??? :overhead:

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I'm watching. Seriously Rattle, what "substance" is he laying out? Not saying that this platform is the right or wrong place to do it, but frankly I haven't heard it. :overhead:

Did you not listen to the speech!? I know it's easy to mock Obama and his "Hope" message but if you watched his speech tonight and still can't tell what he will do and what he stands for etc. Well, I don't know what to say. He layed it out pretty focking clear!

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great speech!

"this election is not about me, it's about you!"

"change doesn't come from washington, it comes to washington"


the best quote this far was not from obama but from a white republican that is voting for obama, "my name is barney smith and i want a president who is for barney smith not smith-barney!"

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He does talk a good game....But don't they all?

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He does talk a good game....But don't they all?

Sadly, no. Or Ron Paul would be president.

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AP: Where's the details?




In short, lots of promises with no mention how it will get done, nor how it will be paid for (see: taxes).


Yet another speech to cater to those with their hands out.


Incidentally, I heard that McCain gets a chuckle out of the whole "McCain voted with Bush 95% of the time" line because Barack voted with McCain 90% of the time. I guess that little nugget didn't make the cut tonight.

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Sadly, no. Or Ron Paul would be president.


:pointstosky: :pointstosky: :pointstosky:



"I am with you on Ron Paul." - GoColts (4/14/08)

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Yet another speech to cater to those with their hands out.



Working class and middle class America???



[swirvenirven] DUMB!!!! [/swirvenirven]

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I'm watching. Seriously Rattle, what "substance" is he laying out? Not saying that this platform is the right or wrong place to do it, but frankly I haven't heard it. :pointstosky:



It was a good speech. It accomplished its goals. Specific objectives and plans will be required, but those are not part of an acceptance speech. Those are part of the coming months and debates.


Obama's substance and actual initiatives are still in question, but his oratory skills are not. Both will probably be necessary to win.


Let's see how McCain does in his first test.



AP: Where's the details?




In short, lots of promises with no mention how it will get done, nor how it will be paid for (see: taxes).


Yet another speech to cater to those with their hands out.


Incidentally, I heard that McCain gets a chuckle out of the whole "McCain voted with Bush 95% of the time" line because Barack voted with McCain 90% of the time. I guess that little nugget didn't make the cut tonight.


tonight he's just laying it all out there again so that the "no substance" argument goes away.



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Are we talking about the guy who consistently doesn't know shia from shiite, al quaeda, czechoslavakia, etc. and admitingly knows jack squat about the economy and how it works???


Or are we talking about a different McCain??? :pointstosky:


No, where talking about an experienced Senator from Arizona compared to a guy who talks a great game but has done nothing. The same guy who called Iran "small and not a threat". The guys a joke.

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McCain will eat him alive in the debates. Barack is all fluff.


obama will do to mccain in the debates what kennedy did to nixon. mccain needs to avoid being on the same stage as obama as much as possible.


track records mean nothing in that environment.

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obama will do to mccain in the debates what kennedy did to nixon. mccain needs to avoid being on the same stage as obama as much as possible.


track records mean nothing in that environment.


Especially if you don't know/can't remember jack sh!t....


I wonder if he will have a debate clause where Lieberman can come up and whisper the correct answer in his ear every time he focks something up :pointstosky:

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Especially if you don't know/can't remember jack sh!t....


This category apparently includes you and swamp dog...or have you skipped out on watching these candidates in the debates? Obama doesn't stand a chance in a town hall style...I'm hoping to attend it, actually.

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AP: Where's the details?




In short, lots of promises with no mention how it will get done, nor how it will be paid for (see: taxes).


Yet another speech to cater to those with their hands out.



This is the part that scares me. Between paying for universal healthcare and all of this other stuff that's going to bring about HOPE and CHANGE...what the fock am I going to do if my taxes are so focking high that I can't afford my house? Is the govt. going to come up with some brilliant plan to bail me out?

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Especially if you don't know/can't remember jack sh!t....


I wonder if he will have a debate clause where Lieberman can come up and whisper the correct answer in his ear every time he focks something up :pointstosky:


listen the bottom line is obama has no experience in foriegn policy , economics, immigration , national defense or governing in general. for god sake the mans only been a senator for 2 years.

like i have said before its like a fortune 500 company asking a high school valedictorian to be their CEO because he gives one hell of a speech. everything he is proposing will take alot of money, the only way to get that money is to raise taxes. any tax raise , middle class or rich, ends up being a tax hike on the middle class. if he taxes big business they will raise there prices on us or just ship jobs overseas, either way its less money for the working class middle.


the best quote and most revealing of the campaign comes from HIS VP, biden. talking about Obamas lack of expeience, he said "the job of president does not lend itself to on the job training" thats from the mouth of his number 2 not some right wing conservative talk show host.

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listen the bottom line is obama has no experience in foriegn policy , economics, immigration , national defense or governing in general. for god sake the mans only been a senator for 2 years.

like i have said before its like a fortune 500 company asking a high school valedictorian to be their CEO because he gives one hell of a speech. everything he is proposing will take alot of money, the only way to get that money is to raise taxes. any tax raise , middle class or rich, ends up being a tax hike on the middle class. if he taxes big business they will raise there prices on us or just ship jobs overseas, either way its less money for the working class middle.


the best quote and most revealing of the campaign comes from HIS VP, biden. talking about Obamas lack of expeience, he said "the job of president does not lend itself to on the job training" thats from the mouth of his number 2 not some right wing conservative talk show host.


so what would your ideal experience be leading up to the presidency??? Using your daddy's connections to get you into law school with a "D" average, using your daddy's connection to sissy out of a war you believe in, rampant drinking and drug use for decades, running a few of your daddy's business into the ground and six years as governor????



Neo-cons are hilarious when they pull out the "experience" card and then forget about whose been in office for the last 8 years :unsure:

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Especially if you don't know/can't remember jack sh!t....


I wonder if he will have a debate clause where Lieberman can come up and whisper the correct answer in his ear every time he focks something up :unsure:


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AP: Where's the details?




In short, lots of promises with no mention how it will get done, nor how it will be paid for (see: taxes).


Yet another speech to cater to those with their hands out.


Incidentally, I heard that McCain gets a chuckle out of the whole "McCain voted with Bush 95% of the time" line because Barack voted with McCain 90% of the time. I guess that little nugget didn't make the cut tonight.



So this guy wrote a 5 paragraph article, had it copy edited and up on the website in 27 minutes from the end of the speech? It doesn't even reference the actual speech. Nice hit piece. The AP is going to find themselves out of jobs if they don't quit pretending they are Fox. Crappy hit piece.


That speech was amazing. The GOP didn't even have a response to it. Pat Buchanan of all people, said it was the best convention speech he'd every heard. Brokaw's comment, "I assume the GOP will get themselves together in the morning, because they have no response tonight".

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listen the bottom line is obama has no experience in foriegn policy , economics, immigration , national defense or governing in general. for god sake the mans only been a senator for 2 years.

like i have said before its like a fortune 500 company asking a high school valedictorian to be their CEO because he gives one hell of a speech. everything he is proposing will take alot of money, the only way to get that money is to raise taxes. any tax raise , middle class or rich, ends up being a tax hike on the middle class. if he taxes big business they will raise there prices on us or just ship jobs overseas, either way its less money for the working class middle.


the best quote and most revealing of the campaign comes from HIS VP, biden. talking about Obamas lack of expeience, he said "the job of president does not lend itself to on the job training" thats from the mouth of his number 2 not some right wing conservative talk show host.


You all keep writing that like its true, but none of the analysis of their actual positions backs it up. Only that stupid false email I get every day. The reality is that McCain's proposals will likely raise your taxes and certainly the deficit. I don't have it handy, but its something like 4 more Trillion lost in the next four years with old crusty.


News Flash, the dumb fock you people voted for twice ran up a $7 TRILLION dollar credit card bill on our account. The bill is going to come due.

I seriously want a paper trail on voting. Only people that voted for Bush should have their taxes raised. At least when Reagan did it, it was for a good cause. Seriously, will someone raise that man from the dead.

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Especially if you don't know/can't remember jack sh!t....


I wonder if he will have a debate clause where Lieberman can come up and whisper the correct answer in his ear every time he focks something up :thumbsup:



he will just wear a wire like Bush did.... :overhead:




even Cindy McCain's half sister says that she will vote for Obama :lol:


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You all keep writing that like its true, but none of the analysis of their actual positions backs it up. Only that stupid false email I get every day. The reality is that McCain's proposals will likely raise your taxes and certainly the deficit. I don't have it handy, but its something like 4 more Trillion lost in the next four years with old crusty.


News Flash, the dumb fock you people voted for twice ran up a $7 TRILLION dollar credit card bill on our account. The bill is going to come due.

I seriously want a paper trail on voting. Only people that voted for Bush should have their taxes raised. At least when Reagan did it, it was for a good cause. Seriously, will someone raise that man from the dead.


there's this thing, called congress, ways and means committee, which taxes and spends...learn about it.

the president can only do so much, he's not sitting there every day signing into law all these little taxes put on everything

imaginable. he's also not sitting there signing all these little bits of spending that add up to a sh-tload that congress passes

every focking day.

From the 50s->1994 the house was libs and they spent into debt constantly.

from 95->9/11/01 repubs cut out a lot of the sh-tty spending, made reforms, forced em down clinton's throat.

from 02->06 spending for security at first was ok but then repubs started acting like libs and went overboard.

07-> libs spend even more, reneg on every promise made, decide to sit on hands during bad times because it helps them in Nov.


The Committee of Ways and Means is the chief tax-writing committee of the United States House of Representatives. Members of the Ways and Means Committee cannot serve on any other House Committees, though they can apply for a waiver from their party's congressional leadership. The Committee has jurisdiction over all taxation, tariffs and other revenue-raising measures, as well as a number of other programs including:


* Social Security

* Unemployment benefits

* Medicare

* Enforcement of child support laws

* Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, a federal welfare program

* Foster care and adoption programs


The U.S. Constitution requires that all bills regarding taxation must originate in the House of Representatives, and House procedure is that all bills regarding taxation must go through this committee. These stipulations make this House committee particularly powerful, especially in comparison with its Senate counterpart, the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance.

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Well, Mr. Obama continues to cater to the lowest common denominator. Wow. What a complete piece of sh!t.

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Well, Mr. Obama continues to cater to the lowest common denominator. Wow. What a complete piece of sh!t.


Why bother with trying to convince the intellectuals and real hard working Americans? They're the minority in the United States.

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Especially if you don't know/can't remember jack sh!t....


I wonder if he will have a debate clause where Lieberman can come up and whisper the correct answer in his ear every time he focks something up :)


If he picks Lieberman as his VP (long shot but he is one of the people they are talking about for VP) then the Democrats will have a field day with that footage of Lieberman whispering in McCains ear.

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If he picks Lieberman as his VP (long shot but he is one of the people they are talking about for VP) then the Democrats will have a field day with that footage of Lieberman whispering in McCains ear.


Was is like a Wet Willie?

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Yet another speech to cater to those with their hands out.


Are you referring to the airlines, the auto industry, the financial industry, or the defense contactors? Because their party has its convention next week.


This is the part that scares me. Between paying for universal healthcare and all of this other stuff that's going to bring about HOPE and CHANGE...what the fock am I going to do if my taxes are so focking high that I can't afford my house? Is the govt. going to come up with some brilliant plan to bail me out?


I'd rather have the government spend our money on things like healthcare and education than put it in contractor's pockets to gallivant around the world blowing sh!t up for no damn good reason. And no, if you have your way, and McCain wins, the only people who will get bailouts are the corporations after they have screwed the rest of us dry.


so what would your ideal experience be leading up to the presidency??? Using your daddy's connections to get you into law school with a "D" average, using your daddy's connection to sissy out of a war you believe in, rampant drinking and drug use for decades, running a few of your daddy's business into the ground and six years as governor????

Neo-cons are hilarious when they pull out the "experience" card and then forget about whose been in office for the last 8 years :)


No Joke. Bush's "experience" was pathetic, and generally showed a record of utter failure. And now we're being told that we should pick McCain because he's been sitting on his old asss in the senate since long before I was born, and accomplishing d!ck? I'll pass. <_<


I WANT a President that isn't a lifelong Washington hore, who didn't get busted in the Savings & Loan scandals back in the day, who actually worked FOR people and made his own money, rather than being a useless windbag Senator and marrying well.


The problems in Washington will not be solved by experience. They will be solved by someone who isn't a corrupt piece of sh!t, and who actually gives a fock about solving some problems in this country, rather than being the big swinging cack in foriegn affairs. I know for a cold solid fact that McCain is not the answer. He is just more of the same. I think Obama is different, and may well be what this country needs.


I agree with some of the sentiment about universal health care, it makes me nervous too. But SOMETHING has to be done with health care, and the Republicans sure as fock aren't going to do it. Hell, they won't even provide adequate health care to the poor soldiers they send to some dessert hellhole to have their limbs blown off for no good reason.


Until I hear something completely new out of the Republican party, they are dead to me. They have shown nothing but abject incompetence, mind boggling corruption, and a complete lack of regard for the citizens of this country. Anyone who does not aknowledge that they have been utter, complete, and terrible failures has their head up their asss. I voted for Bush the second time around, because I believed his lies about the war, and felt that Kerry was a communist.


Well fine. We've given the fascists a try, with horrible results. Let's see what the commies can do. As I recall, they did pretty well the last time they got a chance.

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While I agree that Obama needs more substance to his plans, from what I have seen, Obama has outlined as much substance to his plans as McCain has. This is a point that I agree with Obama on, when a party has no ideas at all, they look to find fault with the other parties ideas instead of creating their own. That sort of stuff is really counterproductive.

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