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Giants Fan

Military history in your family?

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My Dad was in the Navy .... and both my grandfathers were WW2 veterans. One is even still alive. My Mom's Dad .... he's a tough old bastard.


I considered the Army Reserves in college .... until my pledge father in my fraternity got sent to the Gulf in 1990. Iraq 1 ... Desert Storm. Drove a fuel truck over the "Highway of Death" .... and I was like .... "Wow ... man. That's heavy."


It's not too late. I hear the Army will accept people up to 42 now. I have not ruled it out.

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And of course my great, great grandfather fought for the Union in Renwick's light artillery out of Illinois. He's listed here:




And then on my Mom's side .... via the Poe family ... are some REALLY bad ass mfers. Indian Fighters.




I mean those guys ..... had to have serious balls. They killed Bigfoot.

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Grandfather was a sergeant in Korea. He won numerous metals, but ultimately his entire unit was caught behind enemy lines and slaughtered before his eyes in a huge firefight. He was the only one who made it back alive. As a result he suffered from intense Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for life, would wake up in the middle night screaming like mad, and drank way too much.


He told me all this once, late at night, after he was so drunk he could barely pronounce his sentences. He considered my going to college (his first descendant to do so) an act of grace by his God and country for his service. While this may all sound a little sentimental and too dramatic, it's always in the back of my mind and helps drive me when things look bleak.


I keep an old photo of him in his army fatigues in a frame in my office.

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Would you kill for your country?


Yes. But only if it were invaded. It's just the way I am. I understand the need for wars abroad, though I'm something of a Buddhist-pacifist and would never go (plus I'm getting too old now). However, if a unit of Enemy X landed on our shores, I'm fairly certain I'd join the defense effort.


I may get trashed for this answer. I don't know. It's just how I honestly feel about it.

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Grandfather was a sergeant in Korea. He won numerous metals, but ultimately his entire unit was caught behind enemy lines and slaughtered before his eyes in a huge firefight. He was the only one who made it back alive. As a result he suffered from intense Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for life, would wake up in the middle night screaming like mad, and drank way too much.


He told me all this once, late at night, after he was so drunk he could barely pronounce his sentences. He considered my going to college (his first descendant to do so) an act of grace by his God and country for his service. While this may all sound a little sentimental and too dramatic, it's always in the back of my mind and helps drive me when things look bleak.


I keep an old photo of him in his army fatigues in a frame in my office.


Imagine one day you woke up and went to work .... and it was worse than Pearl Harbor? I suffer from PTSD. Bad dreams, can't sleep. And I admit .... I have a fantasy of just going Rambo sometimes ... but instead of an M-60 I have a .50 Cal sniper rifle ..... and earphones, with like some kinda star wars scope .... and I am just watching my boys go in, and then something goes wrong, and I hear "fire at will" and I just start taking out dudes from 200 meters, saving the team from an ambush.


And maybe the only way for me to realize this dream, is to join the military. Or maybe I'm better off, not going there. I'd dive in front of a bullet for Obama. The CIA is hiring right now but ... I'm not what they are looking for.

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Yes. But only if it were invaded. It's just the way I am. I understand the need for wars abroad, though I'm something of a Buddhist-pacifist and would never go (plus I'm getting too old now). However, if a unit of Enemy X landed on our shores, I'm fairly certain I'd join the defense effort.


I may get trashed for this answer. I don't know. It's just how I honestly feel about it.

Yea, posts like these are why I rarely come around here anymore. :lol:

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I'm fairly certain I'd join the defense effort.


Yeah ... well you wont know I guess until you are faced with it.

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Yea, posts like these are why I rarely come around here anymore. :doublethumbsup:


Why? You like to go to forums where everyone thinks the same way as you do? I don't agree with his reasoning either but free thinking is what this country is all about.

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Why? You like to go to forums where everyone thinks the same way as you do? I don't agree with his reasoning either but free thinking is what this country is all about.

:unsure: That was in response to his post in my Sarah Palin thread :doublethumbsup:


Just as that thread was nothing more than a joke, my post in this thread was also a joke. It may not have been funny but at least I'm trying :P

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Uncle-Retired Chief 3 in Army

Dad-5 Years as german translator in Air Force

Uncle-4 Years Army

Uncle-4 Years Army






Uncle-3 Years Army-Truck driver in Nam

Ucle-6 Years Navy

Grandpa-Merchant Marines for many years






Sister-Retired Air Force E-8. Her hubby retired Air Force E-9.

Brother-Army-11 Years E-6.

Me-Army 3 years. E-5. LA Natl Guard 4 Years E-6.


I never really thought about it, but looking back my family has a distinguished history in the military. Damn that makes me proud. :mellow:

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Look TRF .... you are just gonna hafta stop with the "I was there ... during 9/11" thing .... or maybe .... fairly close by. I'm sure you wanted to .... but we just hafta let it go!


Aaaaand .... I WAS there .... so that makes me better than you! Mkay .... now go back to your "Oh I know Kung Fu" corner .... and practice, mkay? Thanks. That'll do you lots of good when an IED blows your leg off. Hey ... you'll save 50% off shoes for the rest off your life .... BUTCHA WERENT IN MANHATTAN on 9/11 ..... WERE YA?!!!!!


And no joking ... 2 people I worked with died on 9/11. I'll tell you right now .... I've seen war. I have nightmares. And straight up ... no joke .... every day I pray to God that we can end this war in Iraq.

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My dad was in the marines and was in Vietnam. He was sprayed very heavily with agent orange that ###### his body up and eventually led to his contracting MS. One of the greatest guys you could ever know but he died with a heavy heart knowing the things he did in Vietnam were things no 18 year old should ever be expected to do. He still had bad dreams from killing a kid that was strapped with explosives and trying to get to a group of marines.


My gradpa on my moms side was a bombardier on a Liberator in WW2.

His brother, my uncle harry died at the battle of the bulge.

His other 2 brothers were in the army and made it through.

1 out of 4 brothers did not make it. Not too bad all things considered.





My dads dad was in the army in Korea and lost a toe on each foot to frostbite.

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And then .... there's my great Uncle Ralph. He spoke like 5 languages, including Japanese .... was some kinda MI officer .....Navy I guess. He translated the Japanese surrender.

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My dad was in the marines and was in Vietnam. He was sprayed very heavily with agent orange that ###### his body up and eventually led to his contracting MS. One of the greatest guys you could ever know but he died with a heavy heart knowing the things he did in Vietnam were things no 18 year old should ever be expected to do. He still had bad dreams from killing a kid that was strapped with explosives and trying to get to a group of marines.


My gradpa on my moms side was a bombardier on a Liberator in WW2.

His brother, my uncle harry died at the battle of the bulge.

His other 2 brothers were in the army and made it through.

1 out of 4 brothers did not make it. Not too bad all things considered.

My dads dad was in the army in Korea and lost a toe on each foot to frostbite.



Brrrrr ....... Korea.

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In my 10+ years on internet messageboards, I've only know one person even remotely like Giants Fan.


He was a rich Dutch kid who resided in and out of insane asylums because he believed Marilyn Manson was a mighty prophet. He'd argue with us by citing Manson lyrics they way Southern preachers argue using Biblical verse. It was hilarious.


Giants Fan isn't that insane, but he's just as amusing.



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He was a rich Dutch kid who resided in and out of insane asylums because he believed Marilyn Manson was a mighty prophet. He'd argue with us by citing Manson lyrics they way Southern preachers argue using Biblical verse.



That dude sounds ghey. FYI.

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Dad was in WW2. Saw a lot of action in New Guinea and the Philipines. 41st Division, 186th infantry. Bronze star.


He died almost 20 years ago. I recently found a WW2 forum and I have chatted with a guy who was in my fathers division. He couldn't remeber my dad specifically but he said pretty much everyone had nicknames and he couldn't even know a lot of guys full names. Not many WW2 vets left now. My dad just turned 18 after pearl harbor and he would be 85 if he were alive today. I have a jap ceremonial sword that he got in Japan after they surrendered He was part of the occupying force that landed on Hiroshima and he was very happy that they dropped the two bombs. He probably would have been one of the first troops to land on Japan if they had invaded. I also have a jap flag with the names of a lot of his buddies on it. HE was from Boston but most of the guys in his division were from the Northwest.


2 uncles were also in ww2 but they were in the navy and didn't see much action like my dad.


One of my dad's best friends was a belly gunner on one of those flying fortresses. Guy is funny as he11 and still alive last I knew. Short guy who was a big talker. He used to tell me how they would strut around England in their bomber jackets and score women left and right. He was damn lucky to survive the war. Those guys had heavy casualty rates.


one of my brothers was in the army during a very peaceful time. He was stationed in panama before we turned over the canal.


I was never in the military but considered going into the ROTC when I was looking at college costs but decided not to when I went to a state school with fairly affordable tuition.

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Grandfather was a Marine, fought in Korea.


Dad was in the Army, fought in Viet Nam.


That's all I know of.


One of my ggg grandfathers fought in the Civil War for the North, I think. He was from Tennessee, so it could have been either side, I don't remember exactly.


My dad's side of the family (other than himself) didn't fight in wars, as they were all farmers and needed to stay here.

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I am a veteran of the USAF. Brother and Father also served. Giants Fan never joined the military because GFIAP.

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Grandfather was a Marine, fought in Korea.


Dad was in the Army, fought in Viet Nam.


That's all I know of.


One of my ggg grandfathers fought in the Civil War for the North, I think. He was from Tennessee, so it could have been either side, I don't remember exactly.


My dad's side of the family (other than himself) didn't fight in wars, as they were all farmers and needed to stay here.



Your husband was in the Addam's Family.

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Look TRF .... you are just gonna hafta stop with the "I was there ... during 9/11" thing .... or maybe .... fairly close by. I'm sure you wanted to .... but we just hafta let it go!


Aaaaand .... I WAS there .... so that makes me better than you! Mkay .... now go back to your "Oh I know Kung Fu" corner .... and practice, mkay? Thanks. That'll do you lots of good when an IED blows your leg off. Hey ... you'll save 50% off shoes for the rest off your life .... BUTCHA WERENT IN MANHATTAN on 9/11 ..... WERE YA?!!!!!


And no joking ... 2 people I worked with died on 9/11. I'll tell you right now .... I've seen war. I have nightmares. And straight up ... no joke .... every day I pray to God that we can end this war in Iraq.



Does anyone know wtf this means?

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one of my gggrandfathers spent 3 years in the union army in a michigan infantry division...contracted tuborculosis during his stint (not uncommon--disease took a big toll in that war) and died young a couple of years after the war. i got his pension records from washington (something i'd advise anyone to do who had an ancestor in military service...interesting info).

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Would you kill for your country?

That's not the question anymore. It's will you kill, be killed for our country or any other country that old men in Washington that most didn't serve anyway feel like sending you.

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My dad, Army, was an MP. He protected the four African/Americans who went to the UA! He is the one that looks like Buddy Holly! He laughs every time he see's Forrest Gump. He was stationed in Alabama for that mission! For one semester. He tells me stories of how he was spit on, and called. "###### lover". He went to class, dorms, and the library with them, twenty four/seven! He is very proud of that service! So am I!!


I never sereved, and I am regretfull because of it.

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All of my dads family served, four brothers and their sister. My brothers and I are all serving now, one still active, while two of us are reservists now. At one time we were all active duty, I was in Germany, one brother in Kuwait, and another in Korea.


My oldest brother just pinned on LTC, and spent three tours in Iraq. Got hurt pretty bad in the second one.


All three of us are airborne qualified and air assault qualified. The oldest and me are ranger tabbed.

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All of my dads family served, four brothers and their sister. My brothers and I are all serving now, one still active, while two of us are reservists now. At one time we were all active duty, I was in Germany, one brother in Kuwait, and another in Korea.


My oldest brother just pinned on LTC, and spent three tours in Iraq. Got hurt pretty bad in the second one.


All three of us are airborne qualified and air assault qualified. The oldest and me are ranger tabbed.



That's kickass! :music_guitarred:

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My dad was a corporal in the Korean War, but stationed in the US, never saw action.


My cousin joined the army young; she was a hellcat, and I suspect that she got into some trouble that incented a judge to strongly suggest she join and clean her act up, vs. some prison time. I have no evidence of this, other than the mere act of her joining was 180 degrees opposite of her personality at the time. Anyway, she went crazy, became bipolar, and was put on meds that both made her a zombie and gain a ton of weight. She died last year in her mid 40s of a heart attack, hopefully peacefully. :music_guitarred:

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T+Ps for your sister Jerry.


Like I said to my Dad, "I spent my entire life .... trying to keep him (my brother) down to Earth. We don't need to try anymore ... and in some ways, it's a relief." He wanted to be a paratrooper ... 101st I think it was .... they were gonna write him a pass, make him an officer ... and he said, "No .... I want to jump out of airplanes with a machine gun!"


They ended up rejecting him, because he had some heart issues ... but I think they realized he was crazy. Woulda made a fine Marine. That's often where they put you besides jail is the Marines. Crazy .... is OK in the Marines. Army Ranger's .... not so much.

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T+Ps for your sister Jerry.


Like I said to my Dad, "I spent my entire life .... trying to keep him (my brother) down to Earth. We don't need to try anymore ... and in some ways, it's a relief." He wanted to be a paratrooper ... 101st I think it was .... they were gonna write him a pass, make him an officer ... and he said, "No .... I want to jump out of airplanes with a machine gun!"


They ended up rejecting him, because he had some heart issues ... but I think they realized he was crazy. Woulda made a fine Marine. That's often where they put you besides jail is the Marines. Crazy .... is OK in the Marines. Army Ranger's .... not so much.

Thanks. I don't think she was crazy when she went in. I've heard a story about my aunt (her mom) who got some disturbing messages from her daughter. She called the base, they said everything was fine. She said bullshiot and drove their and insisted on seeing her daughter. They refused. She would not leave until she saw her. If you knew my aunt, this would not surprise you. Anyway, they finally relented and let her visit. Next thing you know, the army says "oh yeah, I guess she IS a whackjob. Sorry about that."


Scary stuff. :music_guitarred:

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Great-great uncle served in the Navy, was stuck in Kyushu prison camp for two years, he was a huge man forced to work in the Mitsui coal mines. Was 235 pounds when he entered the service, came home at 125 pounds, could nto stay healthy, committed suicide in a hotel room after a year back.....


Grandfather served in the Army, stormed in at Normandy on D-Day as a radio operator, came back and drank until his liver stopped working in 1994 when he died. His brother was serving in the Army Air Corps, and was killed at Anzio beach.


Father was killed in Vietnam, he was in the Navy, died somewhere on the Mekong Delta.


I served 12 years in the Marines, and in Desert Storm.


I have colelcted as many artifacts from each of them as I could find, made shadow boxes for each of them. The one from Anzio includes his glasses, this covered in blood.

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Grandfather served during WWII, he NEVER talked of it, no one knows what he did, my dad served in Korea, he says he played cards the entire time, my brother went to Vietnam and perished. I served and was stationed in Panama between "77 - '81, weed was thirty bucks a quarter pound and blowjobs were 10 bucks, I had a blast :nono:

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Thanks. I don't think she was crazy when she went in. I've heard a story about my aunt (her mom) who got some disturbing messages from her daughter. She called the base, they said everything was fine. She said bullshiot and drove their and insisted on seeing her daughter. They refused. She would not leave until she saw her. If you knew my aunt, this would not surprise you. Anyway, they finally relented and let her visit. Next thing you know, the army says "oh yeah, I guess she IS a whackjob. Sorry about that."


Scary stuff. :nono:


Did she ever see battle? Seriously that kinda shiat changes you forever, in a bad way. Many here don't understand, and they tease me about 9/11 .... but that changed me. If you think watching it on TV and being there was the same .... do you watch the news about Iraq? Do you think that's the same as being there? Believe me, I understand that it was devastating day for us all ... but I learned some things about myself that day. Shiat I didn't think I had in me. I WANTED to kill. That hasn't really gone away .....I have an urge to just go fock some shiat up .... pops into my head from time to time .... I just wanna kill those mfers! ... remove them from my planet. I have this fantasy where I have a .50 cal sniper rifle .... and I'm just "removing enemies" and then I also have this feeling like ... "Yeah, I would dive in front of a bullet for Obama." ... without thinking. Maybe I should apply to the Secret Service .... Human Shield Department.


Yeah .... I wish there was some clear direction for me, for the rest of my life .... but its all still up in the air.

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