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Day 90 and Osama will likely take credit for the cap

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Your ramblings hold no water, because Bush was criticized for not handling Katrina well in the Gulf region and those were his voters.

And he also did nothing about illegal aliens. Also his states.


So, what exactly was your point again?


My point is that there are more sinister conspiracies than you realize.

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Attention Newbie and the like: Obama did not CAUSE the oil leak; Everyone knows this.


Now that is out of the way. Here is what our Federal Gov't's list from most important to least SHOULD BE.


1. Oil Leak in Gulf

2. Economy

3. Foreign Policy (on-going)




8. G-20 Summits




987. Golf

988. Duets with Paul McCartney

989. Worrying about what Fox News says


Sometimes it just doesn't seem that is the order our Federal Gov't is prioritizing stuff. When Obama is pushing through his agendas like a HC bill, all we hear is how urgent it is to fix it NOW@#! Is it to much to ask to have that same (or more) urgency on this? That's all the people are asking.



Right, he should postpone every other thing in the world until the leak stops. Because he really knows more about the cause, solution, and clean-up then BP, or all the scientists in the world.


Is he allowed to sleep and eat until it stops? Please let us know.

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Right, he should postpone every other thing in the world until the leak stops. Because he really knows more about the cause, solution, and clean-up then BP, or all the scientists in the world.


Is he allowed to sleep and eat until it stops? Please let us know.


Jack Bauer doesn't even stop to take a piss when there is danger afoot.


There is nothing in the history of this planet more important than plugging that leak. Or the end of the world will come even before 2012. End game.

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Right, he should postpone every other thing in the world until the leak stops. Because he really knows more about the cause, solution, and clean-up then BP, or all the scientists in the world.


Is he allowed to sleep and eat until it stops? Please let us know.

Way to go all the way to the extreme. And you wonder why everyone calls you a hack.


Obama is as much a scientist as he is a healthcare insurance specialist or an economist. However when HIS Healthcare bill was front and center Obama cleared his schedule. There were town halls, and televised addresses to the nation damn near weekly. He had his senators, congressmen, and adminstration on a full court media biltz to push through his agenda. Lots of money was spent.


He shoulda done the same a month or two ago with this. Part of being a leader is not fixing things yourself. It's giving the people who can or try to fix things all the resources they need to do it. Part of being as leader is signaling what is priority.


Even the left leaning pundits can see it and have called him out. I realize for you to do so would somehow hurt you in this wierd little Newbie against RP and Flahawker bored battle ya'll got going. But geez man, you just look more retarded than normal. I'm trying to help you is all.

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Way to go all the way to the extreme. And you wonder why everyone calls you a hack.


Obama is as much a scientist as he is a healthcare insurance specialist or an economist. However when HIS Healthcare bill was front and center Obama cleared his schedule. There were town halls, and televised addresses to the nation damn near weekly. He had his senators, congressmen, and adminstration on a full court media biltz to push through his agenda. Lots of money was spent.


He shoulda done the same a month or two ago with this. Part of being a leader is not fixing things yourself. It's giving the people who can or try to fix things all the resources they need to do it. Part of being as leader is signaling what is priority.


Even the left leaning pundits can see it and have called him out. I realize for you to do so would somehow hurt you in this wierd little Newbie against RP and Flahawker bored battle ya'll got going. But geez man, you just look more retarded than normal. I'm trying to help you is all.

Thanks for the help! LOL HAHA ROFL

I really need help from someone who gets his ass handed to him as often as you do around here.


Just because Obama attends a summit, or golfs, of God forbid, takes lunch, doesn't mean he doesn't have a huge committee dedicated to this event. You do realize that there is a cabinet and many, many government workers, right? :wacko:

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I really need help

You really do. If you actually watched or read the news, you wouldn't come in these threads completely unarmed and flail arounf trying to make a rational point.

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Lumpy wrong yet again.



Wrong? About what? :wacko:

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You really do. If you actually watched or read the news, you wouldn't come in these threads completely unarmed and flail arounf trying to make a rational point.

Why don't you try making a point, skinny?


Rather than you and whiny rightie butt-buddies just giving us a running tally of how many days it is and acting as if Obama should have had it stopped by now. What SHOULD the plan be? Any ideas or are you just having a daily pep rally because you hope that some on-the-fence voters may actually think this has something to do with Obama come election time?

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Why don't you try making a point, skinny?


Rather than you and whiny rightie butt-buddies just giving us a running tally of how many days it is and acting as if Obama should have had it stopped by now. What SHOULD the plan be? Any ideas or are you just having a daily pep rally because you hope that some on-the-fence voters may actually think this has something to do with Obama come election time?

Why would I waste my time with someone as dense as yourself? You just don't have the mental capacity to discuss current events. You've made that abundantly clear.

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Former oil worker: "The cleanup is just for show."


GULF SHORES, Alabama - Former oil clean-up worker Candi Warren says she signed up to make a difference, but soon found out the work of cleaning the beaches was all cosmetic. That's what she was told, she says.


Warren says she knew that when crews worked during the day, the tide and surf buried oil overnight. But they were forbidden to dig it up. She quit in disgust three weeks ago despite the $18 per hour pay.


She said she was told to only clean the surface of the sand, that this is all cosmetic. She was on a crew at Gulf State Park where tourists go. She says it has priority so as to make it look like the beaches are clean.


Warren says she believes money is being wasted on the crews and says "At some point the real clean-up will have to begin, but I'm afraid the money will be gone."


She used a shovel and dug down six, eight, maybe twelve inches into the sand to show us the layers of oil close to the shoreline.





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Lazy kunt turning down $18 bones an hour to work on the beach in this economy? :thumbsdown:


There is no indication in the article that she isn't gainfully employed elsewhere.



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There is no indication in the article that she isn't gainfully employed elsewhere.



Was she stripping during the nite to put herself through school or sumpthin? ...cuz the article says this was her day gig.

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Was she stripping during the nite to put herself through school or sumpthin? ...cuz the article says this was her day gig.


There's an even-money chance that she is fat. Most female manual laborers I've met have been pretty porky.



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Let's hire even more people to do cosmetic work. Good thing our righty-wackos from this board aren't in charge of the clean-up. They'd have a billion people on it and be out of money in a week. :music_guitarred:

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I love the taste of semen as it dribbles from my upper lip down to my mouth

Quote manipluation is so 2002. Grow up (not any wider, though)

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When the unemployment rate falls again the news will be lambasted as a result of the oil spill :pointstosky:



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There is nothing in the world I hate more than reading a Naomi post, yet I have to everytime. Although I know by the end of it I will be annoyed and full of rage, it's like an adventure to see just how she'll do it this time. How will she find a way to turn a simple statement into three paragraphs of complete and total mind-numbingly boring bullshit?

There was a couple years here that I actually had discussions with posters in threads like this. There was back and forth and it was actually constructive. I don't get it...not sure if how I express myself has changed but it's not like that anymore. As far as you go, this doesn't bother me but I can tell it probably should. I understand getting annoyed, understand venting, but this seems too personal.

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And I don't wish it on yours. I'm not laughing at the disaster. I'm laughing at jackoffs like Gettnhuge who want to blame Obama for it. Are you, or any of your ilk, suggesting that the solution is out there to stop the leak but this administration doesn't want to do it?



I know they want this leak to be capped. The problem is, BP and the administration aren't doing enough as far as the clean-up. Looks like the've been getting concerned lately now that Florida is getting hit with the oil. Answer this question Newbie: Why is a foreign corporation in charge of the capping and clean-up operation in federal waters? Why did the administration stop the birms from being built to protect LA wetlands and the coast when they found out it might push the oil east toward FL? Why did BP refuse many offers for assistance in the weeks after the spill? Why did the administarion........you know what? Fawk it. Read this story and tell me I'm off.




Anyone who is interested in what's really going down here, nola.com is doing is doing a great job of covering the story.

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I know they want this leak to be capped. The problem is, BP and the administration aren't doing enough as far as the clean-up. Looks like the've been getting concerned lately now that Florida is getting hit with the oil. Answer this question Newbie: Why is a foreign corporation in charge of the capping and clean-up operation in federal waters? Why did the administration stop the birms from being built to protect LA wetlands and the coast when they found out it might push the oil east toward FL? Why did BP refuse many offers for assistance in the weeks after the spill? Why did the administarion........you know what? Fawk it. Read this story and tell me I'm off.




Anyone who is interested in what's really going down here, nola.com is doing is doing a great job of covering the story.



The real problem with BP and Obama is that they don't simply want to stop the leak. They want to salvage the well. If they were to drop say a hundred thousand, five thousand pound sandbags I'm willing to bet the flow of oil would be nil. But you wouldn't be able to recover any oil that way :thumbsdown:

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The real problem with BP and Obama is that they don't simply want to stop the leak. They want to salvage the well. If they were to drop say a hundred thousand, five thousand pound sandbags I'm willing to bet the flow of oil would be nil. But you wouldn't be able to recover any oil that way :thumbsdown:

I could see BP trying to salvage the well, but why would Obama care? He'd have looked like a hero if he ordered this done early-on and it worked. Does Obama have a family who made their money in oil or something? This theory makes no sense.

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I could see BP trying to salvage the well, but why would Obama care? He'd have looked like a hero if he ordered this done early-on and it worked. Does Obama have a family who made their money in oil or something? This theory makes no sense.



I don't know why Obama has not had something like this done. Maybe it's all the oil money he has taken as campaign contributions :dunno: But the I do know that simple ideas work and I'd at least try my idea if the 'experts' can't come up with anything else.

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The real problem with BP and Obama is that they don't simply want to stop the leak. They want to salvage the well. If they were to drop say a hundred thousand, five thousand pound sandbags I'm willing to bet the flow of oil would be nil. But you wouldn't be able to recover any oil that way :thumbsdown:



Maybe. I keep hearing theories about other man-made disasters. Three Mile Island keeps coming up. Enviros used this incident to hault future nuclear power plants. Some are guessing that the goverment took a gamble on how bad it was going to be and used it to restrict other operations in the Gulf and Alaska in the future.

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I don't know why Obama has not had something like this done. Maybe it's all the oil money he has taken as campaign contributions :dunno: But the I do know that simple ideas work and I'd at least try my idea if the 'experts' can't come up with anything else.

Never. No way. If it got out that someone (someone a little more knowledgable than some fantasy football messageboarders) suggested that they could stop this thing by simply dropping sandbags down it, and Obama didn't push ahead because of a backroom deal with BP, it would be the biggest scandal in US Presidential history. There is no way in hell that anyone of knowledge believes there's a solution that simple, and has been all along, but they aren't trying it because they don't want to screw up the well. That is as tinfoilhat as you can possibly be.

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Never. No way. If it got out that someone (someone a little more knowledgable than some fantasy football messageboarders) suggested that they could stop this thing by simply dropping sandbags down it, and Obama didn't push ahead because of a backroom deal with BP, it would be the biggest scandal in US Presidential history. There is no way in hell that anyone of knowledge believes there's a solution that simple, and has been all along, but they aren't trying it because they don't want to screw up the well. That is as tinfoilhat as you can possibly be.



Do you think my idea could work?

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Do you think my idea could work?

In theory. But practically? I have no idea. I'm not an engineer. I have no idea what it would take to insert and keep a sandbag down with that much oil pressuring out. Or what you'd use to force it down. Like I said, there are guys WAY smarter than either of us trying to figure this out.

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Well, when the 20 bil gets paid out, the government is going to get a shitload of money in taxes...

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In theory. But practically? I have no idea. I'm not an engineer. I have no idea what it would take to insert and keep a sandbag down with that much oil pressuring out. Or what you'd use to force it down. Like I said, there are guys WAY smarter than either of us trying to figure this out.


If you dumped a millior sandbags down there and it still leaked out, then you're focked focked. no way

a mile down rovers could move all that

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WASHINGTON (AP) -- The United States is accepting help from 12 countries and international organizations in dealing with the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.


The State Department said in a statement Tuesday that the U.S. is working out the particulars of the help that's been accepted.


The identities of all 12 countries and international organizations were not immediately announced. One country was cited in the State Department statement -- Japan, which is providing two high-speed skimmers and fire containment boom.


More than 30 countries and international organizations have offered to help with the spill. The State Department hasn't indicated why some offers have been accepted and others have not.

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Never. No way. If it got out that someone (someone a little more knowledgable than some fantasy football messageboarders) suggested that they could stop this thing by simply dropping sandbags down it, and Obama didn't push ahead because of a backroom deal with BP, it would be the biggest scandal in US Presidential history. There is no way in hell that anyone of knowledge believes there's a solution that simple, and has been all along, but they aren't trying it because they don't want to screw up the well. That is as tinfoilhat as you can possibly be.

Yeah because Obama would never make backroom deals :rolleyes:

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Let's hire even more people to do cosmetic work. Good thing our righty-wackos from this board aren't in charge of the clean-up. They'd have a billion people on it and be out of money in a week. :music_guitarred:


Wait...so the way things are going that is not the rightys fault for doing cosmetic work, and you found a way to bash the rightys here for something not happening?

And you still claim you are independent?

Painfully obvious you are far from independent.

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You know what's funny about this? Day 47. And no mention from the MSM about what it should be called. The Oil Spill that is. The spill doesn't have a crisis name like most really bad disasters have. Or hurricanes have. Or movements have. Or wars have. Or earthquakes have. 47 days and we still call it an oil spill. The biggest natural man-made disaster in our history, and we are calling it a" BP disaster!" Sort of. It's not an "Obama disaster!" It happend on his watch, no? This is his Iran " USA Taken Hostage!" This is his his Nixon's Watergate? This is his Reagan's "Contra" ordeal? This is his Clinton's, "Monica/Gate?" I'm confused. Where is the name for this ordeal, which is not his fault, but a happening that did happen on his watch? He owns this, no? I'm confused to whether he is responsible for this disaster or not. It happend and is happening on his time in the WH.....No?


What will day 50 bring? 100? I was just told Christmas was the best time-table. Nice..........Also, why aren't the birds and other wildlife dying being shown on a nightly basis? The ones that are dying? Because truth hurts and politics rule! :first:

Obama accepts 100% responsibility and 0% blame


Yep, not many oily seals on the TV news... If only BP had insulted Obama like McCrystal, BO would have done something immediately... For now its like the Nashville Flooding, a bunch of republican votes he can't buy with FEMA money, so he keeps it on the side...

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I know they want this leak to be capped. The problem is, BP and the administration aren't doing enough as far as the clean-up. Looks like the've been getting concerned lately now that Florida is getting hit with the oil. Answer this question Newbie: Why is a foreign corporation in charge of the capping and clean-up operation in federal waters? Why did the administration stop the birms from being built to protect LA wetlands and the coast when they found out it might push the oil east toward FL? Why did BP refuse many offers for assistance in the weeks after the spill? Why did the administarion........you know what? Fawk it. Read this story and tell me I'm off.




Anyone who is interested in what's really going down here, nola.com is doing is doing a great job of covering the story.

The answer to this question is that the FEDs are required by law to have sufficient firebooms in place for a disaster like this... They didn't even think to employ them til day 7 or so and they don't have any... They didn't reach out to foreign countries until week 2 or 3 to inquire if they could 'borrow' them to clean up a little mess...


The lack of responsibility from the Govt is nauseating...

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Wait...so the way things are going that is not the rightys fault for doing cosmetic work, and you found a way to bash the rightys here for something not happening?

And you still claim you are independent?

Painfully obvious you are far from independent.

Yes I am, pal. I get a kick out of all political whiners and hacks.


I'm bashing the righties for acting like Obama has any blame gfor this happening or that it's still leaking. That's hilarious.

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