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why wont obama show his birth certificate

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I'm sure you're not. The most information I've found on this topic is at the Sean Hannity website forum, where there are people literally obsessed with this topic. There is a ton of information available there that I hadn't seen before; many knowledgeable people and a couple of kooks (on both sides of the political spectrum). Nonetheless, the conversations on this topic there take place at the highest levels:





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Sometimes where there's smoke there's fire.


Sometimes where there's smoke, there's just people blowing smoke.


Sometimes where there's smoke it's because somebody accidentally set their own house on fire.


This issue is absolutely lethal to the GOP. It's a cancer in their own house entirely of their own making. The immediate reaction of all decent, normal, sane people is to recoil in horror at this stupidity. And so the only place to go is to defend Obama. Whoever the GOP nominee is is going to have to somehow walk a fine line between kissing these retarded asses enough to win the nomination while at the same time not seem like a side-show circus freak to alienate everybody else. And I think that's what's holding back people with sense from entering the race.


I have almost nothing good to say about Obama. I don't like his presidency. But if it looks like the inmates are running the asylum at the GOP, especially considering the low esteem I have for the GOP to begin with as they slowly try to extract themselves from the Bush Jr. shadow, that's really detrimental to their chances to win my vote. If lunatics are running the party, I won't want them influencing the person running the country. Obama isn't enough of a disaster for that to occur.

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Sometimes where there's smoke there's fire.


Sometimes where there's smoke, there's just people blowing smoke.


Sometimes where there's smoke it's because somebody accidentally set their own house on fire.


This issue is absolutely lethal to the GOP. It's a cancer in their own house entirely of their own making. The immediate reaction of all decent, normal, sane people is to recoil in horror at this stupidity. And so the only place to go is to defend Obama. Whoever the GOP nominee is is going to have to somehow walk a fine line between kissing these retarded asses enough to win the nomination while at the same time not seem like a side-show circus freak to alienate everybody else. And I think that's what's holding back people with sense from entering the race.


I have almost nothing good to say about Obama. I don't like his presidency. But if it looks like the inmates are running the asylum at the GOP, especially considering the low esteem I have for the GOP to begin with as they slowly try to extract themselves from the Bush Jr. shadow, that's really detrimental to their chances to win my vote. If lunatics are running the party, I won't want them influencing the person running the country. Obama isn't enough of a disaster for that to occur.

Actually, with that book coming out and the way this is going, it will be resolved long before the election gets serious. I think you are just looking for a reason to not vote for the GOP. This should be a non issue by the time the election rolls around.

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Actually, with that book coming out and the way this is going, it will be resolved long before the election gets serious. I think you are just looking for a reason to not vote for the GOP. This should be a non issue by the time the election rolls around.


How is it going to be resolved? Obama is not showing anything more than what he already has--which is more than enough. So either the birthers let it drop (very unlikely) or somehow impeach him over it (snowball's chance in hell). I see this going on for as long as Obama is President.

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How is it going to be resolved? Obama is not showing anything more than what he already has--which is more than enough. So either the birthers let it drop (very unlikely) or somehow impeach him over it (snowball's chance in hell). I see this going on for as long as Obama is President.


It will either be exposed or debunked by then. IMO

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How is it going to be resolved? Obama is not showing anything more than what he already has--which is more than enough. So either the birthers let it drop (very unlikely) or somehow impeach him over it (snowball's chance in hell). I see this going on for as long as Obama is President.


Did Arizona pass a law demanding that POTUS candidates prove their eligibility? And Georgia is doing the same thing?


I think Voltaire massively overstates this issue. Someone (him?) posted just what percentage of Rebublicans don't even think that Obama was born here. Is this issue going to hurt the Republican vote? No.


Are Democrats going to be swayed? No: they're hopelessly in Obama's camp; what another group of voters does or thinks matter not to them.


What about independents? Obama won independents by a decent margin in '08. His polling numbers with independents have plummeted since. In fact, he's lost another 20% of them at the moment.


This issue means little to the overal scheme of things...unless Obama suddenly can't prove eligibility in a couple of states. That could be interesting.

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Hee hee~! :lol:

Thanks for answering my ?'s earlier - honestly I haven't gotten too involved with this topic, and hadn't realized HI has confirmed the long form exists. This may be moon landing for some, but it looks like official state records in HI cannot be released to individuals. So either HI changes this law, or the issue will never be resolved. But I don't think that will settle it, either, as birthomania will just erupt into another layer of conspiracy how the document was forged. If other states have similar regulations with their documents, I wonder why this hasn't been an issue before? :rhetorical question emoticon:


In Hawaii, accessing some Obama birth info is easy


Associated Press


HONOLULU (AP) -- Lost in the renewed scrutiny into President Barack Obama's birth records is the fact that anyone can walk into a Hawaii vital records office, wait in line behind couples getting marriage licenses and open a baby-blue government binder containing basic information about his birth.


Highlighted in yellow on page 1,218 of the thick binder is the computer-generated listing for a boy named Barack Hussein Obama II born in Hawaii, surrounded by the alphabetized last names of all other children born in-state between 1960 and 1964. This is the only government birth information, called "index data," available to the public.

So far this month, only The Associated Press and one other person had looked at the binder, according to a sign-in sheet viewed Wednesday in the state Department of Health building. The sheet showed about 25 names of people who have seen the document since March 2010, when the sign-in sheet begins.


Those documents complement newspaper birth announcements published soon after Obama's Aug. 4, 1961 birth and a "certification of live birth" released by the Obama campaign three years ago, the only type of birth certificate the state issues.


So-called "birthers" claim there's no proof Obama was born in the United States, and he is therefore ineligible to be president. Many of the skeptics suggest he was actually born in Kenya, his father's home country, or Indonesia where he spent a few years of his childhood.


Possible Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has repeatedly stoked the birther fires recently, and last month called on Obama to "show his birth certificate." Trump said he has investigators in Hawaii searching for more information.


"Nobody has come in and said they're investigating for Donald Trump," said Department of Health spokeswoman Janice Okubo, who acknowledged they could've come in without identifying themselves as representing Trump.


What the would-be sleuths won't find is Obama's "long-form birth certificate," a confidential one-page document containing his original birth records kept on file in the first floor of the Department of Health.


Those original birth records typically include additional birth details, such as the hospital and delivering doctor, said Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the state's former health director who twice looked at and publicly confirmed Obama's original long-form birth records.


But those documents are state government property that can't be released to anyone, even the president himself, said Joshua Wisch, special assistant to the state attorney general. Obama would be able to inspect his birth records if he visited the Health Department in person, but original records of live birth are never released, he said.

Fukino, who served as the state's health director until late last year under former Republican Gov. Linda Lingle, said in an interview with The Associated Press she's convinced the long-form document is authentic. She issued public statements in 2008 and 2009 saying she had seen the original records.


"It is absolutely clear to me that he was born here in Hawaii," Fukino told the AP. "It should not be an issue, and I think people need to focus on the other bad things going on in our country and in our state and figure out what we're going to do about those things."


Before Obama's campaign released his certification of live birth in 2008, he or someone with a tangible interest had to make a written request and pay a $10 fee to receive it, Okubo said. Wisch also said Obama obtained a copy of his own certification of live birth and publicly released it.


State privacy laws prevent a certification of live birth from being released to anyone except those with a tangible interest, such as the person named by the birth record or a close family member.


The document is generated by computer, based on original birth records on file with the state, Fukino said.


New Health Director Loretta Fuddy, a Democratic appointee, declined to comment.


Last week, Republican Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed a bill that would have required presidential candidates to prove their U.S. citizenship before their names could appear on the state's ballot - which was widely viewed as targeting Obama - calling it a "bridge too far."


But the birther conspiracy theory refuses to go away. The latest New York Times-CBS News poll found that 45 percent of adult Republicans said they believe Obama was born in another country, and 22 percent said they don't know. Only one-third of Republicans said they believe the president is native born. The same poll a year ago found that a plurality of Republicans believed the president was born in the U.S.


Obama said in an interview with ABC News this month that Republicans sowing doubts about whether he's American-born may gain politically in the short term by playing to their constituencies, but will have trouble when the general election rolls around.


"Just want to be clear - I was born in Hawaii," the president said at a fundraiser in his hometown of Chicago.


Newspaper birth announcements appeared in both The Honolulu Advertiser and The Honolulu Star-Bulletin in the weeks after he was born.


The Aug. 13, 1961 announcement in the Advertiser appears on page B-6 of the Sunday edition, next to classified ads for carpentry work and house repair.

It says, "Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama, 6085 Kalanianaole Hwy., son, Aug. 4." The address belonged to the parents of Ann Dunham, Obama's mother.

A similar announcement appeared the following day on page 24 of the Star-Bulletin.

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When Hawaii was admitted to the union in 1958, it earned equal footing to the other 49 states. It got two senators, a congressional delegation and it's own star placed on the flag. It became as legitimate a birthplace of a future president as Virginia, Massachusetts, Illinois, Ohio, Texas, or any other state.


The records that Obama was born there three years later are all in order and have been confirmed and verified many times over.


But even if for some reason you brainless turds are right and Ann Dunham actually did decide to avoid the ob/gyn professionals of modern Hawaii in favor of having a Kenyan witchdoctor deliver her baby, while at the same time fooling the state of Hawaii as well as their newspapers in case it wanted to grow up to be president, it doesn't matter. Since the kid came out of her crotch, it's a natural born American even if it was delivered in Kenya.


So get over your stoopid-beyond-all-belief selves and move the fock along. It's embarrassing taking you guys serious enough to reply to the idiocy in this thread.

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I'm sure you're not. The most information I've found on this topic is at the Sean Hannity website forum, where there are people literally obsessed with this topic. There is a ton of information available there that I hadn't seen before; many knowledgeable people and a couple of kooks (on both sides of the political spectrum). Nonetheless, the conversations on this topic there take place at the highest levels:



I'd as soon sit next to The Tuberculosis Guy on a flight to Kenya than inflict that nonsense on my eyes/mind, thanks.

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Did Arizona pass a law demanding that POTUS candidates prove their eligibility? And Georgia is doing the same thing?


I think Voltaire massively overstates this issue. Someone (him?) posted just what percentage of Rebublicans don't even think that Obama was born here. Is this issue going to hurt the Republican vote? No.


Are Democrats going to be swayed? No: they're hopelessly in Obama's camp; what another group of voters does or thinks matter not to them.


What about independents? Obama won independents by a decent margin in '08. His polling numbers with independents have plummeted since. In fact, he's lost another 20% of them at the moment.


This issue means little to the overal scheme of things...unless Obama suddenly can't prove eligibility in a couple of states. That could be interesting.


You are so far gone man. I can't help you. :(

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I'd as soon sit next to The Tuberculosis Guy on a flight to Kenya than inflict that nonsense on my eyes/mind, thanks.


No ######, I can't imagine the amount of retards over there. We need to send in giants fan

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When Hawaii was admitted to the union in 1958, it earned equal footing to the other 49 states. It got two senators, a congressional delegation and it's own star placed on the flag. It became as legitimate a birthplace of a future president as Virginia, Massachusetts, Illinois, Ohio, Texas, or any other state.


The records that Obama was born there three years later are all in order and have been confirmed and verified many times over.


But even if for some reason you brainless turds are right and Ann Dunham actually did decide to avoid the ob/gyn professionals of modern Hawaii in favor of having a Kenyan witchdoctor deliver her baby, while at the same time fooling the state of Hawaii as well as their newspapers in case it wanted to grow up to be president, it doesn't matter. Since the kid came out of her crotch, it's a natural born American even if it was delivered in Kenya.


So get over your stoopid-beyond-all-belief selves and move the fock along. It's embarrassing taking you guys serious enough to reply to the idiocy in this thread.


Ignoring your elitist attitude dripping off your insults for a moment, doesn't the definition of Natural Born Citizen require two US citizen parents?

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I'd as soon sit next to The Tuberculosis Guy on a flight to Kenya than inflict that nonsense on my eyes/mind, thanks.


People with defensible positions aren't afraid to read anything. There is quite a bit of interesting information there. There are retired marines posting there; doctors; lawyers, and a couple of nuts mixed in. The nuts are obvious. Everyone else offers meaningful posts.


Stop fearing that which is different from you.

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Stop fearing that which is different from you.


Mensamind pleading for tolerance! Oh that's rich! :lol:

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Mensamind pleading for tolerance! Oh that's rich! :lol:


Hypocrite. You are unable to demonstrate how you are in any way tolerant.


I'm not afraid to read or see anything. You, apparently, are. So is Voltaire. To actually compare reading a forum to exposing oneself to a disease is ridiculous.



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Ignoring your elitist attitude dripping off your insults for a moment, doesn't the definition of Natural Born Citizen require two US citizen parents?


Doesn't apply to Obama.


Hell, just look at what he is trying to do to Boeing. They are trying to survive by getting away from the crooked unions by moving to South Carolina. Not on Obama's watch. Companies can move over seas and to Mexico, but how dare they move to another state in the USA.:wall::wall::wall:

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Thanks for answering my ?'s earlier - honestly I haven't gotten too involved with this topic, and hadn't realized HI has confirmed the long form exists. This may be moon landing for some, but it looks like official state records in HI cannot be released to individuals. So either HI changes this law, or the issue will never be resolved. But I don't think that will settle it, either, as birthomania will just erupt into another layer of conspiracy how the document was forged. If other states have similar regulations with their documents, I wonder why this hasn't been an issue before? :rhetorical question emoticon:

You post an article that basically affirms the need to corroborate a long form, and states that Chinoyke Funiyama personally saw the long form so its cool, but it can never ever be released or seen by anyone to prove anything...



Cliffs: Chinoyke Funiyama said its cool... so its cool.



I disagree with voltaire that its impact is remotely meanful as compared to the cumulative evaluation of his presidential ineptitude. Its more a statement to how easily the masses can be brainwashed through intimidation.

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Ignoring your elitist attitude dripping off your insults for a moment, doesn't the definition of Natural Born Citizen require two US citizen parents?

in the grey area of all this, natural born requiring both parents is even shakier. You could make the argument though. It was affirmed by the house and the defintion was never challenged, despite challenges happening on pretty much everything. At the time they were probably much more sensitive to enemy infiltration.

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Ignoring your elitist attitude dripping off your insults for a moment, doesn't the definition of Natural Born Citizen require two US citizen parents?


No. It doesn't even require one. Somehow, every illiterate Mexicans knows this yet Birthers don't.


Also, single American parents pass on US citizenship to their babies born overseas. I happen to know something about this personally since I have done this and have obtained US passports for my kids with zero hassle.


So even if Ann Dunham fled the US ob/gyn professionals so that a Kenyan witchdoctor could deliver her baby as you would have me believe, it still doesn't matter.

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No. It doesn't even require one. Somehow, every illiterate Mexicans knows this yet Birthers don't.


Knock the focking arrogance off. This is not as cut and dried as you're attempting to make it. Your position benefits only from a lack of scrutiny of that issue.

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People with defensible positions aren't afraid to read anything. There is quite a bit of interesting information there. There are retired marines posting there; doctors; lawyers, and a couple of nuts mixed in. The nuts are obvious. Everyone else offers meaningful posts.


Stop fearing that which is different from you.

I'm not inclined to jump in a pile of sh*t looking for a gold nugget when I know there isn't a gold nugget to begin with. If you do find one though, let me know.


While I enjoy mocking them, I would not find it entertaininwatching fools mentally masturbate over this subject.

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Knock the focking arrogance off. This is not as cut and dried as you're attempting to make it. Your position benefits only from a lack of scrutiny of that issue.

Yes it is.


Why are the Birthers so obsessed about Obama's birth certificate? If they want to nail Obama over the "two America parents" silliness you mention, they should buy a copy of his book since he tells you up front that his father was not a US citizen.

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Yes it is.


Why are the Birthers so obsessed about Obama's birth certificate? If they want to nail Obama over the "two America parents" silliness you mention, they should buy a copy of his book since he tells you up front that his father was not a US citizen.


Well I read a post to fast. When the 2 parents was mentioned, for some reason I was thinking about a child being born on foreign soil. We all know that if a baby is born on US soil, it is an automatic citizen, as insane as that policy is.

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Well I read a post to fast. When the 2 parents was mentioned, for some reason I was thinking about a child being born on foreign soil. We all know that if a baby is born on US soil, it is an automatic citizen, as insane as that policy is.



Yes, but was Hawaii one of our 57 states back in '61? :bandana:

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Well I read a post to fast. When the 2 parents was mentioned, for some reason I was thinking about a child being born on foreign soil. We all know that if a baby is born on US soil, it is an automatic citizen, as insane as that policy is.


Automatic citizen, yes. Natural Born Citizen, no.

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that article was very informative.

now it's clear to me that obama was in fact born in hawaii and has provided all the documentation he has access to.

his name is in the book for having been born on the day he said and others have confirmed seeing the long form document that is not given out.

case closed for me.



why haven't the birthers just tried to get his mother's passport or flight information to prove that she was in kenya if they believe that to be the case?

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Yes it is.


Why are the Birthers so obsessed about Obama's birth certificate? If they want to nail Obama over the "two America parents" silliness you mention, they should buy a copy of his book since he tells you up front that his father was not a US citizen.

because he hasn't transparently followed the rules in the publics eye. For all we know, he showed proper docs to the proper people and he is just ham and egging the public with this short form nonsense.


Voltaire is incorrect in his opinion of the qualifications to be POTUS. They are explicitly differentiated from standard citizenship. He seems to think that all who question this situation presume he was born overseass. He simply hasn't publically proven qualifications.


Thankfully by the next election there will be several states that require Obama show transparancy if he wants to be on the ballot there. I'm certainly content to see how this plays out.

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Whatever you say Scalia.... :lol:




You do know that simply being a US Citizen doesn't qualify you for the Presidency, yes?

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Article 2, section 1, clause 5


Clause 5: No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.





Section. 4.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

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because he hasn't transparently followed the rules in the publics eye. For all we know, he showed proper docs to the proper people and he is just ham and egging the public with this short form nonsense.


Voltaire is incorrect in his opinion of the qualifications to be POTUS. They are explicitly differentiated from standard citizenship. He seems to think that all who question this situation presume he was born overseass. He simply hasn't publically proven qualifications.


Thankfully by the next election there will be several states that require Obama show transparancy if he wants to be on the ballot there. I'm certainly content to see how this plays out.


They are explicitly differentiated. They disqualify anyone under 35, naturalized Americans, people who have lived in the country for less than 14 years and people who have served two terms already (George W. Bush and Bill Clinton).


Unless you're telling me there are more things that disqualify people from the office, like the two American parent stuff IMM got from somewhere somehow, none of them disqualify President Obama.

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You post an article that basically affirms the need to corroborate a long form, and states that Chinoyke Funiyama personally saw the long form so its cool, but it can never ever be released or seen by anyone to prove anything...



Cliffs: Chinoyke Funiyama said its cool... so its cool.



I disagree with voltaire that its impact is remotely meanful as compared to the cumulative evaluation of his presidential ineptitude. Its more a statement to how easily the masses can be brainwashed through intimidation.

The article also states HI forbids the original document from being released. Certain people can view the original document, while a proxy form can be released. And it has: the nefarious short form.


So the Birthers need this policy (presumably part of HI privacy laws) changed to allow a public viewing of the long form, right?

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I tend to believe that a person's stated politics aren't of the primary importance when running for president. Once they get into office they become privy to so much private/secret information that they nor we were privy to, that 70% of their previous beliefs become moot.


Thusly, I tend to vote based not on a candidates stated politics, but on what I think of their intellect, character, ability to handle situations, etc.


I honestly have no idea which way I'll vote in the upcoming election. But if the question comes up in debates, I can't fathom voting for any candidate that views Obama's birth as any sort of issue at all. I can't reconcile someone having concerns with this issue with someone capable of intellect, critical thinking, or sound logic.

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So the Birthers need this policy (presumably part of HI privacy laws) changed to allow a public viewing of the long form, right?

Thats what it sounds like... accord to that article, the proof is under lock and key and unviewable...


My question is why that wasn't simply disclosed from the start... I have never heard of his long form existing, all reports either say it was missing, never existed, or he was simply waving the short form around as a strawman.

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I honestly have no idea which way I'll vote in the upcoming election. But if the question comes up in debates, I can't fathom voting for any candidate that views Obama's birth as any sort of issue at all. I can't reconcile someone having concerns with this issue with someone capable of intellect, critical thinking, or sound logic.

People who question when there is a lack of evidence are precisely the type of people we need in govt. Trump was absolutely right to raise the question when the details are clearly sketchy. It is the administrations responsibility to answer questions and be transparent. they have failed to do so, amongst many many other things.

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Ignoring your elitist attitude dripping off your insults for a moment, doesn't the definition of Natural Born Citizen require two US citizen parents?

I still want to talk about this because I find it very funny.


My position is: No, it's not. You are making this up.


It's funny that after 30 months spent obsessing about and mentally circlejerk masturbating your freak buddies about Obama's eligability to be president, this is one of the serious things that you people have come up with.


Please show me where you got this definition. If you can do that, you don't need even need his birth certificate at all! Out of the goodness of my heart, you can combine your link with mine and it will make it easy for you to get Obama tossed out on his non-natural born ass: http://www.amazon.com/Dreams-My-Father-Story-Inheritance/dp/1400082773

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Can someone explain why this even matters in the first place?


Say on some remote chance Obama's mother flew to Kenya cuz she heard the health care there was better, gave birth, and then took the newborn back as soon as she was released from the hospital, orchestrating a cover up akin to the JFK assassination...


Why the fock does it matter? Is it just people so pissed off that he got elected by the American people that they are looking for any reason top invalidate that the democracy we live in wanted him as our president? I seriously don't get it.

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I still want to talk about this because I find it very funny.


My position is: No, it's not. You are making this up.


It's funny that after 30 months spent obsessing about and mentally circlejerk masturbating your freak buddies about Obama's eligability to be president, this is one of the serious things that you people have come up with.


Please show me where you got this definition. If you can do that, you don't need even need his birth certificate at all! Out of the goodness of my heart, you can combine your link with mine and it will make it easy for you to get Obama tossed out on his non-natural born ass: http://www.amazon.com/Dreams-My-Father-Story-Inheritance/dp/1400082773

It all revolves around the term natural born citizen, which is explicitly stated in the constitution. For a guy who'd clearly like to think he's intellectually superior, you don't understand that interpretations of words in contracts and such are very very important. In fact, in most contracts i deal with, there is a section called "definitions" which is important for when people are trying to figure out situations like this...


If you dive into the historical context of that defintion within the house you'll find some interesting conclusions.

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Can someone explain why this even matters in the first place?


Say on some remote chance Obama's mother flew to Kenya cuz she heard the health care there was better, gave birth, and then took the newborn back as soon as she was released from the hospital, orchestrating a cover up akin to the JFK assassination...


Why the fock does it matter? Is it just people so pissed off that he got elected by the American people that they are looking for any reason top invalidate that the democracy we live in wanted him as our president? I seriously don't get it.

it would be the first time in history the US elected a president who didn't meet the qualifications. It would mean there has been a breakdown at nearly every level of the election process...


It matters because rules exist for a reason. I agree it is a substantially smaller issue that his incompetance, but he is going to have to prove legitimate for the next election... If you believe in freedom and in our rights as citizens you should be abhorred by the thought of the govt acting in a carte blanche fashion trampling on our constitutional rights...

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