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Casual Observer

Does birth control really cost

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When morons like Rush Limbaugh go around saying these women must be sluts because they want access to birth control, it becomes a women's rights issue. The right wing has gone full retard on this, as usual.

I didn't hear what Rush said, but I did hear another guy cracking on her. It isn't about "access", it's about getting someone else to pay for it. If money was the real issue condoms run about $1 each, so this ###### could have sex 3 times a day 365 days a year and get by on $1000.


After seeing her on the TV, I'm guessing $20 bucks worth of Trojans would be more than enough to cover that heffer. :thumbsup:

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Worms doesn't get it, he is a communist.


Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.

- John Winston Lennon (9 October 1940 - 8 December 1980)

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Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.

- John Winston Lennon (9 October 1940 - 8 December 1980)


If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

- Walt Disney

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I didn't hear what Rush said, but I did hear another guy cracking on her. It isn't about "access", it's about getting someone else to pay for it. If money was the real issue condoms run about $1 each, so this ###### could have sex 3 times a day 365 days a year and get by on $1000.


Condoms are generally not a highly effective method of birth control. You'd probably know that if you had ever gotten laid.

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Some women can only take certain kinds of birth control because they have reactions to other kinds. My guess is this particular woman is limited to an expensive brand of birth control.


But really, is it any of your effing business? Or Rush Limbaugh's, for that matter?


...or the government's?

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Condoms are generally not a highly effective method of birth control. You'd probably know that if you had ever gotten laid.

Ya get what ya pay for..............er, or what other people pay for you.

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This is exactly why men shouldn't be in charge of making laws about our vaginas.


Exactly. These decisions should be left up to a woman and her doctor. Between the two of them, they should figure out the most effective method she can afford. :thumbsup:

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Ya get what ya pay for..............er, or what other people pay for you.


But then you also have to pau for their unplanned pregnancy when the condom fails. Insurance is about pooling risks so if other insured persons are at higher risks for unplanned pregnancies then your premiums are higher to account for that.


Would you really rather pay MORE money just so women won't have access to effective means of birth control?

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But then you also have to pau for their unplanned pregnancy when the condom fails. Insurance is about pooling risks so if other insured persons are at higher risks for unplanned pregnancies then your premiums are higher to account for that.


Would you really rather pay MORE money just so women won't have access to effective means of birth control?

Really? When did insurance policies start covering elective surgery?

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Exactly. These decisions should be left up to a woman and her doctor. Between the two of them, they should figure out the most effective method she can afford. :thumbsup:


OK. I think I can agree with you on that.

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There have been studies that show people with free access to birth control will use it more and that it will reduce unwanted pregnancies and in the long run it saves money for the government.

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Here is her actual testimony:


My link


I find her message somewhat unfocused. I agree with the part about providing coverage for medical issues like PCOS. But she seems to try to logically extend that to free birth control for all women. I think. :unsure:

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Really? When did insurance policies start covering elective surgery?


Elective surgery? What the hell are you talking about?

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This has not been my experience. :(

Look at the wimmen here. Total sluts :banana:

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Here is her actual testimony:


My link


I find her message somewhat unfocused. I agree with the part about providing coverage for medical issues like PCOS. But she seems to try to logically extend that to free birth control for all women. I think. :unsure:



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Wouldn't an abortion be elective? I don't think insurance covers abortions.

You might be shocked to find out a lot of them do.

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What's the cost of not providing the nympho birth control? Lets say she has the choice of buying a big mac or the next round of bc, and she makes the wrong choice. What is the cost to the taxpayer assuming she cant support the child vs. paying for the pill? :dunno:

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Can't copy the chart of contraceptive costs, but this article has a breakdown: My link

They estimate "the pill" costs up to $1210/year, which includes doctor visits. Unwanted pregnancies cost a lot more than that.

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Wouldn't an abortion be elective? I don't think insurance covers abortions.


I was referring to the cost of taking a baby to term, which is substantial. From what I understand the Affordable Health Care Act does not require insurance companies to cover abortions. That would obviously be a major sticking point for some.


Anyway, you'll agree that the cost of birth control is probably much less than the cost of caring for a pregnant mother and baby, then delivering of that baby, and then health care for that baby, right?

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I was referring to the cost of taking a baby to term, which is substantial. From what I understand the Affordable Health Care Act does not require insurance companies to cover abortions. That would obviously be a major sticking point for some.


Anyway, you'll agree that the cost of birth control is probably much less than the cost of caring for a pregnant mother and baby, then delivering of that baby, and then health care for that baby, right?

And you'll agree that not having sex with people you don't intend to have a child with, without the proper means of preventing a pregnancy, is absolutely free.

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And you'll agree that not having sex with people you don't intend to have a child with, without the proper means of preventing a pregnancy, is absolutely free.


"The proper means of preventing pregnancy" is birth control. So am I missing something or are we in agreement on this topic? :unsure:

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"The proper means of preventing pregnancy" is birth control. So am I missing something or are we in agreement on this topic? :unsure:

I am going to go with you are missing something.

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And you'll agree that not having sex with people you don't intend to have a child with, without the proper means of preventing a pregnancy, is absolutely free.

That only works for fat people and lepers.

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Seems like the only concern the bored libs have with unwanted pregnancies is the cost. Howsabout this plan: Anytime some woman pipes up that she got pregnant and can't/won't pay for the cost of either raising the child, or aborting the child, we put a bullet in her head.


Bullets are cheap, problem solved for society, no moral judgement involved. :thumbsup:

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I was referring to the cost of taking a baby to term, which is substantial. From what I understand the Affordable Health Care Act does not require insurance companies to cover abortions. That would obviously be a major sticking point for some.


Anyway, you'll agree that the cost of birth control is probably much less than the cost of caring for a pregnant mother and baby, then delivering of that baby, and then health care for that baby, right?


Sure, but that is lying with statistics. The real question is: does the cost of providing birth control for free to all women outweigh the cost of prenatal care for those who do get pregnant? Also, health care for the baby doesn't count because you need a new (read: more expensive) plan when you have a dependent.


Empirically, I would say that the birth control option is more expensive, because if it weren't, insurance companies would be begging people to take it for free. I believe we've established that insurance companies care about nothing but the bottom line, right?

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Rush Linbaugh is a shock jock radio talk show host. The sooner YOU realize that the better off we'll be.



This shock jock lost 8 sponsors yesterday and more will be dropping out next week. Keep doubling down Rush and you'll go the way Beck did. :banana:

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This shock jock lost 8 sponsors yesterday and more will be dropping out next week. Keep doubling down Rush and you'll go the way Beck did. :banana:


With his own radio show and innerweb TV network? :unsure:

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Seems like the only concern the bored libs have with unwanted pregnancies is the cost. Howsabout this plan: Anytime some woman pipes up that she got pregnant and can't/won't pay for the cost of either raising the child, or aborting the child, we put a bullet in her head.


Bullets are cheap, problem solved for society, no moral judgement involved. :thumbsup:

Only if we also pop the father too.

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Seems like the only concern the bored libs have with unwanted pregnancies is the cost. Howsabout this plan: Anytime some woman pipes up that she got pregnant and can't/won't pay for the cost of either raising the child, or aborting the child, we put a bullet in her head.


Bullets are cheap, problem solved for society, no moral judgement involved. :thumbsup:


Isn't that just slightly misogynistic?

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The last time this was an issue for me (ten years ago) an ex-girlfriend paid $80 per month for birth control out of pocket. So yes, it can cost $1,000.


Glad we could answer your question. :thumbsup:

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Condoms are generally not a highly effective method of birth control. You'd probably know that if you had ever gotten laid.


Condoms are highly effective when used correctly. And much less expensive. So now we have to pay for people's sh*t because the people in question aren't capable of using the more cost effective method correctly?



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Condoms are highly effective when used correctly. And much less expensive. So now we have to pay for people's sh*t because the people in question aren't capable of using the more cost effective method correctly?




There are lots of reasons to be on birth control pills that have nothing to do with contraception. :dunno:

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Condoms are highly effective when used correctly. And much less expensive. So now we have to pay for people's sh*t because the people in question aren't capable of using the more cost effective method correctly?




You've never had a condom break on you or come off during the act?

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There are lots of reasons to be on birth control pills that have nothing to do with contraception. :dunno:


Right, but maybe you should read the title of this thread.......

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You've never had a condom break on you or come off during the act?


Come off? What, are you focking kidding me? How small are you? And no, I've never had one break. If that's a concern I suggest wearing two. It would still cost less than a thousand bucks a year.

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Right, but maybe you should read the title of this thread.......


I did. That question was answered on Page 1. What you're asking is whether we should pay for birth control pills when other, cheaper forms of contraception is available. My answer is that BC pills aren't always used for contraception. They're also a lot more reliable than condoms.

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I did. That question was answered on Page 1. What you're asking is whether we should pay for birth control pills when other, cheaper forms of contraception is available. My answer is that BC pills aren't always used for contraception. They're also a lot more reliable than condoms.


So why should we pay for it if it's not for birth control? And no, they're not more reliable than condoms when condoms are used correctly.

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