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this guy absolutely nails it...race related

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I was wondering how long it would take for someone to post this. :thumbsup:


Dood's pretty damn smart and stuff. (Not you, Drob)

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This is the kind of leader that the African American community needs, desperately.


Self-reliance, self-determination and shunning the efforts of government to create a culture of welfare-reliance.


Imagine if this man could lead a paradigm shift away from the tired and apathetic notion of "the white man holding us back" and into an awakening of the potential that lies hidden? Imagine the social and economic benefit of the African American community bringing their ability and potential to bear into our society....China would tremble at the possibilities.

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Sounds pretty good, but like most politicians on both sides of the aisle, will he act according to his reported values?

Like who?

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This is the kind of leader that the African American community needs, desperately.


Self-reliance, self-determination and shunning the efforts of government to create a culture of welfare-reliance.


Imagine if this man could lead a paradigm shift away from the tired and apathetic notion of "the white man holding us back" and into an awakening of the potential that lies hidden? Imagine the social and economic benefit of the African American community bringing their ability and potential to bear into our society....China would tremble at the possibilities.


You don't really expect all those EBT-having, Negros to go out and find work do you?


Just so they can be 'free' from the "man's" grip?


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You don't really expect all those EBT-having, Negros to go out and find work do you?


Just so they can be 'free' from the "man's" grip?



I do.


I have seen people who, when given a chance to take ownership of their prosperity, will rise to the occasion. Historically, the issue has always been one of access and opportunity. That issue has been addressed rather well, now what we face is a culture of dependance and apathy, one that was created by the denial of access the the provision of social programs.


This mess is of our own construction. It's up to us to now take the next step and help this community of people move away from their self-hate and apathy and embrace full participation in our society.


The outcome benefits us all, we all win where all members of society participate and have access to opportunity and wealth.

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Guy has a point. Too bad the GOP tolerates bigots, otherwise they'd probably do better than 10% of the black vote.

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Guy has a point. Too bad the GOP tolerates bigots, otherwise they'd probably do better than 10% of the black vote.

You still don't get it. :lol:

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Guy has a point. Too bad the GOP tolerates bigots, otherwise they'd probably do better than 10% of the black vote.


Sure, I mean the Democrats are pristine with great men like Robert Byrd, Fullbright, Gore Sr. and many more.... I mean, opposing civil rights and all was just cool.

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Sure, I mean the Democrats are pristine with great men like Robert Byrd, Fullbright, Gore Sr. and many more.... I mean, opposing civil rights and all was just cool.

Since that stuff all happened before I was alive I can't comment on it. I'm just saying, the fact that the GOP tolerates race baiters like Rush Limbaugh and the party spends a lot of time playing dog whistle politics and demonizing minorities is probably why blacks won't vote for the party.


Just look at this forearm. If you were a black voter and wandered onto this site, what would you think of Republicans? :dunno:

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Since that stuff all happened before I was alive I can't comment on it. I'm just saying, the fact that the GOP tolerates race baiters like Rush Limbaugh and the party spends a lot of time playing dog whistle politics and demonizing minorities is probably why blacks won't vote for the party.


Just look at this forearm. If you were a black voter and wandered onto this site, what would you think of Republicans? :dunno:



Byrd was still alive and well during your lifetime, still being elected. If you mean to suggest that the Democratic party is devoid of racists you need to rethink that notion. Further, the actions of the Democratic party continue to bring harm to the African American community, exacerbating the negative feedback loop

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Byrd was still alive and well during your lifetime, still being elected. If you mean to suggest that the Democratic party is devoid of racists you need to rethink that notion. Further, the actions of the Democratic party continue to bring harm to the African American community, exacerbating the negative feedback loop

Byrd's involvement in the KKK ended around 25 years before I was born. And I'd never suggest there aren't racists in the Democratic Party, but I do think Republicans are a lot more willing to accept that vocal minority and play dog whistle politics and race baiting.


I could give tons of examples but I know the Repubs on this site are utterly convinced the blacks vote overwhelmingly Dem because they want handouts and it has nothing to do with how tone deaf the GOP is when it comes to race or class. :dunno:

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Byrd's involvement in the KKK ended around 25 years before I was born. And I'd never suggest there aren't racists in the Democratic Party, but I do think Republicans are a lot more willing to accept that vocal minority and play dog whistle politics and race baiting.


I could give tons of examples but I know the Repubs on this site are utterly convinced the blacks vote overwhelmingly Dem because they want handouts and it has nothing to do with how tone deaf the GOP is when it comes to race or class. :dunno:


The notion that African Americans vote predominantly democratic because of social programs is absolutely correct, there is little point in attempting to pretend that is not the case. The Democrats use this to their advantage, there are far more voters of diminished means than wealthy ones. If you want to gain the majority vote, buying the less fortunate with social programs is solid strategy.


Republicans are vilified for suggesting that people take a greater responsibility for their own success and failure, and object to these social programs. Now I will allow that they are not exactly worried about people, they are more concerned that their tax money is being diverted to hand outs, and want to pay lower taxes to keep more of their money. But, indirectly their stance is actually the more righteous, even if they do not intend it to be.

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The notion that African Americans vote predominantly democratic because of social programs is absolutely correct, there is little point in attempting to pretend that is not the case. The Democrats use this to their advantage, there are far more voters of diminished means than wealthy ones. If you want to gain the majority vote, buying the less fortunate with social programs is solid strategy.


Republicans are vilified for suggesting that people take a greater responsibility for their own success and failure, and object to these social programs. Now I will allow that they are not exactly worried about people, they are more concerned that their tax money is being diverted to hand outs, and want to pay lower taxes to keep more of their money. But, indirectly their stance is actually the more righteous, even if they do not intend it to be.

African Americans probably do vote majority Dems because of social programs and the belief that Dem policies benefit the poor. But I think the GOP's attitude / tone toward blacks and the poor is absolutely a factor. GOP policies on social programs don't necessarily have to change but maybe not have slobs like Rush for spokesman and implying that half the country are welfare leaches would help.


I don't really have a horse in this race either way, just dispensing some free advice. :thumbsup:

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The notion that African Americans vote predominantly democratic because of social programs is absolutely correct, there is little point in attempting to pretend that is not the case. The Democrats use this to their advantage, there are far more voters of diminished means than wealthy ones.

You are 100% accurate. But don't forget to mention that it's the Republicans policies which make the rich richer and slowly beat down and eliminate the middle class, that explains the broadening differential between wealthy and poor voters.

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African Americans probably do vote majority Dems because of social programs and the belief that Dem policies benefit the poor. But I think the GOP's attitude / tone toward blacks and the poor is absolutely a factor. GOP policies on social programs don't necessarily have to change but maybe not have slobs like Rush for spokesman and implying that half the country are welfare leaches would help.


I don't really have a horse in this race either way, just dispensing some free advice. :thumbsup:


I think you are misdiagnosing their opposition to hand outs by correlating hand outs to minorities, its not the people so much as the act itself, the existence of the program that they dislike.


The common mantra from liberal circles is to use this opposition to the program as a means to extend the notion that Republicans do not like minorities. In reality Republicans dislike favoritism that leads to a negative economic consequence for their constituency, which is predominantly wealthy and middle class.


Those who have wealth disdain those who accept hand outs, until they themselves need it of course. Few people know that Ayn Rand herself changed her name later in life to avoid the dishonor of accepting public assistance as she grew older. So the creator of the Randian hero herself eventually saw the need to feed off of the system.

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I think you are misdiagnosing their opposition to hand outs by correlating hand outs to minorities, its not the people so much as the act itself, the existence of the program that they dislike.


The common mantra from liberal circles is to use this opposition to the program as a means to extend the notion that Republicans do not like minorities. In reality Republicans dislike favoritism that leads to a negative economic consequence for their constituency, which is predominantly wealthy and middle class.


Those who have wealth disdain those who accept hand outs, until they themselves need it of course. Few people know that Ayn Rand herself changed her name later in life to avoid the dishonor of accepting public assistance as she grew older. So the creator of the Randian hero herself eventually saw the need to feed off of the system.

This really has nothing at all to do with my point that the GOP would do better among blacks if the party on the whole didn't tolerate race baiters and bigots. Just looking at this site should tell you the GOP's race problem is at least partly it's own fault.


But I've been through this topic many times before and don't really care if the GOP continues to lose 90% of the black vote forever. :dunno:

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This is the kind of leader that the African American community needs, desperately.


Exactly Right. Just too bad this person will be or already is likely branded an Uncle Tom. Sad that the black community tends to turn there backs on their own who stand up and say it like it is and really want to create the RIGHT kind of change.

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This guy does not nail it. Its actually pretty dumb to cite Republicans or Dems from 60 years ago as to why you are switching parties. And the idea that a social program is just some way to control the electorate is incredibly weak. This speech is little more than a politician being a politician.


Here is my condensed version....Hey new supporters, you guys are right, those other guys are wrong...Woot!!

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The notion that African Americans vote predominantly democratic because of social programs is absolutely correct, there is little point in attempting to pretend that is not the case. The Democrats use this to their advantage, there are far more voters of diminished means than wealthy ones. If you want to gain the majority vote, buying the less fortunate with social programs is solid strategy.


Republicans are vilified for suggesting that people take a greater responsibility for their own success and failure, and object to these social programs. Now I will allow that they are not exactly worried about people, they are more concerned that their tax money is being diverted to hand outs, and want to pay lower taxes to keep more of their money. But, indirectly their stance is actually the more righteous, even if they do not intend it to be.


Probably true. However, the thought processes that lead a group to vote overwhelmingly for one party isn't unique to African Americans. Everybody, and I mean everybody, votes in a way that benefits their own self-interest, whether it's minorities voting Democrat because of the notion that they will get benefits from social programs or white males voting Republican because they think they'll get to keep more of their money.


The problem with Republicans is that they can't understand why African Americans seem tone deaf to their message. The problem isn't African Americans, the problem is in the delivery of the message and the warts of the messengers. There was not a single thing about Mitt Romney's persona that suggested that he would work towards the interests of the African American community. Unfair? Sure. But it's reality.

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Unfair? Sure. But it's reality.

In regards to my beliefs on the black community at large ... this is a perfect response :)

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Since that stuff all happened before I was alive I can't comment on it. I'm just saying, the fact that the GOP tolerates race baiters like Rush Limbaugh and the party spends a lot of time playing dog whistle politics and demonizing minorities is probably why blacks won't vote for the party.


Just look at this forearm. If you were a black voter and wandered onto this site, what would you think of Republicans? :dunno:

:lol: No, that is what you would think of. MK-Ultra


Watch the video again. HTH

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In regards to my beliefs on the black community at large ... this is a perfect response :)


And you're the perfect Republican...the way you state your beliefs is the problem.

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And you're the perfect Republican...the way you state your beliefs is the problem.

I guess never believed that sugar coating a problem ever made it any less of one. :dunno:

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I guess never believed that sugar coating a problem ever made it any less of one. :dunno:


Who said anything about sugar-coating it? You negate the possibility of discussion with inflammatory statements in your first posts every time you obsessively begin a thread about black people.

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Who said anything about sugar-coating it? You negate the possibility of discussion with inflammatory statements in your first posts every time you obsessively begin a thread about black people.

The truth is inflammatory? I guess sometimes it can be

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The truth is inflammatory? I guess sometimes it can be

No, the delivery is inflammatory. That's why nobody listens.

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I don't understand how anyone, or even 95% of a low rent fantasy football site, can actually give a about a political party? They're both corrupt peices of , how can anyone back any of them.


Am I just the minority when I go to an election and say, I like this guy I hate this guy..


Fock. Why are dems bringing up limbuagh? He is a private citizen, when he gets elected then it'll matter.


I wish I felt as passionate as you morons but Jesus Christ if the last fifteen years has shown is that it doesn't matter which party is in charge, middle class is focked

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MDC = Chris Matthews Lite.


Only dumber and with more spiddle.

Uh FBI Surveillance Van? :dunno:



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No, the delivery is inflammatory. That's why nobody listens.


There is truth to this, think about your wife/GF.....if you approach her the wrong way, she immediately tunes you out or will oppose anything you say from that point.


She may be, and likely is, a complete coont, BUT, you need to measure how you approach her to negate that aspect of her, and obtain her buy-in....

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Fock. Why are dems bringing up limbuagh? He is a private citizen, when he gets elected then it'll matter.



Do you have any idea how many lame-brained retards listen to that blabber mouth everyday and then form their opinions based on his? MILLIONS. Just look at this thread. A half-dozen of them are here.

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I don't understand how anyone, or even 95% of a low rent fantasy football site, can actually give a ###### about a political party? They're both corrupt peices of ######, how can anyone back any of them.


Am I just the minority when I go to an election and say, I like this guy I hate this guy..


Fock. Why are dems bringing up limbuagh? He is a private citizen, when he gets elected then it'll matter.


I wish I felt as passionate as you morons but Jesus Christ if the last fifteen years has shown is that it doesn't matter which party is in charge, middle class is focked


Libertarian Party - We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose

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