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White Liberals and the New Racism

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I attended a forum the other night at a liberal synagogue about “the tragic trend of police shootings of unarmed black men.” Let’s set aside that there is no “trend” and that the “unarmed” black men were also resisting arrest, and in the case of Michael Brown was trying to take the gun away from the police officer who felt he had to shoot him in order to save his own life.


I’m pretty sure at least 99 percent of everyone in the room –- not counting me and the 3 co-conspirators I dragged along – were committed liberals who were convinced that the biggest problem plaguing black America is white cops who hate black people and shoot them if they so much as look at the cop funny.

No, they didn’t say so in just that way, but that was certainly the gist of what was said that night.

During the opening remarks, we heard from the panelists — a black activist who didn’t want anyone to be called a “criminal,” and opposed prisons on principle; a member of the ACLU who thought that America was “further away from equality” today than in 1965 when he marched from Selma to Montgomery; a cop who said he believed Michael Brown was trying to take away Officer Darren Wilson’s gun only to “humiliate him,” presumably with no intention of shooting the cop; and a judge who for the most part simply explained how grand juries operate, though she tiptoed into liberal terrain too.

They talked about how cops had to change their behavior in order to stop the “trend” that was killing off “unarmed” black men. But during their presentations, not one of them uttered even one word about what criminal suspects needed to do to avoid being shot by police.

When the moderator asked for questions I was the first one on my feet. I noted that everything said up to that point was about police behavior, and the obligations of white society, and the supposed failure of America’s educational system. I told the libs I found it troubling that no one was holding criminal suspects responsible for their actions. Then I offered up a list of three things people needed to do to avoid trouble with the police.

  1. Obey the law.
  2. Don’t resist arrest
  3. Never – NEVER! – try to take a cop’s gun away from him

If suspects did those things, I said, the number of unarmed black men would go down to near zero. I noted that I said “near zero” because there are some bad cops out there, and I made clear they should not be allowed to wear a badge or carry a gun.

I sensed more than a whiff of unease in the room. Good.

Inside the bubble they inhabit, nobody talks the way I did, even though I didn’t say anything even vaguely controversial. Inside the bubble, they can go for a day, a week, a month, a year, practically an entire lifetime and not run into somebody with a right-of-center point of view. The comfort of the bubble enables them to glide through life believing that it’s not so much that they’re liberal, but more that they’re … reasonable.

Then I dropped a statistic on them. Black police officers account for a little more than 10 percent of all fatal police shootings (according to the most current government statistics). But of those they kill, 78 percent were black.

That leads us to one of two conclusions I told the lefties: Either black cops are just as racist as they believe white cops are … or … a lot of black criminal suspects do things that bring about their own demise.

Next question, please, said the moderator.

Afterward, in informal gatherings, one of the libs told me that crime stems from poverty. I responded that 72 percent of black babies are born out of wedlock and that often leads to poverty, which too often leads to crime. Cut down on that kind of behavior, I said, and a lot of the crime problem – and confrontation with cops — goes away.

I must have said something about how liberals would never tell 15-year old black girls to stop having babies because one of the libs told me that it’s not up to white people to tell black people how to raise their families.

Oy! It’s true: There are no limits to white liberal guilt.

It’s comfortable living in a bubble. You never have to defend your positions. All your friends think the way you do. But it’s not healthy to be so cut off from what really amounts to mainstream American thought. And most of all, living in the white liberal bubble doesn’t do young black men, who this group supposedly cared so much about, one bit of good.

Here’s what I didn’t tell the group, though I was tempted. They are the new face of racism in America. They are the kinder, gentler, liberal kind. They are enablers who make it easy for too many black people to see themselves as victims. They are the ones who would never tell black people that the best way to avoid confrontations with cops – yes, some of whom are racists – is to not get into trouble in the first place.

A few days later, with their liberal rubbish still clogging my thoughts, I remembered that old observation by Winston Churchill. “Show me a young Conservative and I’ll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I’ll show you someone with no brains.”




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Who attends "forums" and takes them seriously?


Everyone knows those are for the kooks. :dunno:

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It’s comfortable living in a bubble. You never have to defend your positions. All your friends think the way you do. But it’s not healthy to be so cut off from what really amounts to mainstream American thought. And most of all, living in the white liberal bubble doesn’t do young black men, who this group supposedly cared so much about, one bit of good.


Here’s what I didn’t tell the group, though I was tempted. They are the new face of racism in America. They are the kinder, gentler, liberal kind. They are enablers who make it easy for too many black people to see themselves as victims. They are the ones who would never tell black people that the best way to avoid confrontations with cops – yes, some of whom are racists – is to not get into trouble in the first place.

I really like this writer, I'll check out the link when I'm done but first some thoughts. It's just amazing how people can't see the 'hands up, don't shoot' as false. With Michael Brown, the crime scene evidence backs up the cop's version of the story but somehow it doesn't penetrate the bubble.


That blacks get arrested at far higher rates than whites is taken as proof that the system is biased against blacks, not as proof that blacks are more likely to commit crimes. This is the line of reasoning Coleman Young used when he dismantled the Detroit police department's safe streets unit in 1974 and with 21 years of stewardship transformed the city into the paradise it's widely known for today. Racist cops were the cause of Detroit's problems. When crime went through the roof, businesses and homeowners (not to mention laid off 'racist' Detroit cops) voted with their feet, went to the suburbs, and the city became a shell.


Also upper class white liberals like these don't live in close proximity to the minorities they help enable in dysfunction care so much for. They live off in their upper class white suburbs and don't realize that poverty affects whites as well. They pack school boards and university faculty with white-is-bad historical guilt similar with what christian conservatives do with junk science or common core.


One more point to balance this out a bit more. Sadly, liberals aren't the only ones living in a bubble, there's a conservative media bubble that's just as bad if not worse but that's been discussed time and again in other threads.

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There doesn't seem to be any personal responsibility left. Everything has to be traced back to a societal or institutional cause.

And it's not by coincidence as they'd lead you to believe. Deconstruction of values that built our society are broken. Were on a time table. Our time is close to over. Fighting for it is coming to a close.

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All some of you seem to know is "us" and "them". Want to know the problems in America? Start there.

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I think it's just hard to believe and swallow that racism really exists since you have not experienced it. You have experienced blacks perhaps being mean to you or you've seen blacks committing crimes so in your mind blacks are the mean ones, blacks are the criminals. You can't conceive of what black people are trying to explain, that the world is very different for us than for you. You know that you aren't a bad person and the people you know are good, therefore based on your experiences, blacks are the liars, the exaggerators, the whiners and the ones that are deserving of police maltreatment. The only way you will ever believe that racism exists is if you can see it, our words alone are not enough. Although, even when you see it, denial will prevent you from believing what your eyes are clearly showing you.




I have had good experiences with police officers, mostly. I was routinely stopped by police because of the car I drove. I think I was stopped 11 times in 2 years when I drove a Cadillac. I got a Honda (I drive the same) and I have only been stopped once in 7 years.


It's not about white vs black but black vs blue.

Lastly, I know there are cultural problems within the black community that exacerbate relations with the police.

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After the civil rights movement in the 50's and 60's the libs took over the cause and were allowed free reign. Just like everything else they run, it has turned into a huge failure. Guess who they blame.

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I think it's just hard to believe and swallow that racism really exists since you have not experienced it.


Of course racism exists, on an individual basis. Just as sexism, weightism, ageism, redneckism, religiousism all sorts of stereotypes exist. News Flash, it always will. As long as human beings are different from one another there will always be individuals who think they are better than another or hold certain stereotypes. Duh.


However institutional racism is dead. In 2015, Jerome has just as much chance to succeed in America as Jethro. In fact it can be argued he has more of chance, as institutionally speaking, Jerome has more opportunities afforded to him if he chooses to take advantage.


So lets stop making excuses and start taking responsibility.

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Perhaps it is equally as hard to believe an overwhelming majority of people are not racist or trying to hold you down because you've experienced someone who was. Or that all police are bad because of an encounter you've had.

If people took care of their own personal business, I'm confident you would see a change. The change just won't happen as fast as people want.

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Great article


Really??? The article was stupid in that the author assigned beliefs to everybody he disagreed with politically based upon a few dumb asses he ran into.

I live in a librul bubble. We believe in law and order. We have family and dear friends who are police officers. We have their backs 100 percent. However, we’re smart enough to know that if how they treated Eric Garner was the norm here, they’d be scraping up dead drunken dumbass white kids every morning downtown on campus.
At 17 years of age I violently shook myself away from a cop as he tried to handcuff me for under-aged drinking…. Real aggressive physical maneuver. I ran away. He caught me later but he didn’t kill me as you probably surmised from me typing this now.
Far worse than this happens on our UW-Madison campus (2 miles from my home!) EVERY night where 45,000 youngsters getting their first taste of freedom do incredibly drunk and stupid things as they try to evade the cops and a ticket. They get bold. They get aggressive. They are drunk out of their minds and are belligerent… resist arrest. Run away. Much worse than what you saw with Eric Garner.
My question for you conservative angry white guys … if Eric Garner was a beautiful blonde 18-year-old co-ed from Bumblefuck, WIs.,hopped up on her first taste of alcohol and Sex on the Beach shots hanging out on State Street in Madison, Wis. doing the same thing Eric Garner did (or, unfortunately, as in many cases …. Much, much, much worse... one girl slugged a cop trying to get away), would she deserve to die,too? (((Just obey day law! It’s dat simple!)))
What if she was your daughter?
Did I deserve to die as a 17-year-old small-town Wisconsinite resisting arrest?
Why am I still here then? :dunno:

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Really??? The article was stupid in that the author assigned beliefs to everybody he disagreed with politically based upon a few dumb asses he ran into.

My question for you conservative angry white guys …


Hypocrite much?

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Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on the I was stopped more when I drove a Cadillac narrative. Ain't no shortage of fancy cars in the hood. Or anywhere else for that matter.

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Really??? The article was stupid in that the author assigned beliefs to everybody he disagreed with politically based upon a few dumb asses he ran into.

I live in a librul bubble. We believe in law and order. We have family and dear friends who are police officers. We have their backs 100 percent. However, we’re smart enough to know that if how they treated Eric Garner was the norm here, they’d be scraping up dead drunken dumbass white kids every morning downtown on campus.
At 17 years of age I violently shook myself away from a cop as he tried to handcuff me for under-aged drinking…. Real aggressive physical maneuver. I ran away. He caught me later but he didn’t kill me as you probably surmised from me typing this now.
Far worse than this happens on our UW-Madison campus (2 miles from my home!) EVERY night where 45,000 youngsters getting their first taste of freedom do incredibly drunk and stupid things as they try to evade the cops and a ticket. They get bold. They get aggressive. They are drunk out of their minds and are belligerent… resist arrest. Run away. Much worse than what you saw with Eric Garner.
My question for you conservative angry white guys … if Eric Garner was a beautiful blonde 18-year-old co-ed from Bumblefuck, WIs.,hopped up on her first taste of alcohol and Sex on the Beach shots hanging out on State Street in Madison, Wis. doing the same thing Eric Garner did (or, unfortunately, as in many cases …. Much, much, much worse... one girl slugged a cop trying to get away), would she deserve to die,too? (((Just obey day law! It’s dat simple!)))
What if she was your daughter?
Did I deserve to die as a 17-year-old small-town Wisconsinite resisting arrest?
Why am I still here then? :dunno:



Because you aren't and weren't either doing two things:


1. A 6'5 and 300 pounds mammoth or 2. holding a weapon.


If Eric Garner was a black 18 year old co-ed named Erica Garner who was 5'8 and a 125 lbs a choke hold wouldn't be needed. They would just grab her wrists and cuff and stuff her.


You immediately go to race. First thing you knee jerk react to....when if you take a step back, come out of your auto-race blame bubble. Maybe, just maybe the Eric Garner case had less to do with race and more to do with his size. If a 6'5 300lb white dude / mexican/ whatever is resisting arrest he'd get a choke hold take down too, because that's the only way they can try to contain a person that size fighting back.

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Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on the I was stopped more when I drove a Cadillac narrative. Ain't no shortage of fancy cars in the hood. Or anywhere else for that matter.

Imagine that, someone that has a Cadillac with probably a V8 in it gets pulled over more than someone in a four cylinder honda. Has to be because of skin color

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You're not angry?

My bad :doublethumbsup:

Nope. Not angry at all.


But then, I'm not a mouthbreating idiot who is dumb enough to fall for the BS Sharpton spews. :thumbsup:

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Because you aren't and weren't either doing two things:


1. A 6'5 and 300 pounds mammoth or 2. holding a weapon.


If Eric Garner was a black 18 year old co-ed named Erica Garner who was 5'8 and a 125 lbs a choke hold wouldn't be needed.


You immediately go to race. First thing you knee jerk react to....when if you take a step back, come out of your auto-race blame bubble. Maybe, just maybe the Eric Garner case had less to do with race and more to do with his size.


OK... who's 300 pounds here... Recliner Pilot?

You feel RP coming out of the comic book store surrounded by 5 cops with 3 breakfast burritos in his hand is going to get choked out and killed? :doublethumbsup:


Can we at least agree that we need bigger and better-trained cops in some places?

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Nope. Not angry at all.


But then, I'm not a mouthbreating idiot who is dumb enough to fall for the BS Sharpton spews. :thumbsup:


Sharpton spews that drunken college kids in Madison, Wis. who resist arrest don't get killed??? :thumbsup:

Link me to it, mouthbreater! :doh:

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Sharpton spews that drunken college kids in Madison, Wis. who resist arrest don't get killed??? :thumbsup:

Link me to it, mouthbreater! :doh:

Link to me claiming he did?


You seem mad. :(

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Can we at least agree that we need bigger and better-trained cops in some places?


Better trained cops? Sure. Better trained anything is a good thing. Maybe law enforcement can have a discussion about more tazers or different less lethal forms like rubber bullets. Hell I don't know. I think its at least a worthy discussion.


However it does bug me a bit that whenever a white person and a black person has a confrontation that everybody knee-jerks that it's because one them (normally the white person) is automatically a racist. Maybe just one of them was an asshole. Maybe they just disagree on the issue or whatever. I mean, I highly doubt that cop cared what color M.Brown was when he was hitting him in the face and going for his gun. Pretty sure that was the last thing on his mind.


Are there bad cops? Overzealous cops? Poorly trained cops? Of course, but they are the exceptions not the rule. I think we need to recognize that and stop pushing the narrative that bad/racist cops are the....rule.

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Better trained cops? Sure. Better trained anything is a good thing. Maybe law enforcement can have a discussion about more tazers or different less lethal forms like rubber bullets. Hell I don't know. I think its at least a worthy discussion.


However it does bug me a bit that whenever a white person and a black person has a confrontation that everybody knee-jerks that it's because one them (normally the white person) is automatically a racist. Maybe just one of them was an asshole. Maybe they just disagree on the issue or whatever. I mean, I highly doubt that cop cared what color M.Brown was when he was hitting him in the face and going for his gun. Pretty sure that was the last thing on his mind.


Are there bad cops? Overzealous cops? Poorly trained cops? Of course, but they are the exceptions not the rule. I think we need to recognize that and stop pushing the narrative that bad/racist cops are the....rule.


I agree....


These cops were legitimately midgets surrounding Garner.... perhaps normal-sized cops handle things differently.

My only point was that the Garner-style resistance (which was pretty darn passive) -- and much, much worse resistance -- happens every day in my town... Sometimes UW football players are involved and they are not only as big as Garner, but much more athletic.


no deaths yet.

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Really??? The article was stupid in that the author assigned beliefs to everybody he disagreed with politically based upon a few dumb asses he ran into.

I live in a librul bubble. We believe in law and order. We have family and dear friends who are police officers. We have their backs 100 percent. However, were smart enough to know that if how they treated Eric Garner was the norm here, theyd be scraping up dead drunken dumbass white kids every morning downtown on campus.

At 17 years of age I violently shook myself away from a cop as he tried to handcuff me for under-aged drinking. Real aggressive physical maneuver. I ran away. He caught me later but he didnt kill me as you probably surmised from me typing this now.

Far worse than this happens on our UW-Madison campus (2 miles from my home!) EVERY night where 45,000 youngsters getting their first taste of freedom do incredibly drunk and stupid things as they try to evade the cops and a ticket. They get bold. They get aggressive. They are drunk out of their minds and are belligerent resist arrest. Run away. Much worse than what you saw with Eric Garner.

My question for you conservative angry white guys if Eric Garner was a beautiful blonde 18-year-old co-ed from Bumblefuck, WIs.,hopped up on her first taste of alcohol and Sex on the Beach shots hanging out on State Street in Madison, Wis. doing the same thing Eric Garner did (or, unfortunately, as in many cases . Much, much, much worse... one girl slugged a cop trying to get away), would she deserve to die,too? (((Just obey day law! Its dat simple!)))


What if she was your daughter?

Did I deserve to die as a 17-year-old small-town Wisconsinite resisting arrest?

Why am I still here then? :dunno:

I should've posted the sarcasm emoticon I guess. The article was retarded of course. :doh:

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I should've posted the sarcasm emoticon I guess. The article was retarded of course. :doh:


Hey, it's been awhile :doublethumbsup:



RP is now HenryHill? :dunno:

They seem to have that same type of bitterness you can only have from being a lifelong Cowboys fan :music_guitarred:

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Hey, it's been awhile :doublethumbsup:



RP is now HenryHill? :dunno:

They seem to have that same type of bitterness you can only have from being a lifelong Cowboys fan :music_guitarred:

Yes, FFT keeps trying to expel RP for good but he won't go away.

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I agree....


These cops were legitimately midgets surrounding Garner.... perhaps normal-sized cops handle things differently.

My only point was that the Garner-style resistance (which was pretty darn passive) -- and much, much worse resistance -- happens every day in my town... Sometimes UW football players are involved and they are not only as big as Garner, but much more athletic.


no deaths yet.


Those 20 year old athletic football players prolly didn't have asthma, diabetes and heart disease either. :dunno:


How many times in America do we hear about a police officer killing a civilian with their bare hands? The Eric Garner case had a lot to do with this guys poor health. An overzealous cop + poor health fat man resisting arrest = Tragic Death

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Those 20 year old athletic football players prolly didn't have asthma, diabetes and heart disease either. :dunno:



Well, some of the players do have asthma.... and the heart disease and diabetes seem more like long-term killers... but I get your point...


The more important point is that fat/unhealthy people (regardless of race) should never resist arrest in the slightest because a midget cop might latch onto their tracheas :thumbsup:

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Of course racism exists, on an individual basis. Just as sexism, weightism, ageism, redneckism, religiousism all sorts of stereotypes exist. News Flash, it always will. As long as human beings are different from one another there will always be individuals who think they are better than another or hold certain stereotypes. Duh.


However institutional racism is dead. In 2015, Jerome has just as much chance to succeed in America as Jethro. In fact it can be argued he has more of chance, as institutionally speaking, Jerome has more opportunities afforded to him if he chooses to take advantage.


So lets stop making excuses and start taking responsibility.


This is the fallacy that drives the idea that blacks are completely responsible for the situation of blacks in this country. There is still racism in hiring and housing, just to name a couple. While it may not be codified as it once was, to deny that the color of one's skin doesn't matter anymore is naive at best.


We are not a post-racial country. Does this excuse or negate personal responsibility? No. But we have a long way to go. Just saying it doesn't make it true.

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After the civil rights movement in the 50's and 60's the libs took over the cause and were allowed free reign. Just like everything else they run, it has turned into a huge failure. Guess who they blame.

and bingo was his name o

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and bingo was his name o


Drobeski! I met a lot of short fat no-necked Patriot fans in Gronkowski jerseys at the Packers smackdown of New England at Lambeau last month...


That wasn't you, was it? :doublethumbsup:

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I think it's just hard to believe and swallow that racism really exists since you have not experienced it. You have experienced blacks perhaps being mean to you or you've seen blacks committing crimes so in your mind blacks are the mean ones, blacks are the criminals. You can't conceive of what black people are trying to explain, that the world is very different for us than for you. You know that you aren't a bad person and the people you know are good, therefore based on your experiences, blacks are the liars, the exaggerators, the whiners and the ones that are deserving of police maltreatment. The only way you will ever believe that racism exists is if you can see it, our words alone are not enough. Although, even when you see it, denial will prevent you from believing what your eyes are clearly showing you.




I have had good experiences with police officers, mostly. I was routinely stopped by police because of the car I drove. I think I was stopped 11 times in 2 years when I drove a Cadillac. I got a Honda (I drive the same) and I have only been stopped once in 7 years.


It's not about white vs black but black vs blue.

Lastly, I know there are cultural problems within the black community that exacerbate relations with the police.


You're stupid peenie, you don't know anything about race or racism.




(Yes, I'm being sarcastic.)

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Because you aren't and weren't either doing two things:


1. A 6'5 and 300 pounds mammoth or 2. holding a weapon.


If Eric Garner was a black 18 year old co-ed named Erica Garner who was 5'8 and a 125 lbs a choke hold wouldn't be needed. They would just grab her wrists and cuff and stuff her.


You immediately go to race. First thing you knee jerk react to....when if you take a step back, come out of your auto-race blame bubble. Maybe, just maybe the Eric Garner case had less to do with race and more to do with his size. If a 6'5 300lb white dude / mexican/ whatever is resisting arrest he'd get a choke hold take down too, because that's the only way they can try to contain a person that size fighting back.


Retarded response. So the guy deserved to die because he was big? :thumbsdown:

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Not a retarded response. No one thinks he deserved to die at all. It's the reason he died, brought about via his own behavior, prior too and during the altercation.

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Retarded response. So the guy deserved to die because he was big? :thumbsdown:

Who said he deserved to die? You are a weird dude.

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Drobeski! I met a lot of short fat no-necked Patriot fans in Gronkowski jerseys at the Packers smackdown of New England at Lambeau last month...


That wasn't you, was it? :doublethumbsup:

Scott walker let you go ?

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All some of you seem to know is "us" and "them". Want to know the problems in America? Start there.

When the Government divides us into groups and then gives selected groups advantages over other selected groups what are they suppose to say? "Them" and "Them"?


Divide and conquer has been the MO of the government for decades, if you don't look out for yourself no one else will.

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Not a retarded response. No one thinks he deserved to die at all. It's the reason he died, brought about via his own behavior, prior too and during the altercation.

Another retarded post. His "behavior" didn't involve any violence

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Who said he deserved to die? You are a weird dude.

You're a dumbass. No you didn't say he deserved to die but you said he died because he was big. Focking stupid rationale

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