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19? year old #nevertrump girl gets pepper sprayed at Trump Rally

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fat load gets pwned :first:



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I can't wait for October and November. This is going to be great.




you know Donald is sitting back with his feet up and giggling like a school girl at how he is burning the system to the ground

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That seemed pretty unnecessary to me.


:first: :clap: :doublethumbsup:

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:first: :clap: :doublethumbsup:

I dunno man. If a 15 year old girl throws a weak ass "punch" in my direction maybe I'm justified in spraying pepper spray in her face from a legal standpoint but that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. Especially in a crowd - that stuff will choke anyone in a 20-foot radius.


I guess I'd think this is awesome if she were an adult. Or if were a focking tool.

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Is this who we are now? :thumbsdown:

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I dunno man. If a 15 year old girl throws a weak ass "punch" in my direction maybe I'm justified in spraying pepper spray in her face from a legal standpoint but that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. Especially in a crowd - that stuff will choke anyone in a 20-foot radius.


I guess I'd think this is awesome if she were an adult. Or if were a focking tool.


she was acting completely rational, right? I suppose had she not been pepper sprayed, she would have calmly walked away and done nothing else

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she was acting completely rational, right? I suppose had she not been pepper sprayed, she would have calmly walked away and done nothing else

I love how she kept screaming "no" "no" "no"


Have some awareness and get the fvck out of there

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I dunno man. If a 15 year old girl throws a weak ass "punch" in my direction maybe I'm justified in spraying pepper spray in her face from a legal standpoint but that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. Especially in a crowd - that stuff will choke anyone in a 20-foot radius.


I guess I'd think this is awesome if she were an adult. Or if were a focking tool.


But assault is assault right? If this were a Trump supporter I think we would see comment and some outrage.


If this is a 15 year old male is that different? Does this 15 year old girls have some special "right" to assault someone that we do not provide to a male?

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she was acting completely rational, right? I suppose had she not been pepper sprayed, she would have calmly walked away and done nothing else

No she wasn't. But she's also a 15 year old girl. The guy might have been justified legally in breaking her jaw with a right cross too but that would make him a human piece of garbage. I don't get cheering this sh1t on. We've become a nation of morons.

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If this is a 15 year old male is that different? Does this 15 year old girls have some special "right" to assault someone that we do not provide to a male?



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No she wasn't. But she's also a 15 year old girl. The guy might have been justified legally in breaking her jaw with a right cross too but that would make him a human piece of garbage. I don't get cheering this sh1t on. We've become a nation of morons.


SHE is the moron in this entire thing.

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OK, just want to make sure we are being "fair" as I know how important that is to some of us......sometimes....

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But assault is assault right? If this were a Trump supporter I think we would see comment and some outrage.


If this is a 15 year old male is that different? Does this 15 year old girls have some special "right" to assault someone that we do not provide to a male?

If a 15 year old Trump supporter got pepper sprayed in the face under the same circumstances I would think the adult who did it was a POS.


If it's a 15 y/o make it may be slightly different because it could reasonably be self defense. This wasn't self defense at all.


There's a difference between what you legally can do and what you should do. You didn't get it with your hero Zimmerman and still don't get it today.


Some people never grow up. :(

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No she wasn't. But she's also a 15 year old girl. The guy might have been justified legally in breaking her jaw with a right cross too but that would make him a human piece of garbage. I don't get cheering this sh1t on. We've become a nation of morons.

It was probably the first time the spoiled brat found out that, in spite of what mommy and daddy taught you, there are consequences to your behavior.


The cheering is the disturbing part.

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I love the smell of OC in the morning. Smells like......Victory.

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What kind of man carries pepper spray? :lol:


And pepper sprays a teenager?


an old man that knows little twats will show up and scream in his face

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What kind of man carries pepper spray? :lol:


And pepper sprays a teenager?

Every cop in the country.

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What kind of man carries pepper spray? :lol:


And pepper sprays a teenager?

Not the worst idea carrying it going to the trump rally zoo

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If a 15 year old Trump supporter got pepper sprayed in the face under the same circumstances I would think the adult who did it was a POS.


If it's a 15 y/o make it may be slightly different because it could reasonably be self defense. This wasn't self defense at all.


There's a difference between what you legally can do and what you should do. You didn't get it with your hero Zimmerman and still don't get it today.


Some people never grow up. :(


I agree with most of what you post in here, though the Zimmerman reference I think is an over-reach, likely best to keep this in line with the current discussion if you can ;)


If an individual assaults another individual and that originator of the assault gets pepper sprayed, that really seems to be a rather acceptable response to an assault. I am still not sure your logic, posted above, really follows what someone might call "logic", but you do seem to have a modicum of rationality in this instance; even with a Zimmerman deflection and Ad hominem.

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What kind of man carries pepper spray? :lol:


And pepper sprays a teenager?


Someone interested in having a means to stop an assault in a non-lethal manner.

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Every cop in the country.

Yeah it's called Less-Than-lethal.

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Comment of the year on that video




Steve K Jr
She's Feelin' The Bern.




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Yep, it's a good thing he had that pepper spray or he would have been forced to shoot her. :thumbsup:

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I agree with most of what you post in here, though the Zimmerman reference I think is an over-reach, likely best to keep this in line with the current discussion if you can ;)


If an individual assaults another individual and that originator of the assault gets pepper sprayed, that really seems to be a rather acceptable response to an assault. I am still not sure your logic, posted above, really follows what someone might call "logic", but you do seem to have a modicum of rationality in this instance; even with a Zimmerman deflection and Ad hominem.

I'm saying that the reaction in that video to that girl's weak ass punch was wildly out of proportion and unnecessary. The guy may have been legally justified in pepper spraying her just like he might be legally justified in splitting her face with a right cross but the situation didn't call for it and the guy did it out of spite, not self defense.


Normal grown ups understand the difference between what you can and should do. Manchildren act like the guy in this video or cheer him on or make excuses for this behavior.


We are a nation of idiots. :(

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I'm saying that the reaction in that video to that girl's weak ass punch was wildly out of proportion and unnecessary. The guy may have been legally justified in pepper spraying her just like he might be legally justified in splitting her face with a right cross but the situation didn't call for it and the guy did it out of spite, not self defense.


Normal grown ups understand the difference between what you can and should do. Manchildren act like the guy in this video or cheer him on or make excuses for this behavior.


We are a nation of idiots. :(


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Yep, it's a good thing he had that pepper spray or he would have been forced to shoot her. :thumbsup:

After listening to her it would have been better for society if he did shoot her. She wouldn't be able to breed and he would be in jail. a win win of all of us.

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After listening to her it would have been better for society if he did shoot her. She wouldn't be able to breed and he would be in jail.


Decent points.

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I'm saying that the reaction in that video to that girl's weak ass punch was wildly out of proportion and unnecessary. The guy may have been legally justified in pepper spraying her just like he might be legally justified in splitting her face with a right cross but the situation didn't call for it and the guy did it out of spite, not self defense.


Normal grown ups understand the difference between what you can and should do. Manchildren act like the guy in this video or cheer him on or make excuses for this behavior.


We are a nation of idiots. :(


I would disagree. I find that her actions were out of proportion and unnecessary, and the victims response to use pepper spray was justified in order to stop that assault and any additional actions. No pepper spray is needed where the original assault does not transpire. In terms of a reaction it seems in line, not too far and yet suitable to stop the aggression.

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I'm saying that the reaction in that video to that girl's weak ass punch was wildly out of proportion and unnecessary. The guy may have been legally justified in pepper spraying her just like he might be legally justified in splitting her face with a right cross but the situation didn't call for it and the guy did it out of spite, not self defense.


Normal grown ups understand the difference between what you can and should do. Manchildren act like the guy in this video or cheer him on or make excuses for this behavior.


We are a nation of idiots. :(


Kinda like pressing assault charges on someone who grabs you by the arm?

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One thing is for sure, that girl learned she won't be a twat again.


just like every woman that is beaten by her abusive man?


yeah, they'll never go back to him again.. oh wait.

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I would disagree. I find that her actions were out of proportion and unnecessary, and the victims response to use pepper spray was justified in order to stop that assault and any additional actions. No pepper spray is needed where the original assault does not transpire. In terms of a reaction it seems in line, not too far and yet suitable to stop the aggression.




stop acting like a 15 year old is a 5 year old.

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She didnt deserve a spray but just a stern, "hey now cmon lets not do that!".


I would suggest its that strongly worded reprimand-style that has failed her....and led her to believe that violence is an acceptable alternative to discourse.

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