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6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

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Dear God. If you want us to impeach Donald Trump, give us a sign. Like, blot out the sun....Anytime in the next week. Thanks, Americans


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I saw that on a meme on Facebook earlier. Cracked me up. :clap:


Poor posty, he's going to get all worked up for two posts then "Dammit!" :mad:

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I saw that on a meme on Facebook earlier. Cracked me up. :clap:

I thought you despised racism?

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I thought you despised racism?

Impeaching or wishing for another abrupt end to the Presidency of a racist is a pretty good indication of despising racism. hth

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Impeaching or wishing for another abrupt end to the Presidency of a racist is a pretty good indication of despising racism. hth

Constantly cozying up to the biggest racist around here isn't. Condemn it or don't. In between is weak.

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Constantly cozying up to the biggest racist around here isn't. Condemn it or don't. In between is weak.

Ummm, I have no idea what you just said or who you're talking about. :dunno:

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Ummm, I have no idea what you just said or who you're talking about. :dunno:

You playing footsie with wiffleball. Deny he doesn't say the most racist things here. I dgaf, but the way you ride that high horse......

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You playing footsie with wiffleball. Deny he doesn't say the most racist things here. I dgaf, but the way you ride that high horse......

Wiff is a unique bird. A racist who hates Trump. His racist views disgust me and I do not ever support the things he says. If he says that Trump is a piece of sh!t, I agree.

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ROFL. So a death by a car mowing you over isn't nearly as bad as being shot? My God, you're a focking idiot. And that car could have easily killed dozens. Not sure how it didn't.

They settled for a 3rd rate amateur. The guy they really wanted was unavailable as he was on his way to Barcelona at the time.

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You playing footsie with wiffleball. Deny he doesn't say the most racist things here. I dgaf, but the way you ride that high horse......

Aww, you kids are awful but hurt these days aren't you? LOL


But but but you're playing with wiffle ball and not me! Jesus grow the f******.


I stand by everything I say. I hate loud m************ like we're seeing on TV right now. The blacks the gays the trannys that Scream & Shout all kinds of hyperbole. That's not an entire race or group of people that's a subset of those particular groups of people. And for that matter, I hate loud whining white people like the Kardashians too. But haven't seen them on the news lately.


Poor little fella. Who did you used to be a game? And why did you feel the need to change your name again? Was it magnificent turd? And RP before that? And???

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Cracks me up, the most dimwitted people here outnumber the intelligent ones by about fourteen to one last count. And they were all Trump fans. And still, they're whining and butt hurt and spinning and bringing up whatever s*** Fox will feed to them as fast as they can. And still they are literally crying at home feeling like somehow their own personal self worth is being attacked. And then they whine that everybody thinks they're better than they are. Well, keep saying stupid s*** and that's an occupational hazard. Keep backing a guy who keeps getting caught in lie after lie after lie without holding him accountable and that's going to happen. The fact that you can literally see the tears and the whining In their typing? That tells you everything you need to know.

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Cracks me up, the most dimwitted people here outnumber the intelligent ones by about fourteen to one last count. And they were all Trump fans. And still, they're whining and butt hurt and spinning and bringing up whatever s*** Fox will feed to them as fast as they can. And still they are literally crying at home feeling like somehow their own personal self worth is being attacked. And then they whine that everybody thinks they're better than they are. Well, keep saying stupid s*** and that's an occupational hazard. Keep backing a guy who keeps getting caught in lie after lie after lie without holding him accountable and that's going to happen. The fact that you can literally see the tears and the whining In their typing? That tells you everything you need to know.


Nailed it.

The biggest people who complain about fake news and snowflakes...are the biggest pansy snowflakes out there and they all buy into actual fake news.


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If Trump emboldened the white supremacist, and his election obviously did, didn't Obama embolden the violent left? Fringe groups always glom on to power. The evangelicals glommed on to Reagen to push their cause. Reagen made abortion legal in California and didn't go to church. Gays glommed onto Clinton and he was against gay marriage and implemented don't ask don't tell. But he wasn't Reagan. Well, Trump isn't Obama. Of course these nuts siddle up next to him. Any white male against immigration would have served the purpose. Im against illegal immigration. Who isnt? It has nothing to do with race. I don't want white illegals coming here either. Sorry Sven and Seamus.

Don't Ask Don't Tell was 100% totally Clinton pandering to the gays. C'mon, if you were in the military at the time like I was, you would know that automatically.

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Do away with the police!

That's the Coleman Young method of solving police brutality issues.

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Cracks me up, the most dimwitted people here outnumber the intelligent ones by about fourteen to one last count. And they were all Trump fans. And still, they're whining and butt hurt and spinning and bringing up whatever s*** Fox will feed to them as fast as they can. And still they are literally crying at home feeling like somehow their own personal self worth is being attacked. And then they whine that everybody thinks they're better than they are. Well, keep saying stupid s*** and that's an occupational hazard. Keep backing a guy who keeps getting caught in lie after lie after lie without holding him accountable and that's going to happen. The fact that you can literally see the tears and the whining In their typing? That tells you everything you need to know.

Everyone agrees that Trump basically said the right thing about the violence and still they bash him. Obama rips off Mandela and gets a standing ovation. Lefty snowflakes are a complete joke. Keep tearing down your hunks of metal to make it all better. :overhead:

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Nailed it.

The biggest people who complain about fake news and snowflakes...are the biggest pansy snowflakes out there and they all buy into actual fake news.


The left is made up of a snowstorm of snowflakes always searching for a safe place.

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Mr Hand STILL begging for our attention. He has zero pride!! :banana: :lol: :lol:


Only 700 more posts, puppy dog. I hope you make a friend before then. :clap:

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What about racist, offensive, vile literature or music? Should it be silenced? Maybe burn some books we find offensive....peacefully? How about we censore everything found offensive, as long as it's done peacefully. Who gets to be the censore police? Who gets to decide what's worth censoring?

I'll do it. Pick me.

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Everyone agrees that Trump basically said the right thing about the violence and still they bash him. Obama rips off Mandela and gets a standing ovation. Lefty snowflakes are a complete joke. Keep tearing down your hunks of metal to make it all better. :overhead:


Everyone agrees? Umm...no.

Obama put his in quotes...there was no ripping anyone off.


The joke is the spin and lies you try to use in order to argue here.

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Besides the car ramming, anyone have any issues with nazis and communists beating the hell out of each other :dunno:

That's the attitude the cops had.


"Fock this, let's go get more donuts."

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High school? I was thinking middle school.

He was in High School back in the 80s, don't you remember?


Back when you were teaching, he chipped in for pizza with Jeff Spicoli.

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Where did the sane Americans go?

We came to China.

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Mr Hand STILL begging for our attention. He has zero pride!! :banana: :lol: :lol:


Only 700 more posts, puppy dog. I hope you make a friend before then. :clap:

You still can't ignore me. You look like a fool!

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Everyone agrees? Umm...no.

Obama put his in quotes...there was no ripping anyone off.


The joke is the spin and lies you try to use in order to argue here.

I found this interesting from our discussion earlier. It was my contention that the counter protesters had no intention of letting the "legal/permit" protest happen peacefully. They unlawfully and willing violated the White supremacists constitutional rights to assemble peacefully. Note the first ladies story.


She admits, that she and a group of counter protesters, physically blocking the entrance to Emancipation park. The one place the Nazi group was allowed to legally assemble.


By her own admission, they created a physical confrontation. They ushered out any reasonable chance of a peaceful assembly. By her own admission, she was trying to keep them from gathering in the park. Also known as censorship via moral authority.



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Anybody else see the irony in an anti-fa protest against nazi's being funded by a former nazi collaborator?

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I found this interesting from our discussion earlier. It was my contention that the counter protesters had no intention of letting the "legal/permit" protest happen peacefully. They unlawfully and willing violated the White supremacists constitutional rights to assemble peacefully. Note the first ladies story.


She admits, that she and a group of counter protesters, physically blocking the entrance to Emancipation park. The one place the Nazi group was allowed to legally assemble.


By her own admission, they created a physical confrontation. They ushered out any reasonable chance of a peaceful assembly. By her own admission, she was trying to keep them from gathering in the park. Also known as censorship via moral authority.



Give it up. snow is reduced to contradicting his prior posts and nj is just calling everyone racist. No one else is left. The ammo is gone in the face of the facts.

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Trump sucks. Hillary was worse

That's why I voted for Gary Johnson.


No regrets. :bandana:

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Give it up. snow is reduced to contradicting his prior posts and nj is just calling everyone racist. No one else is left. The ammo is gone in the face of the facts.

Sho at times can be reasonable. Nj called me racist earlier just because I believe all groups, regardless of content, within the law, deserve treated equal under the constitution.

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You still can't ignore me. You look like a fool!

Just like he can't put me on ignore. He's a fool indeed.

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I found this interesting from our discussion earlier. It was my contention that the counter protesters had no intention of letting the "legal/permit" protest happen peacefully. They unlawfully and willing violated the White supremacists constitutional rights to assemble peacefully. Note the first ladies story.


She admits, that she and a group of counter protesters, physically blocking the entrance to Emancipation park. The one place the Nazi group was allowed to legally assemble.


By her own admission, they created a physical confrontation. They ushered out any reasonable chance of a peaceful assembly. By her own admission, she was trying to keep them from gathering in the park. Also known as censorship via moral authority.




Then you have the police remove them.

You don't try to rush them to get through. Thus nullifying any claim that you are there to have a peaceful assembly.

The problem is...often times...the Nazis rushed such lines rather than letting the legal system work as it should.

It is an interesting article as well as it shows the antifa...standing between what were religious peacful people (who yes, were violating law by being in the way and should have been removed).

The stories continue to paint the Nazis as the aggressors initiating actual violence.

Also stories of the Nazi group blocking the path of others who were not in that park and not disrupting their right to peacefully assemble.


Seems what you have in those stories...are minor infractions by the so-called alt-left...and plenty of violence by the alt right.


Not sure how an article like that helps with any message from the likes of Trump about how bad both sides are. If you are still comparing how bad...you can say one side acted wrong in their blocking...but that was "Trumped" 100x by the violence of the other side pushing through and also blocking people not even in that park (and that is before you get to a guy driving his car though a group that were not in the permitted park as well as the unlawful and violent event on Friday night).


Seems pretty simple from stories like that to lay blame on the violent side...you can also tell others that getting in the way and blocking legal protest will be moved or punished under the law as well.

But just a blanket all sides are bad distorts the truth and gives more legitimacy to Nazis than to anything else.

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Don't Ask Don't Tell was 100% totally Clinton pandering to the gays. C'mon, if you were in the military at the time like I was, you would know that automatically.

I was long gone by then. And the gays don't seem too happy about it.

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Then you have the police remove them.

You don't try to rush them to get through. Thus nullifying any claim that you are there to have a peaceful assembly.

The problem is...often times...the Nazis rushed such lines rather than letting the legal system work as it should.

It is an interesting article as well as it shows the antifa...standing between what were religious peacful people (who yes, were violating law by being in the way and should have been removed).

The stories continue to paint the Nazis as the aggressors initiating actual violence.

Also stories of the Nazi group blocking the path of others who were not in that park and not disrupting their right to peacefully assemble.


Seems what you have in those stories...are minor infractions by the so-called alt-left...and plenty of violence by the alt right.


Not sure how an article like that helps with any message from the likes of Trump about how bad both sides are. If you are still comparing how bad...you can say one side acted wrong in their blocking...but that was "Trumped" 100x by the violence of the other side pushing through and also blocking people not even in that park (and that is before you get to a guy driving his car though a group that were not in the permitted park as well as the unlawful and violent event on Friday night).


Seems pretty simple from stories like that to lay blame on the violent side...you can also tell others that getting in the way and blocking legal protest will be moved or punished under the law as well.

But just a blanket all sides are bad distorts the truth and gives more legitimacy to Nazis than to anything else.

The police were non-existent according to many witnesses. I guess it's the chicken egg argument. If the counter protesters weren't blocking the entrance, would there have been violence? Probably. But, they shouldn't have been blocking the entrance to Emancipation park. The police should've never allowed it.


To me, physically blocking an entrance to a legally reserved area, is inciting a violent response. They are physically trying to stop someone from expressing their constitutional right. They had no right to be there or barricade the entrance.


As far as the both sides argument, I honestly don't care. I'm sure both sides caused harm. I'm sure both sides started fights. I know the Nazi group is far worse then the counter protesters. Antifa is getting up there tho.


My main point, and I enjoy these kinds of discussions, are the legal/constitutional parts.

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WTF is there a statue of Robert E Lee in something called "Emancipation Park" in the first place?

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I was long gone by then. And the gays don't seem too happy about it.

Since you'd been in earlier, surely you know they they were asked, they were checked up on, and they were kicked out even if they tried to be in the closet. They were banned from service entirely. DADT was a big win for them under Clinton as they could now serve so long as they did so quietly. It was only later under Obama that they came back later and wanted more.

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WTF is there a statue of Robert E Lee in something called "Emancipation Park" in the first place?

The park was recently renamed as it had some Confederate name before. They'd not gotten around to removing the statue.

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Since you'd been in earlier, surely you know they they were asked, they were checked up on, and they were kicked out even if they tried to be in the closet. They were banned from service entirely. DADT was a big win for them under Clinton as they could now serve so long as they did so quietly. It was only later under Obama that they came back later and wanted more.

Yeah, it was stated homos weee banned, and the gay bars outside of camp Lejeune were off limits. It wasn't a big deal. I don't think too many homos wanted to be in an infantry unit. Are you enjoying putting me to the test? It's cool, but don't be such a nudge about it. Fire away.

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