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Forbidden words

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The Trump administration is prohibiting officials at the nation’s top public health agency from using a list of seven words or phrases in any official documents being prepared for next year’s budget.

The forbidden words are “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “transgender,” “fetus,” “evidence-based” and “science-based.”


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I'm not in favor of using euphemisms to somehow make things more acceptable (fetus instead of baby) for either side.

Actually you have it backwards. In the womb it is a fetus. Now if your taking a claw hammer to a six month old, thats killing a baby.

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Actually you have it backwards. In the womb it is a fetus. Now if your taking a claw hammer to a six month old, thats killing a baby.

Ask a woman whose had a miscarriage why she's crying and she'll reply "because I lost the baby".

When someone kills a pregnant woman, he may face two charges of manslaughter.

Resolve that with it just being a fetus because it's still in the body.




The double murder trial would take over a year to begin, but at the end of 2004 Scott Peterson was found guilty of first-degree murder for killing his wife, and second-degree murder for killing their unborn son. In 2005, he received the death penalty.

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Actually you have it backwards. In the womb it is a fetus. Now if your taking a claw hammer to a six month old, thats killing a baby.

God DAMN, it was ONE time! The damn thing wouldn't stop crying. Can you let it go already?😠

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I'm not in favor of using euphemisms to somehow make things more acceptable (fetus instead of baby) for either side.

Sounds like somebody's in the mood for yet another post Fest. I'll just add in, these idiots who scream and cry that you're killing the baby! By taking Plan B for example. Jesus, I sneeze up more living matter then actually gets so called killed with Plan B. There's a reason why there's different names for different stages of development. A blastocyst sure as fuk isn't a baby.


Now filthy, go ahead and enjoy your 3000 thread on the same subject. Done here.

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Now filthy, go ahead and enjoy your 3000 thread on the same subject. Done here.


Mr. Pot.................would you like me to touch up that second coat? Matte black or semi-gloss? :doh:

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Mr. Pot.................would you like me to touch up that second coat? Matte black or semi-gloss? :doh:

Springsteen has recorded over 300 songs. Talking about each song or a few of those songs overtime is not the same subject just because it's recorded by the same guy. N'est Pa?

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Thanks. I asked because it seemed kinda fake. Apparently not. I presume the idea is to make it harder for the CDC to request funding for things related to abortion and transgender, but I'm not a fan of any censorship. :thumbsdown:

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God DAMN, it was ONE time! The damn thing wouldn't stop crying. Can you let it go already?

Try sitting at the mall while hundreds of them cry and pee on your leg.

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Try sitting at the mall while hundreds of them cry and pee on your leg.

There are Japanese businessmen who pay the extra charge for the whole peeing on the leg thing.

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Thanks. I asked because it seemed kinda fake. Apparently not. I presume the idea is to make it harder for the CDC to request funding for things related to abortion and transgender, but I'm not a fan of any censorship. :thumbsdown:

Not censorship.


He can control the methods and protocols used in reports written for the purpose of establishing funding for these programs, and if that helps him see through the bullsht, so be it.


He is the boss of the heads of those programs.

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There are Japanese businessmen who pay the extra charge for the whole peeing on the leg thing.

I was wondering why they were tipping me. I thought they were children! :blink:

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Not censorship.


He can control the methods and protocols used in reports written for the purpose of establishing funding for these programs, and if that helps him see through the bullsht, so be it.


He is the boss of the heads of those programs.

Who he?

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Interesting. I'm listening to this brilliant doctor from Johns Hopkins who actually has guidance from the CDC when zika was scaring the hell out of the world and rightfully so. She's looking at it saying how could you possibly talk about zika and its worst effects without using the word fetus? And how all of their findings across-the-board are indeed science-based. And evidence-based.



This is just more ridiculous kowtowing to the evangelicos.


Waiting any minute now for the head of Westboro to become the head of the CDC.

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Thanks. I asked because it seemed kinda fake. Apparently not. I presume the idea is to make it harder for the CDC to request funding for things related to abortion and transgender, but I'm not a fan of any censorship. :thumbsdown:

Evidence based is particularly disturbing, as that is the standard for publications in the scientific world.
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I'm pretty sure if I worked at the CDC I'd be a complete smartass after this moronic listing. Honestly, it sounds like something from The Onion.


After this came out, I start using euphemisms for the euphemisms. Fetus? Becomes baby which becomes pre baby.


Can't say fact or evidence-based? How about non mythology based?


Vulnerable? Becomes children whose parents are least likely to pay the Alternative Minimum Tax.


Doesn't mean much to me in the grand scheme.

I'm sitting here listening to actual scientific geniuses saying this is a really bad idea, when we got a guy like Trump whos just a f****** moron making these kind of policy decisions at that kind of level? Yeah, that's just not a good idea.

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I agree, but none of those words are euphemisms.


A mild, indirect, or vague term for one that is considered harsh, blunt, or offensive


transgender = transexual most certainly is a euphemism. They don't refer to it as a sechs change anymore but gender reassignment. Using transexual implies you just want to change your sexual organs whereas transgender indicates you're changing what you are as a human.

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transgender = transexual most certainly is a euphemism. They don't refer to it as a sechs change anymore but gender reassignment. Using transexual implies you just want to change your sexual organs whereas transgender indicates you're changing what you are as a human.

Or you want to change your gender, and all that implies, rather than just swapping out your genitals?

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Or you want to change your gender, and all that implies, rather than just swapping out your genitals?


Do they change your DNA/chromosomes? Isn't that what determines your gender?

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Do they change your DNA/chromosomes? Isn't that what determines your gender?

Your biological gender, yes. But that ain’t all gender entails:




1. the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).

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Your biological gender, yes. But that ain’t all gender entails:




1. the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).


You can put a tuxedo on a pig but it doesn't make them human.


Changing the outward appearance of something doesn't change what it is.

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You can put a tuxedo on a pig but it doesn't make them human.


Changing the outward appearance of something doesn't change what it is.



I WAS Chuck Cheese GDammitt!😠

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Fake news


"The assertion that HHS has ‘banned words’ is a complete mischaracterization of discussions regarding the budget formulation process.” MATT LLOYD, HHS SPOKESMAN

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