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14 minutes ago, wiffleball said:

Well, you're a f****** idiot. I mean seriously, I thought you were kidding for a minute. You're right there wasn't a conference, officially was called a council.  In fact, there were multiple councils of Nicea. 


You know what they did? I mean it's God damn documented. It's not debated. It's God damn  historical fact; these kids decided what should and should not be in the Bible and what should and should not be interpreted in whatever way there's appropriate for the their time and they're collected congregations. You do realize that they were multiple Christian churches back in the day? Right?  And by churches, I don't mean buildings or congregations, I mean entirely different concepts of the biblical word of christ. In fact, the Bible wasn't canonized until the 5th f****** century. You Dolt. 

So you have nothing. Thanks for playing. Child.

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Beat your plowshares into swords
And your pruning hooks into spears;
Let the weak say, “I am a mighty man.”
Hasten and come, all you surrounding nations,
And gather yourselves there.
Bring down, O Lord, Your mighty ones.
Let the nations be aroused
And come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat,
For there I will sit to judge
All the surrounding nations.


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and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power,


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7 hours ago, wiffleball said:

And don't get me started on the whole "I bring a NEW covenant from god!"

Really? You mean the same God who can see as far into the future as the East is from the west? He had to completely rip up the old contract and write a new one?

The covenant was with Abraham.  It was by the faithfulness of Jesus to that covenant (Gal 3) at Calvary that the family could be grown to be more numerous than the stars or the sands of the seashore.  The works of the Mosaic law simply showed that none are able of their own effort, bringing all under sin.  Best to keep the taunts to logs and paneling.

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10 hours ago, wiffleball said:

And Wiffleball for the gold.


This is why people think Christians are stupid. Because most of them are. You want proof? Televangelists. Jesus, Joel Osteen makes the Vatican look like mother teresa.


God damn man. If you're going to embrace Christ educate yourself. At least do that. Like I said from the jump, Blind Faith,  stupid faith is no faith whatsoever

Tolerance at it's best.

What's your take on sloppy useless drunks? 

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14 hours ago, wiffleball said:

And Wiffleball for the gold.


This is why people think Christians are stupid. Because most of them are. You want proof? Televangelists. Jesus, Joel Osteen makes the Vatican look like mother teresa.


God damn man. If you're going to embrace Christ educate yourself. At least do that. Like I said from the jump, Blind Faith,  stupid faith is no faith whatsoever


Crazy, your people are into parading little kids around in wigs and high heels for your personal pleasure but the Bible Bangers are evil? 

Makes sense 

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Chick's back then didn't wear bras. 

I approve


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Here's the story of the En Gedi scroll, which I often think of whenever someone wants to claim the Bible has changed throughout time:


This was a 1,500-year-old (1,700, according to Wikipedia) scroll found in Herculaneum in the 1970's, which had been so badly burned scientists did not dare try to unroll it. They let it sit until 2015, when a method was developed to digitally unroll the scroll and read it. It was the book of Leviticus. Immediately identifiable because it was the same as the modern Bible.

The article isn't even about the historical accuracy of the Bible, it's about the technology that was used to read it. The fact it was discovered to be Leviticus was practically an afterthought. Scrolls containing Leviticus are unearthed all the time.


For Biblical scholars, discovering another copy of the Book of Leviticus isn’t exactly Earth-shattering. “There's little of surprise in finding a Leviticus scroll,” says James Aitken, a lecturer in Hebrew at the University of Cambridge. “We probably have many more copies of it than any other book, as its Hebrew style is so simple and repetitive that it was used for children's writing exercises.”

None of the scientists sat and marveled that these books of the Bible haven't changed , it's just a matter of fact. They understand the Bible hasn't changed, and finding a scroll written in  about 300 AD with the same wording as the Bible we can pick up now was no great discovery.

The claim that the Bible has changed over and over, so much so that it cannot be trusted as the same God-breathed version that was originally written, is quite provably false.

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Romans 6:23.  

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Jude 1:20-21.  


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On 2/28/2023 at 3:23 PM, TK0001 said:

So you have nothing. Thanks for playing. Child.

Well, if you ignore the part where I have everything. Lol. Dude, you never heard of the councils of Nicea? Trent? 



See, this is the problem with most christians. They are purposefully ignorant. And they listen with Blind Faith to whatever moron in a shiny suit willingly takes 10% of their salary to reupholster their private jets.

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On 3/1/2023 at 7:19 AM, TK0001 said:

Here's the story of the En Gedi scroll, which I often think of whenever someone wants to claim the Bible has changed throughout time:


This was a 1,500-year-old (1,700, according to Wikipedia) scroll found in Herculaneum in the 1970's, which had been so badly burned scientists did not dare try to unroll it. They let it sit until 2015, when a method was developed to digitally unroll the scroll and read it. It was the book of Leviticus. Immediately identifiable because it was the same as the modern Bible.

The article isn't even about the historical accuracy of the Bible, it's about the technology that was used to read it. The fact it was discovered to be Leviticus was practically an afterthought. Scrolls containing Leviticus are unearthed all the time.

None of the scientists sat and marveled that these books of the Bible haven't changed , it's just a matter of fact. They understand the Bible hasn't changed, and finding a scroll written in  about 300 AD with the same wording as the Bible we can pick up now was no great discovery.

The claim that the Bible has changed over and over, so much so that it cannot be trusted as the same God-breathed version that was originally written, is quite provably false.

Dude, now I'm just repeating myself. You do realize that even the four gospels have radical departures in fact and occurrence right?

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See, now I feel bad for laughing at you, TK:


A collection of supposedly valuable Dead Sea Scroll fragments on display at the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC has been found to be fake. After six months of analysis, experts released a 200-page report detailing how the fragments were forged - likely made from old shoe leather.Mar 16, 2020


I'm so sorry kid. Believe what you want. It's my understanding that the scrolls were guarded by a particularly vicious rabbit that could only be defeated with the holy hand grenade.


Do you just keep hearing that whatawhaa sound effect from The Price is right?

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11 hours ago, League Champion said:

They didn't groom themselves either. 

Of course not. That's why they invented liberals.

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On 3/1/2023 at 5:36 AM, League Champion said:


Crazy, your people are into parading little kids around in wigs and high heels for your personal pleasure but the Bible Bangers are evil? 

Makes sense 

Sure  as crap ain't my people.


And no, I don't believe most Christians are evil. Though Christian doctrine has been used to justify a hell of a lot of evil over time. 


I just think they're woefully and probably willingly uneducated. The third time? Blind uneducated stupid faith is no faith whatsoever.


I pray daily. Repeatedly. It's the first thing I do in the morning when I see the mountain and the last thing I do at night when I see the inside of my eyelids. 


God is so much better than the moronic fairy tales that have been foisted upon Us by the powers that be through the centuries. He has to be. Far beyond our conception.


Just educate yourself on the iterations and Etymology of the bible.  If you truly value your faith.  If it is the most important aspect of your life? If you want the people that you love most on Erf to know follow and live the gospel? Then why would you not educate yourself on it?

I swear it's a fact that most of the guys on this board has spent more time figuring out the fourth best running back in the NFL thsn they have on the veracity of the gospels.

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On 3/1/2023 at 6:36 AM, League Champion said:


Crazy, your people are into parading little kids around in wigs and high heels for your personal pleasure but the Bible Bangers are evil? 

Makes sense 

Not evil.  I think his point is that most are just uneducated about The Bible in the way he's describing.   A lot are also uneducated as far as a historical comparison to other religions that came before it and how much Christianity borrowed and cribbed off others.    

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18 minutes ago, BuckSwope said:

 A lot are also uneducated as far as a historical comparison to other religions that came before it and how much Christianity borrowed and cribbed off others.    

Helluva lot of paganism made its way into Christianity...

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44 minutes ago, wiffleball said:

Well, if you ignore the part where I have everything. Lol. Dude, you never heard of the councils of Nicea? Trent? 



See, this is the problem with most christians. They are purposefully ignorant. And they listen with Blind Faith to whatever moron in a shiny suit willingly takes 10% of their salary to reupholster their private jets.

I listen to Jesus. 

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7 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

I listen to Jesus. 

So it's Christ's fault you're such a pr1ck?

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1 minute ago, Fnord said:

So it's Christ's fault you're such a pr1ck?

Maybe it's just that he is as good at listening as he is at reading posts around here?  ;) 

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54 minutes ago, BuckSwope said:

Maybe it's just that he is as good at listening as he is at reading posts around here?  ;) 

Your posts use  far too many words to say so little. 

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2 hours ago, wiffleball said:

Sure  as crap ain't my people.


And no, I don't believe most Christians are evil. Though Christian doctrine has been used to justify a hell of a lot of evil over time. 


I just think they're woefully and probably willingly uneducated. The third time? Blind uneducated stupid faith is no faith whatsoever.


I pray daily. Repeatedly. It's the first thing I do in the morning when I see the mountain and the last thing I do at night when I see the inside of my eyelids. 


God is so much better than the moronic fairy tales that have been foisted upon Us by the powers that be through the centuries. He has to be. Far beyond our conception.


Just educate yourself on the iterations and Etymology of the bible.  If you truly value your faith.  If it is the most important aspect of your life? If you want the people that you love most on Erf to know follow and live the gospel? Then why would you not educate yourself on it?

I swear it's a fact that most of the guys on this board has spent more time figuring out the fourth best running back in the NFL thsn they have on the veracity of the gospels.

Pray to you? 

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3 hours ago, BuckSwope said:

Not evil.  I think his point is that most are just uneducated about The Bible in the way he's describing.   A lot are also uneducated as far as a historical comparison to other religions that came before it and how much Christianity borrowed and cribbed off others.    

Not a religion, being a Christian means your in a relationship with God the Father, The Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ Lord and Savior. 

Science is based on  blind faith.  Any religion is based on blind faith.  

  • Haha 1

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3 hours ago, wiffleball said:

Well, if you ignore the part where I have everything. Lol. Dude, you never heard of the councils of Nicea? Trent? 



See, this is the problem with most christians. They are purposefully ignorant. And they listen with Blind Faith to whatever moron in a shiny suit willingly takes 10% of their salary to reupholster their private jets.

I’m listening to God the Father, and to the Holy Spirt , and to Jesus Christ, when I hear a fool speak foolishly about Christians it’s simply time to do what Jesus said to do l move on from them, because one will become foolish like them.  

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2 hours ago, Fnord said:

Helluva lot of paganism made its way into Christianity...

And it keeps happening, but the Bible, God’s word gave us all a warning, we shall know them by their fruit.  So when I see someone say they no longer believe on Jesus as their Savior, then we know has a Christian they were never with us.  

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2 hours ago, Fnord said:

So it's Christ's fault you're such a pr1ck?

Listening to Jesus is wisdom. Listening to anyone else is foolishness.  

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18 minutes ago, weepaws said:

Listening to Jesus is wisdom. Listening to anyone else is foolishness.  

What about reading their posts? 

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20 minutes ago, wiffleball said:

What about reading their posts? 


And you are helping keeping it going.  

Congrats.  Now accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. 

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2 hours ago, weepaws said:

Science is based on  blind faith.  Any religion is based on blind faith.  

"Scientific belief is based upon publicly checkable evidence, religious faith not only lacks evidence; its independence from evidence is its joy, shouted from the rooftops." - Dawkins 

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3 hours ago, RogerDodger said:

"Scientific belief is based upon publicly checkable evidence, religious faith not only lacks evidence; its independence from evidence is its joy, shouted from the rooftops." - Dawkins 

Not true.  

God bless. 

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6 hours ago, weepaws said:

Not true.  

God bless. 

Sure it is. The belief that your breaks in your car are going to rely on friction forces to stop is not blind faith. It's based on repeated testing over and over.  Evidence like hundreds of thousands of cars whose breaks work everyday is available to everyone. There is published data by car manufacturers. The forces involved can be calculated then replicated by testing to a super high degree of accuracy. There is so much empirical data that virtually everyone on the planet holds the belief that Newtons laws of motion work and their car is going to stop at stoplight without giving it a second thought.  That's the opposite of blind faith. 


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8 hours ago, RogerDodger said:

Sure it is. The belief that your breaks in your car are going to rely on friction forces to stop is not blind faith. It's based on repeated testing over and over.  Evidence like hundreds of thousands of cars whose breaks work everyday is available to everyone. There is published data by car manufacturers. The forces involved can be calculated then replicated by testing to a super high degree of accuracy. There is so much empirical data that virtually everyone on the planet holds the belief that Newtons laws of motion work and their car is going to stop at stoplight without giving it a second thought.  That's the opposite of blind faith. 


Cool story about breaks.  Trusting man is blind faith, trusting the Lord is faith without fail.  

See breaks don’t always work, like date that man uses for airplanes , sometimes they crash, yea I’ll put my trust in the Lord.  

But thanks.  

God bless. 

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2 minutes ago, weepaws said:

Cool story about breaks.  Trusting man is blind faith, trusting the Lord is faith without fail.  

See breaks don’t always work, like date that man uses for airplanes , sometimes they crash, yea I’ll put my trust in the Lord.  

But thanks.  

God bless. 

Mechanics fail if not properly maintained.  That's not a failure of the laws of science or physics, that's entirely predicable breakdown of materials.  Science explains that too.  Just like when the coefficient of friction changes from dry pavement, to wet pavement to snow to ice, more accidents happen when the freeways ice over, it's entirely predictable.  Evidence, proof.

You won't put your trust in the lord.  You wont drive down a hill without breaks eschewing science and putting your faith in god to stop you.  Because you would crash and you know it.   

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Recalls happens because of a system failure.m

Trusting in man is blind faith in all things.  

Faith in the Lord in all things, is faith without fail.  God doesn’t tell me to go down a hill in a car without breaks, that would be a very unwise thing to do, but it’s because of my lack in man kind that even with breaks in the car I would go down that hill with caution, the system might fail. 

No matter how you cut it, my trust is in the Lord in all things.  People go to Hell because they don’t fear the Lord , and don’t trust on Him in faith.  Biggest question one should ask themselves is, when will I die? And what will happen after I die with my soul?  That’s all that matters, can’t take the car with or without breaks with you. 

Wide are the gates to Hell.  

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31 minutes ago, weepaws said:

Recalls happens because of a system failure.m

Trusting in man is blind faith in all things.  

Faith in the Lord in all things, is faith without fail.  God doesn’t tell me to go down a hill in a car without breaks, that would be a very unwise thing to do, but it’s because of my lack in man kind that even with breaks in the car I would go down that hill with caution, the system might fail. 

No matter how you cut it, my trust is in the Lord in all things.  People go to Hell because they don’t fear the Lord , and don’t trust on Him in faith.  Biggest question one should ask themselves is, when will I die? And what will happen after I die with my soul?  That’s all that matters, can’t take the car with or without breaks with you. 

Wide are the gates to Hell.  

Look prophesize all you want in here like a madman for all I care.  But you can't say science is blind faith.  I've given you a real example, one almost everyone on the planet uses every day. People who aren't scientists nor engineers.  And that's just the first one of thousands that came to my head.  Provable, verifiable, backed by tons of evidence.

You've given no such examples. Because you don't have any.  Faith is god is blind, not science.

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6 hours ago, RogerDodger said:

Look prophesize all you want in here like a madman for all I care.  But you can't say science is blind faith.  I've given you a real example, one almost everyone on the planet uses every day. People who aren't scientists nor engineers.  And that's just the first one of thousands that came to my head.  Provable, verifiable, backed by tons of evidence.

You've given no such examples. Because you don't have any.  Faith is god is blind, not science.

Okay thank you. Everything is a proof of God, I have faith in God that created everything.  

Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  

God bless.  

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