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***Official Season 4 Lost thread***

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Did everyone see this
of the Orchid station they sneak peaked at comic-con? I hadn't until looking at some Lost sites today. Very interesting.

That's some effed up stuff. I am suree all the little pseudo-subliminal cuts have some significance.

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Did everyone see this
of the Orchid station they sneak peaked at comic-con? I hadn't until looking at some Lost sites today. Very interesting.


That appeared on the DVD extras with the Season 3 DVD.

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Some thoughts on Episode 1, albeit they are very speculative. It's hard to theorize at the start of a journey like each season has been.


I still think it's significant that Locke is able to know information ahead of time. At the end of last season, he knifes Naomi and warns Jack not to use the phone. How does Locke know about the situation, as we was laying dying in a ditch for quite some time. Yet, he gets up at Walt's/the islands urging, heads to the radio tower of all places, somewhere he has never been, to prevent a person he has never met (Naomi) from using a phone he doesn't know exists from calling a boat he has never heard about before. Quite a string of coincedences. Further, he knows about Charlie dying and, again, the boat is bad news, without anyone on screen telling him first. Again, how does Locke know?


My initial thought was that Walt/the island/etc. (basically whatever gets Locke out of the ditch) fills Locke in on the situation, off-screen. There's no question that Locke has some kind of communion with the Island, as witnessed by his interaction with the mysterious Jacob. Certainly, some force is helping Locke...


I noticed that Harold Perrineau is part of the cast names as the show opens up and flashes names like Terry O'Quinn and Evangeline Lilly. Looks like it's very safe to assume and Michael is coming back, and soon.


From what I've heard, Michael is definitely in this season. It remains to be seen, however, if Michael is back on the island or if we'll be given a flash-forward of what happens to Michael after he leaves the island. My money is on the latter option...and that it shows that Michael's life (upon returning to civilization) is not all that he had hoped for and that he wishes he was back on the island with Walt (similar to Jack's reaction at the end of last season).


That still doesn't explain why the man in the cabin that Locke saw was not the same person Hurley saw. Locke saw somebody that we had never seen before. Hurley saw Christian Shepherd, yes, Jack's father. Who the producers told us last year emphatically was dead. Why were they different to different people? I guess the Trinity can appear in different ways to different people. The smoke monster has appeared as white to Locke, black to Mr Eko. The monster has appeared as a horse, spider, Yemi, Christian Shepherd, Dave (Hurley's imaginary friend), Walt, Vincent, a Boar, etc. So why couldn't Jacob have the same properties? More troubling is the eye that popped into the window and spooked Hurley. Whose eye was that? Locke? Maybe? Or was it Jacob himself, while Christian was a guest. We need more information.


I'm 99% sure that the eye in the window that Hurley saw was Locke. That was my initial reaction when I saw the episode, and the subsequent screen-shot seems to suggest that as well (IMO). I think what some people are interpreting as hair on the side of the face is actually just a shadow.


And I guess that is the theme to me of the first Episode. Plenty of action, but we need more information. I look forward to Thursday's episode.

I also wonder who the Oceanic Six are...


Here's who we know for sure:

1. Jack

2. Kate

3. Hurley


There's been some speculation that Sawyer leaves because Kate says (at the end of season 3) that she needs to get back to "him" -- implying that Jack is familiar with who she's going home to. Of course, this alone isn't enough evidence to support the claim that Sawyer gets off the island, as Kate could've been heading home to someone else that Jack knew on the island or she could've been heading home to someone that Jack had met/heard of following his return to civilization. Essentially, it's just too vague at this point to say that Sawyer leaves.


I'm doubtful that either Michael or Walt comprise the Oceanic Six. After all, they left the island on dubious circumstances and likely wouldn't broadcast the fact that they had abandoned their fellow castaways.


Another thing to consider is the man in the casket at the end of season 3. Jack says that he is neither "family nor friend." Is this person a member of the Oceanic Six? Perhaps it's someone else from the island that wasn't on Oceanic 815 -- someone that Jack didn't like (per se) but who had a profound influence on him (as illustrated by his tears at the funeral home). Maybe Ben??? Maybe one of the new Boaties???



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lololololololololol, you mean there are fools out there still watching that crap!

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Further, he knows about Charlie dying and, again, the boat is bad news, without anyone on screen telling him first. Again, how does Locke know?


I definitely agree that Locke has some extrasensory stuff with the island, but in this case, I think Hurley tells him about it (off camera) while they're sitting around the campfire.

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lololololololololol, you mean there are fools out there still watching that crap!


I guess Lost isn't for you, with it's complicated plot lines and scientific themes. It's a tad more high brow than Flavor of Love 3.

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I definitely agree that Locke has some extrasensory stuff with the island, but in this case, I think Hurley tells him about it (off camera) while they're sitting around the campfire.


Everybody keeps saying that, but I don't like implied plot development, basically assuming something.

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Pre episode thought:


Last season, Naomi said that the Oceanic plane was found, along with the bodies. Well, if the plane was 1,000 miles off course just before the crash, how did anyone know where to look? Needle in a haystack. Bullsh!t.

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Pre episode thought:


Last season, Naomi said that the Oceanic plane was found, along with the bodies. Well, if the plane was 1,000 miles off course just before the crash, how did anyone know where to look? Needle in a haystack. Bullsh!t.



Naomi also seemed to remember Charlie's "rock star" funeral. Naomi's story doesn't seem to jive with the flash forwards. Obviously they are pseudo celebrities "The oceanic 6" and it is known they are crash survivors, but where do they claim to have been since the crash?


Mabye parachute dude will enlighten us tonight.





Heh... yea right.

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Holy fock. A freighties/boaties flashback. I think. Bizarre. :shocking:

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Oh Jeebus, how intense was that episode?! Loved how we still don't know what the boaties mission is, but we know about them already.


Too many thoughts to write down at this moment. But it does look like the boaties are not interested in the 815 people at all.

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I watched tonight drunk/stoned (go figure) and I havee a questions on timeline and a more


Mayeb they will a be answered tommmmorroow bore I a ask,


greata show

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2 Star Wars references already.



Yoda and what else...I missed the second one.

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So I'm thinking Oceanic 815 crashed twice. Once on the island, then there was some sort of time travel/warp whatever, and it went down again.....


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So I'm thinking Oceanic 815 crashed twice. Once on the island, then there was some sort of time travel/warp whatever, and it went down again.....



I am thinking that Oceanic or Dharma staged the other crash site. I think the boaties were hired by Dharma.

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I am thinking that Oceanic or Dharma staged the other crash site. I think the boaties were hired by Dharma.


I was also thinking the plane they found in the ocean was staged, by oceanic, dharma, Ben, who knows? It was staged so people would quit looking for it and possibly find the island in the process.?

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I was also thinking the plane they found in the ocean was staged, by oceanic, dharma, Ben, who knows? It was staged so people would quit looking for it and possibly find the island in the process.?


It was staged. The guy who was supposed to be the pilot that day called in and told the Oceanic rep that the person they were showing at the crash site wasn't one of the pilots.

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Holy fock. A freighties/boaties flashback. I think. Bizarre. <_<


Pretty interesting - I'm thinking that in the "oceanic lawyer" scene from last week when he asked Hurley if any of them were still alive, he wasn't talking about other Oceanic survivors, he was talking about his boaties "team".

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It was staged. The guy who was supposed to be the pilot that day called in and told the Oceanic rep that the person they were showing at the crash site wasn't one of the pilots.


Yup...and he is now on the island. Probably let him be part of the mission to shut him up.

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Overall...great episode...maybe one of the best ever as far as writing and action and WTF is going on moments.

The polar bear in Tunisia...

Sawyer's line on trusting the tall-ghost Walt.

Jack using Ben's old move of having friends in the forest and Kate asking to be clued in...Jack's response with...well I gave you that...wink.


Excellent stuff.

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MY take on this episode ( one of the best I have seen - Ben saying he has a man on the boat was greta ).


First I think the Black dude works for Ben. He was asked by his higher ups to get a group together to go inand get Ben. He picks a group of 4 misfits that would likely fail -- and He was the person with all the info on those guys that would have been able to get that to Ben easily and all 4 of them are somehow connected to the Island as well. As for the Mission In think part of it is to get Ben but of course there is much more -- could take a twist like the Boaties are really run by Ben or something like that.


I think its now established that Ben again wasn't lying when he wsaid they would kill everyone of the Loasties. The black guy kept sdaying there NO SURVIVORS ! meaning kill them all if you find any - But i don't think any of the 4 know that or at least not yet - except for Naomi who got killed.


as for the other 815 - would make sense if the Others had it planted there they seem to have unlimited resourses for some reason on the outside.


The thing thats gets me ??? is Desmond as I fdo NOT think it was the others who got Desmond to go back to the island after the hatch blew and he got teleported back in time to england -- It was either Jacob or something else.


Polar bear in the desert -- only thing i could make of that is maybe the " Island " wasn't the only one of it's kind - or Jacob once lived there and moved his home elsewhere. What got me with that is the Dharma Symbol she dug up right by it -- or at least it looked like it.


I really don't think Ben knows what the Smoke Monster is but knows pretty much everyhting else.


Where are ben's people - I know most of his force is now dead other than right hand man ( forget the name ) that lead the peple to the temple.



Starting to think even moreso that Oceanic is connected to either Ben or the Boaties somehow. Or maybe Ben and the Boaties are the same. \


all in all a hell of an episode -- told us alot without really telling us anyhting ! :overhead:


best part - writah's strike ova -- Lost season 4 will be finished ! :overhead:

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MY take on this episode ( one of the best I have seen - Ben saying he has a man on the boat was greta ).


First I think the Black dude works for Ben. He was asked by his higher ups to get a group together to go inand get Ben. He picks a group of 4 misfits that would likely fail -- and He was the person with all the info on those guys that would have been able to get that to Ben easily and all 4 of them are somehow connected to the Island as well. As for the Mission In think part of it is to get Ben but of course there is much more -- could take a twist like the Boaties are really run by Ben or something like that.


I think its now established that Ben again wasn't lying when he wsaid they would kill everyone of the Loasties. The black guy kept sdaying there NO SURVIVORS ! meaning kill them all if you find any - But i don't think any of the 4 know that or at least not yet - except for Naomi who got killed.


as for the other 815 - would make sense if the Others had it planted there they seem to have unlimited resourses for some reason on the outside.


The thing thats gets me ??? is Desmond as I fdo NOT think it was the others who got Desmond to go back to the island after the hatch blew and he got teleported back in time to england -- It was either Jacob or something else.


Polar bear in the desert -- only thing i could make of that is maybe the " Island " wasn't the only one of it's kind - or Jacob once lived there and moved his home elsewhere. What got me with that is the Dharma Symbol she dug up right by it -- or at least it looked like it.


I really don't think Ben knows what the Smoke Monster is but knows pretty much everyhting else.


Where are ben's people - I know most of his force is now dead other than right hand man ( forget the name ) that lead the peple to the temple.

Starting to think even moreso that Oceanic is connected to either Ben or the Boaties somehow. Or maybe Ben and the Boaties are the same. \


all in all a hell of an episode -- told us alot without really telling us anyhting ! :overhead:


best part - writah's strike ova -- Lost season 4 will be finished ! :overhead:


I don't think the black guy is connected to Ben...I think he is connected to Dharma and wants to get Ben because of the purge.

The Island has a way of masking itself...so they want to get there to find Ben.

Those he chose are interesting.

You get ghost whisperer (maybe to communicate with Jacob) plus to communicate with any dead...worked well with Naomi.

You get Daniel Faraday the physicist. Check out things about the name Faraday http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Faraday mainly

"Faraday's law of induction states that a magnetic field changing in time creates a proportional electromotive force."

An anthropologist...yet not totally sure of her part of the mission just yet.


Who does Ben have on the boat? Michael maybe? Was Miles his guy and thats why he wants to get to Ben? I don't know.

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As soon as PB finishes cleaning the blood out of his basement we will get the real scoop. :overhead:

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I think those 4 got picked because for one reason or other, they were all suppose to be on that flight. Like the pilot was suppose to be flying the plane. Daniel was hella crying so maybe he was crying because he was suppose to be on that plane.

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Anyone think that the boat might belong to Charles Widmore, Penny's father? That would explain why the people on the boat (Naomi) knew about Desmond, and had the picure of him and Penny, and also why Penny knew nothing about the boat.


I have seen/read theories on other sites before that Charles Widmore might be a kind of a competing force to the Dharma group.

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I enjoyed every minute of this episode. Every commercial break, I kept looking at the clock in my living room like a mental patient, hoping that there was still an hour to go. Alas, the minutes kept going by.


At the start of the episode, we see the wreckage of Oceanic 815. Amazingly, that killed my theory of how the wreckage couldn't be found, needle in a haystack, 1000 miles off course, blah, blah, blah. What a slap in the face. But the wreckage was found by accident. Later in the episode, Frank makes a phone call and insists that the pilot is a fake, as he personnally knew the pilot. Reviewing the early episodes of Season 1, indeed the pilot wore a wedding ring. Actually, I didn't realize the pilot was Greg Grunberg, who was a very entertaing cast member of Alias, the previous JJ Abrams series. Anyway, Frank had stumpled upon something very important. The wreckage was staged, a ruse, something that would satisfy the curious and resolved the Oceanic 815 crash once and for all for the outside world. So then you have to wonder, who set up the fake wreckage. Who had the motivation? Was it Mr Abbadon and whomever he works (still a mystery), who badgered Hurley and then sent Naomi on a suicide mission? Dharma, as they put together an elaborate plot to get revenge. How about Charles Widmore, and his quest to make Penny forget about Desmond? Penny is searching for the island for some reason. Mrs. Hawkings and whomever she works for, as there are people on the outside world manipulating events?


We meet the Freighter Four, certainly not to be confused with the Fantastic Four. These guys are closer to the Special Olympics X-Men. Dan, who has no ability to lie and in nervous every second of every day. Miles, the guy that can hear the dead? How long before Miles's head explodes on this island. Will Miles be able to scan the Smoke Monster? That would be funny. Frank, the pilot guy that looks like a dead drunk. One word: Yuck.


For the second straight week, Jack is surprisingly totally incompetent. He keeps tripping over evidence of the Freighties lying, finds the trunk with gas masks, warning bells going off everywhere..for fock's sake, Dan just told you that the primary object was not rescuing you....I mean how many times will they show you their cards, yet you refuse to fold but keep raising while holding nothing. If Juliet and Sayid didn't bail you out, you'd have a bullet in your head. Also, finally the Losties learned some lessons from the Others. How many times did you see Tom and the Others walk out of the darkness and take away the guns of the Losties. Now, it's the Losties turn.


Anyone else nothing that during Miles's flashback, there were numerous pictures of a young Mr Eko hanging in the old black woman's house. Not a coincidence, because the writers plant these kinds of clues in the background constantly. But whoever the kid was, he got shot. Miles found money and a packet of heroin in the wall. Again, not a coincidence. We may see Mr Eko back in some capacity in the future.


Now that Naomi is dead, are we ever going to find out why she had a picture of Desmond when she landed on the island. Again, Naomi may have ultimately been working for Charles Widmore. But the Down's Syndrome Four had Ben as the mission objective. Did Naomi have another objective? Seems like it. The Four are probably patsies, just like the people that worked in Hatches when Dharma was around. Doing exercises for no real purpose. Therefore, you have to assume that these four were needed for some other reason other than capturing Ben. How about the call of the island. The boat couldn't find the island without Frank for example, because Frank was supposed to be on the island in the first place, as the pilot. The island therefore allowed Frank to arrive. Maybe that is why the smoke monster killed the pilot first, right after the crash in Season 1. It was supposed to be Frank, not another guy. And the monster/island got angry. I still don't know why Dan and Miles were allowed to arrive. Charlotte is interesting. She showed us the polar bear skeleton in the desert of Tunisia. She also found the Dharma logo, which looked a bit like the Hydra logo, but just didn't strike me as a match. Looks like Dharma was conducting experiments all over the place. I wonder why they always chose polar bears, and not some other species indigineous to one area.


Locke asked an excellent question. What is the smoke monster? Actually, throughout the episode, I was wondering WHERE is the smoke monster. When the Losties crashed, the smoke monster showed up the first night. Now, you have 4 new people on the island and....nothing. Dammit. Does it strike anyone odd about how the Losties are now in the Others role. You have knew people on the island, yet Locke's group does not want to be found. Interesting transformation. Locke confirmed that if he still had his kidney, he would be dead; this was a something I pointed out last year, and it was nice to be proven right. I like the dynamics of Team Locke. Lots of fun and some revelations. Sawyer and Locke's exchanges are full of humor.


Where did the picture of Ben come from? Ben has been on the island since being a teenager. His dad talked about how they were trapped on the island. So how does a picture of a grown up Ben in a cubicle even exist? Ben has a man on the boat? Well, let's revisit my theory on Lost which I posted at the end of last season. Lost is like Groundhog Day. It's about reliving the same time frame over and over again, until you get it right. Instead of a single day, we are reliving a longer lenght of time, maybe months, maybe years. And as the events lead to the wrong ending (the end of the world), everything restarts. And the island is the key. The characters keep reliving the same months/years until they get it right. Just like Bill Murry was aware of what was happening, so can Ben. Ben has gained a different perspective than everybody else, and is aware of previous cycles. Desmond has the glimpses of the future, but are actually flashbacks of the past. Locke is gaining this awareness as well, as he knew Naomi and the freighties were bad, knew about the radio tower, etc. Therefore, it's not that Ben has a man on the boat, but Ben knows all about the people from the boat because he has met them before in a previous cycle. Are Michael and Walt on the boat? Hell, they could be. But I think Ben is simply lying for effect. Also, I have a hard time believing that the creators of the show had a vision of people invading the island, looking for Ben as the ultimate story line. Therefore, Ben is not the objective. I'm not buying it. And Ben is manipulating again, like Sawyer said.


Great episode.

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I dont think those pics were of eko. Just because he was a big black kid doesn't mean they have to be the same person. I'vee seen some of the screen caps and you can clearly tell its not eko.


Also, things are different than when he was a teenager trapped on the island with his dad. Yea, he's lived there all of his life but it doesn't mean he can't leave the island. Also, to me it looked it was a picture of him at an airport.

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I dont think those pics were of eko. Just because he was a big black kid doesn't mean they have to be the same person. I'vee seen some of the screen caps and you can clearly tell its not eko.


Also, things are different than when he was a teenager trapped on the island with his dad. Yea, he's lived there all of his life but it doesn't mean he can't leave the island. Also, to me it looked it was a picture of him at an airport.


Thing is, he claimed he never left the island.


Sorry Philly...cannot agree with the groundhog day thing.

With Locke...its more of the island telling him what to do through Jacob/Walt.

Ben was the same way.

Hurley seems to be gaining that (notice how freaked out Ben and Locke were when Hurley mentioned the cabin...IMO, something will happen there which is what led Hurley to say he should have stayed with Jack in ep. 1)

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I guess Lost isn't for you, with it's complicated plot lines and scientific themes. It's a tad more high brow than Flavor of Love 3.

did you miss the word STILL?

you see i jumped off that sinking boat over a year ago.

fck that show.

it was ridiculous.

lots of tease no orgasm.

sorry, not my cup of tea.

AND the show only has half the viewers it used to have, so i'm not the only one.

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I think the first part of season 3 turned a lot of people off. That mini-season was terrible. I almost considered jumping ship. Thankfully i didn't.



You can bash it all you want peenie, but i'm a huge fan of the show again. Starting with the 2nd part of season 3 to these first 2 episodes of this season, this show has been great. Its different than most shows. Each episode won't be an open and shut case. Theres nothing wrong with those types of shows, but this show plays out more like a movie/book. They do give you answers, but for every answer, there are 5 more questions. It keeps you into it. If you need to know everything in a relatively short time, then this show isn't for you. But i enjoy how its being drawn out. But, they do give plenty of answers throughout the season. The biggest one, yes, some of them do eventually get off of the island.


Also, i think a lot of shows are gonna lose viewers because of this whole writers strike.

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I think the first part of season 3 turned a lot of people off. That mini-season was terrible. I almost considered jumping ship. Thankfully i didn't.

hi itsbigmoni! ;)

you all are hyping this show up so much, i may have to tune in next time to see what i've missed.

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Just watched it again. Some totaly random thoughts.


I don't buy that Miles is in Eko's room. Makes no sense that he has a Grandmother in Inglewood. Why does Miles claim the "ghost" was murdered? The room is full of baseball trophies, joysticks, bikini picks and other crap a semi-adolescent would have. Might be a flash forward to an unknown character. Perhaps whoever was in the casket in the S3 finale. :dunno:


Desmond told Charlie he saw Claire getting "rescued by a helicopter" Is she one of the O 6? Is Aaron?


Not convinced at all Michael is the insider on the boat. Why would he do that for Ben? Wouldn't Ben need another inside guy to get Michael involved? (2 inside guys total) Seems unlikely the freighter would pick up/find Michaels boat and have him hanging around and sharing sensitive information all this time. Unless somehow Ben is blackmailing him with Walt. After all if Walt really is still on the island I guess his dad would not be far.


Faking an jet airliner crash, bodies and all, is big time. Would take massive resources and funds. Build your own private research island type funds. Dharma funds. Or did Penny's side mock up the crash to try and lead a rat to the cheese?


Naomi claims they are there for Desmond.


Miles claims they are there for Ben.


Ben claims they are there for Ben.


If the frieghties are there to kill Ben why does Charlotte, who is a hottie by the way, save Ben's life by corroborating his story? Maybe they need Ben alive.


The freighties came ready for a fight. Bulletproof vests, weapons, gas masks. Sounds to me like someone learned from past mistakes. Dharma specifically. Trying to re-take the island and establish contact. Check on the countermeasures(Daniel), check on the engineered wildlife(Charlotte), Check on Jacob. (Miles) and handle any resistance. (Naomi) Naomi seemed to want to help the losties, but was she waiting for reinforcements/gas to try and kill them? Was she genuinely interested in helping? She anticipated being held at gunpoint due to the prearranged code signal Naomi used "Tell my sister I love her". Charlotte had a bulletproof vest on that would also stop a knife. Why the hell didn't Naomi have a vest if she anticipated trouble? She didn't have a weapon either come to think of it.


If the frieghties do work for Dharma why can't they re-find the island? If Dharma can't locate the island how do they still get Dharma food shipments?


Locke tries to kill Naomi the fist second he gets close enough. Why does Locke not go after Charlotte the same way? Does he know something about Naomi's secret true intentions?


Undoubtedly Locke should be gunning to take out the chopper just like the sub.


I could go on and on. I already wish it was Thursday. ;)

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Whats up peenie. Still haven't made that trip over to the curly board. I tried sending you a PM but it said i'm not allowed to.

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