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Science vs God

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The title to this thread points out the main problem here. Why does it have to be Science vs God? Didn't God create us to be inquisitive and explore the evidence around us about how we got here? Does anyone really know how long one day is for God? Isn't it possible that God percieves time differently than us? Perhaps a day to God is a million years to us. Isn't it possible that evolution is the mechanism that God used to create us?


I have faith and I don't feel threatened in my faith by the theory of evolution. Every bit of evidence since the theory was presented has confirmed it. Don't you think God intended for us to find this evidence? If your faith is threatened so easily, then maybe you need to re-examine your faith.

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I just wanted to take this occasion to say, Merry Christmas to all the Geek Club atheists! Have fun celebrating the birth of a God you claim doesn't exist. :pointstosky:

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The title to this thread points out the main problem here. Why does it have to be Science vs God? Didn't God create us to be inquisitive and explore the evidence around us about how we got here? Does anyone really know how long one day is for God? Isn't it possible that God percieves time differently than us? Perhaps a day to God is a million years to us. Isn't it possible that evolution is the mechanism that God used to create us?


I have faith and I don't feel threatened in my faith by the theory of evolution. Every bit of evidence since the theory was presented has confirmed it. Don't you think God intended for us to find this evidence? If your faith is threatened so easily, then maybe you need to re-examine your faith.


See, this is the type of argument I really don't get. My wife is the same way.


They start with the assumption of god, and then twist every bit of evidence and reason around to fit that.


Is it possible that there is a loving and benevolent creator, and that his master plan was to have us slowly evolve from amoeaba, into fish, into fish with legs, into monkeys, into people, and then to flood said people (except the two in the boat) and start over, then to send his "only begotten son" to die for our sins, to leave us the most vauge instruction manual ever, and ultimately to send "the pale horse upon whom death rides" to wipe us out in an apocalyptic flame?


Sure, that's possible, I suppose. :wacko:


I love it when Christians make fun of the basis of Scientology (you know, the whole aliens in the volcano thing) as being absurd. Sure its absurd, but people living in that glass house should probably keep their stones in their pocket, no?

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I just wanted to take this occasion to say, Merry Christmas to all the Geek Club atheists! Have fun celebrating the birth of a God you claim doesn't exist. :wacko:


Christmas has long ceased to have anything to do with Christianity. Actually, the only reason Christmas is in December to start with is that the early Christians needed a holiday to compete with the Roman Saturnalia.


Christmas is about family and friends. Nothing more. Oh, that, and unabashed commercialism.

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God is to grown men and women what Santa Claus is to small children.


Ever used Santa to get a kid to behave? You know the ole "Santa is watching you, and if you aren't good, he'll bring you coal instead of toys."


People have been using God the same way for millenia. "God is watching you. If you don't believe in him, give him your money, and follow his rules that we set out in this extremely vauge book, he will send you to hell."


It never ceases to amaze and sicken me how many people fall for that crap.


God = :thumbsdown:



My man! :wacko:

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Christmas has long ceased to have anything to do with Christianity.

Sure it is, if that helps you sleep better at night.

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I would like to add I'm not here to bash Christianity or anything like that. I come from a religious family, and I think it's ridiculous how "anti-religion" this country has become. But just for me personally...I don't get it


To me this is the crux of the issue: why is it that someone who doesn't believe in a God is automatically anti-religion? To me, if religious people want to practice their religions in their homes and places of worship, then that's fine. Up here, religion has been pretty much taken out of public schools, save for general classes on the broad topic of religion. Well if you listen to foaming at the mouth religious people, it's like they have been completely denied their religion. Why don't they talk to their churches and set up Sunday classes for their kids in church to learn about their gods? The reason why is that this involves effort and they would rather have public schools do it for them. But government sure as ###### isn't preventing them from doing it.

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The title to this thread points out the main problem here. Why does it have to be Science vs God? Didn't God create us to be inquisitive and explore the evidence around us about how we got here? Does anyone really know how long one day is for God? Isn't it possible that God percieves time differently than us? Perhaps a day to God is a million years to us. Isn't it possible that evolution is the mechanism that God used to create us?


I have faith and I don't feel threatened in my faith by the theory of evolution. Every bit of evidence since the theory was presented has confirmed it. Don't you think God intended for us to find this evidence? If your faith is threatened so easily, then maybe you need to re-examine your faith.


What else has God intended?






John Wayne Gacy?


Before I saw 'God' as a white dude, with a white beard, sitting around in a well lit room entertained by the folly of humanity as he sipped his tea. With all these intentions though, I'm beginning to conceive 'Him' as more of a Drexl Spivey type.

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To me this is the crux of the issue: why is it that someone who doesn't believe in a God is automatically anti-religion? To me, if religious people want to practice their religions in their homes and places of worship, then that's fine. Up here, religion has been pretty much taken out of public schools, save for general classes on the broad topic of religion. Well if you listen to foaming at the mouth religious people, it's like they have been completely denied their religion. Why don't they talk to their churches and set up Sunday classes for their kids in church to learn about their gods? The reason why is that this involves effort and they would rather have public schools do it for them. But government sure as ###### isn't preventing them from doing it.



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Here's my issue with God...well actually Christianity since that is what I've been exposed to most my life:


I consider myself a good person. I have flaws, but overall I'm a nice guy. I'll open a door for an old lady, I'll drop everything and help a buddy out if he asks, I'll give money to the salvation army people ringing the bell etc. Now, I don't believe in God. I wish there was one. I would like there to be an afterlife and stuff. But I'm a very skeptical person, I need proof to believe ANYTHING. So naturally I would need proof to believe there is a god. So because of my absence of faith, I am going to Hell.


Then there is some guy in prison. He raped and murdered twenty women. But one day in Prison he "found" Jesus. He realized what he did was wrong and asked Jesus forgiveness. Despite the fact her raped and murdered 20 women, he is going to heaven becauase he is a "believer".


Now that is just insane. But to make matters worse...God made me the way I am, right? God made me to be a person who will not blindly follow anything, not just when it comes to religion. I need proof for any kind of major decision. So why would God punish me and send me to hell? He made me into the type of person who would not believe.


Now I don't know about all types of Christianity. But the church my friend goes to...well he believes I'm going to hell and the murderer isnt. To me, that's just crazy. And anyone who doesn't see how crazy that is...doesn't want to see it.


I would like to add I'm not here to bash Christianity or anything like that. I come from a religious family, and I think it's ridiculous how "anti-religion" this country has become. But just for me personally...I don't get it

I agree with you, but I'll provide a counterpoint anyway. Christianity has been wildly successful for two basic reasons:

1. As opposed to Judaism, anyone can be a Christian if they accept Jesus. This was critical to get the ball rolling (read The Source, it is one of my favorite books of all time).

2. The belief that if you are not Christian, you go to hell. This caused the massive missionary efforts that continue to this day to proactively spread the religion.


On #2: would the Christian God really punish a person in the forests of Africa who never heard of Jesus? I'd like to think not. But that is different than the calling and message he gave the people.

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They start with the assumption of god, and then twist every bit of evidence and reason around to fit that.


As opposed to science starting with the assumption of no God, and then twisting every bit of evidence and reason around to fit that. Either way is faith and evidence based. It's personal choice.


However, I take issue how arrogant non-religious people are. Great, you got an opinion. But to call religious people dumb is just wrong. You are questioning someone's intelligence based on their belief in God just because you disagree with them. Meanwhile, anti-religious nut jobs are putting their faith into mongoloids that sit in wheelchairs, drool into their crotch, and type out with a pencil there is no God. Yeah, that makes sense.

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Christmas has long ceased to have anything to do with Christianity. Actually, the only reason Christmas is in December to start with is that the early Christians needed a holiday to compete with the Roman Saturnalia.


Christmas is about family and friends. Nothing more. Oh, that, and unabashed commercialism.


Christmas was established by early Christians on the pagan day celebrating the winter solstice, it was a cunning method implemented to recruit more pagans into Christianity through coordination of celebrations; same thing for Easter, or as it was originally know "oester" by the Celtic and Norse.


Through out its history since it was invented, Christianity has managed to do a pretty good job with propaganda to enlist the weak minded into their ranks, exceeded recently by the ability of Islam to do the very same thing. In principle they used similar tactics.

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As opposed to science starting with the assumption of no God, and then twisting every bit of evidence and reason around to fit that. Either way is faith and evidence based. It's personal choice.


However, I take issue how arrogant non-religious people are. Great, you got an opinion. But to call religious people dumb is just wrong. You are questioning someone's intelligence based on their belief in God just because you disagree with them. Meanwhile, anti-religious nut jobs are putting their faith into mongoloids that sit in wheelchairs, drool into their crotch, and type out with a pencil there is no God. Yeah, that makes sense.


Haha. Whenever I think of Stephen Hawking, I always here that computer from 'Wargames': WANT TO PLAY A GAME?

And how bad do you think Stephen Hawking smells? I'm friggin' ill just thinking about it.


You're exactly right on with your point. Both sides are arrogant because they try to lay claim to absolute knowledge. Dumb.


Science without Religion is lame. Religion without Science is blind.

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Haha. Whenever I think of Stephen Hawking, I always here that computer from 'Wargames': WANT TO PLAY A GAME?

And how bad do you think Stephen Hawking smells? I'm friggin' ill just thinking about it.


How satisfying would it be to stick a c0ck into his mouf and show him a thing or two about a thing or two?

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Leif Garrett is God!!!



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Eric Clampton is God!!!



I do believe that Alanis Morrisette has been established on film as God. She enjoys weekends in Atlantic City playing skee-ball, has an English spokesman, and has a wonderful sense of humor. *MEEP*

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What else has God intended?






John Wayne Gacy?


Before I saw 'God' as a white dude, with a white beard, sitting around in a well lit room entertained by the folly of humanity as he sipped his tea. With all these intentions though, I'm beginning to conceive 'Him' as more of a Drexl Spivey type.


As I see it, all that God intended was to create a place where we can live and try to find some truth and meaning. God isn't responsible for our mistakes nor did God intend them.

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As I see it, all that God intended was to create a place where we can live and try to find some truth and meaning. God isn't responsible for our mistakes nor did God intend them.


This is completely arbitrary. He intends for us to find truth and meaning, but does not intend for us to slaughter each other? We have to own up to that?


By doing this, aren't you creating God in your own image? Picking and choosing the characteristics God displays. And really, how freaking presumptuous to talk of God's intentions in the first place.

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RLLD just shutup with your mumbo jumbo.


I aint gonna get into a Christ or God is real debate here. But to sit here and say Christmas is not a Christian holiday is retarded. You are argueing to argue. Obviously different ppl make it different things. It does not matter WHY it started or when. The fact of the matter is its universally accepted now as a celebration of Christ's birth. Why do you try and deny that?



Oh the current celebration of Christmas on December 25th has absolutely evolved into a purely Christian even, across the world, no denying that.


I was simply noting that as with everything else about Christianity, as well as any other religion, it was a fabrication of men attempting to further the goals of that respective sect.


The date of December 25th most notably coincides with the celebration of son-god, Mithra, a pagan deity during the height of the Roman Empire/ During the few hundred years or so after the death of Jesus Mithra was worshiped in unison with the Semitic sun-god Shamash, who was widely followed throughout Asia to Europe where he was called Deus Sol Invictus Mithras. Rome was renowned for their inclination to absorb other cultures, and absorbing the pagan religions and rituals of its widespread empire was notable.


The Romans converted this pagan legacy to a celebration of the god, Saturn, during the winter solstice period in an effort to calm dissention. The winter holiday became known as Saturnalia and began the week prior to December 25th. The festival was characterized by gift-giving, feasting, singing and just plain wild partying for weeks as the priests of Saturn carried wreaths of evergreen in the Roman temples.


Variations of this pagan holiday flourished during the first few centuries after Jesus Christ, but it wasn't formally recognized and authorized until 336 AD when the Emperor Constantine officially converted this pagan tradition into the "Christian" holiday of Christmas.


I think it is fascinating. :overhead:

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See, this is the type of argument I really don't get. My wife is the same way.


They start with the assumption of god, and then twist every bit of evidence and reason around to fit that.


Is it possible that there is a loving and benevolent creator, and that his master plan was to have us slowly evolve from amoeaba, into fish, into fish with legs, into monkeys, into people, and then to flood said people (except the two in the boat) and start over, then to send his "only begotten son" to die for our sins, to leave us the most vauge instruction manual ever, and ultimately to send "the pale horse upon whom death rides" to wipe us out in an apocalyptic flame?


Sure, that's possible, I suppose. :wacko:


I love it when Christians make fun of the basis of Scientology (you know, the whole aliens in the volcano thing) as being absurd. Sure its absurd, but people living in that glass house should probably keep their stones in their pocket, no?


I don't really start with the assumption of God and bend everything to fit that assumption. I was introduced to organized religion by my grandparents. After my Grandpa died, the crooked preacher of their church immediately tried to swindle my Grandma into signing her house over to the church. She was a traditional type of wife, who didn't drive, never balanced a checkbook, etc. Naive. And this vulture swooped in and tried to take advantage of her. Since then, his church was shut down by the feds for tax evasion:

Article about the Baptist Temple


Anyway, this guy is a real scumbag, and this experience has made me very skeptical of organized realigion. But I am still influenced by the underlying faith that my grandparents had. It's kinda funy I remember I was really into dinosaurs when I was about six, and I remember my Grandma getting upset about on of my dinosaur books that talked about the theory of evolution.


My skepticism has allowed me to question alot of what I was taught, while retaining some faith. I'm not sure that I believe the Bible is the word of God, but even if it is, it has went through numerous translations, edits, etc. So it doesn't make any since to me to take those words literally. For example, religious scholars agree that there are portions of the Bible that are not included in what we now consider "The Bible". So, who decided which of God's words were important enough to include in our modern Bible? Answer - people. Throughout history unscrupulous people have manipulated these words to achieve their own ends.


Since I don't take these words literally, I can think outside of the box and see how both points of view could be true from different perspectives. I don't believe that science will ever prove or disprove the existence of God, so I'm free to have the faith given to me by my grandparents, with a healthy dose of skepticism given to me by the hog at the trough who ran their church.

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This is completely arbitrary. He intends for us to find truth and meaning, but does not intend for us to slaughter each other? We have to own up to that?


By doing this, aren't you creating God in your own image? Picking and choosing the characteristics God displays. And really, how freaking presumptuous to talk of God's intentions in the first place.


Excuse the fock out of me for stating my beliefs. I just don't believe God sits around worrying about our individual plights. We've been blessed with this earth, free to make our own mistakes and learn from them. Isn't that enough?

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To me this is the crux of the issue: why is it that someone who doesn't believe in a God is automatically anti-religion? To me, if religious people want to practice their religions in their homes and places of worship, then that's fine. Up here, religion has been pretty much taken out of public schools, save for general classes on the broad topic of religion. Well if you listen to foaming at the mouth religious people, it's like they have been completely denied their religion. Why don't they talk to their churches and set up Sunday classes for their kids in church to learn about their gods? The reason why is that this involves effort and they would rather have public schools do it for them. But government sure as ###### isn't preventing them from doing it.


My comment was pretty broad, so let me clarify. Well first, let me add I don't believe in God, so I agree someone like me shouldn't be classified as anti-religion.


What I meant by this country being anti-religious as of late is that people want it completely erased from sight. People take joy in humiliating those who believe. I agree the concept is ridiculous, but there are tactful ways to debate a topic that is the center of someone's life. I've seen some people here and in real life piss on someone's religious beliefs and then celebrate when they feel "they've won". Now here it doesn't matter...cause well, that's the point of the geek club. But in real life...c'mon


Add to the fact that there are people who make it their life goal to make sure nobody ever sees anything having anything to do with religion unless they are in their home or place of worship. To me, religion goes far beyond just belief in a god. It is the center of many cultures around the world, and is a focal point of American history. To me, separation of church and state was to prevent a "Church of the United States"...not to create a society where religion only exists in designated buildings. Just my opinion.


The "Happy Holidays" crap instead of "Merry Christmas" is just fvcking dumb. Just say "Merry Christmas"...that's the whole point. I don't believe in it, but if you say it to me, I'll say it back, just as I'll say Happy Hannukah (sp?) or whatever else there is if someone says it to me. It's a courtesy. No biggie. If you're a jew...be a fvcking grownup and deal with a friendly holiday greeting for what it is.


Don't want to start a big debate on that issue...just wanted to clarify my remarks.

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Excuse the fock out of me for stating my beliefs. I just don't believe God sits around worrying about our individual plights. We've been blessed with this earth, free to make our own mistakes and learn from them. Isn't that enough?


More than enough. It's everything, and all there is. Just us, floating on a rock through oblivion cruising eternity. No need for a puppetmaster.


And no need to get defensive.


Yeah, I question what you believe. Does that make you wrong, and me right? Hell no! It just means we see things differently....which is a good thing.


And I agree with you in that God doesn't spend much time contemplating human affairs. He doesn't contemplate at all. Period. And that's my point. I cannot understand how God has such human qualities. He's not even a he really. God just is, yet how many people try to ascribe human power traits to the Ultimate Controller of the Universe. He's all knowing, all powerful, beneficent, etc. Whatever. Why can't God be corrupt and cheating and self-serving if he's going to be so human-like?


I think someone truly secure in their beliefs would welcome such debates. If what I say offends you, then tough. Life ain't about justification. And if you think I'm full of sh!t, then take 3 minutes and explain to me why. Put some of that 'God given' reasoning ability to good use.

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I just wanted to take this occasion to say, Merry Christmas to all the Geek Club atheists! Have fun celebrating the birth of a God you claim doesn't exist. :wave:


Do I need to believe in ghosts and goblins to take the kids trick or treating on Halloween too?


As others have said Christmas is a cultural phenomenon that has moved well past ties to Christianity.


That said, I'm fine with celebrating the birth of Jesus, just as I'm fine with days celebrating Washington, Columbus, King, et al. I don't really believe that Punxsutawny Phil knows sh!t about the weather either, but if someone wanted to offer me a day off and a party - sign me the fock up. It wouldn't make him the son of God though.


I mean if we're going to ###### about an undeserved holiday, shouldn't it be Columbus? He "discovered" America, only there were already people living here? How focking dumb is that?

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God was created to keep dumb people in line.

And the poor. Look back through history. The Church used religion as a tool to keep the ignorant and poor under control. Peasants feared god and going to hell etc. and the Church had an easier time controlling the land. Even today our gov't uses religion so they can be in power. Just look how the GOP tries to exploit Christianity for their own gain.

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I don't really believe that Punxsutawny Phil knows sh!t about the weather either, but if someone wanted to offer me a day off and a party - sign me the fock up. It wouldn't make him the son of God though.



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My comment was pretty broad, so let me clarify. Well first, let me add I don't believe in God, so I agree someone like me shouldn't be classified as anti-religion.


What I meant by this country being anti-religious as of late is that people want it completely erased from sight. People take joy in humiliating those who believe. I agree the concept is ridiculous, but there are tactful ways to debate a topic that is the center of someone's life. I've seen some people here and in real life piss on someone's religious beliefs and then celebrate when they feel "they've won". Now here it doesn't matter...cause well, that's the point of the geek club. But in real life...c'mon


Add to the fact that there are people who make it their life goal to make sure nobody ever sees anything having anything to do with religion unless they are in their home or place of worship. To me, religion goes far beyond just belief in a god. It is the center of many cultures around the world, and is a focal point of American history. To me, separation of church and state was to prevent a "Church of the United States"...not to create a society where religion only exists in designated buildings. Just my opinion.


The "Happy Holidays" crap instead of "Merry Christmas" is just fvcking dumb. Just say "Merry Christmas"...that's the whole point. I don't believe in it, but if you say it to me, I'll say it back, just as I'll say Happy Hannukah (sp?) or whatever else there is if someone says it to me. It's a courtesy. No biggie. If you're a jew...be a fvcking grownup and deal with a friendly holiday greeting for what it is.


Don't want to start a big debate on that issue...just wanted to clarify my remarks.


I think being an atheist is also a way of life. For instance, instead of teaching my kids that they'll go to Heaven or Hell after dying, I'm teaching them that they will turn to dirt and be a useful part of the ecosystem. My kids haven't broken down crying at this revelation nor have they become totally misbehaved because they don't have the fear of God over them. I'm not teaching them to laugh at religious kids. I just tell them that they have different ways to look at the world.


I think spiritualism is a great thing and can be a great asset in one's life. I've begun meditating for instance, in part in an attempt to reduce my blood pressure but also because it definitely gives me more patience when dealing with my kids. And it is amazing how much it forces you to see how we breathe very badly in day to day life.

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Christmas was established by early Christians on the pagan day celebrating the winter solstice, it was a cunning method implemented to recruit more pagans into Christianity through coordination of celebrations; same thing for Easter, or as it was originally know "oester" by the Celtic and Norse.


Through out its history since it was invented, Christianity has managed to do a pretty good job with propaganda to enlist the weak minded into their ranks, exceeded recently by the ability of Islam to do the very same thing. In principle they used similar tactics.


So RLLD, you have never celebrated Christmas? Never gave or received presents, etc on the holiday? By answering yes, you will confirm that you are one of the "weak minded" that you speak of earlier.


Yeah...thought so.

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Do I need to believe in ghosts and goblins to take the kids trick or treating on Halloween too?


As others have said Christmas is a cultural phenomenon that has moved well past ties to Christianity.


That said, I'm fine with celebrating the birth of Jesus, just as I'm fine with days celebrating Washington, Columbus, King, et al. I don't really believe that Punxsutawny Phil knows sh!t about the weather either, but if someone wanted to offer me a day off and a party - sign me the fock up. It wouldn't make him the son of God though.


I mean if we're going to ###### about an undeserved holiday, shouldn't it be Columbus? He "discovered" America, only there were already people living here? How focking dumb is that?

You celebrate Columbus day? You celebrate groundhog day? No, I seriously doubt that you "celebrate" those holidays. The fact you compare them to Christmas is laughable.


Celebrating and taking the day off of work ain't the same thing. I celebrate Thanksgiving, the 4th of July, Christmas and Easter because those are holidays that I believe in and have MEANING to me.

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Do I need to believe in ghosts and goblins to take the kids trick or treating on Halloween too?


As others have said Christmas is a cultural phenomenon that has moved well past ties to Christianity.


That said, I'm fine with celebrating the birth of Jesus, just as I'm fine with days celebrating Washington, Columbus, King, et al. I don't really believe that Punxsutawny Phil knows sh!t about the weather either, but if someone wanted to offer me a day off and a party - sign me the fock up. It wouldn't make him the son of God though.


I mean if we're going to ###### about an undeserved holiday, shouldn't it be Columbus? He "discovered" America, only there were already people living here? How focking dumb is that?


Horrible response. :wave:


I'm personally sick of that type of answer. Christmas is a Christian Holy Day. You get the day off from work? Good for you. You would be silly to not be happy about that. However, to use the excuses that you use above is just that...excuses. You want to impress me as an athiest? Don't exchange gifts with people, don't listen to any holiday music and don't encourage the myth of Santa Claus. You're like the vegetarian that eats chicken.

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So RLLD, you have never celebrated Christmas? Never gave or recieved presents, etc on the holiday? By answering yes, you will confirm that you are one of the "weak minded" that you speak of earlier.


Yeah...thought so.



Not sure I follow.


Why should recognizing the hypocrisy of the holiday impede my ability to enjoy it? Further, by giving presents you DO realize you are practicing a pagan ritual....lol....nice going thre, chief... :wave:


Your logic is flawed.

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Why should recognizing the hypocrisy of the holiday impede my ability to enjoy it? Further, by giving presents you DO realize you are practicing a pagan ritual....lol....nice going thre, chief... :wave:


Hoo, hoo. Hey, Robin, American Idol ripped me off. I invented singing contests. Unplugged music never existed outside my studio. I invented shock radio...Steve Dahl? Never heard of him. I invented air. Hoo, hoo.

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I'm teaching them that they will turn to dirt and be a useful part of the ecosystem.


oh goody :clap: :wave:


so now "christmas has moved well past any ties to christianity" too. wow.


you guys are all so enlightened. i wish i was. poor dumbass me still believes in God.


we should ban faith in anything.

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You celebrate Columbus day? You celebrate groundhog day? No, I seriously doubt that you "celebrate" those holidays. The fact you compare them to Christmas is laughable.


Celebrating and taking the day off of work ain't the same thing. I celebrate Thanksgiving, the 4th of July, Christmas and Easter because those are holidays that I believe in and have MEANING to me.


To his point though, are you celebrating the Holidays themselves? Or do they provide meaning to you because of how you spend those days, i.e. with family and friends?


Horrible response. :wave:


I'm personally sick of that type of answer. Christmas is a Christian Holy Day. You get the day off from work? Good for you. You would be silly to not be happy about that. However, to use the excuses that you use above is just that...excuses. You want to impress me as an athiest? Don't exchange gifts with people, don't listen to any holiday music and don't encourage the myth of Santa Claus. You're like the vegetarian that eats chicken.


I didn't know a belief in God was requisite to buying gifts and listening to Bing.

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To his point though, are you celebrating the Holidays themselves? Or do they provide meaning to you because of how you spend those days, i.e. with family and friends?

How the hell do you celebrate Groundhog day? Yeah, me, my daughter and parents all gather around the globe to celebrate Columbus day too.

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I'm in heaven

Trying to figure out which stack

They're going to stuff us atheists into

When Peter and his monkey laugh

And I laugh with them

I'm not sure what at

They point and say

"We'll keep you in the back

Polishing halos, baking manna and gas"



Modest Mouse for the win :wave:

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Horrible response. :thumbsdown:


I'm personally sick of that type of answer. Christmas is a Christian Holy Day. You get the day off from work? Good for you. You would be silly to not be happy about that. However, to use the excuses that you use above is just that...excuses. You want to impress me as an athiest? Don't exchange gifts with people, don't listen to any holiday music and don't encourage the myth of Santa Claus. You're like the vegetarian that eats chicken.


Who said I want to impress you as an atheist?


A. I'm not an "atheist" - I might believe in God if I ever saw one shred of evidence...


2. I'm sure as hell not trying to "impress" you. Hell I even go to Christmas Mass to keep the wife happy.

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