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Dallas Coaches have cost cowboys two games

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they got to go!


Jerry, get this clowns out of here. Run them out of town. call Gruden, call cowher....call anyone who knows how to win.


What is wrong with Jason Garrett? Dose he not pay attention to the game? When your quarterback is struggling and you have two very good running backs with a massive line built for a running game, why are there so many passes? This is very frustrating to watch and is the root of both losses this season. Jason Garrett either needs to pull his head out of you know where or quit. Run the ball until it is stopped with an occasional pass to keep the defense honest. Wade Phillips, as a head coach, you should also see this and put a stop to this stupidity. If you are unable to correct this, then Jerry Jones needs to replace both of you ASAP.


Jason garret and those two end zone fades..........I have not forgotten that either. :rolleyes:


We knew Wade had no HEART!!!! It infected the team like a bad case of SWINE FLU!!! Get rid of PHILLIPS


Garrett has coached himself and wade out of Dallas. Awful, awful play-calling. Run the dang ball and take the pressure off of Romo.


Im out.

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Wade Phillips has no drive. He kills me seeing that fat bastard on the sidelines. I grew up in Dallas and just don't get it. We have no downfield threat. I see Roy Williams as the same mistake as Galloway. Too many draft picks for a POS receiver. I bet TO and Romo both wish they were still on the same team. I dread watchin the boys now and hope they continue to lose to chase Phillips and Garrett out of town.



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When you already had one of the best coaches out there in Parcells and your owner drove him off htf do you think you'll ever land another top tier coach? WTF would want that idiot JJ watching over their shoulder? And your qb can't rally a team to save his a$$. I think it's safe to say that Dallas will be no threat for a title any time soon.

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Now, now...if things were so bad in Dallas, why do all the talking heads on TV keep saying that Jerry Jones is the Best Owner in the NFL? :thumbsdown:

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I'd say it was partially Romo too. He was missing open guys and overthrowing a bunch, leaving his WR's vulnerable. I see it as a problem on both sides, and it's not like the Cowboys line was blocking particularly bad, it was just Romo missing guys.

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Romo looked superb :thumbsdown:

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I'd say it was partially Romo too. He was missing open guys and overthrowing a bunch, leaving his WR's vulnerable. I see it as a problem on both sides, and it's not like the Cowboys line was blocking particularly bad, it was just Romo missing guys.


In the fourth quarter alone, he almost got Roy Williams and Sam Hurd killed.

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In the fourth quarter alone, he almost got Roy Williams...killed.


See, that just shows that Romo is listening to the FFB community :thumbsdown:



Maybe if Ol' Roy gets killed, they'll bring up that Reality TV guy from the practice squad.

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In the fourth quarter alone, he almost got Roy Williams and Sam Hurd killed.


Well it certainly got Roy Williams hurt too haha, he sat out the last drive. Not like Roy Williams is any good to begin with. Guy can't run a proper route to save his life, and his hands in the redzone are suspect. And of course, I have him on my fantasy team, but will be replaced with Sims-Walker from now on :thumbsdown:

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romo has underperformed but the main issue is coaching. Bottom line. The cowboys I grew up watching have no balls. The balls come from the coach. A coach has to instill discipline and rally the troops. A fat clown rolling down the sideline does not present the image of a winner. That is what dallas has now....we got a fat 300 pound clown named wade rolling around in his lard laughing and killing my team. Garrett must be a disciple of andy reid. he just gets his little weener all excited when its time to pass.

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romo has underperformed but the main issue is coaching. Bottom line. The cowboys I grew up watching have no balls. The balls come from the coach. A coach has to instill discipline and rally the troops. A fat clown rolling down the sideline does not present the image of a winner. That is what dallas has now....we got a fat 300 pound clown named wade rolling around in his lard laughing and killing my team. Garrett must be a disciple of andy reid. he just gets his little weener all excited when its time to pass.


I think there's a tendency, no matter who it is, of hardcore homers to relate to the players moreso than the coaches. The players are (typically) easier to like, and it is also easier to put all of the blame on the coach. Don't get me wrong, I think Wade Phillips sucks, but it's not all Phillips. You can't tell me that Romo didn't look off on many of his passes in that game.

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I think there's a tendency, no matter who it is, of hardcore homers to relate to the players moreso than the coaches. The players are (typically) easier to like, and it is also easier to put all of the blame on the coach. Don't get me wrong, I think Wade Phillips sucks, but it's not all Phillips. You can't tell me that Romo didn't look off on many of his passes in that game.



some plaeyers have to go as well..



Barbie Carpenter is worthless. he is a finesse linebacker who avoids contact. seriously, you cant make this up. A linebacker who dislikes hard contact and prefers to tackle as he says with finesse. where I come from we call this being a poosay

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When you already had one of the best coaches out there in Parcells and your owner drove him off htf do you think you'll ever land another top tier coach? WTF would want that idiot JJ watching over their shoulder? And your qb can't rally a team to save his a$$. I think it's safe to say that Dallas will be no threat for a title any time soon.


either that team in your sig is a joke or the other guys In your league thought they were drafting in a fantsy baseball league, or it's a 1 team league

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I think the Denver D had alot to do with this loss as well. I agree Romo missed some easy targets, but there is some serious suspect play calling as well. Needless to say, Phillips is done after this year.

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The Cowboys suck. They are as average as you can get. They miss TO badly and have NO reliable options in the passing game. Noone to stretch the field and be a legitimate deep threat. Roy Williams? Sam Hurd? Who the fock are they?


They have a decent defense but they have a suspect and very overrated offense.


Enjoy your 8-8 season. :cheers:

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As a Witten owner watching 82 in the game....where was he ?


My respect for Deion as a analyst is growing. On NFLN last night, he was questioning the play calling at the end. Why throw at arguably the best cover corner in the game, in Champ Bailey. Deion questioned the play calling and having Witten in as a BLOCKER on those plays with the game on the line, and being Romo's favorite target.


Deion was talking right over Micheal Irvin's crackhead....saying that's not Romo, that's play calling and on the coaches. Right on Deion.

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Now I don't know much about football, but if I could call those plays at the end of the game, I would look for the corner that everyone in football says is one of the best in the game. Champ has lost a step by now, so I would go at him with my #4 reciever. I would fake out the Denver defense by having the best recieving TE in football block for the last two plays. Also Marrion Barber is not a very good goal line back since he can't push the pile like he did a few minutes ago, so I wouldn't use him at all.


I'm money, huh? Can I play call for your team? :overhead:

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They have a reject-coach that no other team wants.

They're number one receiver is a rejected player the worst team in football no longer wanted.

They're quarterback is an undrafted (meaning- no one wanted), pretty-boy, tabloid-monger.


Is anyone really surprised that they suck?



They do have a pretty new stadium, though. :overhead:

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Now I don't know much about football, but if I could call those plays at the end of the game, I would look for the corner that everyone in football says is one of the best in the game. Champ has lost a step by now, so I would go at him with my #4 reciever. I would fake out the Denver defense by having the best recieving TE in football block for the last two plays. Also Marrion Barber is not a very good goal line back since he can't push the pile like he did a few minutes ago, so I wouldn't use him at all.

I'm money, huh? Can I play call for your team? :overhead:


that's good stuff right there. I will however take you task over the MBIII thing. It was 4th and 3, and they had no timeouts. A run that doesn't score ends the game just as easily as a missed pass, and the likelihood of defensive penalty on the pass play is a lot higher. That being said, I'm not a believer in Denver just yet. I think the Cowboys play calling had just as much to do with that loss as did Denver's performance.

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that's good stuff right there. I will however take you task over the MBIII thing. It was 4th and 3, and they had no timeouts. A run that doesn't score ends the game just as easily as a missed pass, and the likelihood of defensive penalty on the pass play is a lot higher. That being said, I'm not a believer in Denver just yet. I think the Cowboys play calling had just as much to do with that loss as did Denver's performance.



Let's not forget that Romo's clock management skills are terrible at best.

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The Cowboys are 2-2. One loss was a 2 point loss to what looks to be possibly the best team in the NFC. The other loss was to a 4-0 team on the road; where you had a chance to tie it up at the end.


No need to panic Cowboy fans. At least not yet. :thumbsup:

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that's good stuff right there. I will however take you task over the MBIII thing. It was 4th and 3, and they had no timeouts. A run that doesn't score ends the game just as easily as a missed pass, and the likelihood of defensive penalty on the pass play is a lot higher. That being said, I'm not a believer in Denver just yet. I think the Cowboys play calling had just as much to do with that loss as did Denver's performance.


I get your point, sir. :thumbsup:


The Cowboys will win next weak... (that was a pun). :thumbsup:


I think you are in Texas, jg. I am in Fort Worth and this week will be just brutal on local sports radio. 10 minutes after the game, there was already "bench Romo" discussions going on. I am a Cowboys fan and hate to see it, but the fans will be like rabbid dogs this week and there is some entertainment value.

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The Cowboys are 2-2. One loss was a 2 point loss to what looks to be possibly the best team in the NFC. The other loss was to a 4-0 team on the road; where you had a chance to tie it up at the end.


No need to panic Cowboy fans. At least not yet. :thumbsdown:



I am not in panic mode. I am simply stating a fact. the coaches here in dallas cant do their jobs. Wade does not scare anyone on the cowboys. They are afraid of Jerry, and garrett and wade are clowns.

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Maybe Romo should have spent less time on the golf course this offseason... ehhhh? ehhhh? :dunno:

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Maybe Romo should have spent less time on the golf course this offseason... ehhhh? ehhhh? :unsure:


Who works less on their game during offseason; Romo or Jamarcus Russell? Both have horrible work ethics/leadership skills with Romo being the bigger disappointment because at least his team has some surrounding talent.

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the best Te in the NFL was held back and forced to block twice at the end of that game.


I repeat the Best TE named Witten was blocking on two crucial plays and the ball went to the cowboy's 4th WR who was covered by a top ten defensive back not once but twice. No wonder dallas lost. The dallas coaches should be fired.

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Let's not forget that Romo's clock management skills are terrible at best.


What game were you watching? He got them 4 plays with 20 seconds left. It had nothing to do with time management. Romo is 29-14 at a starter i believe. He has the talent, but he needs a hard nosed coach to keep him in line. The cowboys have no speed and couldn't run the ball on denver, I was at the game. Both teams looked like 8-8 teams. I just can't believe you run back to back slants on the last 2 plays. The last one was on Romo though, Sam Hurd was WIDE open on the back side.Romo never looked at him. However, Austin should have caught that last ball, hit him right in the hands.

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A little Tardy to the party Pimp?


Anybody that's watched them play could tell you this coaching staff has been costing the teams games since the 07 season. All the luster Parcells built up is eroding under King Jerry's watch.


Even if a good coach was willing to come in and clean up another one of Jerry's messes, he'll just run his ass out of town and they'll be right back in this position within a couple years.


Enjoy that sweet new stadium. As long as Jerry is running things, you won't be winning any playoff games in it.

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What game were you watching? He got them 4 plays with 20 seconds left. It had nothing to do with time management. Romo is 29-14 at a starter i believe. He has the talent, but he needs a hard nosed coach to keep him in line. The cowboys have no speed and couldn't run the ball on denver, I was at the game. Both teams looked like 8-8 teams. I just can't believe you run back to back slants on the last 2 plays. The last one was on Romo though, Sam Hurd was WIDE open on the back side.Romo never looked at him. However, Austin should have caught that last ball, hit him right in the hands.



Thanks for the rant but all I said was


Let's not forget that Romo's clock management skills are terrible at best.


I am referring to his career and if you can't see it I can't help you. His clock managements skills are terrible! It is the weakest part of his game.

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Thanks for the rant but all I said was

I am referring to his career and if you can't see it I can't help you. His clock managements skills are terrible! It is the weakest part of his game.


I think he's at his best in the 2 minute drill. He didn't do anything on that last possession in denver to say his clock management skills are bad. I'm not really sure where you are getting this and would love to hear some instances where they weren't good. I can think of plenty of times he has led the team to points by going on 50 second or less drives. He did it against buffalo when he threw those 5 picks, he did it this year against the giants in the first half to get a fg which was a 5 play 45 second drive. Garrett needs to get back to running the hell out of the football, punt, and play the field position game until felix comes back.

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I bet if Wade Phillips would mix in a salad every once in while so he could slip into a leisure suit and rock a fedora hat on the sidelines, the Cowgirls would start winning. Players just don't respond to fat, homely coaches on the sidelines.

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I think he's at his best in the 2 minute drill. He didn't do anything on that last possession in denver to say his clock management skills are bad. I'm not really sure where you are getting this and would love to hear some instances where they weren't good. I can think of plenty of times he has led the team to points by going on 50 second or less drives. He did it against buffalo when he threw those 5 picks, he did it this year against the giants in the first half to get a fg which was a 5 play 45 second drive. Garrett needs to get back to running the hell out of the football, punt, and play the field position game until felix comes back.


I'm not saying Romo can't score with under 2 minutes left, I am talking about how much time is used on the clock. Do you run out of time? Do you score too quickly?


The first time I noticed his poor clock management was at the end of the playoff loss to the NYG in 2008. Dallas had the ball on the NYG 48 with 1:50 left on the clock. Romo could only move the team to the NYG 23 in 1:40 seconds. I remember him running around, arguing for pass interference calls, etc.; he seemed completely lost. Since then I have been watching that aspect of his game and he has done nothing to change my mind.

Take Sunday’s game, they had 1:46 left starting at their own 20. Time should never have been a fact but in the end it decided the game. With more time Romo does not have to spike the ball and Dallas isn’t forced to pass.

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I'm not saying Romo can't score with under 2 minutes left, I am talking about how much time is used on the clock. Do you run out of time? Do you score too quickly?


The first time I noticed his poor clock management was at the end of the playoff loss to the NYG in 2008. Dallas had the ball on the NYG 48 with 1:50 left on the clock. Romo could only move the team to the NYG 23 in 1:40 seconds. I remember him running around, arguing for pass interference calls, etc.; he seemed completely lost. Since then I have been watching that aspect of his game and he has done nothing to change my mind.

Take Sunday’s game, they had 1:46 left starting at their own 20. Time should never have been a fact but in the end it decided the game. With more time Romo does not have to spike the ball and Dallas isn’t forced to pass.


Thanks. I wanted to see some situations. I am in fact a dalls fan. Don't consider myself a homer, but I do tend to defend Romo more times than not. Most of the 146 at denver was ran off on the first 4 plays. The 4th and 3 play probably took 20 seconds after romo ran around in the pocket and hurd's YAC. I think dallas got a bad call on the out route to Crayton (?), cuz I thought he got out of bounds on his own. But that's neither here nor there. I just thought Romo did all he could with 2 time outs and 1:46 left and 80 yards to go. I just think there is a fine line with Romo. They have put the reigns on him the last 2 weeks and he hasn't taken too many shots down field. He also never once threw the ball to the left side of field the whole game. Something was up, don't know what. Either play calling or just decisions. He barely even looked left. While I don't think the cowboys need T.O back, we do need some speed. We need felix back bad and need to look into drafting some speed. Witten, Roy, Austin, and Hurd all look really slow. Where's bennett?

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I bet if Wade Phillips would mix in a salad every once in while so he could slip into a leisure suit and rock a fedora hat on the sidelines, the Cowgirls would start winning. Players just don't respond to fat, homely coaches on the sidelines.

While I agree that Phillips is a horrible coach, two of the decades most successful coaches, BillBellichick and Andy Reid, are both horribly out of shape.

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While I agree that Phillips is a horrible coach, two of the decades most successful coaches, BillBellichick and Andy Reid, are both horribly out of shape.

Bellicheck is successful because he tapes other teams sidelines. Andy Reid is not out of shape........he's just a little husky.

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