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Have you ever had a job you enjoyed?

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chef: love creating new dishes and menus. love playing with my food.

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Oh did I mention my hooker killing job with the city..............

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I'm gonna meet a pair of performers with a gaggle of grammys between them this week and famous flexibilist chick ever

2 of the 3 you'd eat your muddy shoe for

is that fun?

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I seriously can't believe this thread has been on-topic and productive. She lobbed a focking softball and you guys are talking about how great your 9-5 is.






Mindless slaves, all of you. (Please don't take that the wrong way, Peenie. :thumbsup:)

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thru high-school and college, I was a Butcher.


pretty horrible job actually, but the reaction to "I'm a butcher" was always fun.


"A butcher"?

"yeah, a butcher... you know, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker... I'm the focking Butcher"

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I've probably enjoyed my first sales job the most. I had moved as an engineer from a fortune 500 company to one with about 400 people, and spent 18 months becoming expert in the technology. When I moved into sales I felt confident in my knowledge of the products and value, and knew that my contributions were significant to the company. Also I made hella money.


Then we got acquired by a much larger company, and over time it became increasingly painful and less fun. In a way, getting laid off last year was a blessing, as I should have left years earlier. Money was still very good, but it wasn't fun.


Current company is only 30 people, and I'm optimistic that it has the potential to be the best yet. I sell extremely complex technical stuff, and it is a bit daunting at first to try to talk to customers when you are clueless. But after 4 months I'm finally starting to feel some bit of proficiency with the value message. Actually, I'm learning that the company hasn't been very good at determining or communicating that message, so I'm beginning to help craft it. I probably won't break the bank this year, but every day I'm enjoying it more.

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I probably won't break the bank this year, but every day I'm enjoying it more.

You know, that's one thing that I've grown an appreciation for from this recession...I definitely will not be making the kind of dough this year that I have in the past, but I've never been happier at work. Plus, I too work at a company that hasn't done a very good job at what I specialize in, so I find myself in a position to directly influence the big picture, as well as my individual projects and clients, which I think will lead to greater opportunity for advancement (and then the $ will come.)

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1st job out of the Air Force, I worked for Wang (hold the comments) Labs in Dayton. We were building a state wide network to track child support cases. I worked in the staging facility building servers along with the network config on the PCs and printers. After a month of training, my boss (who was the project manager) went back to Chicago. He tells me "I don't care when u come in, I don't care when u leave..as long as everything ships on schedule. When u get close to the bigger counties that include Cleveland, Columbus, etc, give me a call and I'll shoot back for a couple of days to help out.". I ask him about my time sheet and he says "You have my signature from the first one, just forge the rest. I have you approved up to 65 hours a week". :lock: :unsure:


To this day, that guy was the best boss I've ever had. Very professional, knew his sh*t, yet 100% cool. He did the entire budget for the project. Equipment, shipping, my salary, salary of the install techs, trash removal, etc....and he got it within 1% accuracy. Unfortunately, after 6 months, the Chinese company that was building the PCs got kicked off the project and it was their building we were using. They moved the whole operation to Columbus and I wasn't prepared to pack up and move again after just moving from my last assignment in the AF.

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ok, so far, very good.

i know you all are guys and tend to be to the point, but would you mind giving a little more detail please.

do you teach high school, college? why do you enjoy teaching?

dig a little deeper trf.

you too drobeski.



Taught history and coached football/basketball right out of college in mid 90's. Loved it, but no $$$. Left for an illustrious insurance career that included underwriting, product management, actuarial, agency ownership/mgt, and consulting. 2009 was spent on the road. Every week basically 5 days away from family. Economy sh!t the bed and I found myself looking further and further away for contracts. Got tired of traveling and spending time away from family. In September I called my friend who happens to be the director of personnel to do nothing more than to see what I would need to do to reinstate my teaching certificate. I thought it would take a few months. He and I spoke briefly and he hung up. The next day they were offering me a position to teach math. That was a Friday. On Monday I started. Go figure.


I teach Pre-Algebra and Algebra in 8th grade. I love it. I've given up lots of $$$$, but it's been the absolute best professional decision I've ever made. I love the kids, I love the interaction, I love doing new things every day, I love seeing them "get it". I also coach football and basketball. I help with the soccer program as well.

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Taught history and coached football/basketball right out of college in mid 90's. Loved it, but no $$$. Left for an illustrious insurance career that included underwriting, product management, actuarial, agency ownership/mgt, and consulting. 2009 was spent on the road. Every week basically 5 days away from family. Economy sh!t the bed and I found myself looking further and further away for contracts. Got tired of traveling and spending time away from family. In September I called my friend who happens to be the director of personnel to do nothing more than to see what I would need to do to reinstate my teaching certificate. I thought it would take a few months. He and I spoke briefly and he hung up. The next day they were offering me a position to teach math. That was a Friday. On Monday I started. Go figure.


I teach Pre-Algebra and Algebra in 8th grade. I love it. I've given up lots of $$$$, but it's been the absolute best professional decision I've ever made. I love the kids, I love the interaction, I love doing new things every day, I love seeing them "get it". I also coach football and basketball. I help with the soccer program as well.


How do you feel about the janitor going through your trash, pulling tissues from the barrel and then sniffing it? :thumbsup:

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How do you feel about the janitor going through your trash, pulling tissues from the barrel and then sniffing it? :thumbsup:



You get used to it. :dunno:

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Greatest job I ever had was working security at the Mt Washington Hotel & Resort in Bretton Woods, NH. I did this job for two summers while I was finishing my undergrads. Pay sucked but the benefits were outstanding. Lots of celebrities come and stay there.


Stephen King owns a condo behind the hotel. It's Mt. Wash #35. He usually spends a week or two out there every summer. At one point he stayed out there for nearly the entire summer until he was hit by a mini van walking in Maine. After the accident, he became limited because of his constant need to see medical doctors. When he stayed at his condo, he always ordered his food from the Bretton Arms but never went to pick it up. He usually had me or Fred Hollis (the security director) run his errands so we would get his food, send his mail, pick up various items for him. If he decided to go out and golf, he would have one of us go with him. It was a good gig and he tipped extremely well. NOBODY knew he was staying there. Fred and I were told to keep it confidential and we did.


It was the summer of 96 or 97 and he was staying at his condo working on a new book. It must have been mid-July, hot day, and I was delivering his lunch. He asked me to come in and help him with some stuff in his story. One thing he asked me was if there were any amusement parks locally that people from out of state would come here to visit. At first, I thought he wanted to go somewhere with his wife. His kids were a lot older than guys like Mick Foley (the professional wrestler from WWE) who stayed with us a lot and went to Santa's Village with his kids. I told him about Santa's Village and Six Gun City in Jefferson, NH. He thanked me, took his lunch, and handed me a fifty.


Anyway...the following summer his new book came out The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon about a girl lost in the woods around North Conway, NH (the next town down from where the Mt. Washington Hotel is located). In the beginning of the story the girl and her family are visiting....Six Gun City. I thought that was pretty cool.

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Greatest job I ever had was working security at the Mt Washington Hotel & Resort in Bretton Woods, NH. I did this job for two summers while I was finishing my undergrads. Pay sucked but the benefits were outstanding. Lots of celebrities come and stay there.


Stephen King owns a condo behind the hotel. It's Mt. Wash #35. He usually spends a week or two out there every summer. At one point he stayed out there for nearly the entire summer until he was hit by a mini van walking in Maine. After the accident, he became limited because of his constant need to see medical doctors. When he stayed at his condo, he always ordered his food from the Bretton Arms but never went to pick it up. He usually had me or Fred Hollis (the security director) run his errands so we would get his food, send his mail, pick up various items for him. If he decided to go out and golf, he would have one of us go with him. It was a good gig and he tipped extremely well. NOBODY knew he was staying there. Fred and I were told to keep it confidential and we did.


It was the summer of 96 or 97 and he was staying at his condo working on a new book. It must have been mid-July, hot day, and I was delivering his lunch. He asked me to come in and help him with some stuff in his story. One thing he asked me was if there were any amusement parks locally that people from out of state would come here to visit. At first, I thought he wanted to go somewhere with his wife. His kids were a lot older than guys like Mick Foley (the professional wrestler from WWE) who stayed with us a lot and went to Santa's Village with his kids. I told him about Santa's Village and Six Gun City in Jefferson, NH. He thanked me, took his lunch, and handed me a fifty.


Anyway...the following summer his new book came out The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon about a girl lost in the woods around North Conway, NH (the next town down from where the Mt. Washington Hotel is located). In the beginning of the story the girl and her family are visiting....Six Gun City. I thought that was pretty cool.

That's a great story. :thumbsdown:

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I taught taekwondo for about 13 years or so. The pay sucked but I absolutely loved teaching kids. A lot of lessons learned about myself during those years. I was fighting at the time so it wasn't all about teaching but training too.

The hours were great, the rewards of seeing the students improve and succeed were priceless, and it didn't hurt that we also ran a womens kickboxing class and the ladies loved the black belt! :dunno:

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How do you feel about the janitor going through your trash, pulling tissues from the barrel and then sniffing it? :banana:



OK, NOW I get this after reading the other thread.... :dunno:

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I can say I have never really HATED my work, I work in what I went to school for, I make good money, I work long but decent hours(days) and I feel like I contribute. So no real complaints over all.


My overall top fave job was when I was 13. I got to watch a TV repair shop while the owner would go on service calls. He would have 10-20 TV's in his shop ready for pickup..I would work an hour or two after work taking $$ from people who came to get their TV's. It was a great job, I would sit in the shop and watch Cubs games on TV. I would work like 8-10 hours and would get something like $14 cash at the end of the week. Man that was a great job.

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Just checking in to see how many posts before somebody made this joke......

Yes sir, thank you sir. Happy to oblige. Also I thought 'hand' was more sophisticated than my first thought.

Unfortunately, that's all I got, cuz I haven't ever had a job I've really enjoyed. :wave:

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Great job.


I'm a sales rep for a company that coordinates corporate wellness programs. Work principally with HR departments of large corporations, along with folks in the medical/health/wellness fields.


Good clientele, nice compensation package, well received service. Each day different, and I get to work with some really interesting people.


Truthfully, I've liked most jobs I've had. All what you make of it.


Best ever was on-air radio. The pay was OK, but it was a pretty freeing experience. Some people pay for therapy; I got to open a mic and talk to my imaginary friends every morning.


Runner-up would be the summer a booster hooked me up with a "floor manager" position at a live nude show. Basically, the job was to be big, escort girls to the stage, and periodically say things like "It's the best show around, it's the best show in town...now on stage, the lovely Autumn". 19 freaking years old. Don't get me started.


Worst ever was very short lived working with a company that dug piers for large construction projects. One of two jobs: either run the auger, a huge, deafening contraption that was hotter than hell, drilling holes in the dirt OR stand around the hole that was being drilled, scraping away loose dirt with a shovel and trying not to be hit by whatever nitwit was running the auger.

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The only job I really enjoyed was cooking chicken at Lee's Famous Recipe Chicken. I was in High School, only 1 guy worked at a time, along with 5 girls. Also, the free food was good. When I started I was making 3.15 an hour.

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Oh yeah, when I was in college I would make extra cash doing car swaps for a BMW dealership. They'd drop me off somewhere with a check and I'd get a brand new BMW to drive back to the dealership. I got to drive all sorts of 3, 5 and 7 series. In fact, I learned to drive stick on some poor schmuck's brand new 325 as I drove it back to NJ from DE. That was pretty cool. :thumbsup:

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I've liked pretty much all jobs i've had. They've all been basic no skill jobs to help pay for school. I've worked as a mechanic, fundraiser, party rental, and right now i'm at walmart. I've done a few things but right now i'm loss prevention. Its not bad. I like the flexible hours, make my own schedule, my manager is hella cool, none of the other managers in the store can tell me what to do, and the pay isn't bad for a job like this. I think for no-skill jobs its hard to complain because they're all the same. Once i grduate and get a real job, maybe i'll be more discriminate.

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Job ?



What can you say about the worst blow job you ever gotten ?





Handjob was already taken.



Currently - great job, great company, great benefits........... but its a job.


Back in the day .. WOW ... lots of fun jobs/money making "scams". It was the 80's - I WISH I was making the $$ now that I was making then (and spending just as quick :o )

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