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Filthy Fernadez

Joe Paterno just hit the Waiver wire.....

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Sorry if it's in this thread already, but here's my question - exactly what happened last week that made this whole story suddenly go public after being hidden for all these years?

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Sorry if it's in this thread already, but here's my question - exactly what happened last week that made this whole story suddenly go public after being hidden for all these years?


That's the biggest question I have right now in this whole thing.


A. Why was Paterno allowed to get the wins record before this went public? Don't tell me that's a coincidence.


B. Is Paterno being made a scapegoat/fall guy?



This whole thing stinks.

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I guess i share the same sentiment as cyclone. Sandusky is the one everyone should be focusing on... he's a monster. JoePa heard this incident secondhand. He went by the book and immediately brought this to the higherups attention (once again... all second hand) an investigation was conducted.


If he had physically seen it i believe he would have acted accordingly. The fact is that we live in a focked up world where people fabricate things to gain leverage and get ahead.


I get the impression everyone thinks JoePa KNEW exactly what happened and covered it up. I don't believe this to be true... let's focus on the REAL monster... sandusky... hopefully he does hard time. I'm not giving anyone a free pass, but i don't believe JoePa deserved to be fired.

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I guess i share the same sentiment as cyclone. Sandusky is the one everyone should be focusing on... he's a monster. JoePa heard this incident secondhand. He went by the book and immediately brought this to the higherups attention (once again... all second hand) an investigation was conducted.


If he had physically seen it i believe he would have acted accordingly. The fact is that we live in a focked up world where people fabricate things to gain leverage and get ahead.


I get the impression everyone thinks JoePa KNEW exactly what happened and covered it up. I don't believe this to be true... let's focus on the REAL monster... sandusky... hopefully he does hard time. I'm not giving anyone a free pass, but i don't believe JoePa deserved to be fired.

Except this makes no sense. You think paterno didn't do more than pass it along because he thought there was the chance mcquery might have been making it up?

So paterno then soon promotes this guy and makes him his head recruiter when he doubts this guy?

These 2 actions don't seem to go together to me.



And no investigation was done after paterno reported it. You're confusing it with the 1998 one.

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Except this makes no sense. You think paterno didn't do more than pass it along because he thought there was the chance mcquery might have been making it up?

So paterno then soon promotes this guy and makes him his head recruiter when he doubts this guy?

These 2 actions don't seem to go together to me.



And no investigation was done after paterno reported it. You're confusing it with the 1998 one.


I dont think he was covering it up no. I also dont think Mcqaurry made it up to somehow oust an aging coach.


I think a grad asst saw something, reported it to his superior, who reported it to his superiors who did nothing. I think Mcqaurry caved under the pressure of what the allegations would bring to everyone involved, and Paterno just didnt do a good job of following up on this.

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I dont think he was covering it up no. I also dont think Mcqaurry made it up to somehow oust an aging coach.


I think a grad asst saw something, reported it to his superior, who reported it to his superiors who did nothing. I think Mcqaurry caved under the pressure of what the allegations would bring to everyone involved, and Paterno just didnt do a good job of following up on this.


Please explain to me, why and how, Joe Pa was able to get the all time wins record only to have this leaked days after.


Doesn't that seem like a HUGE coincidence?


He either knew about it or is being set up as a fall guy.

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Please explain to me, why and how, Joe Pa was able to get the all time wins record only to have this leaked days after.


Leaked? It's a grand jury indictment. It wasn't leaked. It was formally presented by Pennsylvania's attorney general. Once a grand jury votes a "true bill" in the form of an indictment, prosecution goes forward. Grand juries are large. And the jurors call the shots. You believe that 20 or more people from all walks of life serving on a statewide investigative grand jury for the past two years conspired to release its presentment to coincide with a freaking football game?


Doesn't that seem like a HUGE coincidence?


If the grand jurors were concerned about timing, they wouldn't have chosen the week prior to the final home game of Paterno's last contract year - and, most likely, what would have been the final home game of his career. And if this were an issue, why not wait until the end of the season?


One more thing. The grand jury exonerated Paterno. The grand jurors had no way of knowing or any likely expectation the guy would be fired.


He either knew about it or is being set up as a fall guy.


Paterno testified before the grand jury. This would suggest he "knew about it." And if the grand jurors wanted to have Paterno "set up as a fall guy," he'd have been doing the perp walk along with everyone else.

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I know this - in the event people want to "judge" Paterno on some moral level (since the Grand Jury has clearly exonerated him of any legal wrongdoing whatsoever), then I will start such judgment with the recognition that he has led an impeccable moral life until this point. That cannot, and should not, be ignored if morality is the standard.


His "moral compass" has been well documented over the years, be it benching a star player for cutting class, or even kicking a player off the team for a run-in with law enforcement.


As a result, in the event that facts/knowledge/actions are going to be assumed on Paterno's part, I will personally give him the benefit of the doubt that 60+ years of very public honorable behavior entitles him to. I would do the same for anyone that managed their life in a similar manner.


And a side note - at my age, I get nervous when people begin using "morality" as a standard to judge others. I find it to be a very fickle and subjective standard, usually defined by the proponent of whatever morality is in question. In my opinion, facts and objective evidence are the only reliable method by which to judge other human beings. By that standard, though, Paterno has already been upheld by the Grand Jury.


At the end of the day, if I were a betting man in Vegas right now, I would put my money on Paterno not looking the other way if he had any reason to believe that children were in ongoing danger. It seems only logical, but of course we don't know all the facts.


That said, I hope people can focus on the true issue now that Paterno is gone: the victims of this tragedy, and their healing. Many lives have been ruined by this mess, and it is time that the media turn their attention to them rather than the Penn State football program (which never had any direct involvement in this matter anyway, other than the perpetrator being an ex-coach).


::gets off soap box:: ;)

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Sorry if it's in this thread already, but here's my question - exactly what happened last week that made this whole story suddenly go public after being hidden for all these years?


A statewide investigative grand jury returned indictments against Sandusky, the Penn State AD and a university vice president. Once a true bill is voted and presented, it goes public.


Hidden? Grand jury proceedings are, by law, secret. You don't get to watch them on Court TV. The Patriot-News knew a grand jury had been convened, why it had convened and where it was meeting. The newspaper has been on the story for years. The newspaper watched as witnesses were paraded into the grand jury room. It reported what it could. But the story didn't garner national attention. And the principals were denying everything.


The newspaper also knew more than it could report. Revealing secret grand jury testimony is a felony. As in prison time. Further, if you publish something defamatory based on grand jury testimony - even if you have the transcript of that testimony in your paws - you can't use it in your defense when the lawsuit comes through the front door of the newsroom.


Although it took time, somebody - perhaps a grown victim or someone identified in the grand jury presentment as a credible witness - ultimately came forward. This led investigators to other victims. The Centre County DA referred the case to the Pennsylvania Attorney General. More victims were identified. A grand jury was convened. It met for more than two years. Not unusual in a case of this nature and profile. And grand juries don't meet continuously. They are reconvened as evidence is developed and witnesses are identified. Takes time.


For those who see cover ups and conspiracies here: Prosecutors don't control grand juries. Grand juries control grand juries. Jurors question witnesses. They question the conduct of prosecutors. They can order prosecutors to subpoena witnesses and present evidence. They can, and often do, go completely off the tracks and take an investigation places prosecutors never intended or imagined. Their scope is virtually unlimited. And they aren't easily intimidated.

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Very well stated tbk420 :clap:


I really have not heard this question asked by anyone in the Media as of yet. Why was he still allowed to coach, just on the fact alone he was showering with a very young child on school property? That I find is a huge blunder on all parties involved, and then still continued to happen.

Common sense should dictate, no adults/coaches/teachers showering with kids/students on campus.

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He did announce his resignation effective the end of this season before the regents fired him effective immediately. Since everyone acknowledged that he reported the incident (which was reported to him but he did not witness firsthand) immediately to his boss in 2002, and he has not been implicated by the investigators in the scandal, I think Penn State should have honored his resignation and let him finish coaching the season.


The fact you support a child rapist enabler who helped let this go on for decades and even added credibility to sanduskies charity by still being on the board shows what kinds of a person u are. U and people like paterno are the problem. Somethings are more important than football. Lol let him finish the season.... U are pathetic!

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I know this - in the event people want to "judge" Paterno on some moral level (since the Grand Jury has clearly exonerated him of any legal wrongdoing whatsoever), then I will start such judgment with the recognition that he has led an impeccable moral life until this point. That cannot, and should not, be ignored if morality is the standard.


His "moral compass" has been well documented over the years, be it benching a star player for cutting class, or even kicking a player off the team for a run-in with law enforcement.


As a result, in the event that facts/knowledge/actions are going to be assumed on Paterno's part, I will personally give him the benefit of the doubt that 60+ years of very public honorable behavior entitles him to. I would do the same for anyone that managed their life in a similar manner.


And a side note - at my age, I get nervous when people begin using "morality" as a standard to judge others. I find it to be a very fickle and subjective standard, usually defined by the proponent of whatever morality is in question. In my opinion, facts and objective evidence are the only reliable method by which to judge other human beings. By that standard, though, Paterno has already been upheld by the Grand Jury.


At the end of the day, if I were a betting man in Vegas right now, I would put my money on Paterno not looking the other way if he had any reason to believe that children were in ongoing danger. It seems only logical, but of course we don't know all the facts.


That said, I hope people can focus on the true issue now that Paterno is gone: the victims of this tragedy, and their healing. Many lives have been ruined by this mess, and it is time that the media turn their attention to them rather than the Penn State football program (which never had any direct involvement in this matter anyway, other than the perpetrator being an ex-coach).


::gets off soap box:: ;)

I'd hold off on a post like this. It sounds like a dark cloud is on the horizon and we may just be seeing the tip of the iceberg at PSU.

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I'd hold off on a post like this. It sounds like a dark cloud is on the horizon and we may just be seeing the tip of the iceberg at PSU.


That's what I'm thinking. The investigation IS going out of the hands of the State College Police and will likely warrant PA State Police involvement and perhaps even federal involvement. The District Attorney in San Antonio, TX, has opened an investigation into the allegations that Sandusky brought one of the kids there during the Alamo Bowl in 99 and committed acts on him while there. There's talk they'll press charges.


I read an article today about Sandusky's wife, and how the hell she didn't know about this. The guy "allegedly" had boys sleeping over at his house and he would go stay with them in basement (no pun intended). Um, if I get up in the middle of the night to take a piss my wife knows it. When my kids have had friends stay over, I don't go anywhere near those kids. Jeebus...there's rumors this goes all the way back to 1995...how the fock can people not know he diddled boys for 15+ years?! :shocking:

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I read an article today about Sandusky's wife, and how the hell she didn't know about this. The guy "allegedly" had boys sleeping over at his house and he would go stay with them in basement (no pun intended). Um, if I get up in the middle of the night to take a piss my wife knows it. When my kids have had friends stay over, I don't go anywhere near those kids. Jeebus...there's rumors this goes all the way back to 1995...how the fock can people not know he diddled boys for 15+ years?! :shocking:


I believe that the wife knew and others did as well. She (and one of Sandusky's friends) reached out to one of the victims 2 days before testifying to the grand jury. I don't think that she wanted to wish him "luck".


They also adopted 6 kids (5 boys), at least one of whom came to know them via Second Mile. This is going to get real messy.

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That's what I'm thinking. The investigation IS going out of the hands of the State College Police and will likely warrant PA State Police involvement and perhaps even federal involvement. The District Attorney in San Antonio, TX, has opened an investigation into the allegations that Sandusky brought one of the kids there during the Alamo Bowl in 99 and committed acts on him while there. There's talk they'll press charges.


I read an article today about Sandusky's wife, and how the hell she didn't know about this. The guy "allegedly" had boys sleeping over at his house and he would go stay with them in basement (no pun intended). Um, if I get up in the middle of the night to take a piss my wife knows it. When my kids have had friends stay over, I don't go anywhere near those kids. Jeebus...there's rumors this goes all the way back to 1995...how the fock can people not know he diddled boys for 15+ years?! :shocking:


Good points.


The Feds will be involved from both the Interstate acts of molestation as well as the national education avenues. This has garnered such national exposure that no way do the feds stay out of it.


As far as the wife not knowing; no way she didn't know. She probably didn't know all the details and this marriage might just be one of convenience. As you said, if you're gone in the middle of the night for longer than a minute or two, the wife knows let alone this jagoff gone for however long it takes to play 'tummy swords' in the basement. Like Patriotsfatboy1 stated (quote below) her trying to contact the witness could really only be for one purpose.


I believe that the wife knew and others did as well. She (and one of Sandusky's friends) reached out to one of the victims 2 days before testifying to the grand jury. I don't think that she wanted to wish him "luck".


Exactly! This lady just sees her husband's $$ going away and wants to do damage control.

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I like what this commentator said. Not my words:


"I would not have gone through channels. I would have glanced around to see if there were something at hand that could be used as a bludgeon, if not—I’d just attack the son of a b!tch. I’d scream like a f-king banshee after getting the first blow and I’d keep screaming. Kick him. Hit him. Pull his hair. Sock him in the nuts. Claw at his eyes. Punch his kidneys. Push his nose into his brain. Tell the kid to run and call 9/11 then his parents.


The man has been raping children! My god— that’s not an administrative problem. It’s not a personal matter. It’s an abomination, a crime, a shame, a sin. Go crazy. Get medieval on his a$s, just make sure he STOPS what he is doing, that the police are notified, the child’s parents are notified, and recommended to the parents that they get a real good lawyer who loves to prosecute big-shots and to get a counselor for their child who just wants to help the child and who isn’t interested in the limelight."

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I don't understand why Mcqueary (and his dad) aren't getting way more heat. He was a 28 year old man. They keep saying grad asst. like he's some naive kid. When I was 28 i was married , 2 kids , mortgage. You're no dummy at 28, hopefully. Ask yourself this: If you, as an adult, caught a co-worker raping a 10 yr old boy at your place of work, would you just silently walk away and then wait til the next day to tell your boss?? no f'n way

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I get the impression everyone thinks JoePa KNEW exactly what happened and covered it up. I don't believe this to be true... let's focus on the REAL monster... sandusky... hopefully he does hard time. I'm not giving anyone a free pass, but i don't believe JoePa deserved to be fired.



Thats exactly what happened. WAKE UP and smell the stink.

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At the end of the day, if I were a betting man in Vegas right now, I would put my money on Paterno not looking the other way if he had any reason to believe that children were in ongoing danger. It seems only logical, but of course we don't know all the facts.


That said, I hope people can focus on the true issue now that Paterno is gone: the victims of this tragedy, and their healing. Many lives have been ruined by this mess, and it is time that the media turn their attention to them rather than the Penn State football program (which never had any direct involvement in this matter anyway, other than the perpetrator being an ex-coach).


::gets off soap box:: ;)


Get off your soap box and go get your shinebox!


McQuery said in sworn statement in no uncertain terms that he told Paterno that Sandusky was having anal sex in the shower with a 10 year old boy. Now, If Paterno turns a blind eye to that for 10 years with this slimeball creeping around the PENN State campus abusing any boy he wants (several more happened well after the case Paterno was involved in)... Just WAKE UP PEOPLE... does not smell right!... cover up.

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The whole thing is pathetic!


If anyone defendes Paterno, you're just as bad. Bottom line is he was told a a 50+ year old coach was in the shower with a 10 year old kids hands against the wall.


McQuery should have went in and beat his azz to no end...he didn't.


As soon as Joe Paterno found out he should have called the police AFTER going in and ripping into the son of a b!tch. He may be too old to kick his azz, but no excuse for turning a blind eye.


The administration should have immediately got ahold of authorities.


For all the thousands of kids that Paterno helped so much, he turned his back on the 8+ kids that needed him the most. Paterno isn't the fall guy, he's simply the guy who has screamed out honor, committment, bring no shame for all these years and when it came time to stand up, he shriveled in the corner. Shame on him.


He said in hindsight he wished he had done more. It's not like he wasn't told what happened, why would need hindsight on this matter? No excuses. Don't get me wrong, McQuery is at a much bigger fault....no question. Paterno is the biggest figurehead so he'll get the most attention, but the AD, president and anyone else closely associated shares the exact same guilt as Paterno.


The thing is inexcuseable. Grown men were worried more about school image, loss of money and who knows what. There's no defending anyone involved in this matter. Their all trash.

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And a side note - at my age, I get nervous when people begin using "morality" as a standard to judge others. I find it to be a very fickle and subjective standard, usually defined by the proponent of whatever morality is in question.being an ex-coach).


::gets off soap box:: ;)


I think we can all safely agree that allowing childeren to be raped is well outside the "subjective" bounds of any appopriate moral standards.


The simple fact is this... there are children who were raped who would not have been if JoPa had done the right thing. Even he admits it.

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Get off your soap box and go get your shinebox!


McQuery said in sworn statement in no uncertain terms that he told Paterno that Sandusky was having anal sex in the shower with a 10 year old boy. Now, If Paterno turns a blind eye to that for 10 years with this slimeball creeping around the PENN State campus abusing any boy he wants (several more happened well after the case Paterno was involved in)... Just WAKE UP PEOPLE... does not smell right!... cover up.



Maybe you should quit making up untruths, and actually read the Grand Jury indictment. Then let us know where it says that. :thumbsdown:

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Get off your soap box and go get your shinebox!


McQuery said in sworn statement in no uncertain terms that he told Paterno that Sandusky was having anal sex in the shower with a 10 year old boy. Now, If Paterno turns a blind eye to that for 10 years with this slimeball creeping around the PENN State campus abusing any boy he wants (several more happened well after the case Paterno was involved in)... Just WAKE UP PEOPLE... does not smell right!... cover up.

Joe Paterno testified..."Reported to him (Penn St. AD) that the graduate assistant had seen Sandusky in the Lasch Building showers fondling or doing something of a sexual nature to a young boy"


"sexual nature" uh, does it really matter what it was? Paterno knew....did nothing!

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Joe Paterno testified..."Reported to him (Penn St. AD) that the graduate assistant had seen Sandusky in the Lasch Building showers fondling or doing something of a sexual nature to a young boy"


"sexual nature" uh, does it really matter what it was? Paterno knew....did nothing!


This is pretty much it.

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The whole thing is pathetic!


If anyone defendes Paterno, you're just as bad. Bottom line is he was told a a 50+ year old coach was in the shower with a 10 year old kids hands against the wall.


McQuery should have went in and beat his azz to no end...he didn't.


As soon as Joe Paterno found out he should have called the police AFTER going in and ripping into the son of a b!tch. He may be too old to kick his azz, but no excuse for turning a blind eye.


The administration should have immediately got ahold of authorities.


For all the thousands of kids that Paterno helped so much, he turned his back on the 8+ kids that needed him the most. Paterno isn't the fall guy, he's simply the guy who has screamed out honor, committment, bring no shame for all these years and when it came time to stand up, he shriveled in the corner. Shame on him.


He said in hindsight he wished he had done more. It's not like he wasn't told what happened, why would need hindsight on this matter? No excuses. Don't get me wrong, McQuery is at a much bigger fault....no question. Paterno is the biggest figurehead so he'll get the most attention, but the AD, president and anyone else closely associated shares the exact same guilt as Paterno.


The thing is inexcuseable. Grown men were worried more about school image, loss of money and who knows what. There's no defending anyone involved in this matter. Their all trash.



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I like what this commentator said. Not my words:


"I would not have gone through channels. I would have glanced around to see if there were something at hand that could be used as a bludgeon, if not—I’d just attack the son of a b!tch. I’d scream like a f-king banshee after getting the first blow and I’d keep screaming. Kick him. Hit him. Pull his hair. Sock him in the nuts. Claw at his eyes. Punch his kidneys. Push his nose into his brain. Tell the kid to run and call 9/11 then his parents."




I don't understand why Mcqueary (and his dad) aren't getting way more heat. He was a 28 year old man. They keep saying grad asst. like he's some naive kid. When I was 28 i was married , 2 kids , mortgage. You're no dummy at 28, hopefully. Ask yourself this: If you, as an adult, caught a co-worker raping a 10 yr old boy at your place of work, would you just silently walk away and then wait til the next day to tell your boss?? no f'n way


I was thinking the same thing. You're 28 and you see a 58 year old pedophile raping a 10 year old. I think I like my chances of beating the geezer's azz and quite possibly killing him. What focking D.A. outside of California is going to prosecute you for killing that guy?!!!



McQuery should have went in and beat his azz to no end...he didn't.


Dude, I seriously can't imagine the shame and regret McQuery feels by failing to do anything. Subsequent kids were molested because he didn't stop that one act. If I were him, I'd probably just focking kill myself.


Paterno is as much to blame but McQuery was there in the moment and focking failed that kid. In the indictment he stated that Sandusky and the kid turned and made eye contact.


Sh!t, I start getting choked up thinking about what that kid must have thought there in that moment. An adult to the rescue only to see that focking coward turn and run......

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Per the testimony of McQueary, who was placed on paid administrative leave last week, the then-grad assistant witnessed Sandusky sodomizing a 10-year-old boy in the shower of the school’s football building in 2002. Based on the grand jury’s presentment in the case, it appeared McQueary did nothing to stop the alleged attack, deciding instead to run and call his father, who told him to leave the building.


According to McQueary, that’s simply not the case.


In an email to former teammates obtained by NBC News correspondent Peter Alexander, McQueary said that “the truth is not out there fully”, that he “didn’t just turn and run.” Instead, McQueary states in the email, “I made sure it stopped.”


McQueary went on to write that “I did the right thing… you guys know me” and he “had to make quick, tough decisions.”


The grand jury wrote in its 23-page indictment of Sandusky that, after McQueary witnessed the alleged rape, he “left immediately, distraught.” Nowhere does it state that McQueary “did the right thing” by stopping the alleged rape of a child that was already in progress or by getting the young boy out of harm’s way.


The individual transcripts of those who testified in front of the grand jury were not released. Rather, the presentment was and it was merely a summation of what was discovered during the course of a two-year-plus investigation, so it’s entirely possible McQueary testified to stopping the alleged sexual assault and it simply wasn’t included in the presentment.


McQueary has yet to speak publicly since the scandal broke, although Sandusky will tonight. The former Nittany Lions defensive coordinator will be interviewed by Bob Costas on NBC’s “Thirty Rock with Brian Williams” at 10 pm. ET.



We may have been lead wrong on exactly what McQuery did. Would explain why he's still employed and all that. Still should have called cops.


Lots of questions to be answered.....




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This monster gets to talk on National Television and proclaim his innocence. Childmolesting piece of sh!t. Fock! I would have already disemboweled him on Penn State's campus. :mad:


whenever someone repeats a question before answering it... they are lying in my experience... they don't know what to say.


costas "are you sexually attracted to young boys?"


sandusky "am i sexually attracted to young boys??? (X2) well i DO like being around young people"



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Maybe you should quit making up untruths, and actually read the Grand Jury indictment. Then let us know where it says that. :thumbsdown:



Are you able to read?


I have read the Grand Jury document.


Says that the graduate assistant saw Sandusky subjecting the 10 year old boy to anal sex. Then it says he told Paterno what he saw.


Remove your rose colored glasses.

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Just heard this morning on Mike and Mike that now it's coming out that McQuery did indeed stop the rape in the shower. Not sure what happened with the kid after he supposedly stopped it but that the fact that he did is new news to me.


Listening last night to the interview, Sandusky just sickens me. :mad:

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Just heard this morning on Mike and Mike that now it's coming out that McQuery did indeed stop the rape in the shower. Not sure what happened with the kid after he supposedly stopped it but that the fact that he did is new news to me.


Listening last night to the interview, Sandusky just sickens me. :mad:


I heard something last night about it, but they made it sound like he stopped a different incident. I'm glad there is some clarification. I've heard snippets of the Sandusky interview with Costas and the guy sounds downright creepy. What freakin grown man thinks it's OK to be naked in the shower with young boys, have them crawl around on the floor, and sleep with then...but doesn't consider themselves attracted to them or get aroused by them?! :rolleyes:


I don't care how unusual it was for someone accused to do an interview...if the boy that McQuery saw/helped that night comes forward, their stories mesh up, and lots of other victims tell similar stories...um, well...fry the focker. :angry:

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whenever someone repeats a question before answering it... they are lying in my experience... they don't know what to say.


costas "are you sexually attracted to young boys?"


sandusky "am i sexually attracted to young boys??? (X2) well i DO like being around young people"




I tend to think the same thing.


As far as that exchange between Costas and Sandusky; is that how he replied? Seriously?!!! Someone out there needs to just suck it up for society, and waste this focker!

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I heard something last night about it, but they made it sound like he stopped a different incident. I'm glad there is some clarification. I've heard snippets of the Sandusky interview with Costas and the guy sounds downright creepy. What freakin grown man thinks it's OK to be naked in the shower with young boys, have them crawl around on the floor, and sleep with then...but doesn't consider themselves attracted to them or get aroused by them?! :rolleyes:


I don't care how unusual it was for someone accused to do an interview...if the boy that McQuery saw/helped that night comes forward, their stories mesh up, and lots of other victims tell similar stories...um, well...fry the focker. :angry:



dude is done. they have i believe 8 victims that are testifying. That, added with the McQuery piece means he's done. Dude is super sick. He's adopted a bunch of kids, started a charity org for kids, just a sick sick predator. And have no doubts, his wife knew exactly what he was doing. Most cases like these where a sick guy is doing bad things to people and has a wife, the wife knows. Many times the wife actually assists in the crimes. However, more often than not the sick individual has broken down the wife, and manupulates her to either be complicit or outright assist in the heinous crimes. And if this sick fvck had the balls to commit these crimes on Penn State property, best believe others in the PSU athletic community knew what was going on. If he's showering with young kids on campus, an alarm bell should ring immediately. If 1 individual sees him apparently anally raping a young child on campus, dude should have been in jail that night, and a case against him started immediately. EVERYONE in that athletic program has to be held accountable for this. I think there's a ton of stuff yet to come out, so not worth jumping to conclusions, however I would not in the least bit be surprised if Joe Pa is charged. From what I understand, he ran a tight ship there, and for this monster to still be on campus as recently as last month, when apparently his departure from PSU was based on his penchant for sexing up little boys means MANY MANY people not only chose to look the other way, they allowed this monster to use PSU as a tool to do his dirty business. Not acceptable. Again, I strongly believe there is much more truth still out there under the surface, and will bubble up once the investigation goes full blast, however on the surface, supporting Joe Pa in any capacity is not right. I do know he's had a storied life, and has been a moral compass for not just the university but just in general, but this 1 thing can wipe all of that away. There are few things in life that are unforgivable, and abusing innocent children is one of them. And not taking the appropriate actions against someone you know is doing this is practically as bad as doing it yourself. I don't give a sh!t if its mother teresa in Joe's place. Every single bit of equity you've built up in your entire 345 year life is out the window if he's proven to have had knowledge of this monster's ways and did nothing about it. Whether it was for the sake of the school's rep, the program's rep, his own rep, his friend's ass, doesn't matter at all. If he even remotely knew of this and didn't take action, he'll forever be remembered for that as opposed to any other good he's done, except by those that chose to blindly support him. And McQUery needs to take a good long look in the mirror too. It's easy to say 'I'd have gone in there and murdered the guy on teh spot!' Odds are 99.9% of us wouldn't have done that. But I'd have called the police about 30 seconds after seeing this occur. Why would a grown man need to call his pops, confer with him, and then decide that the only thing he needs to do is tell his boss. That's a joke, and what it points to is the system of 'keep it in house' and 'protect the brand.' Let's not get crazy and get the cops involved, lets keep it in house, let Joe Pa sort it out. I don't need to ruffle feathers, and possibly lose my job over this! Not my chair, not my problem! Yeah right, get real...

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Excerpt from the Costas interview:


"Asked whether he was sexually attracted to underage boys, he said "sexually attracted, no. I enjoy young people, I love to be around them, but, no, I'm not sexually attracted to young boys."


Asked if there was anything he had done wrong, Sandusky said, "I shouldn't have showered with those kids."


When pressed about how two people could claim to have witnessed Sandusky engaged in sexual contact with boys on two different occasions, Sandusky replied that "you'd have to ask" them.


The scandal has hit hard the community called Happy Valley, where "success with honor" is the motto. Paterno and University President Graham Spanier have lost their jobs and Athletic Director Tim Curley and senior vice president Gary Schultz face perjury charges.


The interview with Costas was Sandusky's first public comment on the charges. He had previously maintained his innocence through his attorney, Joe Amendola.


"We anticipate we're going to have at least several of those kids come forward and say `This never happened. This is me. This is the allegation. It never occurred,"' Amendola said on the NBC broadcast."



He's lawyered up and trying to mince words; downplaying any contact as just innocent guy stuff that probably shouldn't have happened between an adult and a child.


Also, that part from his lawyer about several of those kids saying 'this never happened'. They already stated it did, but now they're going to reverse that? Did you pay them off or are you counting on them not wanting to testify?


That lawyer needs shot too.

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The school is just creepy now.




Ex-PSU grad assistant: Scandal isn't surprising

'Enraged' Paknis, a former child-abuse victim, believes Paterno knew about Sandusky years ago


When Paknis, 49, started investigating the Sandusky thing on the Internet, it hit especially close to home.


In two ways: He is a childhood victim of sexual abuse, and a former assistant coach at Penn State, working on the same staff as Sandusky under Paterno.




It should be made clear that Paknis did not witness any sexual abuse while at Penn State as a graduate assistant coach in 1987 and 1988, before leaving to pursue an MBA at the University of Rhode Island. He did, however, see some things that made him queasy, especially in light of his own background, and especially when it came to Sandusky.



Paknis found it “bizarre” that Penn State coaches all showered in the same space, behind a clear Plexiglas perimeter.


“They would talk about plays," he said. "I thought that was maybe old-school or something, so I mentioned that to coaches at other places, and they never did that. That was not for me.”


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