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Incognito & the Miami Dolphins

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After seeing Tannehills interview, it seems thsi whole thing is a giant misunderstanding and taken out of context. Seems richie was Martins buddy and this was prob some bipolar episode from Martin.

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this I don't get is if all these guys are saying not only were they cool, they were literally close friends, why would Martin throw him under the bus like that. Doesn't compute, as he doesn't seem like a major douche. IF that's really what's happening here, that is some mega dirty stuff. Really nasty stuff. You're basically jeopardizing this guy's career by doing this. Still think there's a major part of this story that hasn't surfaced just yet...

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this I don't get is if all these guys are saying not only were they cool, they were literally close friends, why would Martin throw him under the bus like that. Doesn't compute, as he doesn't seem like a major douche. IF that's really what's happening here, that is some mega dirty stuff. Really nasty stuff. You're basically jeopardizing this guy's career by doing this. Still think there's a major part of this story that hasn't surfaced just yet...

Nice to see you backing off your stance that anybody who questioned Martin's part in this is ignorant and needs to shutup.

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this I don't get is if all these guys are saying not only were they cool, they were literally close friends, why would Martin throw him under the bus like that. Doesn't compute, as he doesn't seem like a major douche. IF that's really what's happening here, that is some mega dirty stuff. Really nasty stuff. You're basically jeopardizing this guy's career by doing this. Still think there's a major part of this story that hasn't surfaced just yet...

There's definitely more to the story and I highly doubt Incognito is the victim here. However if Martin does have mental health issues that could certainly explain a rather abrupt shift in behavior.

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Nice to see you backing off your stance that anybody who questioned Martin's part in this is ignorant and needs to shutup.



never said tha, you need to go a reread what I saidt. I said anyone that believes the answer to this is for martin to go and fight the dude is stupid, and is a big part of what is wrong with society today. I will admit based on what I knew a few days ago, it all pointed to Richie being a major douche in this situation, and that formed my opinion of the situation at hand. His history also helped paint that picture. Seems that is changing based on other stuff coming out, so I'd be stupid to be stuck on the initial opinion. But not as stupid as people that believe everything can be solved by physically fighting each other. Especially when so much is on the line for either of these people. They're not a couple of 14 year olds who will punch each other a few times and go to school the next day...

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this I don't get is if all these guys are saying not only were they cool, they were literally close friends, why would Martin throw him under the bus like that. Doesn't compute, as he doesn't seem like a major douche. IF that's really what's happening here, that is some mega dirty stuff. Really nasty stuff. You're basically jeopardizing this guy's career by doing this. Still think there's a major part of this story that hasn't surfaced just yet...


This is my big question. Everybody involved or at least close to involved in the situation is siding with Incognito. One guy on the radio said that Incognito contacted Martin after he left, and Martin told him it was not because of Incognito. If they were such friends, if Martin did not leave because of Incognito, then how in the hell did the voicemail ever make it to the public ears?

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never said tha, you need to go a reread what I saidt. I said anyone that believes the answer to this is for martin to go and fight the dude is stupid, and is a big part of what is wrong with society today. I will admit based on what I knew a few days ago, it all pointed to Richie being a major douche in this situation, and that formed my opinion of the situation at hand. His history also helped paint that picture. Seems that is changing based on other stuff coming out, so I'd be stupid to be stuck on the initial opinion. But not as stupid as people that believe everything can be solved by physically fighting each other. Especially when so much is on the line for either of these people. They're not a couple of 14 year olds who will punch each other a few times and go to school the next day...


No, you are another sheeple who jumps on every media bandwagon. You don't know it, but all those anti bulling commercials get into your head. They tell you if you agree with them, you are "progressive" and "enlightened." That makes you happy. You feel good about yourself.


It's OK, you have plenty of company.

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No, you are another sheeple who jumps on every media bandwagon. You don't know it, but all those anti bulling commercials get into your head. They tell you if you agree with them, you are "progressive" and "enlightened." That makes you happy. You feel good about yourself.


It's OK, you have plenty of company.



what ever you say bro. Go around punching people, see how long you live...


you have far more company that I do, sadly...

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So many new stories coming out from players, black players, who say Richie isnt a racist and the whole thing is out of context. Lockerroom talk has no business being outed to the media (altho its juicy as hell) and this whole thing is a misunderstanding. Martin has other issues unrelated to Richie and the sit down incident.

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America is being pussified, no question about that, increasing a person's dependence on others is not just a socialist tenet, it's central to their way of life and is what drives them to drive others out. Our current CIC is the head of that snake, handouts go up, personal responsibility goes down, hard work and income are penalized on a sliding scale.. earn more, get penalized more... but that's another thread.


Hard to tell if that is in play here, or if it's just a head of the snake problem. As a lifer dolphin I have had, and still do have serious doubts about the leadership there, and that is not pointed at anyone on the field. I don't know if it goes all the way to the top or not, but hires like Ricky Williams twice, many draft moves, the fact that parcels was handed the keys then bailed, saban was handed the wheel and just quit, or this crap here, there is a history of headscratchers in south Florida and sadly this is just another one that may never be fully explained.


Somebody clearly ordered the code red, but it seems like a combo of things, not a solo act, and hopefully that will come out as time passes... management in MIA isn't that good... Incognito likely wasn't the only guy behind this... many probably know or kind of approve of this type of hazing, and its is more typical that most of us knew about... and maybe this crossed the line quite a bit, but the catalyst in it all might just be that martin was not a stable dude and he was either gonna snap under this pressure, or show up in the locker room with an AK.


Personally I'm glad we did not see the latter... real glad... but I also am not glad that the league is probably trying to figure out if they can somehow penalize shouting or work in a national bully month around their pink flag week.

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America is being pussified, no question about that, increasing a person's dependence on others is not just a socialist tenet, it's central to their way of life and is what drives them to drive others out. Our current CIC is the head of that snake, handouts go up, personal responsibility goes down, hard work and income are penalized on a sliding scale.. earn more, get penalized more... but that's another thread.


:first: :mad:

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There's definitely more to the story and I highly doubt Incognito is the victim here. However if Martin does have mental health issues that could certainly explain a rather abrupt shift in behavior.

Don't trip while back peddling.


Worms has a habit of conclusion jumping.


Posted 04 November 2013 - 11:47 AM

Fock Incognito, he's always been known as one of the dirtiest players in the league. He deserves whatever's coming to him.


I wouldn't shed a tear for Pouncy either. Hoping he gets ass-raped in the Hernandez investigation.




He's coming along....


IPosted 05 November 2013 - 12:46 AM

I'm not really buying this whole "bullying in the workplace" thing either.


It's one thing to get up in arms about bullying in schools, which really does happen and can be very harmful to kids at a vulnerable time in their lives.


But "in the workplace"? What the hell kind of work has a ton of bullying? And what kind of adult can't generally figure out how to deal with a "bully"?


I mean, these bullies grow up to be focktard losers who live off the government dime in a trailer park. They aren't coming in to your office and knocking your papers out of your hand as you leave the copy machine


Finally the NFL isn't even your typical "workplace" anyway. In most jobs I would agree that aggressive behavior toward your coworkers is pretty messed up. But when your job IS to aggressively beat the snot out of other men on the field? Yeah, I think that kinda changes things a bit.


Not to defend Incognito here--I think he's a POS that went too far. I'd just rather not have this turn into a whole thing on "workplace bullying" like it's some huge societal problem we all need to focus on.

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People are allowed to change their opinions as time and information flow imo. When this first hit everybody though Richie was the problem. Now serious doubt has been cast on Martin and the coaching staff. More layers to the onion.

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People are allowed to change their opinions as time and information flow imo. When this first hit everybody though Richie was the problem. Now serious doubt has been cast on Martin and the coaching staff. More layers to the onion.


Agreed. Not really sure what the point of a "don't trip while back peddling" post is.

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People are allowed to change their opinions as time and information flow imo. When this first hit everybody though Richie was the problem. Now serious doubt has been cast on Martin and the coaching staff. More layers to the onion.

Excuse me. Do NOT link me with "everybody".


Wait to get the facts, then make idiotic statements if you wish.

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The more I read, the more I am convinced that this is going to be really ugly for the Dolphins. I'd bet coaching staff & the GM are both gone & some of the players (fairly or not) beyond Richie have trouble finding work.


They keep making contradicting statements (Philbin told us not to talk. We talked anyway. No Philbin didn't say don't talk).


I'm not a lawyer, but I am pretty sure that (whether Martin is abusing the situation or legitimately having issues) Miami is totally screwing themselves by having the people who (supposedly) made his "workplace unsafe" come out and say inflammatory things about him and his improper responses. This just makes the case easier & the penalties worse IMO. Their culture might accept things that others do not ... but if it becomes a legal matter, I don't think their culture is going to matter as much as they think it does.


Some of this stuff is just too incredible. The guy has a workplace problem & has a record of the GM telling him to solve it by punching a guy. I'm not saying that (in the context of the NFL locker room) this doesn't make some kind of sense, but it puts the Dolphins in an horrible situation legally. Maybe this is what pushed Martin over the edge. Maybe it was enough evidence that he could sue & and not ever work again & he knew it. I have no way of knowing, but it's just ridiculous either way. I understand football players in the locker room, but I don't understand execs thinking that way & not considering the consquences.

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The more I read, the more I am convinced that this is going to be really ugly for the Dolphins. I'd bet coaching staff & the GM are both gone & some of the players (fairly or not) beyond Richie have trouble finding work.


They keep making contradicting statements (Philbin told us not to talk. We talked anyway. No Philbin didn't say don't talk).


I'm not a lawyer, but I am pretty sure that (whether Martin is abusing the situation or legitimately having issues) Miami is totally screwing themselves by having the people who (supposedly) made his "workplace unsafe" come out and say inflammatory things about him and his improper responses. This just makes the case easier & the penalties worse IMO. Their culture might accept things that others do not ... but if it becomes a legal matter, I don't think their culture is going to matter as much as they think it does.


Some of this stuff is just too incredible. The guy has a workplace problem & has a record of the GM telling him to solve it by punching a guy. I'm not saying that (in the context of the NFL locker room) this doesn't make some kind of sense, but it puts the Dolphins in an horrible situation legally. Maybe this is what pushed Martin over the edge. Maybe it was enough evidence that he could sue & and not ever work again & he knew it. I have no way of knowing, but it's just ridiculous either way. I understand football players in the locker room, but I don't understand execs thinking that way & not considering the consquences.

Anytime you have a problem wih anyone, just punch them! Are you some sissy faggat or something?!? You must have voted for Obama! Hurrdurrdurr and some other disjointed junk.

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People are allowed to change their opinions as time and information flow imo. When this first hit everybody though Richie was the problem. Now serious doubt has been cast on Martin and the coaching staff. More layers to the onion.

Of course they do. But this is all to common. People scream "racist" and I guess now "bully" and it's just too funny to see the reactions.


Most people didn't make up their mind in the first place. They screamed based on emotion. You get sound bites with the "N-Word" and watch out. Minds are out. People go straight to frenzy mode.


Bully seems to be the same thing now. Bully!!!! People love to be part of a team. So they join in and scream along. No minds. Just reaction.


So change your mind? Or start using it?


And I say this with NO IDEA what all the facts are. But neither does anybody.


So before we tie the witch to the stake. Let's figure it out.

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People are allowed to change their opinions as time and information flow imo. When this first hit everybody though Richie was the problem. Now serious doubt has been cast on Martin and the coaching staff. More layers to the onion.


Not to mention that I never "backpedaled" at all. My take has always been that Incognito went too far, but that Martin is probably too sensitive and these kinds of things happen often in lockerrooms. Again, not some of the stuff Incognito said but as far as making the rookies buy dinner, carrying pads, etc.--that's all pretty commonplace and I don't think it's really anything to get all up in arms about.


JTB knows that I haven't changed my position but he follows me around like a lovesick puppy trying to get my attention. It's sad and pathetic that the man has nothing better to do with his life. He really needs a woman in his life or more likely a man (not that there's anything wrong with that).

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really good read that cuts the the heart of it. Still this individual case has many more layers that might emerge. There's more character stuff on Incognito coming out, specifically some inappropriate action at a golf tournament which either he or the fins had to pay a girl off to keep her quiet on...



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I am rapidly losing interest in NFL football. All the rules changes have made the game too soft for me to really enjoy. Add to that the endless commercials (twice as many as in the 70s) that disrupt the flow of the game, TDs and turn overs that can only be made official by slow motion review, and practice restrictions that give us an inferior product. Football is not about the "game" anymore as the current media frenzy that concentrates on the Miami situation shows us. NFL Football has become boring and the media coverage is incredibly redundant.

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really good read that cuts the the heart of it. Still this individual case has many more layers that might emerge. There's more character stuff on Incognito coming out, specifically some inappropriate action at a golf tournament which either he or the fins had to pay a girl off to keep her quiet on...



Thanks for that read. That is one of the best articles I've read in a long time regarding a hot button topic.

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Angry old man rant

There, there, isn't it time for your nap? Tonight is bingo night so you want to be all rested up for that ^_^

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really good read that cuts the the heart of it. Still this individual case has many more layers that might emerge. There's more character stuff on Incognito coming out, specifically some inappropriate action at a golf tournament which either he or the fins had to pay a girl off to keep her quiet on...



I like how this doesn't assume anything about the situation, but explores the locker room & the pressures it has.


This also might be the first time I have read something on the bleacher report site that seemed like real news.

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Incognito is a massive piece of sh*t. Martin seems to lack the toughness needed to play in the NFL. The Dolphins are in for a world of hurt for backing up Incognito (as much for his off the field incidents as the locker room crap) and making him part of their "leadership council" after paying off a woman he molested with a golf club (among other things). There are no winners here.

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saw some of the Martin interview, wow, I would never hire that dude ever... what a ****



I actually hope they take incognito back at this point, they need a line that isn't number one in the league for sacks allowed. Tannehill is going to die on a third down at this rate :facepalm:

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Dolphins guard Richie Incognito has sought professional help for mental health issues following two weeks of erratic behavior in public, according to media reports Friday.

Incognito’s unusual behavior perhaps is the result of the release of investigator Ted Wells’ report that was requested by the NFL to investigate harassment in the Dolphins’ locker room.

Recently, Incognito used social media to fire agent David Dunn, then recanted; he then apologized to Dolphins owner Stephen Ross, Wells and former Dolphins teammate Jonathan Martin, who left the team after being unable to take the incessant bullying Wells’ report said he was subject to from Incognito, center Mike Pouncey and guard John Jerry.

This week, Incognito took a baseball bat to his black Ferrari FF and left it in front of his Scottsdale, Ariz., home. He declared to a KSAZ Fox 10 reporting team that he would donate the car to Orangewood Pals, an Orange County, Calif., organization that works with abused and neglected children (Dunn works out of Orange County, also).

“That was just me venting,” Incognito told the reporting team Thursday. “That was my self-expression. That was a piece of art.”

Incognito couldn’t have been more pleasant when the reporter and cameraman showed up at his Scottsdale home Thursday after news of Incognito’s Ferrari-bashing went viral.

Though declaring a couple of times he and his family were private people, Incognito answered the reporter’s questions without a trace of rancor, displaying the manner that prompted the South Florida Professional Football Writers Association chapter to award him the 2012 Good Guy Award for cooperation with the media.

“Me and my dad built and designed this house. When things went down, it was just unfortunate,” Incognito said. “We understand it. Me, my dad, my brother, my mom, my dad, Jonathan Martin, the Miami Dolphins, [Dolphins owner] Stephen Ross, you … we’re all brothers and sisters. I think we all understand that. It’s just time to move on. Words were said. Things were done. At at the end of the day, we’re all brothers and sisters. We’re here to lift each other up, and we’re here to motivate each other to get the best out of one another.”

Explosions of off-field violence and on-field over-the-line play marked Incognito’s college and NFL careers. In a lengthy NFL.com profile, he admitted he has sought professional help for his behavior, which almost cost him his career before the Dolphins signed him in 2010.

Former University of Miami center Brett Romberg, a teammate of Incognito’s in St. Louis for three seasons and still a good friend, told 790 The Ticket’s morning show: “No joke … I’m really concerned.”

Romberg said his wife told him he should get in touch with Incognito. In addition to an uncertain professional future, Incognito is dealing with the recent dissolution of his parents’ marriage.

“His parents are his backbone in life,” Romberg told the show’s hosts, Jonathan Zaslow and Joy Taylor. “This is just bad. It’s getting really, really bad. I’m terrified he might go about doing something really, really, really bad to himself. Now, it’s dangerous. I don’t think he’s going to go as far as to hurt other people. I think it’s just a self-inflicted breakdown.”








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