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Just got offered McCoy for Ellington.

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Ellingtons next couple of games is ridiculous. But his playoff schedule is horrible. And McCoy offensive line is on the verge of being completely healthy again. Would you?

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I wouldn't do it if your team is something like 4-1. I would do it if your team is something like 2-3.

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I wouldn't do it if your team is something like 4-1. I would do it if your team is something like 2-3.


I wouldn't do it if you think Ellington will be better. I would do it if you think McCoy will be better.

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Ellingtons next couple of games is ridiculous. But his playoff schedule is horrible. And McCoy offensive line is on the verge of being completely healthy again. Would you?


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i'd do it, i just feel like a back like mccoy will turn it on soon. then again i could just be going on past years, havent watched this year

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I wouldn't do it if you think Ellington will be better. I would do it if you think McCoy will be better.

Don't be another FF'r that doesn't understand risk mitigation.

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McCoy is still getting a ton of carries and has talent so he's prime for a bounce back. My concern is his lack of useage in the passing game. Pretty much should have seen it coming with Sproles, not that he's had more than that one good game. There's a serious chance Ellington catches fire and becomes a 1st rnd pick next year, it's not as slam dunk as it seems.

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I think you should take that. McCoy is more talented and will get more opportunities. You should do it based on that alone. You're trading for whats going to happen the rest of the season, not what has happened to this point.

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Im 1-4. I need wins now. Ellingtons jext couple of games is the easiest out of any running back.


Except right now their starter at QB is Logan Thomas.

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Im 1-4. I need wins now. Ellingtons jext couple of games is the easiest out of any running back.


If you're 1-4 and someone is willing to do that deal with you, I'd think you'd feel good about it. It's rare that the bad teams are able to buy low and sell high. Usually 1-4 teams are getting low ball offers from the 4-1 teams.


You're 1-4 and buying low on McCoy could be the boost you need to turn it around. What have you got to lose?

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1-4 with Ellington means you likely are in need of help at other positions.


Not really, maybe his only win came last week. You know, the only game this season where Ellington really did anything of note. His other 4 games have been mediocre at best.

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I'd take McCoy - you have to be honest with yourself - Ellington is a nice RB, but he isn't top 10 IMO. Last week would have sucked if not for the 80 yard reception. You will not get that play on most weeks. Add in the uncertainty at QB for Arizona and I'd do it. Worst case it backfires and your team continues to lose games - best case you get a 2nd half stud RB and make the playoffs.


At 1-4 you need to roll the dice.

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1-4 with Ellington means you likely are in need of help at other positions.

Wrong. Ellington is a big reason he's 1-4. He did nothing for the first 4 weeks.

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I'd take McCoy - you have to be honest with yourself - Ellington is a nice RB, but he isn't top 10 IMO. Last week would have sucked if not for the 80 yard reception. You will not get that play on most weeks. Add in the uncertainty at QB for Arizona and I'd do it. Worst case it backfires and your team continues to lose games - best case you get a 2nd half stud RB and make the playoffs.


At 1-4 you need to roll the dice.


You're right. That 80 yarder was the only pass Thomas came close to completing after his first one ( a screen which someone... I think Ellington... dropped). The TD was a crazy play that probably should have gone for 8 instead of 80.


AZ really surprised me the first few weeks, weathering the storm of all their lost bodies on defense. But as the offense struggles the D is on the field more and it's going to show. They will be hard pressed to generate any kind of offense this wek vs Washington who is not that bad defensively and should be able to load up vs a rookie QB.

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I think you should take that. McCoy is more talented and will get more opportunities. You should do it based on that alone. You're trading for whats going to happen the rest of the season, not what has happened to this point.

Good advise. It seems like a fair trade for sure, especially when you consider that Ellington already had his bye and McCoy's is coming up week #7 I believe. Ultimately, I think McCoy is going to bust out and would lean to the McCoy side. Not a slam dunk trade.

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O.k.. So the trade is Ellington, Torrey Smith and John Brown for LeSean McCoy, Pierre Garcon, and Kniles Davis.


I'm so torn on this trade.


If I was up there at 4-1 or 3-2 it would be a no brainer, but I am 1-4 and need wins NOW.


McCoy has his bye week next week and after this week, Ellington has the easiest three games out of any running back.


Torrey Smith is a no brainer, and Pierre Garcon has a decent looking ROS.


I want Knile Davis just in case and to give up John Brown is easy for me.


I'm just so torn over it. I wish I was 4-1 so I could go ahead and do it.


Does anyone really have any good idea on when the Philly offensive line will be healthy?


Can anyone give me some insight on why this is a good trade or bad trade?

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O.k.. So the trade is Ellington, Torrey Smith and John Brown for LeSean McCoy, Pierre Garcon, and Kniles Davis.


I'm so torn on this trade.


If I was up there at 4-1 or 3-2 it would be a no brainer, but I am 1-4 and need wins NOW.


McCoy has his bye week next week and after this week, Ellington has the easiest three games out of any running back.


Torrey Smith is a no brainer, and Pierre Garcon has a decent looking ROS.


I want Knile Davis just in case and to give up John Brown is easy for me.


I'm just so torn over it. I wish I was 4-1 so I could go ahead and do it.


Does anyone really have any good idea on when the Philly offensive line will be healthy?


Can anyone give me some insight on why this is a good trade or bad trade?

Dude, this seems like a no brainer to me. Take the trade.

Garcon is clear cut the better player over T. Smith IMO. I'd also rather have K. Davis over Brown. Not only are you making out with those guy's, but I'd rather have McCoy by far too. I consider you a winner on every player.


Think of it this way - McCoy has not started off very good, but he's been servicable for the most part, just not a #1 - You have a losing record - Chances are he and you will rebound. Plus you've upgraded your WR.


Besides Arizona will be playing Div games soon. Seattle, S.F., etc. I think they will begin to lose and are on there way.

If you DO make playoff's - Ellington's matchups suck so you would want to trade him anyway.


I would sure be more worried about facing McCoy/Garcon then Ellington/T. Smith. Not even close.


The only concern you have is the bye week and losing again. But, that has nothing to do with the trade. The trade is good. Just figure out what you can do for McCoy's bye week and hope to get past it.


I'm shocked you have this offer! Take it.

IMO the trade seems a little lopsided in your favor.

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O.k.. So the trade is Ellington, Torrey Smith and John Brown for LeSean McCoy, Pierre Garcon, and Kniles Davis.


I'm so torn on this trade.


Can anyone give me some insight on why this is a good trade or bad trade?


You're putting way too much thought into this. It's not life and death there buddy. Relax.


It's only week 6. I'd bet on McCoy vs Ellington the rest of the way.

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I have Ellington and I'm an Eagles homer. I'm not sure the people posting here have watched all of McCoy's games but I have and he does not look the guy from last year. There was all this talk about a "turf-toe-like" injury in the preseason. I don't think he's over that. He is clearly a step slower and doesn't have the force to cut like he did. He's dancing more. He just put up a better stat line against a garbage Rams team but even then it was 20 some carries for 80 yards. Sproles is hitting those same holes harder. I realize the injured line has an effect too but the Eagles schedule is going to get harder from here on out. I wouldn't trade Elligton for him. I know that's tough to swallow because McCoy was picked 1 or 2 overall but he's not the same guy from last year and I'm not sure he will be at any point this season. Just an opinion from someone that's watched every snap.

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McCoy started the season with the toe issue which, while not major, was an impediment. He suffered the concussion/concussion symptoms vs Washington and I think it took another week before he fully shook those off. In the meantime, his offensive line that started all 16 games last season was down to one healthy starter. And don't forget that Foles got pummeled so badly in the Wash and SF games that it's a marvel he stayed upright.


So you have a proven performer, whose issues are resolving themselves over time, and who showed last week that he's capable of handling 20 carries with decent effectiveness.


Or you have Ellington who hasn't done much if anything more than McCoy, is mostly speculation, has a horrible QB situation and is fighting his own injuries (foot) which likely won't fully heal til after the season.


Forget the extra pieces. McCoy for Ellington is the kind of deal you look to make when a stud gets off to a bad start.

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As an Ellington owner, I probably would make that trade.....reluctantly. Neither player excites me right now, and both are probably about the same. Give you 7-10 points....maybe a TD. With Ellington, he seems more involved in the passing game. And he seems more capable of busting a huge play like he did last week.


But McCoy is tied to the better offense and will have more scoring opportunities. I'm not one to believe that he'll return to 2013 McCoy because....just because. Every year is its own thing and currently he's not right....whether it be his line or his foot or whatever. Just can't assume he'll be a top 5 RB going forward because he's been a top 5 in the past.


At the end of the day though.....give me the player on the better offense which is McCoy.

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I sold as high as I could on Ellington myself to a desperate 1-4 owner, was able to package Ellington and SSmith for Graham, Knile and Patterson.


I would take Mccoy straight up as well for Ellington, but the fact you are getting Garcon for 2 guys that belong on the waiver wire is icing on the cake

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He has to be hurt. I wasted my first round on him. He does not accelerate to make anybody miss and he goes down easy. There is no way he is not hurting. I am troubled by his lack of making anyone miss and his speed. I do not understand why they are using him with his present stats. If it was not for the Eagles defensive they would have lost two more games at least!!!! I started 3-0 and now at 3-2. There is a group who had the second and third pick in the draft who took themselves out of the running. Remember there is always next year, without McCoy...

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I was already leaning towards McCoy. I think if it were a separate trade, I would take Garcon and K Davis over T Smith and J Brown. Put the 2 together and I would make the trade.

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I would take McCoy for Ellington straight up but would have to think about it. Garcon and Davis for Smith and Brown seems a steal.


I say go for it. Even if Ellington does outperform McCoy Garçon should account for the difference.

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I would not take it. If you need wins ride out ellingtons easy part of the season and then trade him in a few games high. you may be able to package him together and get a few players to help.

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Everyone is telling me to take the trade. What is everyones credentials that is saying this? Are you die hard fantasy football veterans or just casual players?


Im leaning towards keeping ellington.


The biggest part, and really, only part, is that I need wins NOW. Mccoy has bye next week, and Ellington has three of the worst rush defenses in three weeks....

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Everyone is telling me to take the trade. What is everyones credentials that is saying this? .

Post your email address so we can email our resume and personal bio.

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I once shot a man in reno just to watch him die. is that enough crediantial for ya?

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I would say post count and year of join would give you an idea as to how long we have at least been here talking about football. That comes with a warning. Anything Giants Fan tells you is bullshitt.

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Everyone is telling me to take the trade. What is everyones credentials that is saying this? Are you die hard fantasy football veterans or just casual players?

Im leaning towards keeping ellington.

The biggest part, and really, only part, is that I need wins NOW. Mccoy has bye next week, and Ellington has three of the worst rush defenses in three weeks....

I've never lost a fantasy football game in 20 years.


At 1-4 you probably keep Ellington during this stretch. He's going to kill the Skins this week and you need a win.

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Lol. But seriously though. I wish I could know who knows their ###### and who is just talking.


Well, you don't know your #### or you wouldn't be asking strangers on a message bored.


Beggars can't be choosers.

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Ellington is starting to look better with Stanton returning. He has the easier schedule coming up but McCoy will end up with more points at the end of year. Ultimately you need to make a decision - and it sounds like you need to win now - will they happen with McCoy? Possibly but Ellington will most likely score more over the next four game stretch.

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