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Big Guy

Hillary's Health both Mental & Physical

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You can stop with the name calling. Trump has never said anything racist and it's hard to call it fear mongering when things trump predicts actually happen the last two examples are your crappy predictions.


You're right about one thing her stepping down would be disastrous for Trump. She's way too easy to beat.

He has never said anything racist...when you start out that way, your post already is full of crap.

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At the debates she's going to be standing at a podium. When she falls gentleman Donald is going to rush to her aid. Little old ladys swing the election and we defeat Isis and get our jobs back. And some other stuff.


There is no way the Dems agree to a debate without both candidates seated.

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I was wondering a what the hypnotist-comic strip community was thinking, thanks. :thumbsup:


Good point; don't find it interesting that a trained hypnotist predicted that Hillary was seriously ill 9 months ago. Better off going by illary's word; it is gospel after all. :thumbsup:

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There is no way the Dems agree to a debate without both candidates seated.

I don't know. They are great liars, well, they lie a lot, I don't see how they explain that. But the cucks will accept what they are told.

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You can stop with the name calling. Trump has never said anything racist and it's hard to call it fear mongering when things trump predicts actually happen the last two examples are your crappy predictions.


You're right about one thing her stepping down would be disastrous for Trump. She's way too easy to beat.

Oh yeah, sorry. He's a bigot and a sexist and makes fun of handicapped. He wants to fock his daughter. He's been sued by blacks for discrimination in his apartment ventures.....he's a real gem. Just want this country needs. He'll be bringing back the rebel flag and flying it over the White House. And that's not even mentioning the fact that you and I both have more knowledge on foreign policy than he does.

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My VS card is looking less and less likely.



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He has never said anything racist...when you start out that way, your post already is full of crap.


Go ahead. Post ANY racist comment he's made.


I'll wait.

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cue the mexico and muslim isn't a race defense. How about Jews? Or "the blacks"?

Seriously...google Trump and racist and you get a ton of proof of the racist things he has done and said.

You can bury your head in the sand all you want...but there is a ton of things he has said that would doom any other person. People lose jobs at ESPN for more minor stuff. But this guy is another faint away from the focking Oval office and you clowns celebrate it.

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Don't do it, Shonuff. It's a trap. Mexicans, women, cripples and Muslims aren't technically races.

Jews or "the blacks"? And yes, I already knew what their excuses would be.

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Don't do it, Shonuff. It's a trap. Mexicans, women, cripples and Muslims aren't technically races.


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cue the mexico and muslim isn't a race defense. How about Jews? Or "the blacks"?

Seriously...google Trump and racist and you get a ton of proof of the racist things he has done and said.

You can bury your head in the sand all you want...but there is a ton of things he has said that would doom any other person. People lose jobs at ESPN for more minor stuff. But this guy is another faint away from the focking Oval office and you clowns celebrate it.

Why bother? These people are obviously not interested in the truth.

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Don't do it, Shonuff. It's a trap. Mexicans, women, cripples and Muslims aren't technically races.


Also, watch the documentary "You've Been Trumped!" sometime and see the contempt he has for the lily-white Scottish people he's trying to force off their family lands to build his golf course. He's not a racist, he's just a focking d!ck.

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cue the mexico and muslim isn't a race defense. How about Jews? Or "the blacks"?

Seriously...google Trump and racist and you get a ton of proof of the racist things he has done and said.

You can bury your head in the sand all you want...but there is a ton of things he has said that would doom any other person. People lose jobs at ESPN for more minor stuff. But this guy is another faint away from the focking Oval office and you clowns celebrate it.

nice liberal hack sources :lol:

Oh and only conservatives get fired from ESPN, another hack analogy.

Back the drawing board captain fake outrage.

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nice liberal hack sources :lol:

Oh and only conservatives get fired from ESPN, another hack analogy.

Back the drawing board captain fake outrage.


Google it...pick whatever source you want. Those are his quotes...does not matter what source you want to use.

Its funny...you ask for a link...you got one with several racist remarks...you whine about the sources. Psst...his focking mouth is the actual source dipshit.


Yeah...those poor oppressed conservatives are the only ones getting fired. You fail at everything you do on here...seriously, get some new schtick. At least Philly had the smarts to leave once his was past played out...you just keep sticking around for some reason.

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How did a Hillary health thread become a b-b-but trump is racist thread anyway ? :lol:

Oh that's right we have hacks like snuffles ans newbie in here. :lol:

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How did a Hillary health thread become a b-b-but trump is racist thread anyway ? :lol:

Oh that's right we have hacks like snuffles ans newbie in here. :lol:


Umm...your boy Cdub is the one who I responded to moron. (and I think his was in response to someone) So nice try.

Oh, that's right, you lack the ability to follow context...

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Since Sho established that sources don't matter, I present to you the latest sweeping through the blogosphere: Chelsea's apartment is really a secret health facility?


Hillary Clinton’s unexpected visit to her daughter’s NYC apartment after collapsing from pneumonia this weekend was actually a secret visit to a discreet medical facility.

The Democratic nominee detoured to daughter Chelsea Clinton’s alleged apartment after collapsing during the September 11 memorial service in New York on Sunday.

However, the address she was filmed entering turns out to be a secret hospital that may have treated her for a more serious neurological problem.

Pharmaceutical billionaire, Martin Shkreli, who lives nearby, was the first to point out that the address Hillary visited was actually home to a “health center”.





Now... I don't know about that, but there are two interesting things in this:

1. Chelsea's address did indeed used to be some sort of medical facility: https://profiles.health.ny.gov/home_health/view/18676

2. It doesn't seem right that illary could collapse and they don't get her medical attention, unless it is a known issue which can be treated outside of a medical facility.


Seems to me the question of whether or not it is actually Chelsea's apartment is easy enough to confirm, so I guess we'll see.

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You know Jerry, you've got a point. I hate to say it. But since she was having issues they'd DEFINITELY get her checked out. Even if just a precautionary thing. She's a freaking candidate for the highest office in the land after all (which apparently doesn't mean sh1t these days, but still).


However they could've brought a doctor to Chelsea's apartment for routine blood pressure check and so forth.


Or "Chelsea's apartment" is where they fix the HillaryBot 3000 when it malfunctions :dunno:

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You know Jerry, you've got a point. I hate to say it. But since she was having issues they'd DEFINITELY get her checked out. Even if just a precautionary thing. She's a freaking candidate for the highest office in the land after all (which apparently doesn't mean sh1t these days, but still).


However they could've brought a doctor to Chelsea's apartment for routine blood pressure check and so forth.


Or "Chelsea's apartment" is where they fix the HillaryBot 3000 when it malfunctions :dunno:


I'm not disagreeing, more adding: There are doctors on the SS I've come to learn, and it is certainly plausible that one such doctor checked her out and gave her the OK. But only for a known condition under management. If she had no such condition there is no chance she wouldn't have ended up at a hospital.

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Why was she getting in that kids grill if she's sick? Shaking hands, spewing lies.

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cue the mexico and muslim isn't a race defense. How about Jews? Or "the blacks"?

Seriously...google Trump and racist and you get a ton of proof of the racist things he has done and said.

You can bury your head in the sand all you want...but there is a ton of things he has said that would doom any other person. People lose jobs at ESPN for more minor stuff. But this guy is another faint away from the focking Oval office and you clowns celebrate it.



Since Sho established that sources don't matter, I present to you the latest sweeping through the blogosphere: Chelsea's apartment is really a secret health facility?





Now... I don't know about that, but there are two interesting things in this:

1. Chelsea's address did indeed used to be some sort of medical facility: https://profiles.health.ny.gov/home_health/view/18676

2. It doesn't seem right that illary could collapse and they don't get her medical attention, unless it is a known issue which can be treated outside of a medical facility.


Seems to me the question of whether or not it is actually Chelsea's apartment is easy enough to confirm, so I guess we'll see.


So you would equate your source and sho's as roughly carrying the same weight and credibility? Okay then...

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So you would equate your source and sho's as roughly carrying the same weight and credibility? Okay then...

Huffing post can be dismissed, but the other two are legit.

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alot of those in the list are not racist


example: Calling Warren Pocahauntus


example: Changing dealers because a high roller doesnt want a black dealer, I have been removed before from a table because they want an asian dealer, and I have been brought in because they wanted a white dealer


  • In a pitch to black voters, Trump said, "You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?"

truth is not racism

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Sources dont matter?

Not quite what i was saying...again context alludes tou all.

When bringing 5hings the candidates actually said...sources don't matter...these are things Trump hassaid, why does it matter where that comes from?


When you are running with unconfirmed speculation...hell yes sources matter.

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alot of those in the list are not racist


example: Calling Warren Pocahauntus


example: Changing dealers because a high roller doesnt want a black dealer, I have been removed before from a table because they want an asian dealer, and I have been brought in because they wanted a white dealer


  • In a pitch to black voters, Trump said, "You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?"

truth is not racism

Calling Warren Pocohontos is like calling a black guy Buckwheat. Not only is Trump racist, he's childish and unclever.

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Now they are saying she has a body double. I do find it odd that there weren't any secret service around here when she left Chelsea's Dr.'s office, I mean apartment.


The party is almost over for poor Hillary. :overhead:

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So you would equate your source and sho's as roughly carrying the same weight and credibility? Okay then...


I was being a bit facetious about the sources, mostly so that people would read the content instead of going off on the source. Also I stated "I don't know about that" and then used it to further my main point, which is that Hillary has some ongoing medical issue which causes her faint in a seizure-like fashion.


Also I was getting sick of the "but Trump$#@!" direction the thread had taken.

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Sources dont matter?

Not quite what i was saying...again context alludes tou all.

When bringing 5hings the candidates actually said...sources don't matter...these are things Trump hassaid, why does it matter where that comes from?


When you are running with unconfirmed speculation...hell yes sources matter.


I read Jerry's posts sometimes and wonder what happened the engineer who went to MIT? You would think his standards for logic & sources would be a bit higher.

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I was being a bit facetious about the sources, mostly so that people would read the content instead of going off on the source. Also I stated "I don't know about that" and then used it to further my main point, which is that Hillary has some ongoing medical issue which causes her faint in a seizure-like fashion.


Also I was getting sick of the "but Trump$#@!" direction the thread had taken.


Again, this is why we need a big "SARCASM" emoji for this board...sometimes it's totally not clear. Thanks for the clarification...sorry I questioned your MIT worthiness. ;)

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Calling Warren Pocohontos is like calling a black guy Buckwheat. Not only is Trump racist, he's childish and unclever.

she shouldn't have lied and claimed to be an Indian, pretty simple. It's pretty focking racist to lie about your ethnicity to steal a spot from an actual Indian, and sleazy as hell too. But she's a Democrat and sleaze is how Democrats roll.

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she shouldn't have lied and claimed to be an Indian, pretty simple. It's pretty focking racist to lie about your ethnicity to steal a spot from an actual Indian, and sleazy as hell too. But she's a Democrat and sleaze is how Democrats roll.


This. Should have called her Pinocchioontas.

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she shouldn't have lied and claimed to be an Indian, pretty simple. It's pretty focking racist to lie about your ethnicity to steal a spot from an actual Indian, and sleazy as hell too. But she's a Democrat and sleaze is how Democrats roll.

She still claims to have indian in her bloodline. Trump was 100% sold on the birth certificate stuff, too. Remember? Warren is 800% more trustworthy than that piece of sh1t.

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She still claims to have indian in her bloodline. Trump was 100% sold on the birth certificate stuff, too. Remember? Warren is 800% more trustworthy than that piece of sh1t.

she's only trust worthy to dummies like you

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I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I kind of feel sorry for ol Hillary. Obama stole the presidency from her when it was her turn. Now she's to sick and will probably lose because of it. Obama :mad:

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alot of those in the list are not racist


example: Calling Warren Pocahauntus


example: Changing dealers because a high roller doesnt want a black dealer, I have been removed before from a table because they want an asian dealer, and I have been brought in because they wanted a white dealer


  • In a pitch to black voters, Trump said, "You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?"

truth is not racism


You don't think calling her Pocahontas is racist? Are you nuts?

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You don't think calling her Pocahontas is racist? Are you nuts?

:lol: focking fake outrage drama queen, is her stealing a spot from a real Indian a greater form of racism ?

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she shouldn't have lied and claimed to be an Indian, pretty simple. It's pretty focking racist to lie about your ethnicity to steal a spot from an actual Indian, and sleazy as hell too. But she's a Democrat and sleaze is how Democrats roll.


Was it racist of Warren...perhaps. Though, there is zero evidence that she stole any spot from anyone...so you can quit with that lie.

But calling her Pocahontas is most certainly racist. This is why it is pointless to argue with people like you...even with blatant racism...quotes and proof, it is never enough for you. And I knew that going in...still fun to smack you around with the truth eventhough you don't accept it.

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