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Ohio State reports of an Active Shooter on Campus - Anyone checked on Jim Harbaugh?

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says the guy who played the gun free space card.

Now... imagine he did shoot how much worse it would have been

what article or TV station was his gun free space comment on ?

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what article or TV station was his gun free space comment on ?

Whining about the media taking OSUs reports is quite funny. I was commenting on how dumb his statement was (as it is every time one of you hacks brings it to the table).

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Guess we know why Peenie hasn't paid BLS

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Trump ending this refugee nonsense will directly lead to American lives saved. And based just on that I'm glad I voted for him. Could care less about his Twitter account. Only small minded simpletons do.

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I wonder who was paying this useless animals tuition?

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An attack with a car and a knife and they call it an active shooter?


They even use the term active "shooter" in the article above?


God damn the press is focking lame.



Was thinking same thing. It has a better eye-catching headline to say "active shooter".

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Kasich: "We may never know why he did this". And people wanted this panty waste to be President. White Obama

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Quick, get to the safe space!


Haha, not only that....


I see LIBERAL friends and family of mine have used the Facebook app of sorts and "Marked Them Self Safe" so we can all feel better. :doh:

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Kasich: "We may never know why he did this". And people wanted this panty waste to be President. White Obama


yep there were probably a good 7-10 people who were supporting him nationwide

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yep there were probably a good 7-10 people who were supporting him nationwide

That's true. Good catch

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Quick, get to the safe space!

Seems like the safe space worked as planned.

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Got here 2 years ago. Was given citizenship, financial aid and admission to a well known state university. Did he embrace it? Nope. Complained there was nowhere to pray on campus and tries to kill as many people as he could the most simplistic way he could. Thand God and the Cop none of those kids were killed. This is squarely on Obama and all of his libtard followers.

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Got here 2 years ago. Was given citizenship, financial aid and admission to a well known state university. Did he embrace it? Nope. Complained there was nowhere to pray on campus and tries to kill as many people as he could the most simplistic way he could. Thand God and the Cop none of those kids were killed. This is squarely on Obama and all of his libtard followers.

Like you.

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Like you.

Maybe. But I don't recall much of a refugee program going on in his first term. I would not have been down with that. He unloaded all his far left garbage in his second term. He was being deceptive. That's on him.

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Here's a little something I just read. While the liberals would be the ones huddled up scared the real men would be the ones doing this


"Lost in all the chaos at Ohio State University today was something that most people probably missed. About an hour into it, when everyone was "sheltering in place" all over campus, CNN took a phone call from a young woman who was locked inside a classroom right near where the suspect was hurting people. She said she was a graduate student and she and many others were huddled together scared and not sure what was happening outside. Then she said something made me tear up.

She said casually to the TV anchor over the phone, "But we happened to have a few 'military guys' in my class and the minute we got the text message alert of an 'active shooter on campus' they moved the rest of us away from the door and then all of them stood guard right by the door." She said they were standing there as she spoke making certain if a shooter or someone with a knife or whatever calamity tried to come through that door, they would be the first thing he'd see and they'd stop it and protect the other students or die trying.

These guys weren't armed, I'm guessing they weren't in uniform, they were just students who happened to have military training. Those "military guys" instantly put themselves on the clock and assumed the position to protect those unarmed, vulnerable students.

I thought that was impressive. I thought that was brave. I thought that was oh so very American.

I also thought you'd want to know."

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Here's a little something I just read. While the liberals would be the ones huddled up scared the real men would be the ones doing this


"Lost in all the chaos at Ohio State University today was something that most people probably missed. About an hour into it, when everyone was "sheltering in place" all over campus, CNN took a phone call from a young woman who was locked inside a classroom right near where the suspect was hurting people. She said she was a graduate student and she and many others were huddled together scared and not sure what was happening outside. Then she said something made me tear up.

She said casually to the TV anchor over the phone, "But we happened to have a few 'military guys' in my class and the minute we got the text message alert of an 'active shooter on campus' they moved the rest of us away from the door and then all of them stood guard right by the door." She said they were standing there as she spoke making certain if a shooter or someone with a knife or whatever calamity tried to come through that door, they would be the first thing he'd see and they'd stop it and protect the other students or die trying.

These guys weren't armed, I'm guessing they weren't in uniform, they were just students who happened to have military training. Those "military guys" instantly put themselves on the clock and assumed the position to protect those unarmed, vulnerable students.

I thought that was impressive. I thought that was brave. I thought that was oh so very American.

I also thought you'd want to know."

Nice :thumbsup:


Plus the fact that the campus police / cop killed the fuckhead before they even got that message

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It's so sad that our current president, who's primary job is to protect the citizens of the US, does things that directly make them less safe. No wonder many in our country are so adamant about their 2A rights. Why shouldn't they be when you have leaders who put you in the sights of the bad guy? Our own domestic criminals are let go constantly, they won't even deport illegal alien criminals, and they import people from lawless countries full of savages. No wonder they have no faith that their safety is considered and feel the need to protect themselves. The government is doing the opposite

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Took the MSM about 2 seconds to run with the "active shooter" nonsense. Any word on how long it will take to switch to "Islamic terrorist"? :dunno:

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It's so sad that our current president, who's primary job is to protect the citizens of the US, does things that directly make them less safe.

The president's primary job is to uphold the constitution.

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Great. Some idiot Somali goes full retard and I have to be in the Somali capital of the US Sunday - Tuesday.

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Great. Some idiot Somali goes full retard and I have to be in the Somali capital of the US Sunday - Tuesday.

great indeed

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2 days later and a terrorist attack on our homeland and Obama still says nothing. I wonder why? Total wuss.

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Lone Wolf, can't wait for it!

Right. The lone wolf that was "vetted". There is no more lone wolf when Isis has a web site.

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Right. The lone wolf that was "vetted". There is no more lone wolf when Isis has a web site.

The "Lone Wolf" is the strategy of ISIS. They are calling for Lone Wolf attacks across the globe.



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The "Lone Wolf" is the strategy of ISIS. They are calling for Lone Wolf attacks across the globe.



As it concerns Islamic Terrorists, it's a term that should not be applied.

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I need to know if this guy was JV or Varsity

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If there's a silver lining to this tragedy, it's the opportunity o criticize Obummer for failing to stop non fatal stabbing attacks. :thumbsup:

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If there's a silver lining to this tragedy, it's the opportunity o criticize Obummer for failing to stop non fatal stabbing attacks. :thumbsup:

Well look what we have here. The guy who mocked Trump and said he had no chance to win is now mocking ISIS.

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Well look what we have here. The guy who mocked Trump and said he had no chance to win is now mocking ISIS.

Look what we have: the guy who lied about being a Vietnam vet. :mellow:

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Oh, so the attack is no big deal because no one got hurt and luckily a cop was near by. Carry on

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Look what we have: the guy who lied about being a Vietnam vet. :mellow:

As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.

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I can't wait til Drumpf finally does something about non fatal knifings on college campuses. :thumbsup:

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Will Drumpf fix the lightning problem too?


My favorite is watching twitter and facebook feeds. Seeing people say "see Presidential" because Trump called Haslam here about the fires in Gatlinburg. Like we should give him credit for doing something that all presidents and leaders do in such events. (yeah, Obama called too).

Its like...yay, give him a cookie for doing what is expected.

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Obama going to have anything to say to the nation about ANOTHER terrorist attack on the homeland? That would be presidential.

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