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Blue Horseshoe

Whistleblower Intelligence Officials Claim U.S. Has Retrieved 12+ Spacecraft Of NON-HUMAN Origin

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2 minutes ago, GutterBoy said:

This was my favorite.  I think he meant to say distort.  It's clear the only thing deformed is his brain. :lol:

You "think" what?

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5 minutes ago, seafoam1 said:

You "think" what?

And this guy, who got all of his knowledge from a few episodes of Ancient Aliens. 

I guess peefoam was absent the day they taught physics at the DeVry Institute.

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1 minute ago, GutterBoy said:

And this guy, who got all of his knowledge from a few episodes of Ancient Aliens

I guess peefoam was absent the day they taught physics at the DeVry Institute.

Another urine lover...You liberals are gross.

This is a dude who thinks he's successful in life. 

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12 minutes ago, GutterBoy said:

And this guy, who got all of his knowledge from a few episodes of Ancient Aliens. 

I guess peefoam was absent the day they taught physics at the DeVry Institute.

Yep, you learned everything you know about it in a single day or less. That's painfully obvious.  

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3 minutes ago, RogerDodger said:

Yep, you learned everything you know about it in a single day or less. That's painfully obvious.  

I didn't even contribute you dummy, except for the snarky remarks making fun of people.

I will say, and not to brag or anything, but I was on the Physics Team in high school.  Yeah we had physics meets, went to other schools, and solved problems.  I remember one meet in particular where I won it for our team, solved the problem the fastest, ran up and hit the buzzer.  Top 5 moment.  I had the ladies falling all over me after that one.

But that was 30 years ago.  Outside of a few episodes of "How the Universe Works" or some podcast episodes of StarTalk radio, my interest has waned, and thus my knowledge of the latest and greatest.  But damn I'll always have those HS physics team memories.

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1 hour ago, GutterBoy said:

This was my favorite.  I think he meant to say distort.  It's clear the only thing deformed is his brain. :lol:

  1. distort the shape or form of; make misshapen.
    It must hurt being so stupid.

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3 minutes ago, RogerDodger said:
  1. distort the shape or form of; make misshapen.
    It must hurt being so stupid.

The word deform is used to refer to something physically out of shape from the normal, usually in a negative way.  Like "your face if deformed".  The word distorted is usually used in reference to something that is simply deviated, like "you distort the truth" or "gravity distorts time".

Anyways I found it funny.  You always seem to butcher words, but I know you're going to try to argue this to the death, because that's what you do, so enjoy.

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30 minutes ago, GutterBoy said:

I didn't even contribute you dummy, except for the snarky remarks making fun of people.

I will say, and not to brag or anything, but I was on the Physics Team in high school.  Yeah we had physics meets, went to other schools, and solved problems.  I remember one meet in particular where I won it for our team, solved the problem the fastest, ran up and hit the buzzer.  Top 5 moment.  I had the ladies falling all over me after that one.

But that was 30 years ago.  Outside of a few episodes of "How the Universe Works" or some podcast episodes of StarTalk radio, my interest has waned, and thus my knowledge of the latest and greatest.  But damn I'll always have those HS physics team memories.


I have a minor in physics.  My engineering senior class project was redesigning a rocket to fit an extra AMSAT satellite in the payload.  The biggest problem I had to overcome was the natural frequency exiting the atmosphere.  The finite element model at the time (which any laptop could handle today) bogged down the entire computer lab.  It won awards from AMSAT.

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8 minutes ago, GutterBoy said:

The word deform is used to refer to something physically out of shape from the normal, usually in a negative way.  Like "your face if deformed".  The word distorted is usually used in reference to something that is simply deviated, like "you distort the truth" or "gravity distorts time".

Anyways I found it funny.  You always seem to butcher words, but I know you're going to try to argue this to the death, because that's what you do, so enjoy.

Whatever you want to tell yourself tiny.  THE definition of deform = distort.  They are synonyms.  Sources Dictionary.com and Merriam-Webster.

You're no rocket scientist, that's for sure.

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11 minutes ago, RogerDodger said:

THE definition of deform = distort.  They are synonyms.  Sources Dictionary.com and Merriam-Webster.

You're no rocket scientist, that's for sure.

When two words are synonyms it doesn't mean they have the same definition, it means they are similar.  So no they do not have the same definition, source Merriam Webster




1: to twist (see TWIST entry 1 sense 3b) out of the true meaning or proportion : to alter to give a false or unnatural picture or account
distorted the facts
2: to twist out of a natural, normal, or original shape or condition
a face distorted by pain
also : to cause to be perceived unnaturally
the new lights distorted colors
The singer's voice was electronically distorted.
distort justice





1: to spoil the form of
2a: to spoil the looks of : DISFIGURE
a face deformed by bitterness
2b: to mar the character of
a marriage deformed by jealousy
3: to alter the shape of by stress



See, they have different definitions.

And agree, I am not a rocket scientist, and neither are you.

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Wow.  Gutterboy is arguing with dictionaries now. 

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2 minutes ago, GutterBoy said:

And agree, I am not a rocket scientist, and neither are you.

One of us has designed a rocket that actually went into space.  Might want to use that dictionary of yours you just discovered.

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3 minutes ago, RogerDodger said:

One of us has designed a rocket that actually went into space.  Might want to use that dictionary of yours you just discovered.

So you would call yourself a rocket scientist?

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On 6/5/2023 at 10:49 PM, nobody said:

I was skeptical, but the volume of information and the excellent formatting convinced me.



US Has 12 Or More Alien Spacecraft, Say Military And Intelligence Contractors

....In April, the director of the Pentagon’s new program for studying UFOs said he had seen no evidence of alien spacecraft. “I should also state clearly for the record,” said Sean Kirkpatrick, the Director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), “that in our research, AARO has found no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, off-world technology, or objects that defy the known laws of physics.”

....But while Grusch has not shared written evidence in an unclassified way, he did provide classified intelligence reports, emails, and other documents to Thomas A. Monheim, the Intelligence Community Inspector General, as the law allows....As for photographs, the Defense Department prohibited Grusch from sharing any, as the letter from the DoD below shows....The sources all expressed anger and frustration at the Pentagon’s denial of the existence of nonhuman craft and materials. “The denials coming out of Susan Gough and the Pentagon are specifically chosen to use AARO as the source of information when Grusch has already addressed that AARO didn’t have access. And so, of course, they didn’t discover anything.”

.....“His assertion concerning the existence of a terrestrial arms race occurring sub-rosa over the past eighty years focused on reverse engineering technologies of unknown origin is fundamentally correct,” said Karl Nell, a retired Army Colonel who worked with Grusch on the UAP Task Force, which preceded the creation of AARO, told The Debrief,” as is the indisputable realization that at least some of these technologies of unknown origin derive from non-human intelligence.”

Some of the same sources who shared information with Grusch, as well as others, spoke to Public about retrieved spacecraft that they say is in the possession of the U.S. government. “I know of at least 12-15 craft,” said one person, who said they shared the information with AARO and Congress. “Every five years, we get one or two recovered for one reason or another, from either a landing or that we catch, or they just crash.”

A different contractor said, “There were at least four morphologies, different structures. Six were in good shape; six were not in good shape. There were cases where the craft landed, and the occupants left the craft unoccupied. There have been high-level people, including generals, who have placed their hand on the craft, and I would have no reason to disbelieve them.”

One source described having seen three kinds of craft, including one shaped like a triangle and another that “looked like a chopped up helicopter, with the front bubble of a Huey helicopter, with the plastic windows, or more like a deep sea submarine, with a thick piece of glass bubble shaped, and where the tail rudder should have been, it was a black, egg-shaped pancake, and instead of landing gear it had upside-down rams horns that went from the top to the bottom and rested on the ends of the horns.”

....The sources said they felt compelled to speak out publicly to validate Grusch’s claims but did not want their names used. “We have non-disclosure agreements or secrecy agreements that we are supposed to take to the grave,” said one person. Two of the three sources declined to answer certain questions, even off the record, out of concern for their safety and continued access to information....The sources said that the Pentagon and military contractors keep the nonhuman spacecraft in different locations, including Area 51 in Nevada, and that they move the craft around to different facilities, both military bases and contractor facilities, for research....The sources differed on whether the U.S. was able to operate them. “As far as I know, we are not able to operate them,” said one person, who said they were last briefed on the crashed craft five years ago. “There are people who say we have reverse-engineered them and are flying them. I never found any support for that. And found a lot of support for saying we can’t figure it out. If we do, it would be in some program at a higher security level.”


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40 minutes ago, Blue Horseshoe said:



I'm afraid that response did next to nothing towards informing me of the nature of your request.

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3 hours ago, GutterBoy said:

This was my favorite.  I think he meant to say distort.  It's clear the only thing deformed is his brain. :lol:

Both "deform" and "distort" are accurate descriptions of the effect of gravity on space.

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16 minutes ago, RogerDodger said:

Aliens:  Take us to your leader!

Um, ok



Of course you would prefer the visitors be taken to Donald Trump. Whereupon they could immediately engage in a conversation with someone who could ask questions like

"Do your females have parts like boobies or coochies? Can I touch them? I'm famous you know."

"How big are your males d1cks?"

"Do you take plsses? If I lay in a bed Barack Obama slept in, would you do it on me?"

"Do you do birthday parties? Baron would love this sh1t!"

"Can you hide some documents for me? Like take them to space with you? I just need to have them back next time I want to impress Kanye at Mar-a-Lago."

"You guys aren't from some sh1thole planet, are you?"

"If I give you a list of people you should anally probe, would you do it?"

I could do this all fockin day...

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1 minute ago, RogerDodger said:

No job and nothing better to do huh?

But Trump!  :cry:

I'm at work right now, dipsh1t. It's why I CAN'T do it all day.


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so, lets say the government says they have a UFO.  then they trot out some flying saucer.  would you believe them?  no, most would not.

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15 hours ago, Fnord said:


How big are your males d1cks?

I could do this all fockin day...

This is what liberal "men" think about 24x7.

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:lol:  People are so focking dumb.

  • Haha 1

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On 6/8/2023 at 6:44 AM, GutterBoy said:

 I remember one meet in particular where I won it for our team, solved the problem the fastest, ran up and hit the buzzer.  Top 5 moment. 

This was my favorite part.  Even better than:

20 hours ago, AxeElf said:

Both "deform" and "distort" are accurate descriptions of the effect of gravity on space.

Holy fok gutter boy is such a loser.  

Top 5 moment.  😭🤣🤣🤣🤣

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5 minutes ago, RogerDodger said:

This was my favorite part.  Even better than:

Holy fok gutter boy is such a loser.  

Top 5 moment.  😭🤣🤣🤣🤣

The rocket scientist spends pages telling axelf how stupid he is, but then when he defends him, his word is gospel. :lol: Deform and Distort have the same definition. :lol:

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1 hour ago, GutterBoy said:

That leprechaun video is one of my all time favorites 

Cousin of yours? 

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32 minutes ago, GutterBoy said:

The rocket scientist spends pages telling axelf how stupid he is, but then when he defends him, his word is gospel. :lol: Deform and Distort have the same definition. :lol:

Solving a physics problem in high school is a top 5 moment for you.  :lol::lol::lol:

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3 minutes ago, RogerDodger said:

Solving a physics problem in high school is a top 5 moment for you.  :lol::lol::lol:

Rocket scientist can't recognize hyperbole and self deprecation. :lol:

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13 minutes ago, GutterBoy said:

Rocket scientist can't recognize hyperbole and self deprecation. :lol:

Right.  You're known to do that, by accident.  :lol:

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Gutter was obviously being tongue-in-cheek about the high school thing and "deform" is an accurate word to use.  In context, the definition of deform was obviously "to distort"

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2 minutes ago, nobody said:

Gutter was obviously being tongue-in-cheek about the high school thing and "deform" is an accurate word to use.  In context, the definition of deform was obviously "to distort"

It may be technically accurate but wouldn't you agree it sounds stupid?  The theory of relativity talks about the distortion of space and time, not the deforming of space and time.  Just using Einstein's own words here.

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I don't quite get what the whistle blower complaint is.

It is not illegal to classify information.  So if this guy just doesn't think something should be classified, it wouldn't be valid to "blow the whistle" on that.  In fact, there is a fairly well defined process established to declassify information that shouldn't be classified.

It would be like someone "blowing the whistle" on our stealth program being classified because they didn't believe it should be.  It wouldn't make sense.  Classifying that isn't illegal so there's nothing to blow the whistle on.

It seems like maybe the complaint is that in order to keep the information classified some agency is mischaracterizing the funding?  But that doesn't quite make sense either.  Funding for classified programs is always obfuscated to some degree.  And if that is the complaint, you wouldn't need to disclose the classified information in order to report a funding misappropriation.


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11 minutes ago, GutterBoy said:

It may be technically accurate but wouldn't you agree it sounds stupid?  The theory of relativity talks about the distortion of space and time, not the deforming of space and time.  Just using Einstein's own words here.

I thought it was fine.  At no time did I think he meant he was trying to make space ugly.

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