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Some conservatives want to ban no-fault divorce

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1 minute ago, iam90sbaby said:

She said it in a way that made it sound like she somehow improved his financial situation. I don't need to someone to build a life with. A wife is to have a family and have kids. I want to know why she thinks that entitles her to half of someone's stuff.

FFS, I did not. But, in our case...I did. He came into the relationship with a not great credit score, evictions, and a record. I paid that off FOR him. Do I feel entitled to that being paid back? NO. We've been together 25 years and that ship has sailed.  

You get married and at the time you're both renting, poor, have nothing. Together you build a life where you can now own a home, own nicer cars, have children and raise them together. 

I am entitled to nothing really. I've been married almost 23 years. Our kids are adults. There really isn't much to "fight" over or feel entitled to other than our house. 


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20 minutes ago, iam90sbaby said:

Link to the study? I don't think that study is true but if it was one could argue that that does infact prove that homosexuality is a sexual perversion.






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1 minute ago, The Real timschochet said:

Um no it isn’t. 

Kim wouldn't owe Kanye child support if it were the other way around, that's why it's bullshit!t. Not to mention she's a billionaire.

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Why would anyone want a spouse to be forced to stay with them? :wacko: 

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5 minutes ago, TheNewGirl said:

That study is bullshit but for the sake of the argument I'll pretend it's true.  What the hell does that have to do with women initiating most divorces?

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1 hour ago, TBayXXXVII said:

That's a logical take, but only because you still love/care about her.  The vast majority of people getting divorced hate each other.  Logic won't be the driving force, emotion will.  Also, in those cases, one will feel wronged by the other and will want more... or want the other to get less.

My needs are now few and my time horizon is limited.  In the end I would more or less honor the promise of my vows even should she not, as part of the promise I undertook was to honor my vows regardless of any circumstances or actions by others.  At the moment of my passing, as i watch each breath and think "away", the only thing I would hold of any worth is my memories and my word.  I hope I have some of the first and all of the latter.

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2 minutes ago, iam90sbaby said:

That study is bullshit but for the sake of the argument I'll pretend it's true.  What the hell does that have to do with women initiating most divorces?

You brought promiscuity into the discussion. 

And a NIH study is bullshiit? Ok. 

You're kind of pointless to try and discuss this with, honestly. You've obviously been burned by some pretty shiity women, or you're still just too young to have gone through something significant with your partner to truly understand what it's like to have a loving partnership. Maybe you have and you're just bitter, I don't know.   

You think that women should remain virginal and perfect, and shouldn't get shiite if the marriage ends. Building a life together doesn't make sense to you, and women are just out to be hoes and gold diggers. 

I feel for you, I really do. 

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17 minutes ago, MDC said:

Why would anyone want a spouse to be forced to stay with them? :wacko: 

This is a rather important and underrated question.  :thumbsup:

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9 minutes ago, TheNewGirl said:

You brought promiscuity into the discussion. 

And a NIH study is bullshiit? Ok. 

You're kind of pointless to try and discuss this with, honestly. You've obviously been burned by some pretty shiity women, or you're still just too young to have gone through something significant with your partner to truly understand what it's like to have a loving partnership. Maybe you have and you're just bitter, I don't know.   

You think that women should remain virginal and perfect, and shouldn't get shiite if the marriage ends. Building a life together doesn't make sense to you, and women are just out to be hoes and gold diggers. 

I feel for you, I really do. 

It's bullsh!t because according to the study it's higher for gay men too, but women are still initiating most divorces. Understand now?  

Ultimately it's stupid to sign a contract that has you losing half your sh!t if the contract is broken and in most cases the contracts are broken. You having a project boyfriend doesn't change the overwhelming majority of marriages. 

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1 hour ago, iam90sbaby said:

I do think the media has conditioned women and made them more openly sexual than any previous generation and it's more and more common for women to have 10+ partners. Of course that has an effect on divorce rates.

Ultimately marriage is traditional and there are less and less traditional women.

Also, it isn't half your sh!t if he makes more money than you and he probably does.

The problem is women nowadays (the younger generations) want to have this hoe lifestyle but expect their men to be traditional. I call B and S on that as well.  If you want a traditional man then you must be a traditional woman.  Otherwise you get "equality" which means both the GOOD and BAD parts of it.

I blame feminism.  

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19 minutes ago, iam90sbaby said:

It's bullsh!t because according to the study it's higher for gay men too, but women are still initiating most divorces. Understand now?  

Ultimately it's stupid to sign a contract that has you losing half your sh!t if the contract is broken and in most cases the contracts are broken. You having a project boyfriend doesn't change the overwhelming majority of marriages. 

You are the one who brought promiscuity into this discussion with your talk about hoes and gold diggers. Not me. 

Women initiate divorce most of the time because they are NOT fulfilled in the relationship, sexually or otherwise. You ask a man how their marriage is and you will more often than not receive, "It's going okay." You ask the wife and she will have a completely different story. 

I had a bigger reply but back buttoned. I'll just leave it at the above because I really don't think that 90sbebe gives a cr@p about any of it. 


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18 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

The problem is women nowadays (the younger generations) want to have this hoe lifestyle but expect their men to be traditional. I call B and S on that as well.  If you want a traditional man then you must be a traditional woman.  Otherwise you get "equality" which means both the GOOD and BAD parts of it.

I blame feminism.  

I agree with you. 

I have said for YEARS that women entering the workforce was a bad idea, it created a lot of confusion about gender roles and identity.  And I also agree that equality is good and bad. I also believe that there are areas that women will NEVER be equal to men. We are different and we are supposed to be that way. 

Also, the younger women want the traditional man, but not the alpha type or toxic male that they fantasize about. 

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16 minutes ago, TheNewGirl said:

 Women initiate divorce most of the time because they are NOT fulfilled in the relationship, sexually or otherwise. You ask a man how their marriage is and you will more often than not receive, "It's going okay." You ask the wife and she will have a completely different story. 

Lol. Alot to unpack in this small statement but it'll dawn on you eventually

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Men in general would be for more of a society that shuns govermental paperwork for relationships.  Women probably not so much.  There has to be a reason.  

I have no dog here really.  Im not for banning any divorce.   Just know, and stay on your toes.  Adjust.   

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There are several factors in each individual situation.   If you are one who thinks men are just azzholes and dogs then ok.  Sorry for you.   

But its telling that women when younger seek commitment.  We all know this.  Seek family.  They get it, then are the majority in ending it.  They have to go with "men suck".  

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1 hour ago, MDC said:

Why would anyone want a spouse to be forced to stay with them? :wacko: 


Some of these motherfockers are straight up loonies 

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Also what about all the women that pop out kids by 2 or 3 men?  Why not be more picky?   I have seen several former classmates eager to pop oit some children with obvious goofballs or losers.   If you want to initiate divorce at that rate maybe do better yourself initially?

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My advice would be don’t get married to a single mom.  Fock that. Just bang ‘em and scoot when they want something more. Unless, of course, you are incredibly Ronery and can’t get anything better. I can see that then.  

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2 gfs ago my gfs sister left her husband 1 kid after idk seems like forever.  Probably 15 years.   Said he drank too much.  Would hide beers.   But hed stay at home and do it.  While she is out riding 4wheelers and getting drunk and coming home at 1am.   Now im sure there were other reasons but the reason she gave was hilarious knowing how she operated.   He was no more a drinker than she was.   He at least would be home.   Very chill guy.  Not some aggressive drinker.  

Needless to say she got to stay in the house his parents sold them.    With thr kid who would rather go to his dads.  

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2 hours ago, MDC said:

Why would anyone want a spouse to be forced to stay with them? :wacko: 

If my wife announced tonight that she wanted to leave me, I would be very surprised because I had seen no indication of it coming.  Had I seen it coming, I would have tried to discuss it earlier.  But presuming this scenario, I would discuss it with her and also suggest we go to counseling, perhaps both together and separately, to try to work through things.  I would be open to behaviors of mine which contributed to her feeling and if it makes sense to modify them.  If she refused to do it, again I would be surprised because that is contrary to her personality, and to this point we have both been good about addressing things before they fester.  But again presuming she wouldn't try to work on things, or if we exhausted those avenues and she didn't change her mind, then sure, divorce is an option.

I had already said that no-fault divorce should be available but rare.  I assert that what I described above does not happen in the majority of no-fault divorce:  letting things fester instead of addressing them, losing sight of the good parts and the importance of the union, refusing to work on things because "I've made my decision and it's final,"  are the rule and not the exception.

Again, I'm talking no-fault here.  The "we just grew apart" type of divorce.

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7 hours ago, Ron_Artest said:

counter argument?  Love, forming a sacred bond, raising a family, growing old together, sharing a life.... 

Congrats on getting out of the Democrat party!!

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2 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

If my wife announced tonight that she wanted to leave me, I would be very surprised because I had seen no indication of it coming.  Had I seen it coming, I would have tried to discuss it earlier.  But presuming this scenario, I would discuss it with her and also suggest we go to counseling, perhaps both together and separately, to try to work through things.  I would be open to behaviors of mine which contributed to her feeling and if it makes sense to modify them.  If she refused to do it, again I would be surprised because that is contrary to her personality, and to this point we have both been good about addressing things before they fester.  But again presuming she wouldn't try to work on things, or if we exhausted those avenues and she didn't change her mind, then sure, divorce is an option.

I had already said that no-fault divorce should be available but rare.  I assert that what I described above does not happen in the majority of no-fault divorce:  letting things fester instead of addressing them, losing sight of the good parts and the importance of the union, refusing to work on things because "I've made my decision and it's final,"  are the rule and not the exception.

Again, I'm talking no-fault here.  The "we just grew apart" type of divorce.

I respect this.  And I dont have the experience you guys have.  But counseling is odd to me.  If you can't talk through issues then what happens after counseling?   If it takes a counselor to get a couple to communicate, then that to me, is still broken.   

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I think most of you are not grasping the point of this thread.

You can argue about whether people should put more thought into getting married, or whether they should try harder to stay together when things get tough, etc, etc.

What these conservatives, including speaker Johnson, are saying is, you should not be legally allowed to get divorced without sufficient reason. And that is insane :wacko:

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1 hour ago, jerryskids said:

If my wife announced tonight that she wanted to leave me, I would be very surprised because I had seen no indication of it coming.  Had I seen it coming, I would have tried to discuss it earlier.  But presuming this scenario, I would discuss it with her and also suggest we go to counseling, perhaps both together and separately, to try to work through things.  I would be open to behaviors of mine which contributed to her feeling and if it makes sense to modify them.  If she refused to do it, again I would be surprised because that is contrary to her personality, and to this point we have both been good about addressing things before they fester.  But again presuming she wouldn't try to work on things, or if we exhausted those avenues and she didn't change her mind, then sure, divorce is an option.

I had already said that no-fault divorce should be available but rare.  I assert that what I described above does not happen in the majority of no-fault divorce:  letting things fester instead of addressing them, losing sight of the good parts and the importance of the union, refusing to work on things because "I've made my decision and it's final,"  are the rule and not the exception.

Again, I'm talking no-fault here.  The "we just grew apart" type of divorce.

I wasn’t addressing my comment to you. Just saying, if your spouse wants a divorce and can’t be persuaded otherwise, wtf would you want her to be legally bound to your marriage? Weird.

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10 hours ago, jerryskids said:

I find this very sad.  I have a son with a serious girlfriend, and if he decides that she is the right one, I hope he proposes, she accepts, and they begin the wonderful process of building and sharing their lives together.

I view no-fault divorce like other freedoms such as abortion, and entitlements like welfare.  They are helpful and necessary in extreme situations, but in general we should avoid using them.  Unfortunately, we have lost the moral fabric of our society, in our ever-increasing move towards hedonism.  Just as people scam the system to get welfare, and have abortions for convenience, people will get divorce because they just aren't happy at the moment.  :( 

bingo. fock moral-less focktards. america was built on morals, marriage and family. god bless!!👍🏻

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16 hours ago, iam90sbaby said:

Link to the study? I don't think that study is true but if it was one could argue that that does infact prove that homosexuality is a sexual perversion.

There's no shame anymore. You got a divorce back in the day the entire town looked at you funny and you were broken goods. No one cares anymore. Had over 30 sexual partners? Yassss queen! You divorced him and he pays alimony? You go girl!!! You make 30k a month on OnlyFans? Dang girl I wish I could do that!!!! 

You gas each other up and there's no shame in it anymore, as a generality you are even proud of it.


Also "built a life together?" what does that mean? You both worked, but he made more so you're entitled to his income? The fock? Lol

You can tell who is still wet behind the years. Lol - Most in here aren’t millennials like 90’s.

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12 hours ago, MDC said:

I wasn’t addressing my comment to you. Just saying, if your spouse wants a divorce and can’t be persuaded otherwise, wtf would you want her to be legally bound to your marriage? Weird.

They want to be able to own them. Go back to the day when women were chattels. That way they can’t so easily leave their asses :( 

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21 minutes ago, IGotWorms said:

They want to be able to own them. Go back to the day when women were chattels. That way they can’t so easily leave their asses :( 

Not exactly, but setting aside your strawman for a moment I do think there is something more here to delve into.  They see the nuclear family under attack from woke idiots and BLM etc....and if we accept that a big problem with kids and success is the lack of that family, they are hoping to encourage the family unit.

Now, anything....I mean ANYTHING....the government gets involved with....they ruin....so I am tepid on this entire thing of course. But it might be more useful to develop some counter-narratives to the feminazi/marxist excrement that assails white males, males in general and the family in general and demonstrate why these historically good things remain good.

Rather than compel, we need to deprogram the indictrination

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31 minutes ago, IGotWorms said:

They want to be able to own them. Go back to the day when women were chattels. That way they can’t so easily leave their asses :( 

Seems that way. Just wondering what the stated logic is here. “Divorce is bad, so if we make it near impossible to divorce couples will stay together?” :wacko: 

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5 minutes ago, MDC said:

Seems that way. Just wondering what the stated logic is here. “Divorce is bad, so if we make it near impossible to divorce couples will stay together?” :wacko: 

Correct.  Divorce makes Jesus sad, so we need to impose our morals on the rest of the populace and take their choices away as well.  

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10 minutes ago, BuckSwope said:

Correct.  Divorce makes Jesus sad, so we need to impose our morals on the rest of the populace and take their choices away as well.  

Did Jesus use special pronouns as well?:huh:

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1 minute ago, BuckSwope said:

Oh, he was super woke. 

Until he wasnt....😁

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54 minutes ago, BuckSwope said:

Correct.  Divorce makes Jesus sad, so we need to impose our morals on the rest of the populace and take their choices away as well.  

Which is funny because that is exactly what you and your tranny buddies are trying to do with everyone else.  

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18 hours ago, iam90sbaby said:

If a woman has a problem with a prenup there's a reason for that. It shouldn't matter anyways, since she really loves him and all lol

This is an interesting concept, perhaps some sort of Abraham test:  in the Old Testament, God asks Abraham to kill his son to prove his love for God.  As Abraham is about to do it, God says, "no dummy, don't actually do it, I just wanted to see if you would.  You pass."  So if she's willing to do the prenup, that is enough, versus actually doing one. 🤔

Regardless, you have a perverse concept of women.  They are clearly lesser beings to you, more like property.  My guess is that some female in your life hurt you emotionally, or maybe you were raised in a home where your mom was treated like you espouse.  :dunno: 

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Just now, jerryskids said:

This is an interesting concept, perhaps some sort of Abraham test:  in the Old Testament, God asks Abraham to kill his son to prove his love for God.  As Abraham is about to do it, God says, "no dummy, don't actually do it, I just wanted to see if you would.  You pass."  So if she's willing to do the prenup, that is enough, versus actually doing one. 🤔

Regardless, you have a perverse concept of women.  They are clearly lesser beings to you, more like property.  My guess is that some female in your life hurt you emotionally, or maybe you were raised in a home where your mom was treated like you espouse.  :dunno: 

It very well could be decades of seeing men getting raked over the coals and losing everything (money, kids, etc...) in our "justice" system regarding divorce.  The pendulum has swung so far in the other direction to protect women that men are being ignored and outright being screwed.

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3 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

Which is funny because that is exactly what you and your tranny buddies are trying to do with everyone else.  

Feel free to find a post where this would apply to me.   What is it specifically you think I am promoting or trying to impose on you?    You low iq dopes just think because I don't agree they should all be institutionalized or use a preferred pronoun at work it means I am opposite your position.  


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