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Which team do you root against?

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Just curious... I am a Packers fan so I should hate the Bears or Vikes the most, but living in DC... I can't stand the Skins and I love to see them continue to fail. I just can't stand the overly unrealistic expectations set by the local fans and radio stations and I think they have one of the worst back offices. Anyone else have any team that the root against that is not your teams rivals?

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The Eagles - I can't explain why. I'm ok with the other 31 teams in the NFL. I hope the Eagles lose every game every year :overhead:

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As a Niner fan, I enjoy watching the Raiders take a pounding. Seeing them reach for DHB and having Crabtree fall to SF as a result of that reach was kind of special........ :overhead:

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Patriots: 1 reason and 1 reason only, interweb message forums. Didn't care 1 way or another until I visited KFFL..

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patriots for obvious reasons


eagles because i lived amongst their fans for 4 years

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Packer fan, the bears still suck.


Hate the broncos for paying Elway under the table to stave off his retirement when they won their first Super Bowl. If the same happened in high school or NCAA the donks would automaticaly forfeit those games. Then there's the Denver RB position, fantasy wise. They did take Javon Walker off our hands, but my respect for Elway went straight into the toilet when I learned what they did to get him to play another year. Real competitor, real team player. Ask the Colts. You're a turd, John Elway, the marketing of a fraud. The face of the franchise. Pathetic.


Hatred of the bears is in my blood. The broncos' actions leave me in a state of complete disgust for the organization as a whole.


I grew up watching Walter Payton trashing the Pack. Later on, Barry Sanders and Randy Moss were nightmares waiting to happen. Michael Irvin was a pain in the frickin hypoteneuse (yes he hurt right angles), and if Al Harris could play cornerback in the NFL the Packers would have won the NFC two years ago. Don't got nuthin 'gainst the Lions, Vikings (maybe a little bit), Cowboys, or Giants.


The Denver broncos cheated to win their two Super Bowls. This fact cannot be denied. Live with that.

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I dont route against any Pro teams.


I hate a motherfockins USC and OSU and if the Sweater vest himself caught on fire I would not p!ss on him to put him out.

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Living near Portland Oregon, the Seattle Seahawks have been shoved down my throat for most of my life. I don't know how many great games I've missed on tv because Seattle was the regional game.


I really like Seattle and go there a few times a year, but I always have rooted against the Seahawks since I was a kid. I was a Steelers fan before the Seahawks ever existed. I was the only Steeler fan at a Seattle bar during that SuperBowl.

Great memory!! :overhead:

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Living near Portland Oregon, the Seattle Seahawks have been shoved down my throat for most of my life. I don't know how many great games I've missed on tv because Seattle was the regional game.


I really like Seattle and go there a few times a year, but I always have rooted against the Seahawks since I was a kid. I was a Steelers fan before the Seahawks ever existed. I was the only Steeler fan at a Seattle bar during that SuperBowl.

Great memory!! :headbanger:


Amen dude, same shizz goes down in anchorage, place is packed with seachicken fans, and for some reason Falcons/Saints fans. A big movement from the Southeast to up here lately.

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Living near Portland Oregon, the Seattle Seahawks have been shoved down my throat for most of my life. I don't know how many great games I've missed on tv because Seattle was the regional game.


I really like Seattle and go there a few times a year, but I always have rooted against the Seahawks since I was a kid. I was a Steelers fan before the Seahawks ever existed. I was the only Steeler fan at a Seattle bar during that SuperBowl.

Great memory!! :P


You carry that Steeler banner high in the Seattle viewing area there Yippie!!! :overhead:


Living in Texas it's been the same thing for me, people constantly trying to spoon feed me the Cowboys. I'm actually not a hater of the Cowboys, just their fans and somewhat Jerry Jones. I root for the Cowboys to be sort of like they are, average and non-playoff participants. I can't stand the Patriots, for their obvious bandwagoning fans, holier than thou attitudes and the blatant cheating. I used to hate the Raiders, however, since they're more of a joke now, I really don't care about them. I can't stand the Ravens and don't have a whole lot of love for the Bengals and Browns. Oh, and I've recently found myself not liking the Seahawks much...similar to the reason above about the Pats fans on KFFL, but more related to here...


:overhead: :music_guitarred:

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Cowboys, Ravens and Pats, not necessarily in that order



Which team do you route against?,

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I don't route against any team but I do root against the Cowboys.


If you are a true Redskins fan then you pull for two teams each week; the Redskins and whomever plays the Cowboys.

It's just that simple.



Now of note: there's a d!ckhead (is that wrong to call him that?) that my Dad knows and used to be in a FF League with. He grew up in central Ohio pretty much equal distances from Cincinnati and Cleveland. Yet he never mentions the Browns or Bengals. He moved to about 50 miles of Philadelphia 30 years ago and spent 1 year there and has lived within 5 miles of Washington, D.C. for the last 29 years. And he's an Eagles fan who despises the Redskins. Go figure.

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Everyone should know I hate the Pats and love to see them lose. I love seeing the Chargers lose also, but if they are playing the Pats, I cheer for them. Other than that, I have pretty good opinions of most teams and orgs, but there are team's fans that I think are the worst. Philly comes to mind and Baltimore.


I used to like watching the 49er's and Oakland, but both of those teams are really no fun to watch anymore. At least the Vikings have a nice running game.

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I'm ashamed to admit that I hate the Lions, because an 0-16 team deserves compassion rather than contempt. However, they have become an embarrassment to the NFL, and I want things to keep getting worse so that a full-scale fan mutiny will drive the remnants of the Millen regime out, and end Ford family involvement with the team. Another 0-16 is a distinct possibility, especially since the Stafford selection helps ensure that there will be no improvement in '09. I hope they lose their Thanksgiving gig too.

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The Redskins. Mostly because a good chunk of my friends are rather noisy Skins fans, and pulling for their team to lose makes watching games with them somewhat more bearable.


Otherwise, I don't particularly dislike any team. Mostly because I'm a Pats fan: other teams are beneath my notice. :thumbsup:

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It used to be a no-brainer. The Raiders.


But now, it's like rooting against the crippled kid.


Honest to God, 40 year Bronco fan and now I'm going to be rooting against them. Not really them as much as their idiot rookie HC. Basically, I want him to fock up so badly that is speeds his demise / replacement. - So I can get back to rooting for the Broncos.


Being in Houston, it's pretty easy to root against the Cowboys. Jones' arrogance in charging $100K+ PSL's to finance his ego-tastic new Billion-dollar boondoggle is enough to have me rooting extra special hard against them this year. I hope it's like the Yankmees - with their $500+ premium seats completely empty. :thumbsup:



ETA: And while we're at it, the Saints. Usually, I hate a team because of the owner. In this case, I hate the team because of the fans. Philly has some definite scum, but Louisiana fans are the lowest, noisiest, most obnoxious form of white trash you'll find. We still have their lazy government sucking NOLA scum here - FIVE YEARS after the focking Hurricane. Saints and LSU fans are focking coon-axs trash. And most of the LSU fans couldn't even get IN to that POS university in the first place.


So, what I'm saying is, I'm not particularly fond of the Saints. :thumbsup:

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I have a few


Raiders - solely because of Al Davis. The guy is a disgrace and embarrassment to the league. Watching him fock up yet another draft was enjoyable.

Patriots (and by default, any ass coach that moves onto another team from the Patriots) - this is why I also hate Notre Dame and why I'm starting to dislike the Broncos

Steelers - most of their fans are missing chromosomes

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Same here. It's not even a thing like most people who beef with Eagles fans. I just don't like the Eagles.



Try going to an Eagles game and wear Redskins garb. You'll get beer splashed in your face regardless of your behavior. Happened to my S-I-L. Happened to Clinton Portis' mom.

Plus those SOB jumped on the old black man who dresses in Redskins attire at all home games and broke his freaking arm and cracked 2 of his ribs. Like 8-10 on 1 man.


Eagles fans are the worst. And the fights there aren't just fights. They're sucker punching opposing fans.

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The northern dome teams. I like seeing games that take place in miserable weather.

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I dont route against any Pro teams.


I hate a motherfockins USC and OSU and if the Sweater vest himself caught on fire I would not p!ss on him to put him out.




Big Blue all the way! Hate USC and OSU more than anything. Hating USC living in SoCal takes some commitment too!


As for NFL teams... the Cowboys. I pretty much hate anything and everything from Texas.

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Same here. It's not even a thing like most people who beef with Eagles fans. I just don't like the Eagles.


Same deal here. :mad: No particular reason to hate them, I just do.


Maybe it's because Philly fans hate Santa Claus.

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ETA: And while we're at it, the Saints. Usually, I hate a team because of the owner. In this case, I hate the team because of the fans. Philly has some definite scum, but Louisiana fans are the lowest, noisiest, most obnoxious form of white trash you'll find. We still have their lazy government sucking NOLA scum here - FIVE YEARS after the focking Hurricane. Saints and LSU fans are focking coon-axs trash. And most of the LSU fans couldn't even get IN to that POS university in the first place.


So, what I'm saying is, I'm not particularly fond of the Saints. :o


Most of us here in New Orleans are glad the "lazy goverment sucking NOLA scum" are still over there in Houston. Let's make it another five years. Every time you see one, think of a bunny shooting you the bird. ;)


I've been to many Saints games over the past thirty years, and I always talk to the opposing fans. Whether they're just sitting by me or waiting in line for beer, I ask if they are enjoying themselves. It's been my experience that they love coming to New Orleans for games and most all of them really enjoy the gameday experience. You don't see many fights and fat drunken whores spitting on you like Philly and Chicago. Or have your tires slashed in Oakland. We don't need a jail in the Dome with a judge.


As far as LSU goes, I couldn't agree more. They have won three championships in 100 years and act like they have won fifty. Most of them can't spell LSU without help. My uncle loves to tell the story about how Bear Bryant would gather his team together after introductions at Tiger Stadium. He would line them up and have them walk near the first row behind the benches from endzone to endzone. The LSU fans would spit, curse, and call their mammas every name in the book. Bear Bryant never lost a game at LSU.

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and this has never happened in any other place other than Philly?....LOL...you people and your stereotypes and tunnel vision that only Philly fans do this stuff.


Try going to an Eagles game and wear Redskins garb. You'll get beer splashed in your face regardless of your behavior. Happened to my S-I-L. Happened to Clinton Portis' mom.

Plus those SOB jumped on the old black man who dresses in Redskins attire at all home games and broke his freaking arm and cracked 2 of his ribs. Like 8-10 on 1 man.


Eagles fans are the worst. And the fights there aren't just fights. They're sucker punching opposing fans.

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another tired cliche...It was 1968....maybe we can bring out something with a little more relevance to the time in which we live


Same deal here. :doh: No particular reason to hate them, I just do.


Maybe it's because Philly fans hate Santa Claus.

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Have you even been to a game in Philadelphia to spew this garbage?...Drunken whores are all over the country at football games, go to Cleveland or the Jets games and the atmosphere is the exact same.



Most of us here in New Orleans are glad the "lazy goverment sucking NOLA scum" are still over there in Houston. Let's make it another five years. Every time you see one, think of a bunny shooting you the bird. :doh:


I've been to many Saints games over the past thirty years, and I always talk to the opposing fans. Whether they're just sitting by me or waiting in line for beer, I ask if they are enjoying themselves. It's been my experience that they love coming to New Orleans for games and most all of them really enjoy the gameday experience. You don't see many fights and fat drunken whores spitting on you like Philly and Chicago. Or have your tires slashed in Oakland. We don't need a jail in the Dome with a judge.


As far as LSU goes, I couldn't agree more. They have won three championships in 100 years and act like they have won fifty. Most of them can't spell LSU without help. My uncle loves to tell the story about how Bear Bryant would gather his team together after introductions at Tiger Stadium. He would line them up and have them walk near the first row behind the benches from endzone to endzone. The LSU fans would spit, curse, and call their mammas every name in the book. Bear Bryant never lost a game at LSU.

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I guess it wasn't the Santa Claus episode that made me dislike the Eagles. Maybe it was that freak at the NFL draft that went nuts when McNabb was drafted.

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I hate a motherfockins USC and OSU and if the Sweater vest himself caught on fire I would not p!ss on him to put him out.


I just spewed beer all over the monitor. I hate OSU too, and that shiat is funny!!!! :doh: :lol: :huh:

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I am a Saints fan, have been for a long time....first team I ever watched! I am also a Pats, have been for a long time as well!


The two teams I HATE are the Just-End-The-Season JETS, and the Giants! I loved the Bills back in the late 80's and early 90's! Thurman Thomas is one of the greatest RB's of all time!

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I just spewed beer all over the monitor. I hate OSU too, and that shiat is funny!!!! :dunno: :lol: :cry:

Im glad to find others that feel my hate for the sweatervest.

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You mean the same way that some Detroit fans booed the selection of Stafford only 3 days ago?...


Most of Philadelphia wanted the Eagles to take a QB (I dont even remember the preference) and that was 30 idiots put together by a moron morning show host bent on their own need to make themselves heard becuase the local sports station actually thinks it has some form of influence over who the football takes.


I guess it wasn't the Santa Claus episode that made me dislike the Eagles. Maybe it was that freak at the NFL draft that went nuts when McNabb was drafted.

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The northern dome teams. I like seeing games that take place in miserable weather.


Even though my Colts are lumped into this....I love this response!

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I don't really hate any teams to root against. However, being a 49ers fan and enduring the last 15 years has been frustrating, I root against the YORKS. As owners they suck and are interested in nothing but profits regardless of how good or bad the team plays. I'm sure they had nothing to do with the draft this year in which we got a couple of good players. Crabtree, McKillop, an extra 2010 first round pick and Coffee. So I will continue to bash the Yorks until we have new ownership. Don't know if or when that'll happen but I'm hoping it will in my lifetime.

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Hate the NY Giants with a passion. I went to college in NYC, and my roommates and other friends were all die-hard Giants. I wasn't even an Eagle fan at that point, yet they would continue to beat me up. Oddly enough, I became a fan because of it.


I don't really hate many teams, although I dislike Cowboy fans. They're the biggest front running, trash talking fan base out there. When their team annually goes in the toilet, they scatter like roaches.


Pats' fans are smug and will tell you that Belicheat invented the game.


I won't defend the actions of Eagle fans at games. There are way more civil fans at the games, and some of us will go out of our way to let out of town fans feel at home. Doesn't exclude them from chants and such.


Many, many other places have rowdy fans as well. Browns fans throwing beer bottles at refs, Giants fans throwing snowballs, Jets' fans accosting females, DC police pepper spraying Skins fans at a MNF game, Oakland fans killing each other in the parking lot, etc.


As with any home field, you just don't show up the home team fans. A friend of mine, who was hammered, started to do it at the Ravens game last year, and I had to save him from a beating in the stands.


And I've heard stories about Pittsburgh and Ravens' fans and their civility towards each other, so no one should single out Philly fans without thee being judged.

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You mean the same way that some Detroit fans booed the selection of Stafford only 3 days ago?...


Most of Philadelphia wanted the Eagles to take a QB (I dont even remember the preference) and that was 30 idiots put together by a moron morning show host bent on their own need to make themselves heard becuase the local sports station actually thinks it has some form of influence over who the football takes.


Don't even try to explain it. It's been told many times, and no one seems to remember the story.


You and I both know that a majority of Eagles' fans are cool, and it's the few that makes the entire fan base look bad.


I'll let those folks make visitors feel unwelcome, and offer no apology for it.

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Way back it was the raiders (way back), then it was the Buccaneers when they were in the norse and had Sapp, then it was the murderers team, now I have forgiven him, and its the Pats because of the cheater!!

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