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Would you take a crap in front of your SO?

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This is the only thing I wouldn't do in front of an SO. I'll never meet a woman who I feel this close to. :angry:

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Guest stevejohnson

I wouldn't take a crap in front of ANYONE unless I had no other choice!


This may be the dumbest question, EVAH!

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Great, you finally have a GF, can you STFU about it now? What are you Mayhem?


hey - let me have a couple threads, this is like seeing Haley's Comet for cripe's sake.

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Not even in front of the slut you claim to have on the other thread? :banana:


I figured you would be bragging about your blumpkins! :lol:



This is the only thing I wouldn't do in front of an SO. I'll never meet a woman who I feel this close to. :lol:

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If you really want to see what your relationship with your SO is made of, try breaking both arms and see how willing she is to pitch in and help when you need wiping assistance. :banana:

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Never. But I would certainly do a dairy queen right on her chest.

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Never. But I would certainly do a dairy queen right on her chest.


Scrolling, scrolling not seeing it. Yes this is going to be so funn... ahhh man yostevo stole my bit.

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No. This is definitely a top idiosyncrasy of mine. In fact, I’ll go so far as to use a bathroom on a different floor than she is on. Of course, knowing this, she torments me so… jiggling the handle… talking to me through the door… I immediately go into colon seize.


I gather if it was an extreme emergency, I could attempt to make an exception – otherwise, no.

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Scrolling, scrolling not seeing it. Yes this is going to be so funn... ahhh man yostevo stole my bit.


Great minds my frined, great minds.


I should add that I actually run the water in order to keep the sounds of the ker plunk from echoeing throughout the house. Yes. We are still kind of new in the relationship. (2 years). In about 4 years I'll just be like that random guy in the public bathroom who I would swear pushes as hard and as loud as he can just to make the loudest fart noise and assplosion possible. Cheers to that guy man. Budweiser should do a real american genius commericial for "that guy".

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doesn't bother me, depends on the girl. some will know its ok to walk in and some will avoid the area(snobs!) :bench:

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Using the bathroom is the ONE thing that hubby and I don't do in front of each other. He occassionally pees with the door open, which isn't a big deal, but 99% of the time both of us lock the door when we are in there doing our business.


It's not about feeling uncomfortable in front of him, for me...it's just, who wants to see that, or hear it for that matter? Everything pees and poos, right?

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No. This is definitely a top idiosyncrasy of mine. In fact, I’ll go so far as to use a bathroom on a different floor than she is on. Of course, knowing this, she torments me so… jiggling the handle… talking to me through the door… I immediately go into colon seize.


I gather if it was an extreme emergency, I could attempt to make an exception – otherwise, no.


I'm the same way. I once ruled out buying a particular house because the upstairs bathroom was right next to the bedroom.

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If they made an “ass-silencer” – I might be more apt to consider it. As they don’t yet make an ass-silencer, I’ll remove myself to the furthest bathroom possible and deal with being made fun of. :bench:

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I've lived with my girlfriend for 15 years (we fear commitment) in a single bathroom home. It's inevitable some mornings that one of us has to crap while the other is taking a shower, shaving, applying makeup, brushing our teeth... The non-crapping or showering person will usually leave the bathroom. But it's no big deal if they don't; neither of us care all that much.

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Guest Black Label Society

yes, with zero problems.

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I could handle it (I think) if she were in a shower... with all of the noise of the water and the smoked glass door. :cry:


But then, she'd probably open the shower just to see me seize. :ninja:

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seize. :cry:



You're killing me with that word.

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From time to time, Yes. Its not like we try to or anything, but it is not a big deal either way.

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I've lived with my girlfriend for 15 years (we fear commitment) in a single bathroom home. It's inevitable some mornings that one of us has to crap while the other is taking a shower, shaving, applying makeup, brushing our teeth...




If you've lived for an extended period of time with someone and only one bathroom, it's pretty much inevitable. No big deal.

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If I had only one bathroom in the house (which hasn't happened yet) then that door would be locked until I am done in there. If the SO is experiencing an "emergency" I'd ask him to dial 911--- oh wait, that's work talk. :banana: I'd be considerate enough to evacuate as quickly as possible. I just think it's gross for either one of us to be taking a dump in the presence of the other. Also door must be closed and open the damn window or turn on the fan while you are in there. :thumbsup:

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You're killing me with that word.


I involuntarily suck the turd right back into its nest. It happens. :thumbsup:


Sneak up on an unsuspecting turtle and you'll get the picture.

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I involuntarily suck the turd right back into its nest. It happens. <_<


Sneak up on an unsuspecting turtle and you'll get the picture.


I don't care so much about the noise. It's my vapor that I wouldn't want to subject my SO to. It's so bad sometimes, that if I leave my hand down by my crotch after tucking in my peener, that the smell will permiate and remain embedded in my sleeve.

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I don't care so much about the noise. It's my vapor that I wouldn't want to subject my SO to. It's so bad sometimes, that if I leave my hand down by my crotch after tucking in my peener, that the smell will permiate and remain embedded in my sleeve.


Who cares about the vapor? I mean, isn't that why we revel in the Dutch Oven? Farting in bed? Sitting really close and slipping out a silent one?

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We only have one bathroom, so we walk in on eachother every now and then, no big deal. He'll take a piss while I'm brushing my teeth. I'll pee while he's taking a shower..... :headbanger: Guess we're comfortable around eachother, but boyfriends in the past, no I wouldn't have.

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I don't care so much about the noise. It's my vapor that I wouldn't want to subject my SO to. It's so bad sometimes, that if I leave my hand down by my crotch after tucking in my peener, that the smell will permiate and remain embedded in my sleeve.



:headbanger: :)

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I've never lived with my wife anywhere that didn't have alternate bathrooms and/or doors on the toilet room (independent of shower etc.). So we close the door to be considerate. That being said, yesterday while in Vegas in a hotel I hopped in the shower while she was dropping a load. I don't see the big deal, other than I had to hold my breath for 7 minutes.

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