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The Moz

Funniest focking thing just happened !

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I was walking to lunch with a friend of mine that stopped by to visit and a co worker. So we all meet up and were on our way to lunch about a 1/2 mile walk and its a really great day. My co workers wife ( newlyweds ) works close by as well and he called her on the way and she was going to meet us. His wifey is pretty focking hot an has a great ass. Anyway we are walking the three of us to the resturant - I am talking to my co-worker when all of a sudden my friend who was there with us blurts out " Damn she's got a sweet ass - wouldn't mind hittin that " ( not those words but to that effect ). The woman he was referring to was my co workers wife ! he didn't notice his was up ahead as we were talking - but after my friend blurted that out -- my co worker had no focking clue how to respond. Intially he tried to play it off like he didn't hear what he said. But i couldn't hold the laughter in - I tried to not to laugh but at soemthing like that you got to laugh. My friend asks me what i am laughing at and i just say nothing. When we get to the resturant and he finds out the woman he said that about was my co workers wife. My friend had a look like OH FOOOOOOOCK ! . It was hysterical watching them both at lunch - gotta love awkward moments - espcially whn your not directly involved ! All in all a decent hilarity moment :(

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My co workers wife ( newlyweds ) works close by as well and he called her on the way and she was going to meet us. His wifey is pretty focking hot an has a great ass. :(

can size?

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Hmm. I give it a score of 2 (out of 100).



oh well we thought it was pretty funny when it happened

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oh well we thought it was pretty funny when it happened


One of those 'guess you have to be there' funnies.

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The guy should be happy that people think his wife has a sweet arse and not that she is a disgusting piglike creature.

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Would have been better if there was more punctuation and spacing. My eyes started hurting halfway through the story.



i hear ya fatboy

he needs to learn

how to write pleasingly

to the eye




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that actually is funny. I've seen similar things happen before, but usually the guy will say something like "She's my wife/gf focker!"


I was at a party for a golf tournament about 10 years ago with my wife, and my father in law was there too because he was my teammate for the tourney. A guy I knew that didn't know my FIL, but was around his age or older said to my FIL about my wife "Man, that's some pretty fine split tail right there dontcha think?" My FIL said something like, "That's my daughter sh1thead, STFU!" I overheard all of it and laughed my ass off.

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Saw the same thing happen with this guy's sister. - And he's UBER protective.


In my other friend's defense - she IS smokin'....

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My brother was at a poker game a few weeks back and somebody mentioned a chicks name. He comments "yeah I remember when Dave (a fellow player at the table) was hitting that". Dave makes no comment, and in fact is quite embarassed, most likely because he was sitting next to her husband, who my brother had never met.

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My brother was at a poker game a few weeks back and somebody mentioned a chicks name. He comments "yeah I remember when Dave (a fellow player at the table) was hitting that". Dave makes no comment, and in fact is quite embarassed, most likely because he was sitting next to her husband, who my brother had never met.

Now THAT'S focking funny. :banana:

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My brother was at a poker game a few weeks back and somebody mentioned a chicks name. He comments "yeah I remember when Dave (a fellow player at the table) was hitting that". Dave makes no comment, and in fact is quite embarassed, most likely because he was sitting next to her husband, who my brother had never met.





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My friend Greg saw a retarded girl in a 7-11 and started acting retarded which we all thought was pretty tastless, then we went over to my friend Rich's house and Greg gets introduced to Rich and Greg tells him all about the retarded girl he saw at 7-11. Rich was not amused... and Greg realized why when into the driveway pulls Rich's mom with his retarded sister...who were at 7-11 buying us beer.




Most embarrasses I've ever been and it wasn't even me who focked up

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My friend Greg saw a retarded girl in a 7-11 and started acting retarded which we all thought was pretty tastless, then we went over to my friend Rich's house and Greg gets introduced to Rich and Greg tells him all about the retarded girl he saw at 7-11. Rich was not amused... and Greg realized why when into the driveway pulls Rich's mom with his retarded sister...who were at 7-11 buying us beer.




Most embarrasses I've ever been and it wasn't even me who focked up


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I was walking to lunch with a friend of mine that stopped by to visit and a co worker. So we all meet up and were on our way to lunch about a 1/2 mile walk and its a really great day. My co workers wife ( newlyweds ) works close by as well and he called her on the way and she was going to meet us. His wifey is pretty focking hot an has a great ass. Anyway we are walking the three of us to the resturant - I am talking to my co-worker when all of a sudden my friend who was there with us blurts out " Damn she's got a sweet ass - wouldn't mind hittin that " ( not those words but to that effect ). The woman he was referring to was my co workers wife ! he didn't notice his was up ahead as we were talking - but after my friend blurted that out -- my co worker had no focking clue how to respond. Intially he tried to play it off like he didn't hear what he said. But i couldn't hold the laughter in - I tried to not to laugh but at soemthing like that you got to laugh. My friend asks me what i am laughing at and i just say nothing. When we get to the resturant and he finds out the woman he said that about was my co workers wife. My friend had a look like OH FOOOOOOOCK ! . It was hysterical watching them both at lunch - gotta love awkward moments - espcially whn your not directly involved ! All in all a decent hilarity moment :unsure:


Similar story has happened to me about my wife about 30 times at least. I used to say, ' that's my wife dude.' and take it as a compliment, which I do. Let them eat the heart out. My buddies got me to act pissed when it happens and make the dude all paranoid. I am a pretty big guy and it is pretty funny to watch the guy squirm for a while, it eases the tension when I let the guy know I am just kidding. Your co-worker should do the same, heck you got a hot wife, love it or leave it.

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