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Deion Branch news re: Traded to Seattle

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I wonder if Branch's grievance against the team will amount to anything. I find it funny that he is demanding WR#1 money, yet then says he's only worth a #2 pick. Talk about wanting it both ways.

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I wonder if Branch's grievance against the team will amount to anything. I find it funny that he is demanding WR#1 money, yet then says he's only worth a #2 pick. Talk about wanting it both ways.


Ummm....a #2 pick is the going rate for someone of his stature. Walker gone for #2, CPepp gone for #2, both are arguably better than Branch, but with injury issues so hence they are close to equal.


I guess I don't see what your point is...or if you have one. :thumbsdown:

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I wonder if Branch's grievance against the team will amount to anything. I find it funny that he is demanding WR#1 money, yet then says he's only worth a #2 pick. Talk about wanting it both ways.


Interesting that you look at it like this. Don't the Patriots, in your mind, bear any culpability for making an offer to him that warranted what he was looking to be traded for, only to turn around and demand 2 #1 picks? Don't you think that the original offer that they made to Branch needs to, at that point, be brought into question?

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Interesting that you look at it like this. Don't the Patriots, in your mind, bear any culpability for making an offer to him that warranted what he was looking to be traded for, only to turn around and demand 2 #1 picks? Don't you think that the original offer that they made to Branch needs to, at that point, be brought into question?

While this is certainly a reasonable line of thinking, the thing that seperates the Pats and Branch in this for me is that Branch has a year left on his contract. Technically, the Pats don't have to do a thing. I think they miscalculated by even allowing him to seek a trade.

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I love how NE got their bluff called.. They come off looking pretty shady in this deal if you ask me.. They should have never given the player the option of seeking and working out a trade if they were not ever going to let it happen.. Pretty shi77y deal..

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I love how NE got their bluff called.. They come off looking pretty shady in this deal if you ask me.. They should have never given the player the option of seeking and working out a trade if they were not ever going to let it happen.. Pretty shi77y deal..



It was BRANCH that got his bluff called.......are you even understanding the posturing here?


The one that messed this up is his agent. Branch is a good WR....better than many....problem is he has been part of an offense that spreads the ball around too much for him to ever put up #1 numbers....couple that with his inability to put together a 16 game season and it will never add up to #1 $$$. Can he get offers for #1 money...possibly.....can that team also afford to compensate the Pat's accordingly??? NO.


BB & the front office knew this when they let Branch shop himself around. He painted himself into a corner & now it looks like he has decided to sit there untill the paint dries. If he misses ANY games this year he will have no chance of attaining #1 numbers once again & will once again play less than a full 16 games.


Say what you want about the Pat's way of operating.........but the grass is not always greener elsewhere & Branch's best chances for success lie right in Foxboro.

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I'm confused here, this guy is apparently not considered a top tier WR by the Patriots, that is why he is being paid like a 3rd or 4th tier WR. But when it comes to commensurate compensation for a trade they want 2 first round picks? The only time I remember that happening is probably when the Cowboys took Galloway from Seattle. Not smart, but Galloway was a very highly regarded WR, where as Branch is just kind of a good player.


Asking for 2 #1 picks is basically telling Branch that they are not willing to trade him no matter what, that he has no leverage at all and that the entire thing was a sham on their part. They had a good faith deal with him that they clearly had no intentions of honoring. Players association material bigger than crap. NE's management is looking shadier and shadier all the time.


I am usually for the players to shut up and play for the contract they signed, but the thing is that Branch is the clear cut #1 guy on that team and he should get paid more than what he is now. Add the fact that Givens left, who was a #2 to Branch and is getting paid much more has to burn a lot. I know that these guys aren't poor, but it is a job and when you are the better worker and you are going to be pulling more of the load you want to be compensated accordingly.


I hope that the Players association rules in Branch's favor, he goes to the Jets for a #2 and NE has to deal with Brown and Caldwell as their starting tandem. They have a history of not taking care of their players, sometimes it is the players who are expecting too much or think too highly of themselves, but if someone else is willing to pay it than they are apparently more valuable than NE thinks. Guys like Branch (a SB MVP) have helped to bring a lot of money to that team, 3 SB rings and a lot of prestige. If they would have just reworked his salary like every other team in the league would have than they wouldn't be in this mess. Hines Ward did it last year and Pittsburgh got it done and moved on. NE uses bully tactics to negotiate and I think that this latest crap is enough to bite them.

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They did try to "rework" his salary. Branch and his agent scoffed at what many think was really good money for someone in Branch's situation. I don't see it as NE's manegement being "shady" either. They offered a fair deal to a guy who still has a year left on his current contract and they didn't even acnowledge the offer.

Honor your old contract, accept the new one or sit down and shut up for the year and ruin your chances even more of finding paydirt down the road.


They can't just keep throwing money to a guy who has already shown he is willing to holdout, disrupt the team for personal gain. Nor can they waive the franchise tag on him. They also should not feel pressure to trade him to a divisional rival like the Jets for a second rounder. It is there option to ask for 1, 2, or 567 1st round picks. They own his contract. Period. If Branch and his agent had been a bit more sensible earlier in negotiations then they could have avoided this mess. But it seems they wanted to create a situation like this and that probably is all the presidence NE manegement needed to say FU.

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They did try to "rework" his salary. Branch and his agent scoffed at what many think was really good money for someone in Branch's situation. I don't see it as NE's manegement being "shady" either. They offered a fair deal to a guy who still has a year left on his current contract and they didn't even acnowledge the offer.

Honor your old contract, accept the new one or sit down and shut up for the year and ruin your chances even more of finding paydirt down the road.


They can't just keep throwing money to a guy who has already shown he is willing to holdout, disrupt the team for personal gain. Nor can they waive the franchise tag on him. They also should not feel pressure to trade him to a divisional rival like the Jets for a second rounder. It is there option to ask for 1, 2, or 567 1st round picks. They own his contract. Period. If Branch and his agent had been a bit more sensible earlier in negotiations then they could have avoided this mess. But it seems they wanted to create a situation like this and that probably is all the presidence NE manegement needed to say FU.




And I have yet to see any proof that the Pat's asked for 2 first rounders.

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The one that messed this up is his agent. Branch is a good WR....better than many....problem is he has been part of an offense that spreads the ball around too much for him to ever put up #1 numbers...


I don't see why this is a knock against Branch. He very likely could put up #1 numbers on a offense that features the WRs more, he knows it, Patriots fans know it, the Jets and Seahawks know it...


I realize it's always more leverage to have done it than for teams to think you can do it. But he's come up big when asked and has the endorsement of maybe the most important guy (his QB). The fact that the Patriots don't want to trade him for reasonable compensation also demonstrates that he has value... unlike Ashley Lelie who the Broncos let go for a lot less than they spent to get him originally.


Say what you want about the Pat's way of operating.........but the grass is not always greener elsewhere & Branch's best chances for success lie right in Foxboro.


There may be some truth to this, for a few reasons. But on a basic level, it contradicts your stance that the Pats spread the ball around too much to feature Branch.

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I find it odd that the Pats say "Go see if you can get more money in a trade."


But the Pats can poison pill any deal by asking too much in compensation, which they apparently did.


It's not very honest.

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I'm confused here, this guy is apparently not considered a top tier WR by the Patriots, that is why he is being paid like a 3rd or 4th tier WR. But when it comes to commensurate compensation for a trade they want 2 first round picks? The only time I remember that happening is probably when the Cowboys took Galloway from Seattle. Not smart, but Galloway was a very highly regarded WR, where as Branch is just kind of a good player.


Asking for 2 #1 picks is basically telling Branch that they are not willing to trade him no matter what, that he has no leverage at all and that the entire thing was a sham on their part. They had a good faith deal with him that they clearly had no intentions of honoring. Players association material bigger than crap. NE's management is looking shadier and shadier all the time.


I am usually for the players to shut up and play for the contract they signed, but the thing is that Branch is the clear cut #1 guy on that team and he should get paid more than what he is now. Add the fact that Givens left, who was a #2 to Branch and is getting paid much more has to burn a lot. I know that these guys aren't poor, but it is a job and when you are the better worker and you are going to be pulling more of the load you want to be compensated accordingly.


I hope that the Players association rules in Branch's favor, he goes to the Jets for a #2 and NE has to deal with Brown and Caldwell as their starting tandem. They have a history of not taking care of their players, sometimes it is the players who are expecting too much or think too highly of themselves, but if someone else is willing to pay it than they are apparently more valuable than NE thinks. Guys like Branch (a SB MVP) have helped to bring a lot of money to that team, 3 SB rings and a lot of prestige. If they would have just reworked his salary like every other team in the league would have than they wouldn't be in this mess. Hines Ward did it last year and Pittsburgh got it done and moved on. NE uses bully tactics to negotiate and I think that this latest crap is enough to bite them.



They are always right near the cap, so obviously they are spending $.


The middle of the road guys ( AKA DEPTH) make decent $ on the Pats, thats why when a good players go's down, they have someone with skill that can come in and do a decent job.

They also have a bunch of guys coming up after this year, if they set a precedent now(giving in), I feel it will bite them in the a$$.

I really like Branch, but IMO he HAS a contract that HE signed, so I don't really see where he has a leg to stand on...

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All of you idealists who cry about the player having a contract are just killing me. Sure, I wish Branch would just shut up and get back in camp. I've got Brady in one of my leagues. But football players see their NON-GUARANTEED contracts get terminated constantly. How many times are these guys told to either take a pay cut or hit the road?


Save that crusader crap for sports like baseball and basketball...

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All of you idealists who cry about the player having a contract are just killing me. Sure, I wish Branch would just shut up and get back in camp. I've got Brady in one of my leagues. But football players see their NON-GUARANTEED contracts get terminated constantly. How many times are these guys told to either take a pay cut or hit the road?


Save that crusader crap for sports like baseball and basketball...


Do you really think Branch is gonna have his contract terminated?

Do you think he's gonna be asked to take a pay CUT, or take a hike?


I don't.


Let me ask you a question.....


Do You know anyone that does PERSONALLY?


I have to perform everyday, or else they will find somebody else to do my job, is that fair? I think it is, but what do I know, it's only my life.....

I know that if I stay good at what I do, and get better, than I will have a job, and will get raises.

Sounds ptretty fair to me, and I'm CERTAINLY not making the kind of $ these guys are.

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NE can do no wrong for you people, it is amazing how some of you are totally missing this.. They told the guy to seek a trade and then turned around and made it impossible to happen.. I was totally on the side of NE up until they told the guy to go find more money and work out a trade.. Well guess what, he did..

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NE can do no wrong for you people, it is amazing how some of you are totally missing this.. They told the guy to seek a trade and then turned around and made it impossible to happen.. I was totally on the side of NE up until they told the guy to go find more money and work out a trade.. Well guess what, he did..



I find it funny how folks are missing the dealio here........


Branch thinks he's a big time #1 WR, and wants to get paid like 1... NOW ( even though he has 1 yr left)

Branch was picked in the 2nd rd of a draft, and has surpassed what a 2nd RD player would do IMMEDIATELY out of College,he has been coached, and is way better than when he got there, yet some folks actually believe that he should be dealt for a 2nd Rd pick.


If he's really a big time #1 wr like he thinks he is, what makes him worth only a 2nd RD pick? How many 2nd rd picks have the experience that Branch has? Hmmm I'll tell ya...




Since he WAS a 2nd RD pick, and has been successful.....

WHY would they deal him for a 2nd RD pick, that MAY NOT be as successful, just ask Branch himself if he thinks a 2nd RD pick can replace him, it's obvious the answer would be NO, otherwise 2nd RD picks would require 6-8 MILLION per yr, with 10-15 Mill UP FRONT and Guaranteed.



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With Gabriel in tow, i think Branch will be dealt within a couple of days.


To Seattle for a 2nd and a 4th, seems right.

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It comes down to commitments. Branch committed to the Pats when he signed the contract. He is trying to invalidate that contract.


The Pats said that they would trade him if they got reasonable value for him. If the Jets (a team in their division) offer up the Redskins' 2nd round pick, then the Patriots may not consider that to be reasonable value. From what I have seen, Seattle made no trade offer that was even close to reasonable.


Since Stallworth, Walker, and now Gabriel have gone for less, I think that Branch has a legitimate argument. However, I think that the NFL is headed for HUGE trouble if they allow players who hold out dictate the terms of how organizations run their teams. This is very much like the TO, play-me-or-trade-me mentality.


As such, the NFL owners must do even more to control what goes on in the CBA since the increased fines have not done enough to tone down the "me attitude" that is becoming very prevalent.


If Branch signed even the contract that the Pats offered up originally, I think that he would be fairly paid for his position, experience, and value. While that may not be the highest amount that would be paid (as shown by the Seahawks and Jets), it is still fair. Players now believe that they should get the MOST money regardless of whether that money is commensurate with their value. I think that Branch falls into that category and is getting very greedy.

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Do you really think Branch is gonna have his contract terminated?

Do you think he's gonna be asked to take a pay CUT, or take a hike?


I don't.


Let me ask you a question.....


Do You know anyone that does PERSONALLY?


I have to perform everyday, or else they will find somebody else to do my job, is that fair? I think it is, but what do I know, it's only my life.....

I know that if I stay good at what I do, and get better, than I will have a job, and will get raises.

Sounds ptretty fair to me, and I'm CERTAINLY not making the kind of $ these guys are.



Are you serious? PLEASE tell me you're not comparing your lot in life to that of an NFL player. I'd like to see the guy in camp, but I'm through berating NFL players for not 'living up to the contracts they signed,' because front offices will terminate those contracts in a second if it benefits the team.

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well, here is an interesting point of view:


any team making an offer to branch, can offer whatever they wish for salary. The dilemma for branch is... if they agree to a contract, that contract essentially puts a value on the player.


so if a team offers branch the money he is seeking, that means branch is more valueable and as such, the patriots should get more for letting him go.


so the more money teams are willing to pay him, the more they pay to get him outta New England.


I think its a good ploy by NE management. If branch gets big money, NE gets a better draft pick or more draft picks/players.


if noone offers branch big money, then he realizes that NE made a fair offer.


either way they win.

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Are you serious? PLEASE tell me you're not comparing your lot in life to that of an NFL player. I'd like to see the guy in camp, but I'm through berating NFL players for not 'living up to the contracts they signed,' because front offices will terminate those contracts in a second if it benefits the team.



Yeah, it's pretty stupid to think athletes would be subject to the same rules as the rest of us.

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Call me old fashioned, but I have absolutely no sympathy for millionaires who whine about being "underpaid."


So you don't have any clue what you're talking about.


Thanks for your input. :dunno:



It comes down to commitments. Branch committed to the Pats when he signed the contract. He is trying to invalidate that contract.


The Pats said that they would trade him if they got reasonable value for him. If the Jets (a team in their division) offer up the Redskins' 2nd round pick, then the Patriots may not consider that to be reasonable value. From what I have seen, Seattle made no trade offer that was even close to reasonable.


Since Stallworth, Walker, and now Gabriel have gone for less, I think that Branch has a legitimate argument. However, I think that the NFL is headed for HUGE trouble if they allow players who hold out dictate the terms of how organizations run their teams. This is very much like the TO, play-me-or-trade-me mentality.


As such, the NFL owners must do even more to control what goes on in the CBA since the increased fines have not done enough to tone down the "me attitude" that is becoming very prevalent.


If Branch signed even the contract that the Pats offered up originally, I think that he would be fairly paid for his position, experience, and value. While that may not be the highest amount that would be paid (as shown by the Seahawks and Jets), it is still fair. Players now believe that they should get the MOST money regardless of whether that money is commensurate with their value. I think that Branch falls into that category and is getting very greedy.


Disagree 100%.


The reason that the NFL is better than MLB and the NBA is because there are no guaranteed contracts. You play to your value or your ass gets cut. You think Juwon Howard would have made over $10 million a year the past three years if his contract wasn't guaranteed? Fock no. His ass would have taken a pay cut or his ass would have been cut.


It works the other way, too. When you're not making your market value in the NFL, you're forced to hold out. I know it may be hard for chowderheads to understand, but it's a function of the NFL players' union being so weak. There's no guaranteed money, so if you aren't going to pay me, I'm not going to play.


The owners have as much of a "me first" attitude as the players. It's not a game. It's a business.

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Discussing the issue of the picks involved, ok NE is just doing the safe thing asking for a No1 pick or several No1 picks. They know by being the "seller", the buyer will eventually talk the price down some. If NE started off asking for a 2nd, they'd get offered a 3rd.


I think NE knows Branch is not worth a first, he's not worth two firsts, he's probably not worth a second, but asking for two firsts is the one way to safely guarantee getting at least a second if they have to trade him. I mean at some level, this is standard flea market haggling here.


As for the value of the picks, in today's NFL, draft picks are gold. If the player pans out, you are getting him in his lowest earning years that are likely to be his most productive years (NFL guys average what? 4 year careers?) This is a Moneyball tactic used by Billy Beane and the A's. The Patriots were competitive for so many years recently because Brady was paid on the cheap for those first few years of their strong run. Sure he got his cash eventually, but they got great value out of him to start.


A 2nd round pick in next years draft, arguably would be worth as much as a No 1 pick ten years ago. Picks are worth more now, not worth less than before. The league isn't choked by a 49er or Cowboys dynasty anymore, there's parity, or balanced mediocrity, whatever you want to call it. Draft picks are asked to step in much faster and produce more quickly than ever before. And the NFL 6th and 7th rounds in the draft are like the NBA's 2nd round in the draft. Lots of reaches but odds are the guys won't do much and will probably be cut in a year's time or will be role players. So the NFL draft is really a 4 to 5 round draft now, where thats about as far as you can go and still stand a decent chance at a productive full time player. Sure some 6th and 7th rounders or low round pick or a street FA will surprise, but the odds of you getting a Jesse Sapolu or a John Randle is pretty low.


Should NE trade Branch? I don't know. Too many variables in play. But would a 2nd be a good value for NE for Branch? Yes. No doubt in my mind. Asking for a first in a trade is really expecting a 2nd in any trade. And Branch isn't worth more than a 3rd realistically. Even if it doesn't look it, NE is playing this one correctly.

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How much did he get paid in 2004 when he sat on the :cheers: from week 9 => ?


I'd say 4 mil guarenteed is great considering he pretty much stole whatever he got in his last contract.


Branch, GS:

2002 - 7

2003 - 11

2004 - 9

Then 2005 he plays 15 games and he's worth #1 WR money?


Maybe he was really, really, really exceptional in those limited starts though...






If you want Holt money, you gotta put up Holt #s. When Branch puts together a 16 game, 1400/10 season I'll feel sorry for him "only" getting 4 million guarenteed.


How much did he get paid in 2004 when he sat on the :( from week 9 => ?


I'd say 4 mil guarenteed is great considering he pretty much stole whatever he got in his last contract.


Branch, GS:

2002 - 7

2003 - 11

2004 - 9

Then 2005 he plays 15 games and he's worth #1 WR money?


Maybe he was really, really, really exceptional in those limited starts though...






If you want Holt money, you gotta put up Holt #s. When Branch puts together a 16 game, 1400/10 season I'll feel sorry for him "only" getting 4 million guarenteed.


Ya know Scootie, I don't take you on unless I have the facts on my side, and you left too many holes in your argument this time. Lets throw some more stats and #s on the table.


Yes Deion played only 9 REGULAR season games in 2004. I'm kinda thinking that with the Super Bowl MVP gig that he earned his less than $2 million in 2004, so you are obviously way wrong on that point. He had some big games to get them there that year in the playoffs too.


Post season performance of any sport is where value is determined. Who thrives on the big stage, and who fails. Winners and losers. Branch has proven before to excel in big games.


Branch played in 11 more games than he started over his career. 53 games played/ 42 started.


Branch has 41 receptions in 8 post season games.


His 21 receptions for 276 yards in two Super Bowls means that he owns two of the top 7 records for a WR in Super Bowl history. Gee, just maybe that guy is worth something.


How much money has he made his team??

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OK, so Branch turned down an offer from the Pats earlier this year for 5 years and 31 million with 11 million guaranteed. He then brings his soap opera into the preseason acting like the Patriots were lowballing him. The Patriots tell him to look around and see if anyone will pay him what he wants and Seattle offers him 6 years for 39 million with 13 million guaranteed. The Patriots shut him down by asking for far more than any team will give up.


The first thing that comes to mind for me is how much better really is Seattles offer than what NE had already made to him. Yes it's an additional 2 million guaranteed. It's also for an additional year. This offer is almost identical to what the Pats offered in terms of overall per year. If I'm the Patriots (for the record I really don't like them at all by the way) I'd have done the same thing. To go through the past three or so months claiming NE is not dealing in good faith, stage a hold out and then agree to a similar contract with another team is just as back handed as what the Patriots have now done to him. So both sides are not being straight with each other. Looks like he expected more from the Pats than he was worth and once he realized it he also realized he could play for that amount after all. Just not for New England.


What exactly has NE done for him to act this way? Was their mistake accurately valuing him and being the one to be first with that offer? When Javon Walker wanted to renegotiate his contract at least he tried it after putting up almost 1400 yards with 12 TD's. I don't remember a big outcry for him though when it didn't happen. Next TO decides he needs to renegotiate his contract. After all the Eagles made it to the Superbowl with him on the squad. Nevermind they somehow managed to win both playoff games without him. I don't remember too big of an outcry for poor TO when that happened either. So now Branch has bitten off more than he can chew and wants to go. That's always the classy thing to do. Talk sh!t, find out you're mistaken and run away. Anyone remember Larry Brown (I think that's his name). He was a superbowl MVP too. He was in a good situation on a good team and turned out to be the person receiving honors for what in reality was the hard work and sweat of an entire organization which he was a part of. I'm pretty sure Branch was able to make all the receptions he made in his MVP game because his team created that situation with their hard work and sweat. It is in no way a justification for the lack of maturity he has shown with this hold out. How can anybody genuinely defend or support this guy? Certainly the Patriots have now upped the anty with their own pettyness but considering their offer was on the mark in the first place I can see why they'd want to bury this kid.

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Through this ordeal the Patriots learned that Branch is not a team guy. Once they told him to work out a trade there was no way he was returning to the team. Now they are just trying to get the most for him, without regard for Branch (because they know he won't be playing for them). So why not let it go to arbitration to see if they can do better than a #2? Also delaying the process makes all the sense in the world since Branch will play somewhere and that somewhere could be an AFC rival.

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I'd say 4 mil guarenteed is great considering he pretty much stole whatever he got in his last contract.


If you want Holt money, you gotta put up Holt #s. When Branch puts together a 16 game, 1400/10 season I'll feel sorry for him "only" getting 4 million guarenteed.


His current contract is a rookie deal, he is set to earn 1 million this year.

His worth is determined by the highest bidder, and within a week, during a time when most teams are maxxed

out against the cap ready to start the season he got two better offers.

If this happened a few months ago he might get 10 better offers.


the pats are cheap bastards and guys aren't gonna be taking less to go there anymore.


which reminds me...the whole 'Tom Brady took less money' thing is a myth. john clayton cut that one apart a couple years ago on sportscenter

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the Pats are noy cheap bastards, but yet smart spenders.


they will pay top dollar for top talent....see Brady and Seymour.


they will not pay top dollar, for merely a good player. see Branch.


Branch is a top 25 talent asking for top 5 money. it doesn't work.

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So you don't have any clue what you're talking about.


Thanks for your input. :dunno:

Disagree 100%.


The reason that the NFL is better than MLB and the NBA is because there are no guaranteed contracts. You play to your value or your ass gets cut. You think Juwon Howard would have made over $10 million a year the past three years if his contract wasn't guaranteed? Fock no. His ass would have taken a pay cut or his ass would have been cut.


It works the other way, too. When you're not making your market value in the NFL, you're forced to hold out. I know it may be hard for chowderheads to understand, but it's a function of the NFL players' union being so weak. There's no guaranteed money, so if you aren't going to pay me, I'm not going to play.


The owners have as much of a "me first" attitude as the players. It's not a game. It's a business.


Interesting perspective, but I think that you make a huge assumption that these players know their true market value. Their agents tell them what their market value is and it is almost always inflated. You also assume that the guys who get these nice signing bonuses play up to their contracted value. Many do not.


A player's recourse is not strictly relegated to holding out. Branch signed a rookie contract when no one knew whether he was even going to be any good. He had no problem with a signing bonus at that time. He play out this season, put up some good numbers, and then be in a position to either be a free agent or be tagged. Both are big bucks.


I have very little sympathy for either owners or players considering the billions that get spent. Bear in mind that the players get over 60% of the gross revenue for the league. That is a huge chunk of change. A guy like Branch can hold out, but when the $500k in fines plus 1/5 of his signing bonus are due, he better not cry about it.


ETA: I think that some folks legally disagree with your point as well



Experts don't back Branch

By Mike Reiss, Globe Staff | September 4, 2006


Receiver Deion Branch has filed two grievances against the Patriots, but three experts believe he'll need a Hail Mary to emerge victorious.


``The Pats win this going away," said Boston-based sports attorney Harry Manion, via e-mail from Europe. ``[branch] will say they entered an oral contract to accept fair and reasonable compensation. There are a multitude of legal and [collective bargaining agreement] reasons why this is a dead solid loser."

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Post season performance of any sport is where value is determined.




Dude.....put down the crack pipe. By that thought process Manning should be cut this year :cheers:

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It was BRANCH that got his bluff called.......are you even understanding the posturing here?


The one that messed this up is his agent. Branch is a good WR....better than many....problem is he has been part of an offense that spreads the ball around too much for him to ever put up #1 numbers....couple that with his inability to put together a 16 game season and it will never add up to #1 $$$. Can he get offers for #1 money...possibly.....can that team also afford to compensate the Pat's accordingly??? NO.


BB & the front office knew this when they let Branch shop himself around. He painted himself into a corner & now it looks like he has decided to sit there untill the paint dries. If he misses ANY games this year he will have no chance of attaining #1 numbers once again & will once again play less than a full 16 games.


Say what you want about the Pat's way of operating.........but the grass is not always greener elsewhere & Branch's best chances for success lie right in Foxboro.


He obviously isn't getting it......good reply.

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Are you serious? PLEASE tell me you're not comparing your lot in life to that of an NFL player. I'd like to see the guy in camp, but I'm through berating NFL players for not 'living up to the contracts they signed,' because front offices will terminate those contracts in a second if it benefits the team.


I'm not buying that BS argument.

Branch is a good player,not some scrub that has no talent, there is no way in hell his contract gets terminated if he comes to work.

You may not see the correlation, but I do.

Geezuz they paid the remaining $ to Robert Edwards after he tore up his knee, and was told he probably wouldn't ever play again, and he did that, ON HIS OWN TIME.

They didn't have to do that........


Everyone say the Pats are so cheap, some folks need to get real

They are at the cap every year, and the depth guys get more $ here than elsewhere.


What a concept, pay our talented middle of the road guys good $ so we can field a deeper team...

Who ever would have thought a concept like that would work...



His current contract is a rookie deal, he is set to earn 1 million this year.

His worth is determined by the highest bidder, and within a week, during a time when most teams are maxxed

out against the cap ready to start the season he got two better offers.

If this happened a few months ago he might get 10 better offers.


the pats are cheap bastards and guys aren't gonna be taking less to go there anymore.


which reminds me...the whole 'Tom Brady took less money' thing is a myth. john clayton cut that one apart a couple years ago on sportscenter



Get real, cheap bastards?

You mean John " I'm a dumbass" Clayton?

Thanks for playing...........

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-- Patriots Prefer to Keep Branch --

Mon Sep 4, 2006 --from FFMastermind.com


The Seattle Post Intelligencer reports the Seahawks, who reportedly reached an agreement on a six-year, $39 million contract with New England Patriots holdout WR Deion Branch, his agent, appear unwilling to top the second-round draft pick offer made by the New York Jets for Branch. The Jets also offered a six-year, $39 million to Branch, who has filed a grievance to obtain his release (via trade) from the Pats. A finding in Branch's favor would complete a trade to the Jets because they had offered the Patriots a second-round draft choice -- which they consider fair market value because Branch was drafted in the second round in 2002. The Seahawks never talked exact compensation with the Patriots, and now are leaning toward the proverbial the-ball-is-in-their-court posture rather than pushing the issue. While agreeing with the Patriots that Branch has played beyond his second-round draft status, the Seahawks seem unwilling to part with a first-round pick to acquire him. The Patriots' stance has been that they would rather re-sign Branch. But he is threatening to continue his no-show until the final six games, which would allow him to then become an unrestricted free agent after the season.


-- Branch a Longshot to Return --

Sun Sep 3, 2006 --from FFMastermind.com


The Boston Herald reports odds of WR Deion Branch opening the season in a New England Patriots uniform became even more remote yesterday with the news that his grievance against the team will likely be heard Saturday, one day before the opener against Buffalo. Attorney Jeffrey Kessler said yesterday that if Branch loses, he’ll file a second grievance alleging the Pats violated a provision in the collective bargaining agreement to negotiate in good faith. Branch is taking his battle to court to force a trade to the Jets, who offered him a six-year, $39 million deal with a $13 million signing bonus. That contract would begin immediately and replace the $1.05 million he’s due in the fifth and final year of his rookie contract with the Patriots. The Jets have offered the Patriots a second-round pick in return. Branch’s first grievance contends the team reneged on a verbal agreement to trade him if it received adequate compensation. "The team did not have to make this deal with Deion," Kessler said. "Having made this deal, we want the team to live up to it. That’s all." Branch’s side plans to highlight a number of players traded in the past year for second-round picks or lower, such as Dolphins QB Daunte Culpepper (second), Broncos WR Javon Walker (second) and Eagles WR Donte Stallworth (conditional third or fourth, plus backup LB Mark Simoneau). Players Association attorney Richard Berthelsen also noted that Branch was selected at the end of the second round with the 65th overall pick in 2002. The goal, Kessler said, is to force the Patriots to accept the second-round pick and send Branch to the Jets. Only if Branch’s side loses that hearing will it proceed with the second grievance. "The team hasn’t negotiated in good faith, as evidenced by the fact that it made an agreement to trade him, but never intended to go through with it," Kessler said. As proof of the oral agreement, Kessler cited the Aug. 25 press release in which the Patriots announced their intentions to let Branch seek a trade. The release read, "The New England Patriots have given Deion Branch permission to seek a trade and negotiate a contract with other clubs. This permission will extend until Sept. 1, 2006." Said Kessler: "The Patriots agreed with the player and his agent that if he could find a team where he could work out his player contract, and that team was willing to provide the Patriots with the type of draft-choice compensation that other teams have received in the past for comparable players, they would make the trade." Barring an unforeseen reconciliation between now and next weekend, Branch will be sidelined when the season begins. The Patriots had hoped to show Branch he wasn’t worth as much as he thought on the market, but the last week disproved that. The Seahawks offered Branch the same deal as the Jets, but the Jets made their offer first.

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They keep talking about past deals....


You mean Javon Walker that tore up his knee last year... damaged goods, that MAY have issues with that knee for a good while yet.


You mean Pepp with 3 torn ligaments...... damaged goods that also MAY have issues for awhile...



You mean the same Stallworth that has talent, but can't stay on the field, and drops passes like they are hot potatoes?


I still don't get the part where teams that are willing to pay him #1 wr $, don't think he is worth a 1st rd draft pick.

How many teams wouldn't want Branch over an unproven commodity?

You can't teach playoff experience, or real game experience for that matter.....

How many teams are willing to pay a 1st Rd wr 13 million UP FRONT, and give him a 6 year deal?




So why the hassle with giving up the 1st rd pick?

He was drafted in the 2nd RD, and has excelled, has been a PROVEN performer, and KNOWS what it takes to be a good pro, yet some of these as$clowns feel he is only worth a 2nd RD pick...


Yeah, lets give away a proven talent for a 2nd rd pick, everyone KNOWS that a 2nd rd pick will be as good as Branch..... it's not like he's been coached all these years, they'll come off the street and be just as good... no problem...


Baffles me

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Ya know Scootie, I don't take you on unless I have the facts on my side, and you left too many holes in your argument this time. Lets throw some more stats and #s on the table.


Yes Deion played only 9 REGULAR season games in 2004. I'm kinda thinking that with the Super Bowl MVP gig that he earned his less than $2 million in 2004, so you are obviously way wrong on that point. He had some big games to get them there that year in the playoffs too.

I say he's missed 40% of his time with the team over a 4 year period and you point to one game and say it justifies all that, yet claim to have "facts on your side"? :blink:


Come on, son - you want to go toe to toe with the champ, you better pack a lunch and bring more than this weak sauce to the table.


Post season performance of any sport is where value is determined. Who thrives on the big stage, and who fails. Winners and losers. Branch has proven before to excel in big games.

This is totally ridiculous. So I guess Vinatieri deserves obscene amounts of money, considering it was his clutch post season performance, thriving on that big stage that allowed the pats to win all 3 SBs, eh? What should they pay him? 20 million a year?


Once again - still looking for those "facts" you claim are on your side here. I just see a lot of opinion, and a silly & unsupported opinion at that.


Branch played in 11 more games than he started over his career. 53 games played/ 42 started.


Branch has 41 receptions in 8 post season games.


His 21 receptions for 276 yards in two Super Bowls means that he owns two of the top 7 records for a WR in Super Bowl history. Gee, just maybe that guy is worth something.


All lovely bits of trivia, really. You should make a plaque and send it to Deion for his mantle. He deserves to be complimented on those performances and gee whiz, in terms of compensation I'd say the millions he's made over the last 4 years were a lovely way of saying "thank you" by the team for doing the job he's paid to do...and you know those records you talked about are just so impressive - you think the TEAM around him getting him to the playoffs so he could accumulate those post season stats helped him at all? :oldrolleyes:


I go "above and beyond" every day at my job - when I finish a big project or meet a milestone, do I expect to be compensated more for that performance? Of course not - I agreed with my employer to work for a predetermined wage - thus I did my job and was paid what I expected to be paid for it.


Branch did his job, had issues with absenteeism due to personal injury, and then made up for it somewhat with a couple of big post season performances. In his performance review I still grade him a "needs improvement" in all areas.


Breaking away from the analogy though, football is a TEAM sport. Without Brady throwing him the ball 8 times in the superbowl he doesn't have 8 catches in the superbowl. Does Brady deserve another raise when Branch gets one? Sounds an awful lot like that's what you're saying here - that one huge game on the big stage warrants a 10 fold raise in his salary. My take is that he earned his keep in that game, and that the Pats offered him a pay increase which was realistic. Branch and his agent are being greedy and demanding something that is totally unrealistic for his skills.


And you know, in any kind of contract negotiation, the player can indeed demand anything he likes....but if the team says they don't argree there's absolutely no reason for them to cave in. It's not about them being cheap - it's about the small fact that the tail does not wag the dog. The franchise told him that they made him a fair offer and he can take it or leave it. He chose to leave it and somehow in your eyes the Pats have done him wrong? All due respect, but you're insane. :wacko:


How much money has he made his team??

My favorite post in the topic. Branch has made his team $0 dollars.


You know why? Because this is football, once again, a TEAM sport. The TEAM has made this team money. The TEAM won this team superbowls. And the TEAM is moving on without a greedy d0uchebag who is presently demanding unrealistic compensation based on being lucky enough to have had Brady target him for those 8 receptions you've referred to ad naseum and subsequently trying to capitalize on that one game more than he has any right to.


In short you called me out, claimed to have "facts" on your side, blathered some weak sauce at me and then got pwnd. Come on back when you grow an inch or 2 son - you'll just get hurt in the meanwhile.


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breaking news:

The NFL today decided that all players who have not played in the playoffs will have their salaries reduced 90%. Any player that played in the playoffs, but underperformed, will only be reduced 50%. Those excelling in the playoffs will get a 100% increase.


Breaking news part 2:

All members of the Detroit Lions, New York Jets, and Arizona Cardinals just walked off their team.

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breaking news:

The NFL today decided that all players who have not played in the playoffs will have their salaries reduced 90%. Any player that played in the playoffs, but underperformed, will only be reduced 50%. Those excelling in the playoffs will get a 100% increase.


Breaking news part 2:

All members of the Detroit Lions, New York Jets, and Arizona Cardinals just walked off their team.



he gets it!

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Dude.....put down the crack pipe. By that thought process Manning should be cut this year :rolleyes:


By my thought process, Peyton Manning would be one of the greatest QBs ever to play if he had won 3 Super Bowls, instead of just being a great QB . How many times have we heard the phrase "the knock on Peyton Manning?"


By your thought process, the post season doesn't mean anything.

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