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What would you make of this?

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Sunday night, I did something to my eye - scratched it really bad or something. It was bright red, the white part of my eye was actually swollen, and I woke up yesterday morning with the eye lid puffy as fock and red. So, I emailed my boss, let her know that I was making an appt with the opthalmologist and that I didn't know what time I would be in, as they would have to call me back.


Here is an email that she sent me:


No worries - - I am actually in the office today - - can you believe it.


You take care of that eye!!


I know I have been pretty much a goner these past few weeks - - so my apologies for that - - - You have been a great job holding down the fort. . . And as I said to [Admin's Name] - - take advantage of the slow days and enjoy the spring and you family - - as with all things - the busy times come and go in spurts - - and often the busy times out number the slow ones - - so don't feel guilty about taking advantage of the slow times.


Now, I sent her something this AM and got her out of office - she's out until the 10th in Hawaii at our company's sales and service meeting. No access to email or voicemail.

Also, the admin isn't here today...she's usually in around 8 AM.



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Sunday night, I did something to my eye - scratched it really bad or something. It was bright red, the white part of my eye was actually swollen, and I woke up yesterday morning with the eye lid puffy as fock and red. So, I emailed my boss, let her know that I was making an appt with the opthalmologist and that I didn't know what time I would be in, as they would have to call me back.


Here is an email that she sent me:

Now, I sent her something this AM and got her out of office - she's out until the 10th in Hawaii at our company's sales and service meeting. No access to email or voicemail.

Also, the admin isn't here today...she's usually in around 8 AM.




basically she thinks you are a lying fock face... skippin out on work :cheers:

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basically she thinks you are a lying fock face... skippin out on work :cheers:

That's pretty much what I get out of it.

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I think you're trying to make something out of nothing. That's what I make

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Sunday night, I did something to my eye - scratched it really bad or something. It was bright red, the white part of my eye was actually swollen, and I woke up yesterday morning with the eye lid puffy as fock and red. So, I emailed my boss, let her know that I was making an appt with the opthalmologist and that I didn't know what time I would be in, as they would have to call me back.


Here is an email that she sent me:

Now, I sent her something this AM and got her out of office - she's out until the 10th in Hawaii at our company's sales and service meeting. No access to email or voicemail.

Also, the admin isn't here today...she's usually in around 8 AM.




Your boss is a slacker, and is about to bail. Time to leave


What would you make of this?


"I can make a hat, a broach, or a pterodactyl!"

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I think you're really stretching for ways to talk about yourself here.

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she thinks you're out screwing around..


Just because she doesn't have access to email doesn't mean that she won't be checking in.. Classic move, "I'll be out of pocket for a while" all the while attending meetings remembering the stuff that needs to get done..

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You should teach him a lesson. Gouge out your eye.

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Quote from boss: "take advantage of the slow days and enjoy the spring and you family"



Your boss is Andre the Giant?! :cheers:


The Dread Pirate Roberts is ere for you soul!

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I think you can take this one of two ways:


a. She's saying "sure...sure...wink wink...eye problem...yep, go get it checked out, you lying minx...don't think I'm not onto you"




b. How long can an appt. at the eye doctor's take? An hour? Two hours? Maybe she's saying "go get it checked out, and after you're done, take the rest of the day off - you've earned it".


Methinks it's more likely b.

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What's there to get? You're a hard worker, don't sweat taking a little time off during the slow times. I get told that at work sometimes too. :thumbsup:

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From the writing style, I'd say your boss is GFIAFP.


Also what Groundhog said.

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I think you're trying to make something out of nothing. That's what I make



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Did your eye look something like this?

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You're not the first chick to get spooge in your eye.


...You're just the first to miss work b/c of it


- and then post a thread about it.

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You're not the first chick to get spooge in your eye.


...You're just the first to miss work b/c of it


- and then post a thread about it.


:thumbsup: Beat me to it. :thumbsup:

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"I can make a hat, a broach, or a pterodactyl!"




That sh*t is hilarity.




I think you're really stretching for ways to talk about yourself here.


When TNG posts something about her life, she's an attention wh0re.

MDC posts EVERYTHING about his life, and she's an attention wh0re?


Hypocrite much?

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I think you're trying to make something out of nothing. That's what I make





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From the writing style, I'd say your boss is GFIAFP.


That was my first thought. If I haven't taken much time off before, I'd just consider her strange and take the day off.

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I think you're really stretching for ways to talk about yourself here.



So the fock what if she is. That is one thing I like about this once greta bored. People willing to talk about what is going on in their lives. I think TNG is one of the top posters here. This so called "Attention hor" shiat is getting really really old. Enough already. Get some new material for Pete's sake.

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I think you're really stretching for ways to talk about yourself here.


I agree, sort of. What input are you looking for here? I'm confused as to what you "think" your boss is getting at.




So the fock what if she is.


:banana: Are you her boss?

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Sunday night, I did something to my eye - scratched it really bad or something. It was bright red, the white part of my eye was actually swollen, and I woke up yesterday morning with the eye lid puffy as fock and red. So, I emailed my boss, let her know that I was making an appt with the opthalmologist and that I didn't know what time I would be in, as they would have to call me back.


Here is an email that she sent me:

Now, I sent her something this AM and got her out of office - she's out until the 10th in Hawaii at our company's sales and service meeting. No access to email or voicemail.

Also, the admin isn't here today...she's usually in around 8 AM.




I have not read anybody else's comments but I assure you it is a very good thing. She seems to be feeling guilty for not being there lately and is telling you to take care of your stuff. Trust me. I am correct in this. Either that, or you are nagging her too much.


Your boss is Andre the Giant?! :banana:


The Dread Pirate Roberts is ere for you soul!


Holy Crap! Two focking hilarious comments by you on this thread! :banana:

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Holy Crap! Two focking hilarious comments by you on this thread! :first:


Thanks, I'm in a particularly sarcastic mood this today. Wasn't sure too many people would get the Andre reference...

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This so called "Attention hor" shiat is getting really really old. Enough already. Get some new material for Pete's sake.


how about the round mound attention hound? :first:

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