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Lifetime Gambling


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  1. 1. Lifetime gambling?

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Just do a back of the envelop calcutaion. If you're down or up, let us know how much. I'm about even if I count the grand that my wife won in a FF league a few years ago. I paid for the entry, and helped her all season so I consider it my winnings.

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I'm up. Been wagering for about 24 years now. Learn your lessons early on, get more proficient over the years.


I spend some time booking too, so that helped. I'm not naming amounts since the IRS can lurk anywhere. And my no good wh0re of an ex-fiance stole some of it too.

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Just do a back of the envelop calcutaion. If you're down or up, let us know how much. I'm about even if I count the grand that my wife won in a FF league a few years ago. I paid for the entry, and helped her all season so I consider it my winnings.


I'm up a lot playing poker, which makes up 80% of my gambling. I kept session by session results from 2004-2006 and was up about $8,000 overall. Since then I'm still an overall winner but don't play quite as much. I have even toyed with the daydream of doing it for a living (Haven't we all?). I'll probably never go that route, but I'm keeping the idea in the back of my mind as something to try if I'm ever between jobs again.


I'm down some in sports betting. Maybe $1500 (most of that due to losing my ass in Vegas the one time I went)


I'm about even when it comes to Fantasy Football.


I'm about even on golf bets.

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highschool poker games, casinos once i turned 21, fantasy football for money since i was 14 or 15, sports betting the past few years....


my sports betting is atrocious. i made a nice killing off poker with the highschool buddies. Ive had my good and bad days at the casino be it poker or blackjack but my good days are always much better than my bad. Ive make the playoffs in ~80% of my money leagues over the years and that usually pays off enough to come out ahead.


so overall id say i am up.

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Wow, impossible to figure. Been gambling on waaay too many things for the last 10+ years. Finally calmed down recently.


Sports betting I'm definitely down on bets I've made, but did very well in college taking bets. Overall probably down a little.


Casinos in Vegas and Atlantic City I'm definitely down. Waay too much drunk gambling on blackjack, let it ride, etc., the 3 times I was in Vegas. Should of just stuck to poker, but never wanted to invest the time to play while I was in Vegas. Have won at the poker tables in AC, but down playing table games.


Poker games in high school and college I'm definitely up. Payed for most of my food, beer, and other expenses in college for a couple semesters just playing poker. Still play some local games which I'm up at.


Online poker I'm up a little over the last couple years.


Fantasy sports I'm definitely up overall. Up a lot more in fantasy baseball and basketball than I am in football. Those two sports require a lot more skill in my opinion than fantasy football, which has a much higher luck element in my opinion.


Done plenty of other pools for major golf tournaments, ncaa tournament, nascar, super bowl block pools..probably up a little bit overall there from hitting my score twice in the Colts/Bears Super Bowl.


So in the end I'd say I'm probably up a little bit..or close to even, but it's impossible to really calculate and give a definite answer.

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:lol: everyone's up, imagine that.


You know how it works. The people that say they are up a lot are up a little. The people that say they are close, are down. If anyone admits they are down, they've probably lost their car or home at some point.

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You know how it works. The people that say they are up a lot are up a little. The people that say they are close, are down. If anyone admits they are down, they've probably lost their car or home at some point.


Ha, probably true. So based on my answer, I would be down a little. Definitely possible. I gambled on just about everything for several years, so impossible to really know. It was entertainment, but also an addiction.


Anyone who has stuck to poker and/or fantasy sports could definitely be up. Much more skill involved. Tough to be up making sports bets or playing table games for a long time though.

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mine wouldn't be too tough to come to an estimated figure. i dont go to casinos all that often so i remember the big nights or any really bad ones :thumbsdown: ... bodog could tell me my sports gambling outcomes. with my addiction to FF im sure i could remember all the leagues ive won or placed in.


local poker games from highschool and college would be the crapshoot, too many and too drunk to fully recall. but like stewburt said, winnings from those games paid for alot of my expenses.

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I'd say I'm up as far as Texas Hold 'em, but I've only been playing that for ~5 years or so. Overall I'm definitely down. Between football, craps and blackjack I could probably have a nice down payment on a new home right now had I never gambled.



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Hit a royal flush on a poker machine a couple years back for 20 grand. That plus the couple hundred bucks i won playing blackjack in Vegas with Bert a couple months back pretty much has me up across all forms of gambling, lifetime.

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Hit a royal flush on a poker machine a couple years back for 20 grand. That plus the couple hundred bucks i won playing blackjack in Vegas with Bert a couple months back pretty much has me up across all forms of gambling, lifetime.


I'm probably about even lifetime due to a $1500 royal flush and the fact that I never gamble enough to get too far up or down.

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Being that I don't win my FF league every single year, and rarely win more then $20.00 at a casino, I would have to say that I'm behind.

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Wow, hard to figure. I started gambling on sports early, and I lost quite a bit then. The last several years, I've been up every year, but still that just about brings me to even.


Fantasy sports, I would say I'm down. I'm in so many leagues that if I don't win a couple a year, I'll end up down.


Poker, I'm waaaaaay up. Some people take to certain things very quickly, and this is what poker is for me. I've only been playing for about 6 or 7 years, but I've made a killing there.


Overall, I'd say I'm slightly up, but that's only because poker has bailed me out in a big way. :thumbsup:

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Down a lot in table games, considering i rarely risk more than 30-40 bucks on loser-house games, just play them for fun. If i break even or come ahead, it's a good day.


Up a lot in poker, it's been my source of income for a while, and is a secondary source of income when i do have a job. With a job, i can absorb bad runs a lot better and can play more, so i usually make a lot more.

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I have never won any money in FF. I'm WAY down in FF. Last season my fraternity $20 league I was first in points, had Brees, CJ, Rice, Gore, Marshall, S. Smith (NYG), Gonzo at TE ... didn't win a dime. Down about $500.


Poker: I have been playing for so long, it's hard to say, you could say I was up $1000 or down $1000 and I would believe it.


Gin: I play a wicked game of Gin. I am up thousands of dollars, mostly from my old roomate. "Game to 300 for the cable bill?"


Tecmo: I won the very first game of Tecmo Super Bowl I ever played. I have an SNES and Super Tecmo, I won $200 THIS SUMMER against an old friend, plus countless pizzas and 12 packs in college. I am up over $1,000 in Tecmo.


Sports: I'm pretty good at betting on sports, even though I consider it a coinflip situation most of the time. I don't bet on or against my own teams, so ... I don't bet a lot on sports. Up $500.


Other games: Blackjack, roulette, the lottery .... prolly down about $500. Hard to say. Last time I played blackjack I won like $10.


It's not a lot. I never risked much. I've played a lot of cards though, 30+ years. I'd say I am up somewhere between $5000 and $10,000. But it could be $2000, and it could be $20k. I'm up though. No doubt about it.

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I bought like 30 shares of Apple stock for $500 back in 1998 for 17 and a half I think it was. I sold it at like 30 because I was broke. I even posted here that people should buy Apple stock, and people laughed at me. I once bought Apple options ... and when the numbers beat the street, the stock went down .... and I lost a lot of money. Wish I still had that stock. Split twice since then, be 120 shares today @ $258 a share.


Stock market: Down ... also, never risked much. Down maybe $1,000.

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Considering that I play $5 (min) on daily #'s and more in lottery in general and only won my FF ($$ league) twice means I'm WAAAAAY down.



One Day MF my #'s are going to hit ONE DAY MFer.

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Most money I ever put into an FF league, it was an online league, and they were all friends, and I was "the new guy", so nobody wanted to see me do as well as I did. Well when it came down to the playoffs, the commish put another team in the playoffs, that I had beat heads up, I had more points, but he had a better divisional record than me. Different division. Same 9-7 or whatever, but I was like 2-3 in my division and he was 3-2 in his. Commish even announced I was in but then went back on it. Rule said "Divisional record" was the first tie breaker. I called BS, should go by NFL tiebreaker rules .... but I was eliminated from the playoffs and I would have made the superbowl.


I was pissed!


Some of those pricks might be reading this thread now. One of them was cool enough to message me and say "That's bull###." but the rest all just let it go. Hey, FOCK YOU! Focking thieves.


I'm still pissed about that. Was like 9 years ago. When Edge went down, I had Rhodes.

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You see there is a perfect, mathematical way to play Gin. It's natural that a novice player will learn to throw away high cards as to not be caught with them. You gotta play to win. Sure, if you are paying attention and you are sure you can throw away a high card, by all means throw it away.


That's semi-advanced gin play. When you can reduce down to mathematically perfect, what to throw away, what to keep in order to have the lowest points if you don't get gin, to play it right you gotta remember all the cards shown. It's not easy, but there is a math formula I kinda follow. Kinda.


Advanced Gin play will tell you that having 2 kings, or something like that, is going to be an easy 3 set. You'll either draw another king or your opponent will throw one away.


Sure, it can burn you, but my advice in Gin is to try and get Gin as fast as you can. Who cares how many points you get, just get Gin the fastest, every time ... and I am bad ass at it. Nobody ever beat me in Gin, over time. I don't try and set you up, stick you with points .... I just get Gin first. Forget about points.

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Used to bet sports, I knew I was a sucker but liked the action, I quit when I started a family, but probably ended about 4K down in 10 years of gambling.


Small time card player, but I am fairly confident that I am up a couple of hundred in my lifetime.


Casinos have always been a wash with me.


FF, 2 championships in 10 years probably paid for all 10 plus a fair amount extra.


Probably spend 10 bucks a year in loser lottery tix.


All in all down because of sports gambling.

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Poker: Probably down. Doing better online lately...but just from the sheer volume of tournaments with friends and the few bigger tourneys Ive played in Tunica where I didn't cash...Im down.


Other casino games: Probably about even. First ever trip i was up $600...from there Ive had down sessions of a couple hundred, couple up sessions.


Fantasy Football and Baseball: Probably up after winning my larger baseball league last year for the 2nd time in 5 years. If not for those, Id likely be down a bit.

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I would guess I am slighly up lifetime with most of the positive money coming from on line poker and fantasy football (last year I cashed in all 3 leagues plus a playoff FF game which got me in the black overall in lifetime fantasy earnings). Most of my loses have come from lottery tickets and scratch tickets and the horses. Never bet the horses big time, but I did work at the Saratoga racetrack for six years and always made small type bets. Unless it's no limit texas hold em or fantasy I almost never gamble, besides a lottery ticket every once in awhile. Sports gambling has been limited to football or the march madness tourney, but haven't done either in years and only a few times ever anyway. I like to feel I have an edge and I feel like I have one, most of the time, with fantasy football and texas hold'em. Don't play any other fantasy sports games or card games for money.

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Well now that I think about it I did hit for over 5 grand on a super bowl box (some of you queers call them squares - doosh). Also I was friends with a horse trainer (his daughter) and we got tips alot of the time and his horses themselves won me alot of bucks. He's dead now RIP Buster.


I guess this may offset my losses but like I said earlier I play $5 (min) a day in lottery for years. Thats gotta add up.


BTW I said last night my # will come in - it did tonight boxed - although I was thinking more like my Mega # not my daily #


Its coming I FEEL IT !!!!!

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Up considerably because I never bet or play poker against people I can't beat. I was able to buy my Jeep myself from horse racing winnings. Obviously none of this is the type of betting you guys do with units and all that jazz. I don't have a bookie or anything of the sort. Just a 'hey, wanna put 20 bucks on the Colts/Chargers game?' or whatever and I end up winning more often than not. Nothing impressive, just that I'm smarter about what bets I accept than my friends I bet with.

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Well, if we are talking FF, i am way up. Why do you think i've been posting here since i was 12? Got started at 9, was in 150-200 dollar league with my dad's co-workers/former co-workers, first team was split with my dad, my bro, and me. Then we made enough money that we all got our own teams. Got my own team when i was 10, first live draft in a big money, pretty highly competitive league when i was 10 with my own damn money, my own cheat sheets, ect. I killed it, kinda forget who my team was. I remember in 02', when i was 13, i had Priest Holmes, Travis Henry, Aaron Brooks, Joe Horn, Hines Ward, had a good TE, i wanna say Todd Heap but not fully sure, and i believe the Philly D. Was #1 in points by around 600, won the highest points in a week 7 times, i think i was 11-2. Got to the super-bowl, that is the game after Priest went down, and lost by 6 points. Almost ran that league.


Anyways, i retired from FF when i came to college. Too much work to really kill a FF league, but want to start one this year. All my friends are poor college students that wouldn't get into a 1 or 2 hundo league.

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Nobody bets on the ponies?


You guys need to come to Lexington, KY for Keenland's spring meet. It will be the best gambling experience you've ever had, and there are super-hot chicks all gussied up. It is really beyond description.

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Nobody bets on the ponies?


You guys need to come to Lexington, KY for Keenland's spring meet. It will be the best gambling experience you've ever had, and there are super-hot chicks all gussied up. It is really beyond description.



In 2004, I won $2500 on a $1 pick 4 bet. I had 2/1/4/2 (# of horses in each race). I think it was a $16 bet. The funny thing is, I went to the window, placed my bet, the lady goes "the #4 horse scratched (3rd race of pick 4)" So I said "give me the #8 then" , again, she said "that one scratched" (the track was muddy as all hell, so horses were scratching left and right), so I said "What horse hasn't scratched" and she no more than got the word "number 10" out of her mouth, and I said "just give me 10 then".


#10 won that race. It turns out #10 was still a a 26-1 long shot, even after the numerous scratches. So going into the 4th leg, I had the two favorites remaining, and a 26-1 already in the bag..... One of the favorites won going away...and the whole off track betting place was cheering him on down the stretch...as they caught wind that I was still alive in the pick 4, and had the favorites in final race. Everybody was like "dude...you're gonna get like $50,000....."


Oddly enough, I forgot to claim it on my taxes...and about 2 weeks after I filed....bamm...the IRS sent notice. So there went $700 out the window.

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In a thread called "Lifetime Gambling", nobody makes a joke about the odds of a woman getting beaten up or Valerie Bertonelli finding her lost daughter?

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Nobody bets on the ponies?


You guys need to come to Lexington, KY for Keenland's spring meet. It will be the best gambling experience you've ever had, and there are super-hot chicks all gussied up. It is really beyond description.

Vouch for this. Sundresses and sluts. :wub:

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