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several people complaining in my league

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first i traded hakeem nicks for chris johnson last week. then today traded dmac and nate washington for greg jennings.



people are complaining and crying that its cheating and the trades are unfair. what do you guys think? i am commish and can undo the trades

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the thing is, nobody knows how a trade will end up at the end of the year. Injuries occur and change the entire landscape. With that said, I think the record of the trading team has to be considered. If someone is statistically out of the running, they should not be allowed to trade.


Other than that, kudos to you for finding a a person willing to be sodomized.

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the thing is, nobody knows how a trade will end up at the end of the year. Injuries occur and change the entire landscape. With that said, I think the record of the trading team has to be considered. If someone is statistically out of the running, they should not be allowed to trade.


Other than that, kudos to you for finding a a person willing to be sodomized.



so you think the trade is unfair? i am in first 8-2. the person i traded with is 3-7. we play in a 12 team league and he is in 10th place. let me know if i should undo the trade. i want to be a fair commish

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first i traded hakeem nicks for chris johnson last week. then today traded dmac and nate washington for greg jennings.



people are complaining and crying that its cheating and the trades are unfair. what do you guys think? i am commish and can undo the trades


awful trades, you either play with senior citizens and apes or this is full blown collusion. I'd bet on collusion. You will likely get booted

from your league. cheating sucks

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awful trades, you either play with senior citizens and apes or this is full blown collusion. I'd bet on collusion. You will likely get booted

from your league. cheating sucks



so you think both the trades were unfair? i need more answers because this is my first year running a league and i dont want to do anything wrong. i can use the commish tools and manually change them back

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As a long time commish of multiple leagues, I can tell you for certain that there is nothing wrong with either of these trades. This is just sour grapes on the part of your leaguemates. I'd tell them to quit their whining and grow up.


GettnHuge is just pulling your chain with his post.

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early to mid season with everyone still trying to better their team I wouldn't have a problem with it.. Last week you were basically trading an injured top receiver for a healthy (big name) RB.. then traded your injured top RB and average WR for a healthy top tier WR.. so in the end you got a healthy RB with what looks to be an upside and a healthy top receiver to help your team.. but you traded with someone who sounds like they basically have no chance to win, therefore he has no reason to try and win unless you pay out down the line..


my result.. unfair.. only because you traded with someone of that record with i'm guessing no chance to make the playoffs.. if it was someone who was battling you for the top in your league, no suspect of collusion, it wouldn't be of issue to me imo..


for ex.. right now both the commmish who is 3-7 and myself who is 9-1 both want to trade a couple players because there are players we know who would help both our teams.. but because he has no chance at playoffs, or a very slight chance actually, we aren't going to do it as it's, in reality, only helping me..

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I see these trades as basically being a wash. Its basically a trade of nicks and dmac for jennings and cj with washington being bench/depth.


assuming nicks is healthy here on out, i would consider both nicks and jennings top 5 receivers. it's a toss up which will perform better.


dmac prior to injury was an all out stud and he will be coming back from injury soon just in time for the playoffs. cj on the other hand has been arguably the biggest bust of the year. again this just comes down to who you think is going to perform better for you down the stretch.


unless there was collusion involved in these trades, i really don't see any problem with it.

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first i traded hakeem nicks for chris johnson last week. then today traded dmac and nate washington for greg jennings.



people are complaining and crying that its cheating and the trades are unfair. what do you guys think? i am commish and can undo the trades


Why would a 3-7 team, who desperately needs a win to stay alive in playoff chances, trade a good starter in Jennings, for McFadden who is unlikely to play THIS week??




Shady as a commish IMO.

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here is my take on this


Not only is it shady

Ofcourse it's cheating!


Only a jerk would do this

No one will like you

Everyone will hate you


Collusion comes to mind

And with a 3-7 team!?!

Really, you must have no shame

Even the dumbest owner could see this is collusion

So you're pretty much ######

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Trades are fair. If the team you are trading with is still alive for the playoffs then it's fine. When healthy (and that's a big when) McFadden is a top 3 RB. Washington is useless and Jennings is a top WR, but the way Rodgers gets everybody involved everybody gets a little but nobody gets a lot.

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As a long time commish of multiple leagues, I can tell you for certain that there is nothing wrong with either of these trades. This is just sour grapes on the part of your leaguemates. I'd tell them to quit their whining and grow up.


GettnHuge is just pulling your chain with his post.


Well said! :thumbsup:

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so you think the trade is unfair? i am in first 8-2. the person i traded with is 3-7. we play in a 12 team league and he is in 10th place. let me know if i should undo the trade. i want to be a fair commish



The problem here isn't the deal, but the auspices under which the deal was made. Because your trade deadline is too late in the season you've got teams with no shot a making the playoffs impacting playoff teams. Unless this is a keeper or dynasty league, trading this late in the season with a team out of contention is only going to cause issues. I've set my trade deadline at week 9. There are rarely any teams that don't have some hope of making the playoffs at this stage in the game and are not likely to make stupid deals that upset the balance of the league.


I can certainly understand why you are taking flack for the Jennings / DMAC/Washington deal. You traded two players that may not even be starters for some teams (DMAC for health reasons) for a guy who is one of the better options at his position. You're 8-2, the other guy is done for the year. If I was your competition I'd certainly wonder what else the 3-7 team was getting from you in order to make that deal. Not saying you did anything wrong other than take advantage of someone less knowledgeable, but from the outside looking in, one could certainly question what motivated the 3-7 owner to make this deal.


What I would do have the 3-7 team explain his logic for making this deal to the league and move one but next year revise your trade deadline so that teams out of contention aren't trading. Unless there are keeper or dynasty implications.

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first i traded hakeem nicks for chris johnson last week. then today traded dmac and nate washington for greg jennings.



people are complaining and crying that its cheating and the trades are unfair. what do you guys think? i am commish and can undo the trades

I would start playing with adults.

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I'm on the side of fair trade if both teams had a chance. Giving up injured players for healthy ones to a team with no chance does seem a lil shady.


If the trades were made with someone looking towards the playoffs for your injured guys then I'd have no problem with it.


If this is a keeper or dynasty league I have no problem with it.

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Why would a 3-7 team, who desperately needs a win to stay alive in playoff chances, trade a good starter in Jennings, for McFadden who is unlikely to play THIS week??



Shady as a commish IMO.


Exactly. The guy has to worry about winning now; not worrying about the playoffs.


Not collusion but it gives the appearance of it which as a commish you should never have.

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I think both of those trades heavily favor you. In addition, you have to ask if the 3-7 team can improve enough to make your playoffs? If not, they have no business trading. Now, on a side note, based on the trades alone the 3-7 team gave up and is giving away studs for nothing.


As a commish in a league that does not allow veto by owners, I try to evaluate the trade talent for talent and timing. Getting a healthy and resurging Chris Johnson for a hamstrung questionable at best Hakeem Nicks is robbery unless the other guy has Chris Johnson on his bench because he has all the stud running backs in the NFL and his WRs are Jerry Rice and Art Monk. Once again, if the team that is in 10th place has no real shot at the playoffs they really shouldn't be trading away decent to top talent.

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here is my take on this


Not only is it shady

Ofcourse it's cheating!


Only a jerk would do this

No one will like you

Everyone will hate you


Collusion comes to mind

And with a 3-7 team!?!

Really, you must have no shame

Even the dumbest owner could see this is collusion

So you're pretty much ######


well played sir!

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one thing though.. if it is infact collusion why post it here?


my take is you are playing in a noob league with idiots, maybe time to move up the ranks to somthing with a little more chalange!

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the trade was proposed on friday when he was 3-6. and was 2 games out of playoffs. the trade went through on monday and the lineup wouldn't be effective til week 11.

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For some reason trades make people go crazy. I don't think there is anything wrong with your trades. They will get over it. Just don't get caught up in it and look like you don't know what you are doing.

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the trade was proposed on friday when he was 3-6. and was 2 games out of playoffs. the trade went through on monday and the lineup wouldn't be effective til week 11.



This actually makes the Jennings / DMAC Washington deal more questionable. If you're 3-6 you can't afford to give up a stud for a guy who isn't going to play in a week where you HAVE to win.


It's one thing if you're just a participant in the league poaching the uninformed, but if you're doing this as the commish your credibility is going to take a hit regardless of whether you were colluding or not.

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first i traded hakeem nicks for chris johnson last week. then today traded dmac and nate washington for greg jennings.



people are complaining and crying that its cheating and the trades are unfair. what do you guys think? i am commish and can undo the trades


Uh, I traded CJ away to get Nicks, I'm 3-0 since and I'm still happy about it. Tell them to stick that in their cornpipe and smoke it.

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If both owners believe they are helping their own team, then the trades are fine. In my opinion, your league should prevent an owner from making trades once they are out of contention for playoffs. Not assuming that is the case here, but just in case.

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tell those people to complain to your fists! IN FRONT OF THEIR WIFE AND KIDS!!!


old skool!

I miss the punching guys in front of their kids posts...

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You should have traded for Stephen Davis and Tommy Maddox.

If the guy wouldn't trade them to you.......then you go punch him in his face, in front of his wife and kids.

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