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managing FF with wife and kids? not easy...

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Just venting here....I'm a huge FF player (7 leagues this year)...and I gotta wife and kid, and damn man, I gotta say each year it gets rougher and rougher to do FF. The wife HATES the level at which I'm involved. And now with a child, whew, it ain't easy. I don't know if I'm alone in this or not??? Prob not. I'm not the kinda dude who is content to do the bare minimum adds/drops, etc, and let it ride. I really like to stay on top of things and plant my ass on the sofa on Sundays. Wondering how other dudes manage it, or if it's simply a fight for all of us.....

rant over.

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Well lets see.....I spent 45 minutes holding a front spot in line for Santa this morning so we wouldn't have to wait...just so we could get done and get back for the 12pm games.


I need help

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yeah I forgot to add---HOLIDAYS FU$%ING SUCK. Totally impossible to pay attention on Sundays with relatives and family crap......

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wife is actually hot.


but football is football...every man needs a distraction. and a wife that understands that.


I should just shut and up and count my blessings. I just have a fantasy about locking myself in a my man cave all day Sunday. I'd be so happy.

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wife is actually hot.


but football is football...every man needs a distraction. and a wife that understands that.


I should just shut and up and count my blessings. I just have a fantasy about locking myself in a my man cave all day Sunday. I'd be so happy.


You will look back several years from now and realize what a waste of time FF has been.

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I'm an empty nester now but still married to a great wife (nice cans).


My wife usually starts off hating the FF season. This season, I've decided to involve her by giving her the 'coin toss' decisions. They usually work out; certainly no worse than an actual coin toss. It seems to help some and I'll probably throw her some of my winnings telling her I couldn't have done it without her.

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I must be lucky as hell cause my wife just accepts that I will be drinking beer and watching football from noon to midnight pretty much every Sunday.

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I must be lucky as hell cause my wife just accepts that I will be drinking beer and watching football from noon to midnight pretty much every Sunday.

Does she have a twin?

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You will look back several years from now and realize what a waste of time FF has been.

That's possible. Attempting to manage the negative emotion and try to not get quite as involved may help. Yeah, fantasy is fun... But in reality it is all about winning and making money. You can spend an entire season busting your ass only to finish second or third. Second and third place prizes are usually not worth the time spent invested in fantasy football. Not to mention the lack of bragging rights associated with 2nd or 3rd.

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Just venting here....I'm a huge FF player (7 leagues this year)...and I gotta wife and kid, and damn man, I gotta say each year it gets rougher and rougher to do FF. The wife HATES the level at which I'm involved. And now with a child, whew, it ain't easy. I don't know if I'm alone in this or not??? Prob not. I'm not the kinda dude who is content to do the bare minimum adds/drops, etc, and let it ride. I really like to stay on top of things and plant my ass on the sofa on Sundays. Wondering how other dudes manage it, or if it's simply a fight for all of us.....

rant over.

uhhh maybe not join seven leagues? I'm in just two leagues it is annoying enough to root for AND root against the same player depending on what I need him to do or not do in each league. I can't even imagine it's fun at all to watch football all day worrying about 7 different fantasy teams preforming well, 7 different fantasy teams preforming badly, and half rooting for the relatively large number of players that must fall in both catagories in your situtation. I dont have a wife or kids and honestly I find it hard to put the proper effort required to manage two teams well, so you must be putting in some serious effort. Your wife prolly has a point dude.


My advice would be to cut it down to one or two leagues, focus your effort on them and enjoy football.

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I make the vast majority of my moves while at work, where I also do the vast majority of my reading and prep. If you don't have a job that lets you mess around on the internet as much as you want I can see it being a problem. In fact, if I wasn't stuck at work so much I'd probably not bother playing fantasy anything and might not even follow most sports, especially regular season sports.

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Kids still nap during 1:00 games but this will be the last year of that. So I get the 1:00 games up until around 3 3:30 then I ignore the kids until the 1:00 game start. Then will do stuff with them/make dinner for 4:00 games so I dont seem like a total waste

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I can totally relate man. I have a wife and a 5 year old daughter. I usually try to make us do all of the things we need to do on Saturday. We aren't morning people so we never stuff done on Sunday then all of the sudden she just so happens to be dressed and ready to go at 1:00 and cops a crappy attitude because I stay home but then plays it off like it doesn't matter. Today she went Christmas shopping so I watched the games while coloring pictures with our daughter. I end up staying up till 2am on work days so I can get my research in when everyone is sleeping.


I purposely don't follow baseball and have been invited to leagues but decline because if Fantasy Football sucks away my life for 16 weeks a year all for 1 or 2 games a week could you imagine the life that I would have if I got into Fantasy Baseball? I can...it would be trying to find a way to watch day games and change my lineups during work hours then coming home to an empty house every day... if i get horny beating off to some internet porn all while paying a shitload of money for child support and watching some other dude raise my daughter. :doh:

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I can totally relate man. I have a wife and a 5 year old daughter. I usually try to make us do all of the things we need to do on Saturday. We aren't morning people so we never stuff done on Sunday then all of the sudden she just so happens to be dressed and ready to go at 1:00 and cops a crappy attitude because I stay home but then plays it off like it doesn't matter. Today she went Christmas shopping so I watched the games while coloring pictures with our daughter. I end up staying up till 2am on work days so I can get my research in when everyone is sleeping.


I purposely don't follow baseball and have been invited to leagues but decline because if Fantasy Football sucks away my life for 16 weeks a year all for 1 or 2 games a week could you imagine the life that I would have if I got into Fantasy Baseball? I can...it would be trying to find a way to watch day games and change my lineups during work hours then coming home to an empty house every day... if i get horny beating off to some internet porn all while paying a shitload of money for child support and watching some other dude raise my daughter. :doh:


I actually did fantasy baseball this year. You don't have to watch the games. I tried once, but the games were so boring I couldn't stomach it. I wound up winning my league. I don't think you need to watch any games to play any fantasy sports, it's all just number crunching and momentum plays. If anything, the more you watch the worse you perform, because you think you are an elite scout and GM based on seeing someone have a good game here or there, when even the top scouts and GMs make a lot of mistakes.

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Man am I with you on this Brother and a big AMEN.


I am the ONLY football fan in my household.

My son is into music... drummer rock n' roll boy... no interest in sports whatsoever.

My daughter is studying music education in college... also no interest in sports whatsoever.


My wife really has no interest but will sit and watch with me now and then... learning some football terms but really clueless.


Can't tell you how many times I have heard..."What are you doing in there...looking at football $hit???"


Always have to fight to watch football although lately my wife knows that 12:00+ on Sundays... just stay away... or join in.



Here's a tip for you brotheren... tell her... "Just be glad I am not a NASCAR fan"

If you ARE a NASCAR fan AND a FFB fan... you are likely headed for divorce anyway unless your better half is also a fan.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Boys,


The Capn'

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wife is actually hot.


but football is football...every man needs a distraction. and a wife that understands that.


I should just shut and up and count my blessings. I just have a fantasy about locking myself in a my man cave all day Sunday. I'd be so happy.

Yes... Beer + Stogies + Some good halftime eats + Some good friends with the same football sickness I have + many screens with all games at our fingertips and all up on screens + my FF team scoring all over = my idea of Bliss... just got a tear :mellow: :cry:

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Wife used to give me a hard time when she met me BUT after getting into the championship 8 times in the last 12 years and winning seven times , she has stopped and has no issue. Reason, the money. I decided at first to split it with her . Usually the winner gets around a grand so she has gotten $400 8 times (2nd place still gets a few hundred) in the last 12 years (thats about $3K ) . My son is now into it and plays so he hangs with me on Sunday , explained to my wife its her free day to go shopping alone and she loves it. (She used to have to take the kid with her) My son and I watch football from 12-7 on Sunday and she goes out shopping . and she says nothing and leaves us alone as she knows there is money involved. Giving the wife a financial incentive and giving her the day alone to shop works.

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Maybe you shouldn't play in seven leagues...


I don't even watch the games on Sundays, would much rather spend it with the family instead of watching football...

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Maybe you shouldn't play in seven leagues...



Lol. That was my thought.


For those of us in cold weather places, throw in shoveling/dealing with snow and trying to get lunch for your kids while trying to figure out inactives etc for the 1pm games, it can be a challenge.

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Wife used to give me a hard time when she met me BUT after getting into the championship 8 times in the last 12 years and winning seven times , she has stopped and has no issue. Reason, the money. I decided at first to split it with her . Usually the winner gets around a grand so she has gotten $400 8 times (2nd place still gets a few hundred) in the last 12 years (thats about $3K ) . My son is now into it and plays so he hangs with me on Sunday , explained to my wife its her free day to go shopping alone and she loves it. (She used to have to take the kid with her) My son and I watch football from 12-7 on Sunday and she goes out shopping . and she says nothing and leaves us alone as she knows there is money involved. Giving the wife a financial incentive and giving her the day alone to shop works.

WINNER!!! :first:

It took me 2 marriages to figure this strategy out :thumbsup: but it WORKS.

Show the biatch the $$$$$ ALWAYS works :bandana:

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Just venting here....I'm a huge FF player (7 leagues this year)...and I gotta wife and kid, and damn man, I gotta say each year it gets rougher and rougher to do FF. The wife HATES the level at which I'm involved. And now with a child, whew, it ain't easy. I don't know if I'm alone in this or not??? Prob not. I'm not the kinda dude who is content to do the bare minimum adds/drops, etc, and let it ride. I really like to stay on top of things and plant my ass on the sofa on Sundays. Wondering how other dudes manage it, or if it's simply a fight for all of us.....

rant over.


Is 7 leagues really necessary? At most I've done 3 in one year. Big money, work and father son league. Currently down to just 1 big money league and never get crap from my better half. Do you really need to participate in 7?

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The thing that sucks about being over 40... single... childless... w/ a good job and nice income is... uhhhh... hmmm... I dunno.


I guess being over 40 kinda sucks...

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Bartered any Christmas presents in exchange for Sunday Ticket this year... I don't need anything for Christmas...seriously. I'm 30.


I also took a huge leap and invited her into my work league, just a $25 per team buy in, 12 teams.  To her credit, she really got into it and scored the 2nd most points in the entire league.  Made the playoffs, got boat raced in round 1 and I have not seen her more pissed off...  She enjoyed imbibing with me on Sunday, while we play with our 2 1/2 year old little boy.  We have a playroom with a 60 inch, and all his toys and stuff are in there, so I get away with paying attention to all the games, and playing and horsing around with my kid.  It's been a perfect situation for 2 straight seasons... 


Also, in planning for future years of being a degenerate gambler and FF player, I've already called the local YMCA to verify that the toddler soccer games/activities are all on SATURDAYS - which is perfect!  I live in Florida, so everyone here cares about College Football, which I couldn't give a hoot about (grew up in Maine, only follow NFL). 


Short of inviting your wife into one of your leagues, I'd say keep bribing her with jewelry, spa days, and various lady enjoyments to keep her off your back on SUNDAY.

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Just venting here....I'm a huge FF player (7 leagues this year)...and I gotta wife and kid, and damn man, I gotta say each year it gets rougher and rougher to do FF. The wife HATES the level at which I'm involved. And now with a child, whew, it ain't easy.

7 freaking leagues and you're complaining the wife and child are cramping your style? Dude - you have a problem, and the wife has every bit to be pissed. HS and college over - time to grow up.

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7 freaking leagues and you're complaining the wife and child are cramping your style? Dude - you have a problem, and the wife has every bit to be pissed. HS and college over - time to grow up.


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I'm married and have 2 teenage kids and am The Bread Winner in my family. I'm the reason the mortgage is paid, food is on the table, everybody has their own iPhone, the clothes they want, spending money, etc. I pay the price Monday-Friday enduring a very stressful corporate Sales Gig grinding out a great living so my family can have a Wonderful Life.


I expect 1 thing in return for giving my all to my family and they are completely ok with it....


During NFL season, Sundays are mine to completely immerse myself in FF, to mourn or celebrate how my 2 FF teams do.


Saturday is Family Day or GSD (Get ###### Done) day or play golf.


Of course, it helps to have a totally cool wife.

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My girl is cool. Every Sunday, we go to a sports bar for the early games. Have beer and wings. We try to hit up different places each week. And we always try the wings. She just accepts that I'll be on my phone checking stats every so often. And I don't care if she checks her Facebook or Instagram. The worst is when family (or friends) plan parties/get-togethers on Sundays. Ruins our football Sundays. Although the phone is still getting checked. No one is stopping that.

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The thing that sucks about being over 40... single... childless... w/ a good job and nice income is...

That you're gonna die alone?



















Just razzing you dude. I'm jealous :cheers:

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