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**Official 2014 men's soccer World Cup thread**

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It's a slow build for soccer.

It has arrived and surpassed most sports as an every 4 year event but not as an every season thing.

And that's probably bc MLS is not an elite league like English premiere.

A radio host her in Boston had a great suggestion - if London is going to get an NFL team, can't the USA get a Premiere league team? Maybe made up if MLS All Stars or something.

If there was. USA team on Premiere, more Americans would watch.

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USA in a every 4 year tourney vs' maybe the #1 player in the world next to Messi gets 18 and a ho hum boring ass final of Murray - Djok gets 16 mil and you all that a win for soccer?


A 2nd round game against a US Open final...

What else would you like me to compare to for Tennis?

And the 18 was on the one network...Univision did another 6 in the US I believe. Not sure how many watched on the ESPN app.

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If you look up boring in the dictionary there's a picture of soccer ball,


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Brazil (-1 goal) @-125 for 5 units (in regulation)

Columbia (-1/2 goal) @+108 for 5 units (in regulation)


Running a bit late today. The bets are for regulation and injury time only. Does not include an extra period nor the shoot out results. You'd have different odds for "to advance". For example, Brazil was lay 350 to win a 100 to advance.

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<p> </p>

<p>Mexico (+1/2 goal) @-122 for 3 units (in regulation)

<p>Costa Rica (Pick) @-120 for 5 units (in regulation)

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Anyone see Suarez's new "so called" apology where he blames Chiellini's bite mark on a collision? Chiellini forgave him via twitter, but does this really count. When you apologize for something that didn't happen. How about..I am sorry I bit you, I lost my mind in that moment. As this has happened a few times, I will seek some help, and vow this will never happen again.

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Split with France (-1) and Germany (-1.5) yesterday.


Got Switzerland (+1) and Belgium (-1/2) today. That's right. Fock the USA, right in the assh0les. Go Waffles!!

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Im sure after we are eliminated all these soccer fans will start going to college and minor league soccer games to get their fix right? Because the sport is just growing like crazy here right?

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Im sure after we are eliminated all these soccer fans will start going to college and minor league soccer games to get their fix right? Because the sport is just growing like crazy here right?

Nah. Soccer may have gained a few fans, but a lot of folks are just rooting for the stars and stripes. It's cool to actually be an underdog for once. This could probably be badminton and between making it through the group of death and the push ESPN is giving it, it would be equally trendy.

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Nah. Soccer may have gained a few fans, but a lot of folks are just rooting for the stars and stripes. It's cool to actually be an underdog for once. This could probably be badminton and between making it through the group of death and the push ESPN is giving it, it would be equally trendy.



Yeah i suppose it will take time. I dont even think it will be from our kids generation.....but the next one will be fully engulfed in soccer. I mean our kids now are playing soccer.......well its going to to take THEM having kids growing up in a soccer house for it to stick.



And it will never....i repeat never stick here and until we have an alpha dog that plays in the (whatever the major european league is called). As much as i can appreciate Messi.....hes not ours

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Yeah i suppose it will take time. I dont even think it will be from our kids generation.....but the next one will be fully engulfed in soccer. I mean our kids now are playing soccer.......well its going to to take THEM having kids growing up in a soccer house for it to stick.



And it will never....i repeat never stick here and until we have an alpha dog that plays in the (whatever the major european league is called). As much as i can appreciate Messi.....hes not ours

It will never stick here because we didn't invent it...

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It will never stick here because we didn't invent it...

It won't stick here because if you're lucky, there will be ten shots all game. Imagine a basketball game that ends 20-18, with 45 minutes of shot clock violations. That's soccer

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It won't stick here because if you're lucky, there will be ten shots all game. Imagine a basketball game that ends 20-18, with 45 minutes of shot clock violations. That's soccer



I disagree....i think if we had one of the best players in the league as an american....i think you would see a significant uprise in soccer in this country.

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I disagree....i think if we had one of the best players in the league as an american....i think you would see a significant uprise in soccer in this country.

Ok, so it'll go from 500 TVs for an MLS game to 1000.

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It won't stick here because if you're lucky, there will be ten shots all game. Imagine a basketball game that ends 20-18, with 45 minutes of shot clock violations. That's soccer

Funny thing is, that's exactly what I love about soccer. Scoring is very difficult. When Dempsey scored 30 seconds into the Ghana game, that was HUGE. Because it meant so much. You have to watch basketball until there's about 4 minutes left in the game until a basket actually excites anyone, because they're so abundant that they're meaningless. You may as well make every basketball game start at 100 to 100 and play for two minutes.


A lot of the things in soccer that non-US fans hate, I also hate. The diving. The rolling around like sissies. But having a daughter who played at such a high level for so many years, I really came to appreciate the tactical side of soccer. And it's awesome to watch a sport where the winning goal can come absolutely any time in the game.

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The reason soccer will not succeed in America is because networks won't carry it. No commercial breaks/TV timeouts, etc, which is actually what makes it great. Can you imagine regular primetime soccer on ESPN? Never happen.


Everybody complains about how long the tournament is and how long the matches are. They're over in 90 minutes, quicker than any American sporting event by far. And the focking NBA playoffs take longer than the World Cup.

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The reason soccer will not succeed in America is because networks won't carry it. No commercial breaks/TV timeouts, etc. Can you imagine regular primetime soccer on ESPN? Never happen.



Yep...same reason people wont watch NASCAR.......errrr......wait.

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Yep...same reason people wont watch NASCAR.......errrr......wait.

The cars themselves are the commercials

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Will there be a live stream you can watch online of the US game?

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The reason soccer will not succeed in America is because networks won't carry it. No commercial breaks/TV timeouts, etc, which is actually what makes it great. Can you imagine regular primetime soccer on ESPN? Never happen.


Everybody complains about how long the tournament is and how long the matches are. They're over in 90 minutes, quicker than any American sporting event by far. And the focking NBA playoffs take longer than the World Cup.


Its already succeeding in America. More coverage than ever even before this cup.

Fox paying how much for the Qatar cup?

EPL and MLS on quite often.

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Will there be a live stream you can watch online of the US game?



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Really stuck with Jozy.

You can't start him right? Blows it back out in the first 10 and you waste a sub. Only hope would be to get a half out of him I would guess.

Can't really bring him in in the 75th...again if he blows it out you are now wasting 2 subs...and if it goes into extra time can he make it that 45 minutes or can you count on him to do so?

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Really stuck with Jozy.

You can't start him right? Blows it back out in the first 10 and you waste a sub. Only hope would be to get a half out of him I would guess.

Can't really bring him in in the 75th...again if he blows it out you are now wasting 2 subs...and if it goes into extra time can he make it that 45 minutes or can you count on him to do so?


What are FIFA World cup rules? They get 3 subs? It's okay to waste one. I'd start him


You rarely see a team use 3

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Really stuck with Jozy.

You can't start him right? Blows it back out in the first 10 and you waste a sub. Only hope would be to get a half out of him I would guess.

Can't really bring him in in the 75th...again if he blows it out you are now wasting 2 subs...and if it goes into extra time can he make it that 45 minutes or can you count on him to do so?

I'd sit him to start and let the game dictate his usage. If they can somehow get a lead, I'd just sit him. Obviously the rest will do him good for the quarterfinals. If they get behind and it's the second half, may as well use him. If he scores and gets us back to even, awesome. If he gets hurt, they have four years to nurse him back.

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What are FIFA World cup rules? They get 3 subs? It's okay to waste one. I'd start him


You rarely see a team use 3


Most of these games the past few days have used 3.

3 games of them have gone to 30 minutes of extra and 2 to PKs.

For the US, a team that is highly defensive and a game that is not likely to be high scoring and could very well be going to extra time...I would venture we will be using our subs (especially given the injuries we have had here and there).


If they are going to play them...IMO, they have to start him and hope they can get 45 minutes out of him and make him a half time sub out.

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I'd sit him to start and let the game dictate his usage. If they can somehow get a lead, I'd just sit him. Obviously the rest will do him good for the quarterfinals. If they get behind and it's the second half, may as well use him. If he scores and gets us back to even, awesome. If he gets hurt, they have four years to nurse him back.


Bringing him in late is probably the bigger risk...because of the extra time. Sure, they could somehow manage to get by if he goes down (like CR did for so long down to 10).

Some interesting strategies at play.

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Split with France (-1) and Germany (-1.5) yesterday.


Got Switzerland (+1) and Belgium (-1/2) today. That's right. Fock the USA, right in the assh0les. Go Waffles!!


0-0 end of regulation. Woot!! That's right, folks. You are seeing a man excited by a 0-0 tie. :banana:


Now all we need is an old fashioned Belgium mud hole stomping of the dirty American filth chickens. :mad: :mad:

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Tried giving it another chance the other night. The kids and I watched part of the Costa Rica/Greece game. We were in hysterics at the flopping about 3/4 of the time. Some guy would clutch at a body part like he had just been shot by a sniper, then we would back it up and see that he had had basically been breathed on. At one point there were so many Costa Rican players writhing around on the ground you would think that a pressure cooker bomb had just gone off. Just a ridiculous excuse for a sport.

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Tried giving it another chance the other night. The kids and I watched part of the Costa Rica/Greece game. We were in hysterics at the flopping about 3/4 of the time. Some guy would clutch at a body part like he had just been shot by a sniper, then we would back it up and see that he had had basically been breathed on. At one point there were so many Costa Rican players writhing around on the ground you would have that a pressure cooker bomb had gone off. Just a ridiculous excuse for a sport.



New rule focktards......you are so hurt the game has to be stopped.....you sit 10 minutes period. Sub in as you like.

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Tried giving it another chance the other night. The kids and I watched part of the Costa Rica/Greece game. We were in hysterics at the flopping about 3/4 of the time. Some guy would clutch at a body part like he had just been shot by a sniper, then we would back it up and see that he had had basically been breathed on. At one point there were so many Costa Rican players writhing around on the ground you would think that a pressure cooker bomb had just gone off. Just a ridiculous excuse for a sport.


They were getting rest because they were down to 10 men for a large chunk of the game and were likely tired as fock.

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looks like more penalty kicks in the Argentina/Swiss game


:sleep: :thumbsdown:


there should be no offsides in overtime. 1st goal wins

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looks like more penalty kicks in the Argentina/Swiss game


:sleep: :thumbsdown:

Let's go Swiss!!

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117th minute.


Great pass by Messi.


Messi drew the defenders to him and dished to the side. Nice shot.




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