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Big Guy

WTH?.....Bills / Seahawks Field Goal Saga

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One of the worst calls I've ever seen!!! :wall:


Richard Sherman absolutely roughed the Kicker.

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seems to go that way at the klink


Yeah, Seahags do that shiot and it is just "aggressive" I guess? Like mugging Julio at the end of that game a few weeks ago. :thumbsdown:

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The entire sequence was ridiculous. Bring back the scab refs.


What's the NFL's rule on refs anyway? You gotto be 80?

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Sherman is a world class low rent piece of sh!t and always has been. His coach also fosters that carp. Hopefully, karma will catch up to both of them the same way it did Lyle Alzado.

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Did you just hear that story of about game 7 of the World Series? I call bullsh1t. Rex Ryan, a lifelong Cubs fan, takes 15 staff member to game 7 and they leave during the rain delay??


No focking way.

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Sherman is a world class low rent piece of sh!t and always has been. His coach also fosters that carp. Hopefully, karma will catch up to both of them the same way it did Lyle Alzado.


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It seems to me the Seahawks have been the recipient of many, many gifted terrible calls this year. It still wouldn't make up for being shafted in the Super Bowl that year against Pittsburgh though.

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It seems to me the Seahawks have been the recipient of many, many gifted terrible calls this year. It still wouldn't make up for being shafted in the Super Bowl that year against Pittsburgh though.



That may be the biggest job i have ever witnessed.

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That may be the biggest job i have ever witnessed.

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Sherman is a world class low rent piece of sh!t and always has been. His coach also fosters that carp. Hopefully, karma will catch up to both of them the same way it did Lyle Alzado.


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Did Sherman tip the ball? Did they not blow the whistle to stop the play? If so then the call was right. He was offsides but if they didn't blow the whistle, he was right to play through the kick. Otherwise it was a free field goal attempt. I don't think it was anything malicious he was trying to block the kick. If he didn't tip the ball then it should have been roughing the kicker.

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Did Sherman tip the ball? Did they not blow the whistle to stop the play? If so then the call was right. He was offsides but if they didn't blow the whistle, he was right to play through the kick. Otherwise it was a free field goal attempt. I don't think it was anything malicious he was trying to block the kick. If he didn't tip the ball then it should have been roughing the kicker.

Why comment if you didn't even watch the play?


He was offsides by a mile then goes ahead and missles into Carpenters legs with his shoulder. it didn't even look like he was trying to block it. He didn;t even extend his arms. He knew he was way offsides then just dove at the kicker. Mike Periera even said it was a late hit. It wasn't roughing the kicker bescause he was offsides. It was a late hit.


Then the refs proceed to stand over the ball until 2 seconds left on the clock. Move. Then call it delay off game.

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Seriously - did Paul Allen make a billion dollar donation to the Officials' pension plan or what? They have gotten away with some amazingly egregious, blatant, game deciding calls this year. The plain-as-day pass interference no-call against Jules Jones and the Falcons. the Bobby Wagner leap frog infraction on the game winning Zona FG attempt and then the ridiculously obvious running into the kicker no-call by Sherman last night. He's lucky he didn't break that kickers leg.

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Why comment if you didn't even watch the play?


He was offsides by a mile then goes ahead and missles into Carpenters legs with his shoulder. it didn't even look like he was trying to block it. He didn;t even extend his arms. He knew he was way offsides then just dove at the kicker. Mike Periera even said it was a late hit. It wasn't roughing the kicker bescause he was offsides. It was a late hit.


Then the refs proceed to stand over the ball until 2 seconds left on the clock. Move. Then call it delay off game.




Clown show.

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seems to go that way at the klink


yeah it does.......I can't count on 2 hands the controversial calls that have gone their way in the last few years.

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I'm not a Sherman fan but the dude is smart and knows the rules. Like thor said, once he was offsides playing through the ball was the only way to go. Also on the last play of the game, Taylor leaves the pocket and 'bam' Sherman just drops the receiver in front of him. Smart focker. Doosh, but smart a smart doosh.

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To be fair I think Seattle if one of the more penalized teams in the league but that is because of the way they play. But seems like a ton of big calls or non calls go their way.

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yeah it does.......I can't count on 2 hands the controversial calls that have gone their way in the last few years.

Seem to start with the bullshiit call the Hawks got in the GB game - the last second Hail Mary play. Green Bay picks it off and somehow they give the winning td to Seattle.

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great one.



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Why comment if you didn't even watch the play?


He was offsides by a mile then goes ahead and missles into Carpenters legs with his shoulder. it didn't even look like he was trying to block it. He didn;t even extend his arms. He knew he was way offsides then just dove at the kicker. Mike Periera even said it was a late hit. It wasn't roughing the kicker bescause he was offsides. It was a late hit.


Then the refs proceed to stand over the ball until 2 seconds left on the clock. Move. Then call it delay off game.

I did see the play. Sherman went to block the ball. His offsides was irrelevant unless the whistle had blown. I didn't hear the whistle but I also did'nt really see him tip the ball. IMO it was not a dirty play even if they had called roughing the kicker. You don't stop until the whistle has blown.

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I did see the play. Sherman went to block the ball. His offsides was irrelevant unless the whistle had blown. I didn't hear the whistle but I also did'nt really see him tip the ball. IMO it was not a dirty play even if they had called roughing the kicker. You don't stop until the whistle has blown.




People actually SEE what happens, yet still make up something else :wall:

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Why comment if you didn't even watch the play?


He was offsides by a mile then goes ahead and missles into Carpenters legs with his shoulder. it didn't even look like he was trying to block it. He didn;t even extend his arms. He knew he was way offsides then just dove at the kicker. Mike Periera even said it was a late hit. It wasn't roughing the kicker bescause he was offsides. It was a late hit.


Then the refs proceed to stand over the ball until 2 seconds left on the clock. Move. Then call it delay off game.

I believe the excuse the refs gave was that it wasn't a roughing penalty because was the play was being shut down.


Ok. Great. Then it's a personal foul for a late hit. But, they didn't call that.


Instead, they make the limping Bills kicker leave the game for a play so the Bills are forced to spike it quickly and get him back in he game on the next play.


I realize there are rules about injured players at the end of a half, but the clock wasn't running at the time of the injury, and there were extenuating circumstances here. What if there was no time to spike the ball? Then Buffalo has to send in a punter or a cornerback to attempt a field goal? Stupid focking rule.


Think about this for a second. Same scenario with the game on the line with 1 second left in the Super Bowl. Sherman could jump off sides, wipe out the kicker, and maybe even get called for a penalty.


What if there were 5 seconds left and enough time for a spike, but it's 4th down?


Either way, the kicker would have to come off the field for the field goal attempt, leaving the Bills to pull a kicker out of their arse with the Super Bowl on the line


What are the Bills' chances then?

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I'm not a Sherman fan but the dude is smart and knows the rules. Like thor said, once he was offsides playing through the ball was the only way to go. Also on the last play of the game, Taylor leaves the pocket and 'bam' Sherman just drops the receiver in front of him. Smart focker. Doosh, but smart a smart doosh.

The refs said they didn't call roughing because they were shutting the play down. Dead play=late hit.

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I did see the play. Sherman went to block the ball. His offsides was irrelevant unless the whistle had blown. I didn't hear the whistle but I also did'nt really see him tip the ball. IMO it was not a dirty play even if they had called roughing the kicker. You don't stop until the whistle has blown.

Actually I saw it again and may agree. Sherman is fairly cleaver. He tapped the ball as it was still on the ground then misled into the kicker. I figured the whistle blew. When they call unabated to the kicker or QB it usually means they blew the whistle as the defender was just way too far off sides. Still seems like a glitch. So in a game winning play you could just come way offside and then take out the kicker while touching the ball?


The next delay of game was just awful by the refs and ridiculous. But yeah I may change my opinion on the Sherman call. Still seems odd that they wouldn't blow the whistle but call it unabated to the kicker. They stopped the play. They didn't put their hands up and signal FG is no good then go back and call offside. They basically stopped the play but didn't. They botched that too maybe.

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The refs said they didn't call roughing because they were shutting the play down. Dead play=late hit.


They also said it was really loud in the stadium and entirely possible Sherman didn't hear the whistle. :dunno:


I do think they should have flagged it just because to not opens up some scary possibilities, but I don't have a big problem with Sherman's actions in going through with blocking the kick. I do have a problem with how he acts like a total focking dooshbag afterwards - after the play and after the game - even saying Carpenter just shouldn't have kicked it, like a kicker is focused on anything other that kicking the ball at that moment. Why not just say "Hey, my bad." and move on, fockface.

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They also said it was really loud in the stadium and entirely possible Sherman didn't hear the whistle. :dunno:


I do think they should have flagged it just because to not opens up some scary possibilities, but I don't have a big problem with Sherman's actions in going through with blocking the kick. I do have a problem with how he acts like a total focking dooshbag afterwards - after the play and after the game - even saying Carpenter just shouldn't have kicked it, like a kicker is focused on anything other that kicking the ball at that moment. Why not just say "Hey, my bad." and move on, fockface.

If you look at the link I posted above, they have a snap of where Sherman was when the whistle was blown. He had already hit the kicker. And they have another still showing him touching the ball as he goes by. Once he touches the ball he is free to nail the kicker on a live play.

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The league has already admitted it should have been a penalty for unnecessary roughness on Sherman, kind of silly to argue otherwise at this point.

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The league has already admitted it should have been a penalty for unnecessary roughness on Sherman, kind of silly to argue otherwise at this point.


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The league has already admitted it should have been a penalty for unnecessary roughness on Sherman, kind of silly to argue otherwise at this point.


Don't forget the part where Blandino is a focking idiot who has been wrong about the rules before.

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The entire sequence was ridiculous. Bring back the scab refs.


What's the NFL's rule on refs anyway? You gotto be 80?




Absolutely, we've been bitching about this for many years now! There's no good reason that the NFL shouldn't have a full time group of immaculate Referees by now.

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Absolutely, we've been bitching about this for many years now! There's no good reason that the NFL shouldn't have a full time group of immaculate Referees by now.


that would cure all, for sure.


full time or not. too many judgement calls for them to handle.

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I just dont get what is a personal foul anymore. Sometimes they throw it for any old thing. Last nights game a Sherman plpws into a kicker after being way offside (by the rule of touching th ball or not)....then lights up a "defenseless" player not even trying to block him when Tyrod is outside the pocket. How are those not defenseless but if you hit a WR a little wrong ot is thrown every single time?

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The whole ball touching thing is moot, that only applies if it's in flight.


He was so blatantly offsides he got to the ball while it was still on the ground and then barreled into the kicker.

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