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Local school stirring the race pot.

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In ohio we have open enrollment/ school choice kinda thing. Its dumb.


Anyway a local school is losing white students left and right to a neighboring district while they gain students from nearby inner citty.


There is a clause in the ohio revised code that says you can deny open enrollment on the basis of diversity.


They dont want whitey to leave.



The comments are brutal.

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Hard truth So close but so far

a day ago

The nogs were sniffing around my daughter. She's woke, but I still feared killing the more forceful ones. My whole family's Cops, so I know what 90% of them are like.



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RESOLVED, that the Liberty Local School District will no longer grant open enrollment consent for native Caucasian students to the Girard City School District.


What exactly is a native Caucasian? Someone from the caucus? Armenians and Georgians and Azerbaijanis?

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RESOLVED, that the Liberty Local School District will no longer grant open enrollment consent for native Caucasian students to the Girard City School District.


What exactly is a native Caucasian? Someone from the caucus? Armenians and Georgians and Azerbaijanis?


how much native Caucasian do I need to be

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how much native Caucasian do I need to be

Well, the Supreme Court held 1/8 black counts, as I recall. So I would guess one white grandparent would make you a native Caucasian.


I swear to god, MLK would roll in his grave to see what has become of his dream.

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What if you're an Octoroon? That's 1/8 black.

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I like how dotheads refer to themselves as people of color now. As if.

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Forced desegregation was the ruination of the blacks in the US. Too late to do anyrhing about it.

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There is literally no chance this survives a legal challenge. None. Also. Are they going to deny white families the ability to sell their houses and move too?

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Also. I'd pull my kid out. Homeschool him for a semester then send him to the good school.

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Hard truth Morgan 15 hours ago

A White supremacist attitude? It's the White test scores that boost the school. 70IQ chillins dancing on tables and disrupting classes because they know they won't be disciplined or held accountable for their actions is the problem. There is a reason White parents pull their children from schools going black........ They WANT their children to learn.


:lock: :banana: :lock: :banana: :lock:

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There is literally no chance this survives a legal challenge. None. Also. Are they going to deny white families the ability to sell their houses and move too?

Yeah, I would imagine they are going to see Their tax base crumble as whitey flees.


Im from Memphis. We are experts at this. When I was in high school, they talked about consolidating the city and county schools. Overnight, you couldnt get on a wait list at a private school. My parents were talking homeschool. I was going to be bussed to orange mound, which is basically the same as the school from the wire. Id have lasted 20 minutes.


That one got fended off. But they finally did it a few years ago. Immediately all the white suburbs banded together, formed their own school district, fended off a legal challenge, and bought the schools from the city.


Between that and people fleeing across county lines, not much has changed.

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Diversity has nothing to do with merit. Diversity has nothing to do with quality. Diversity has nothing to do with how well you do your job. Diversity has nothing to do with anything except surface window dressing. And, yet, it is a defining, dominant characteristic as far as the Left is concerned.

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Yeah, I would imagine they are going to see Their tax base crumble as whitey flees.


Im from Memphis. We are experts at this. When I was in high school, they talked about consolidating the city and county schools. Overnight, you couldnt get on a wait list at a private school. My parents were talking homeschool. I was going to be bussed to orange mound, which is basically the same as the school from the wire. Id have lasted 20 minutes.


That one got fended off. But they finally did it a few years ago. Immediately all the white suburbs banded together, formed their own school district, fended off a legal challenge, and bought the schools from the city.


Between that and people fleeing across county lines, not much has changed.


I've heard it's a bit smelly there, too. :ninja:

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Diversity has nothing to do with merit. Diversity has nothing to do with quality. Diversity has nothing to do with how well you do your job. Diversity has nothing to do with anything except surface window dressing. And, yet, it is a defining, dominant characteristic as far as the Left is concerned.


Diversity = less white people. Plain and simple.

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its like when that guy that Mmm...Beer was protecting cant remember name, actually came out and said, I don't care about diversity, I want the absolute best candidate for each position, and was villified

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I call bullsh!t.


Went to a sh!tty school in LA through middle school, then an even sh!ttier school in Sacramento for high school. Got an 1180 on the SAT. Hell half my junior and senior year I didn't even go. Was on the beach or in the mountains surfing or snow boarding.


You're either smart or you're not. Nothing in school changes that. In fact, public education in this country is a joke. Your higher end private schools produce smart students, can actually teach and make kids smarter. But public schools were worthless back in my day and even more so now.


Our universities are mostly a waste of time too. Sure your MIT's, Princeton, Yale, etc are probably incredibly difficult and really teach kids something. But Ohio State? USC? Alabama? You kidding me? Average person could sleep walk through class and get at least a C.


Just a bunch of chickensh!t parents don't want little johnny getting his a$$ kicked. Keep the brown kids away from little johnny lol. Well I think little johnny needs to learn how to fight because he sure as hell ain't going to get any other life skills from public school. JMTC

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I went to school where there was a 60-40 mix of whites to blacks. It was not safe. We had the drug dogs called in routinely. We had police there all the time. I never ever felt like I was safe.



I now live in a town that is 97% white and have no problems at all sending him to a school that is safe and white.

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Dear Liberty School official,


I was spawned by n*ggers, All our family self identifies as n*ggers, and I want my n*gger children to bring their n*gger diversity to Girard City school district because they have good schools whereas your school system sucks.


Unlike my parents and grandparent who tried hard to integrate into the white community, we've brought up our children to act like n*ggers.


Thank you for your cooperation.




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So I find this a bit humorous. Libs want gun reform to keep kids safe in school to get a good education... yet, when the parents literally take the steps to keep their kids safe in school while getting a good education, that must be stopped.

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I call bullsh!t.


Went to a sh!tty school in LA through middle school, then an even sh!ttier school in Sacramento for high school. Got an 1180 on the SAT. Hell half my junior and senior year I didn't even go. Was on the beach or in the mountains surfing or snow boarding.


You're either smart or you're not. Nothing in school changes that. In fact, public education in this country is a joke. Your higher end private schools produce smart students, can actually teach and make kids smarter. But public schools were worthless back in my day and even more so now.


Our universities are mostly a waste of time too. Sure your MIT's, Princeton, Yale, etc are probably incredibly difficult and really teach kids something. But Ohio State? USC? Alabama? You kidding me? Average person could sleep walk through class and get at least a C.


Just a bunch of chickensh!t parents don't want little johnny getting his a$$ kicked. Keep the brown kids away from little johnny lol. Well I think little johnny needs to learn how to fight because he sure as hell ain't going to get any other life skills from public school. JMTC

:thumbsup: Great post. Loved it.

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I call bullsh!t.


Went to a sh!tty school in LA through middle school, then an even sh!ttier school in Sacramento for high school. Got an 1180 on the SAT. Hell half my junior and senior year I didn't even go. Was on the beach or in the mountains surfing or snow boarding.


You're either smart or you're not. Nothing in school changes that. In fact, public education in this country is a joke. Your higher end private schools produce smart students, can actually teach and make kids smarter. But public schools were worthless back in my day and even more so now.


Our universities are mostly a waste of time too. Sure your MIT's, Princeton, Yale, etc are probably incredibly difficult and really teach kids something. But Ohio State? USC? Alabama? You kidding me? Average person could sleep walk through class and get at least a C.


Just a bunch of chickensh!t parents don't want little johnny getting his a$$ kicked. Keep the brown kids away from little johnny lol. Well I think little johnny needs to learn how to fight because he sure as hell ain't going to get any other life skills from public school. JMTC

Education is one of those things, at any level, that you get out what you put in.


Give me a room full of kinda dumb kids that WANT to learn and will work over smart lazy entitled focks all day.


If your kid is smart and driven, hell largely educate himself.


The entire notion of compulsory education is self defeating. You can lead a horse to water and all that. And these days, when the kids know there are virtually zero consequences for their actions, in school, at home, or even legally, theres not really a damn thing a school or teacher can do.


I could fix public schools overnight, and not spend a dime more of tax money to do it.


1. There is an exam every year. No political horsecrap, an honest to god reading writing and arithmetic exam. Pass it go to the next grade. Fail it once, repeat. Fail it again... well, heres a brochure for the army and truck driving school. Have fun kid.


2. Behavior problems get suspended fast, then expelled. Get the focking maggot gang banger wannabees and drug dealers the hell out. Gone. Fock off.


Boom. There ya go. Now the school has a fighting chance. You dont have illiterate 13 year olds trying to rape and knife kids in the fourth grade class anymore.


Make school what it is... a privilege and a responsibility. Dont want it? Fine. Pound sand.

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Chen notes that academic testing, which applies rigid standards of merit, also results in biased outcomes and helps exacerbate racial and class divisions across the citys schools.



Well certainly, merit-based testing sounds like a horrible idea.


I think a far better choice would be to grade students based upon how beautiful and special they feel.

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Chen notes that academic testing, which applies rigid standards of merit, also results in biased outcomes and helps exacerbate racial and class divisions across the citys schools.


It may well exacerbate racial and class divisions across the city's schools. but what it certainly doesn't do is result in biased outcomes

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Ha ha! You libtard A-holes were the ones that elected and then re-elected a far leftist like DeBlasio. What did you think was gonna happen? Best start looking for houses in Chappaqua!

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When my kids were really small, my wife and I worked our a$$es of to buy a house in a really good school district. The year before my girls started school, they redid the districts.


The discipline problems increased immediately and SOL scores fell off the charts. Since my kids have always been clustered in a "high achieving" group, theyre left to "self study" times with little to no attention from the teacher. All the teachers attention is on the under achievers, and the smarter kids dont get challenged to work to their potential.


Fast forward 11 years. My youngest is in 4th grade now, and this is what has changed:


-Still no SOL accreditation, and the highest SOL scores have actually dropped.


-Teachers are leaving in droves. Also, our district allows teachers to bring their kids to work instead of going to their home schools. As convenient as that is for teachers, I dont know of any that bring their kids anymore. To me, this is the most telling fact. Why would a teacher rather take their kid to a before school care facility, have them ride a bus, and then have to pick them up in the evening when they could just take them to work with them?


-We have to arrange transportation because we're no longer accepting "I heard it on the bus" when my kid talks like a ghetto thug.


-Since none their social experiments have worked, now the lowest achieving schools are going to a "year round" schedule.


-My favorite...they literally just approved a new redistricting plan for school year 19-20 to "improve overall standardized testing results throughout the county". That almost identical verbiage from 11 years ago.

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Hopefully you realize its not the teachers fault. Its the clueless state education boards and there complete lack of understanding of what actually happens in a school where students have no consequences for their actions.

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Actual homework question from a Florida school:


Ursula was devastated when her boyfriend broke up with her after having sex. To get revenge, she had sex with his best friend the next day. Ursula had a beautiful baby girl 9 months later. Ursula has type O blood, her ex-boyfriend is type AB blood, and his best friend is type A blood. If her baby daddy is her ex-boyfriend, what could her baby’s possible blood type(s) NOT be?





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Hopefully you realize its not the teachers fault. Its the clueless state education boards and there complete lack of understanding of what actually happens in a school where students have no consequences for their actions.

The teachers can take their share of the blame. They pay union dues to unions that do absolutely nothing with the kids in mind. And factor in these teachers have tenure, which means they could speak out about whatever is thrust upon them, and it's obvious they agree or they don't care enough.

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When my kids were really small, my wife and I worked our a$$es of to buy a house in a really good school district. The year before my girls started school, they redid the districts.


The discipline problems increased immediately and SOL scores fell off the charts. Since my kids have always been clustered in a "high achieving" group, theyre left to "self study" times with little to no attention from the teacher. All the teachers attention is on the under achievers, and the smarter kids dont get challenged to work to their potential.


Fast forward 11 years. My youngest is in 4th grade now, and this is what has changed:


-Still no SOL accreditation, and the highest SOL scores have actually dropped.


-Teachers are leaving in droves. Also, our district allows teachers to bring their kids to work instead of going to their home schools. As convenient as that is for teachers, I dont know of any that bring their kids anymore. To me, this is the most telling fact. Why would a teacher rather take their kid to a before school care facility, have them ride a bus, and then have to pick them up in the evening when they could just take them to work with them?


-We have to arrange transportation because we're no longer accepting "I heard it on the bus" when my kid talks like a ghetto thug.


-Since none their social experiments have worked, now the lowest achieving schools are going to a "year round" schedule.


-My favorite...they literally just approved a new redistricting plan for school year 19-20 to "improve overall standardized testing results throughout the county". That almost identical verbiage from 11 years ago.

It's hard to get laid with your kid hanging around.

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Cannot be AB or O


Ex-Boyfriend's baby must be A or B


Buddy's baby must be A or O cannot be AB or B.

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