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New road opens in Sweden that charges electric cars as they drive

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Wait until the Muslims find out and wreck it.

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This is the kind of sh!t we should be building, rather than rebuilding sh!t in the Middle East we spent billions to blow up in the first place.


I think its cool and all, but I find it kind of funny that people think an electric road is going to make the cars fossil fuel free....How much electricity does it take to run this thing 24/7, and where does that electricity come from

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Will it also charge my remote buttplug?

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I think its cool and all, but I find it kind of funny that people think an electric road is going to make the cars fossil fuel free....How much electricity does it take to run this thing 24/7, and where does that electricity come from

Corn, of course, which requires petroleum based fertilizer.

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Saw they were doing this a while back. Its genius but it would also require me getting an electric car. For commutes thats fine. Wouldnt mind having one with a road that charges it. But I need a truck for hauling things, pulling trailers, and for taking my dogs out to the lake or for rides

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Will it also charge my remote buttplug?


In your case, just squat in the middle of the road with a cord attached and wait for a speeding car to come by.

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Good luck Sweden.

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In your case, just squat in the middle of the road with a cord attached and wait for a speeding car to come by.



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Saw they were doing this a while back. Its genius but it would also require me getting an electric car. For commutes thats fine. Wouldnt mind having one with a road that charges it. But I need a truck for hauling things, pulling trailers, and for taking my dogs out to the lake or for rides

What is genius about it? This is 1912 technology but has never been used because it isn’t cost effective. I would like to see the carbon footprint of this system and how long it will take to get a payback.

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If they roll Avicii on it, you think we will get a spark?

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What is genius about it? This is 1912 technology


Who would know better than you?

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Saw they were doing this a while back. Its genius but it would also require me getting an electric car. For commutes thats fine. Wouldnt mind having one with a road that charges it. But I need a truck for hauling things, pulling trailers, and for taking my dogs out to the lake or for rides

Personally, if I had your bank roll, I would buy the Range Rover and a Ford F 450 Super Duty Platinum. Now I get what you're thinking. But beernuts, that's like $80k brand new. Im already shilling $55k for my Rover. Plus, I prefer to keep my cars in the $70k range.


I get that digby, I really do. How can your really put a price on assurance and quality though? Add in the flexibility having both vehicles will give you, I think it's a slam dunk easy decision.

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Every so often do you need to turn your vehicle upside down and blow out the little needle thingy?

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In your case, just squat in the middle of the road with a cord attached and wait for a speeding car to come by.


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No more oil changes. You'll be out of a job. :(

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Personally, if I had your bank roll, I would buy the Range Rover and a Ford F 450 Super Duty Platinum. Now I get what you're thinking. But beernuts, that's like $80k brand new. Im already shilling $55k for my Rover. Plus, I prefer to keep my cars in the $70k range.


I get that digby, I really do. How can your really put a price on assurance and quality though? Add in the flexibility having both vehicles will give you, I think it's a slam dunk easy decision.


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Saw they were doing this a while back. Its genius but it would also require me getting an electric car.

And moving to Sweden. :dunno:

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I think its cool and all, but I find it kind of funny that people think an electric road is going to make the cars fossil fuel free....How much electricity does it take to run this thing 24/7, and where does that electricity come from

I just mean any kind of infrastructure or innovation. Better bridges and highways would be fine. High speed trains wouldnt really work well in most of the us (the 300mph mag lev ones are too expensive).


I could see this electric road thing doing well here in china. Most people never take their cars out of the city anyway. The busses are already 100% electric in my city. Already have a good high speed rail network.


And I would think part of the appeal to the electric road is that it is obvious easy way to use solar power. They already have roads made out of solar tiles out there. Adding the two technologies together seems a no brainer.

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What is genius about it? This is 1912 technology but has never been used because it isn’t cost effective. I would like to see the carbon footprint of this system and how long it will take to get a payback.


Right? We need a technology for the future - like trains! Here in Milwaukee, we're installing 140 million dollar choo-choo trolly train that goes in 2 mile circle. Now THAT'S cutting edge.

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