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I find it hard to not see trans as mental illness...

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1 minute ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:


Pimpadouche and Gutterboy.  Didn't know they met in real life and became a couple.  Gross.

Look at the head on that Liberal Tranny, good Lord, it looks like something from Mars Attacks! 

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On 2/23/2024 at 5:45 PM, MLCKAA said:

Does this fcking fool even understand what she’s talking about?  DID is dissociative identity disorder.  You don’t opt into it.  It’s a fcking mental disorder.  People with DID end up homeless or suicidal or drug addicted.  They don’t embrace it.  It’s not a form of self-expression.

This chick sickens me.

This is exactly what I thought of. 

Dissociative disorders ARE a real mental disorder and have treatments. When people start treating real mental issues like this it totally devalues those who deal with it on a very serious basis. 

And you're right; many with DID end up much much worse than someone who thinks they're a focking bird. This person went online and googled and pulled something out of the sky to feel "special." 

People like this ruin it for people with REAL mental health issues. 

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5 minutes ago, Fireballer said:

For anyone who still thinks trans ideology is anything other than a fetish rooted in mental illness, I’m not sure what to tell you. 

Big pharma/medical community is complicit in this bullshat



Ever notice that they're ALWAYS LIBERALS? 

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Imagine being on the side of that. 💯

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Just now, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

Pimpadouche, worms and gutterboy all approve! 

Gutterboy/ Ron is always first in to defend the tranny/ pedophile set. 💯

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On 3/29/2024 at 11:15 PM, Fireballer said:

For anyone who still thinks trans ideology is anything other than a fetish rooted in mental illness, I’m not sure what to tell you. 

Big pharma/medical community is complicit in this bullshat



The Tims Gutters and MDCs will tell you this isnt happening.  

What sort of waste of money and time is this crap?

Libs just want to assimilate into this fantasy world.  

How about grow up?  If your kid wants to live in some alternate reality you wouldnt let them.  (Well maybe you Libs would).  Its common sense in that instance.  But when you replace your child with "freaks" some how we cant live in reality.   These people are above reality.  

Fockin bizarre.   

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2 hours ago, Maximum Overkill said:


Courtesy dictates that I try to be nice, but since you asked...

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I know a girl that was fat and pretty ugly. She had self esteem issues and tried to kill herself multiple times. The last time they admitted her to the hospital she came out claiming she was a boy and was always a boy. She changed her name. Started pretending to be a boy. Started taking Ozempic, lost  like 90lbs, died her hair and suddenly she is no longer a he. 

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7 minutes ago, Fireballer said:


Yeah, mainly because this is a mental illness.  We need to stop this insanity of catering to them and giving them some kind of "voice".  They need help, not pandering.

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31 minutes ago, Fireballer said:


It is a Mental Illness and they're all Liberals. What does that say about Liberals?? 

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Gays Against Groomers is doing a fantastic job bringing awareness to this issue. I can’t see why anyone would have a problem with them. 

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Those whacky Brits are considering crazy rules which would define sex based on biology.  How crazy is that? 

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Liberals left this thread like it was a Trump rally. 

Trannies are their people. 

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48 minutes ago, jonmx said:

Those whacky Brits are considering crazy rules which would define sex based on biology.  How crazy is that? 

One of the few upsides of not for profit healthcare. 

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There’s no reason this shouldn’t be widely accepted.  Companies like Hasbro and Mattel should go the way of Bud Light and Mulvaney and have these trans aged people as spokespeople.  Prove me wrong.  


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Oh dear. 

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8 hours ago, Fireballer said:

There’s no reason this shouldn’t be widely accepted.  Companies like Hasbro and Mattel should go the way of Bud Light and Mulvaney and have these trans aged people as spokespeople.  Prove me wrong.  

All mentally ill and all Liberal. 

Does anyone get it yet? 


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On 5/4/2023 at 9:40 AM, GutterBoy said:

No, not appropriate.


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I have a modicum of experience with this over the last few years. First off, the American psychiatric society was absolutely spot on correct when they deemed this to be a mental disorder.


Anyone's who hates themselves so vehemently as to experience this level of body and self dysmorphia is truly neurodivergent.


They weren't happy before. They weren't happy children. Then they find this. Meanwhile, other kids find Satan worship or whatever, but no dysmorphia so severe as to want to literally disfigure oneself.

I would love to see the figures not that they would be accurate mind you, but I would love to see the figures of women who try to morph into men and then become angry or disgusted or tired with the process. Same thing with women. 

What generally happens is somewhere during the process, they become aware that they're still unhappy and now they're miserable because of all the hormones and other procedures not to mention surroundings.  

So, they stop the process before it's near done. Would love to get real stats on that. Then, they rail against the world that drove them to that. 

Turns out, if you're suffering from neurodivergency of any kind, self mutilation (or any) ain't gonna make you happier.

Which is why the major suicide rate. 

Not a Libruhl or conservative thing. 

Though God knows some of you morons could turn a potato chip thread into a political slap fight.

At a minimum, have the same age limits that you do for alcohol, smoking, tattoos whatever.


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On 6/6/2024 at 7:10 AM, Tree of Knowledge said:


On 6/7/2024 at 3:39 PM, Strike said:

No doubt.  Trans is a mental illness.  That's not even debatable.  These are unhinged, violent people.

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2 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:


No doubt.  Trans is a mental illness.  That's not even debatable.  These are unhinged, violent people.

The real question is, what the fock is wrong with the idiots who support and enable and even encourage them? :mellow:

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1 minute ago, seafoam1 said:

The real question is, what the fock is wrong with the idiots who support and enable and even encourage them? :mellow:

It's BECAUSE they are being enabled that more and more carnage follows them.

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