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Blue Horseshoe

Governor Newsom (D) CA Reparations Panel: $1.2 Million Per Black Resident (EDIT: Now 14 Trillion)

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3 hours ago, peenie said:

Here you all are wasting your time obsessing about blackĀ people, yet again. Do you think black people spend their time scouring the Internet looking for articles aboutā€¦..I donā€™t know, what is the equivalent of this? Itā€™s actually an example of white privilĆØge because there are no such articles or topics for blacks to get angry at whites about. At any rate, they used to get you all upset by making you think black men were going to rape your women. RememberĀ those days? Then you realized you couldnā€™t stop Ā your women from tramplingĀ over you to get to black D by any means necessary.Ā 
So, in order to keep those hate embers burning, theyā€™ve got you up at night worrying about reparations.Ā 
Do you think anyone black thatĀ I know, friend or family, is discussingĀ this topic? I canā€™t believe this is keeping you up at night. I havenā€™t read any of your posts, but the fact that some retard is debating this issue for 4 pages speaks to your racist delirious minds. Because, first of all, if there were reparations, black descendants of slavery, JimĀ Crow and current day forms of segregation and discrimination certainly deserve it. YES WE DO, GOT DAMNIT!Ā 
If I had a million dollars and I lived in California, maybe then, I could afford a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, ramshackle, bars on the windows, house in Compton.

White girls that sleep with black dudes šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® nasty!

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3 hours ago, seafoam1 said:


Black people get upset about news storiesĀ of real life events that have actually happened,.Ā 

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22 minutes ago, iam90sbaby said:

White girls that sleep with black dudes šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® nasty!

I agree and have no idea how black men find them attractive.Ā 

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10 minutes ago, peenie said:

I agree and have no idea how black men find them attractive.Ā 

Well they usually only get the fat leftovers....it's probably just the hair

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4 hours ago, peenie said:

Here you all are wasting your time obsessing about blackĀ people, yet again. Do you think black people spend their time scouring the Internet looking for articles aboutā€¦..I donā€™t know, what is the equivalent of this? Itā€™s actually an example of white privilĆØge because there are no such articles or topics for blacks to get angry at whites about. At any rate, they used to get you all upset by making you think black men were going to rape your women. RememberĀ those days? Then you realized you couldnā€™t stop Ā your women from tramplingĀ over you to get to black D by any means necessary.Ā 
So, in order to keep those hate embers burning, theyā€™ve got you up at night worrying about reparations.Ā 
Do you think anyone black thatĀ I know, friend or family, is discussingĀ this topic? I canā€™t believe this is keeping you up at night. I havenā€™t read any of your posts, but the fact that some retard is debating this issue for 4 pages speaks to your racist delirious minds. Because, first of all, if there were reparations, black descendants of slavery, JimĀ Crow and current day forms of segregation and discrimination certainly deserve it. YES WE DO, GOT DAMNIT!Ā 
If I had a million dollars and I lived in California, maybe then, I could afford a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, ramshackle, bars on the windows, house in Compton.

I thought we were obsessing over trannies

also you know nothing about economics.Ā  there are plenty of nice houses in nice areas way cheaper than that, and you aren't allowed to play the victim game, places where schools actually teach you and hold you accountable


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On 5/28/2023 at 8:51 AM, Wade Garrett said:

lol, nothing more low IQ than being an uneducated racist.Ā  I'll happily take "joggers" every trip of the train over you brain dead white supremacist.



Californiaā€™s proposed shoplifting law would be a disaster

....ā€œIā€™m new to San Francisco,ā€ Fuller said to the clerk. ā€œIs it optional to pay for things here?ā€....Fuller was referring to what he called an ā€œ epidemic of shoplifting ,ā€ which he traced to changes in California law that reclassified thefts as misdemeanors if the stolen goods totaled less than $950. Videos on social media show people walking into stores, loading up on goods, and walking out......The culture has caused companies such as Walgreens, which shuttered 22 stores in San Francisco alone over a period of five years, to cease doing business in many of these locations.....

....Earlier this month, the California Senate passed Bill 553 , legislation that would discourage retail store employees from confronting shoplifters. The legislation ā€” passed weeks after a Home Depot security guard was shot and killed during a Pleasanton, California, robbery ā€” is designed to protect employees, supporters say, by forbidding employers from instructing employees to confront shoplifters.....A law that would prohibit employers from telling their employees that customers are not allowed to take whatever they want without paying would clearly incentivize shoplifting. It would further promote the culture Fuller described, one in which it is viewed as ā€œoptionalā€ to pay for things.....This is the culture that is driving companies out of California. Itā€™s not just crime or high taxes or pandemic mandates. Itā€™s a culture that shows disdain for property rights, which are the wellspring of all human rights and a pillar of civilization......ā€œThe moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence,ā€ John Adams famously wrote in 1787. ā€œIf ā€˜Thou shalt not covet,ā€™ and ā€˜Thou shalt not steal,ā€™ were not commandments of Heaven, they must be made inviolable precepts in every society, before it can be civilized or made free.ā€

....It also comes as a new National Retail Federation study finds that shoplifting is becoming an existential threat to brick-and-mortar commerce altogether and consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the growing problem of retail crime.....The study found that 55 percent of consumers say they believe retail crime has increased since the start of the Covid pandemic. Among the 5,031 consumers polled, 64 percent say they are concerned about gang-led shoplifting, a number that goes up to 75 percent in urban areas. Three out of four said they have shopped in stores where merchandise has been kept under lock and key, 79 percent believe retail theft affects the cost of items in stores and 51 percent believe the police and courts have been too lenient on shoplifters.....

....That frustration drove a pair of Lululemon employees in the Atlanta area to film and tell shoplifters to ā€œget outā€ as they took handfuls of clothing out of the store with them. Both employees were fired for violating Lululemon policies of not confronting and not filming shoplifters at work....



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On 5/28/2023 at 8:51 AM, Wade Garrett said:

lol, nothing more low IQ than being an uneducated racist.Ā  I'll happily take "joggers" every trip of the train over you brain dead white supremacist.



Germany will pay Holocaust survivors across the world over $1 billion in 2024

.....Germany will pay Holocaust survivors over $1.4 billion next year, which will go toward one-time payments for the survivors and welfare programs.

Outcomes from the meeting include:....$888.9 million total in funding will go toward home care services with an additional $105.2 million going toward survivors; "increased" needs
A one-time payment each year until 2027 toward more then 128,000 recipients of the Hardship Fund. Survivors will receive ā‚¬1,250 ($1,365.88 in U.S. currency) per person for 2024, ā‚¬1,300 ($1,420.51 in U.S. currency) for 2025, ā‚¬1,350 ($1,475.14 in U.S. currency) for 2026 and ā‚¬1,400 ($1,529.78 in U.S. currency) for 2027.

....Germany also extended funding for Holocaust education until 2027. There will be ā‚¬38 million ($41.52 million in U.S. currency) toward education in 2026 and ā‚¬41 million ($44.80 million in U.S. currency) toward education in 2027....Overall, the total amount of compensation for Holocaust survivors for 2024 is expected to be around $535 million.

Greg Schneider, executive vice president of the Claims Conference, said in the release that the negotiations are essential to supporting Holocaust survivors who are elderly....."Being able to ensure direct payments to survivors in addition to the expansions to the social welfare services we are able to fund is essential in making sure every Holocaust survivor is taken care of for as long as it is required, addressing each individual need,ā€ he said....The release states that this group of survivors are some that need the most help as they age....."By expanding payments to these survivors, the German government is acknowledging that this suffering is still being felt deeply, both emotionally and financially. While symbolic, these payments provide financial relief for many aging Jewish Holocaust survivors living around the world....."Ā 

.....The Claims Conference has over 300 social welfare agency partners in 83 countries that provide home care services. The agencies deliver in-home services, where they work directly with survivors to make sure they have everything they need, whether its food, health care, transportation, or being social....


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On 6/17/2023 at 7:13 AM, peenie said:

I havenā€™t read any of your posts, but the fact that some retard is debating this issue for 4 pages speaks to your racist delirious minds. Because, first of all, if there were reparations, black descendants of slavery, JimĀ Crow and current day forms of segregation and discrimination certainly deserve it. YES WE DO, GOT DAMNIT!Ā 
If I had a million dollars and I lived in California, maybe then, I could afford a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, ramshackle, bars on the windows, house in Compton.

This willĀ surprise you, but if you had read our posts, you would know that the majorityĀ of us agree with you; weĀ want to seeĀ CaliforniaĀ pay these reparations.

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It's not enough. They need 1.2 million per year in perpetuity. Probably need to bump that up 6% per year though.

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On 5/28/2023 at 8:51 AM, Wade Garrett said:

lol, nothing more low IQ than being an uneducated racist.Ā  I'll happily take "joggers" every trip of the train over you brain dead white supremacist.



Sparks fly at Californiaā€™s final reparations task force meeting: ā€˜Nowā€™s the time for a divorce!ā€™

...Several attendees at the California Department of Justiceā€™s final Reparations Task Force meeting created a scene during the public comment section of the event Thursday, demanding reparations from the board. Several excited California residents took advantage of their opportunity to address the board directly, yelling into the mic that the time for reparations is ā€œnow!ā€ .....Ā the crowd to raise their fists and chant their desires for restitution, while another stood up and screamed for a ā€œdivorceā€ settlement between Black Americans and the rest of the country....

....The first, a Black woman, began a tense recounting of how her ancestors were never paid back for their enslavement and never benefited ā€œfrom the promise of America.ā€ ....She thanked the task force for their work and praised Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom for having ā€œchanged the course of historyā€ by allowing the task forceā€™s work.....ā€œDonā€™t treat us like no cheap piece of meat!.....So, therefore, our last nameā€™s ā€˜American!ā€™ So nowā€™s the time for a divorce! What do you get in divorce? You get half the money, half the land, alimony, child support, attorney fees, and everything else! So thatā€™s what we want!ā€


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6 minutes ago, Blue Horseshoe said:


What do you get in divorce? You get half the money, half the land, alimony, child support, attorney fees, and everything else! So thatā€™s what we want!ā€

Hopefully California agrees to these terms.Ā 

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Come on California, get this done. Ā Itā€™s the right thing to do.Ā 

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4 hours ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Come on California, get this done. Ā Itā€™s the right thing to do.Ā 

100% but they need more! 10 million!!!Ā 


They should make a rule that they are not allowed to spend the money outside of California. That way California grows stronger through diversity and richer too!

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3 minutes ago, Cdub100 said:

100% but they need more! 10 million!!!Ā 


They should make a rule that they are not allowed to spend the money outside of California. That way California grows stronger through diversity and richer too!

Hell yeah. If they move they have to give it back. Let them stay in their creation. Ā 

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6 hours ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Come on California, get this done. Ā Itā€™s the right thing to do.Ā 

It ain't gonna happen. Never.Ā 

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On 5/5/2023 at 3:48 PM, lod001 said:

LOL. Will not happen at all. Just like the SF $5 million carrot they dangled. It's all to maintain votes.

Easiest prediction ever was that CA would not give them a penny.

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On 5/28/2023 at 8:51 AM, Wade Garrett said:

lol, nothing more low IQ than being an uneducated racist.Ā  I'll happily take "joggers" every trip of the train over you brain dead white supremacist.



California reparations panelist blasts White men as a 'danger to society': They're 'shooting up schools'

.....A member of San Francisco's committee on reparations for slavery blasted White men as "a danger to society," according to multiple reports, also claiming that "White supremacy is ingrained in America'sĀ DNA.".....Nikcole Cunningham is one of the 15 members of the city's reparations advisory committee established in 2020, with aims to grant each eligible Black resident $5 million to help atone for the sin of slavery.....

Along with her rebuke of White men, she alleged White people in general still benefit from the "harm caused by their ancestors."....Cunningham's lambasting continued as she railed against White people for posing more "harm than support and help" for getting reparations approved, adding an inflammatory criticism of their ancestors who she said stood in their "Sunday best" as they watched "Black people hang and burn."....She told the outlet that the goal behind the rhetoric is to make White people "come to grips" with their ancestry and take initiative in facilitating change for equality.

....The outlet additionally quoted Cunningham as saying White men are more abusive and make up a majority of "serial killers."....."They have the most, I watch these shows, the most serial killers," she said. "Straight White men are the ones who are shooting up schools, right? So they are a danger to society......"...California Gov. Gavin Newsom, D., declined to support reparations for Black residents, however, stating that slavery's legacy is "more than cash payments."


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On 5/28/2023 at 8:51 AM, Wade Garrett said:

lol, nothing more low IQ than being an uneducated racist.Ā  I'll happily take "joggers" every trip of the train over you brain dead white supremacist.



Chicago suburb starts making $25K reparations payouts in ā€˜test run for the whole countryā€™

....A suburb of Chicago has become the first to start paying reparations to qualifying black residents in what is being seen as ā€œa test run for the whole country.ā€....The city of Evanston has already paid 16 locals from a $10 million package first approved in 2019, the Evanston RoundTable said Monday.....By the end of the year, the reparations committee expects to have paid $25,000 each to 140 qualifying residents in the city of about 75,000, officials also told the Wall Street Journal......ā€œI see it as like a test run for the whole country,ā€ Justin Hansford, head of the Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center at Howard University, told the paper......Those qualifying had to be at least 18 and living in the city between 1919 and 1969, when the city passed a fair-housing ordinance......

.....The $10 million fund was initially supposed to come from tax cash from legal marijuana sales. When that proved too slow, the council agreed to allot real estate transfer tax money from properties worth more than $1 million.....Local civil rights activist Bennett Johnson told a recent meeting that the $25,000 was not enough ā€” and the 1969 cutoff year ā€œtotally arbitraryā€ given that black people were ā€œdiscriminatedā€ against long after that.....


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EXCLUSIVE: Gavin Newsom accused of 'political hypocrisy' over DeSantis and Abbott lawsuit threat as it's revealed HIS administration was caught 'dumping' child migrants in other counties when he was mayor of San Francisco

.....California Governor Gavin Newsom has called for a criminal investigation of Republicans flying migrants to the vice president's home and Martha's Vineyard ā€“ despite having his own controversial past of 'dumping' criminal immigrants on others....Newsom was caught up in a scandal in 2008 as Mayor of San Francisco, when it emerged his administration was shipping foreign-born juvenile criminals to San Bernardino without local leaders' knowledge.....The policy of shipping migrants to other counties, dubbed 'dumping', led to an uproar at the time.....

.....'They are dumping people here without telling us who, what, when and where,' then-San Bernardino District Attorney Michael Ramos told the Los Angeles Times in 2008. Among them were illegal immigrant cocaine dealers from Honduras, eight of whom escaped. Police reported 'hundreds' of calls for service at 'group homes' in Yucaipa where the juvenile offenders were sent. 'San Francisco has a legal and moral obligation to notify us, and they didn't,' Michelle Scray told the LA Times as assistant chief probation officer for the county at the time....


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Gavin Newsomā€™s in-laws moved to Florida during pandemic, new report claims

....Not even Gavin Newsomā€™s in-laws are listening to his Florida fear-mongering. The California governorā€™s relatives bolted the Golden State for the Sunshine State as Newsom ordered schools, businesses and churches shuttered at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new report. Longtime California residents Kenneth Siebel Jr. and Judith Siebel purchased a $3.3 million home in Naples, Fla., in March 2020, according to Fox News. The Siebels, whose daughter Jennifer has been married to Newsom for 14 years, then registered to vote in Florida in June 2020, according to the report....

....Around the time of the home purchase, Newsom implemented a statewide shelter-in-place order that would not be lifted until January 2021. Business capacity limits and other restrictions would remain in place until June 2021.Ā During that period, more than 40,000 California small businesses shut down forever, more than in any other state....Newsomā€™s restrictive lockdown measures stood in stark contrast to what the Siebels would have experienced in Florida, where Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis lifted all COVID-19 lockdown measures and business restrictions by September 2020.Ā  ...The Fox News reportĀ notes that Kenneth Siebel is a registered Republican and that the Siebel familyā€™s trust made a $5,000 contribution to DeSantisā€™ Friends of Ron DeSantis political action committee in 2022. Federal Election Commission records indicate that Kenneth Siebel has donated a total of $2,000 each to GOP Sens. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Tom Cotton of Arkansas....

....This is not the first time Newsomā€™s in-laws have created controversy for the governor. In July, the governor took his family on vacation to a Montana ranch the Siebels own, despite Montana being one of 20 states to which California bars official, state-funded travel over laws deemed discriminatory against LGBTQ+ people.....


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Reedley Chinese COVID Lab Received Tax Credit of $360,000 From Gov. Newsomā€™s ā€˜GO-Bizā€™

....CDC conducted found more than 800 chemicals at the site and over 20 infectious agents...At the epicenter of current controversy, an illegal California lab run by a Chinese biotech firm, Prestige Biotech, was recently discovered in a warehouse in Reedley, California. The lab contained mice which were genetically engineered to spread COVID-19.....According to National Review, ā€œcourt documents further showed that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) conducted tests on the more than 800 chemicals found at the site and that over 20 infectious agents were found present, including Hepatitis B and C, streptococcus pneumonia, chlamydia, rubella, and Herpes 1 and 5.ā€ ...

.....As recently discovered, Prestige Biotech is registered in the State of Nevada, but unlicensed to conduct business within the State of California. Code enforcement officials from the City of Reedley spoke to Xiuqin Yao, President of Prestige Biotech, as identified via emails and court documents. Ms. Yao informed authorities that the company was the largest creditor of Universal Meditech (UMI), Inc. which filed for bankruptcy. UMI had been relocated from the City of Fresno to the Reedley warehouse following an electrical fire, and when UMI ceased operations. According to NBC News, ā€œPrestige Biotech was a creditor to UMI and identified as its successor, according to court documents....ā€

...A document released on March 24, 2019 by Governor Newsomā€™s Office of Business and Economic Development, a California Competes tax credit allocation agreement of $360,000 was cemented with UMI...


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On 7/12/2023 at 4:19 AM, Blue Horseshoe said:



Chicago suburb starts making $25K reparations payouts in ā€˜test run for the whole countryā€™

....A suburb of Chicago has become the first to start paying reparations to qualifying black residents in what is being seen as ā€œa test run for the whole country.ā€....The city of Evanston has already paid 16 locals from a $10 million package first approved in 2019, the Evanston RoundTable said Monday.....By the end of the year, the reparations committee expects to have paid $25,000 each to 140 qualifying residents in the city of about 75,000, officials also told the Wall Street Journal......ā€œI see it as like a test run for the whole country,ā€ Justin Hansford, head of the Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center at Howard University, told the paper......Those qualifying had to be at least 18 and living in the city between 1919 and 1969, when the city passed a fair-housing ordinance......

.....The $10 million fund was initially supposed to come from tax cash from legal marijuana sales. When that proved too slow, the council agreed to allot real estate transfer tax money from properties worth more than $1 million.....Local civil rights activist Bennett Johnson told a recent meeting that the $25,000 was not enough ā€” and the 1969 cutoff year ā€œtotally arbitraryā€ given that black people were ā€œdiscriminatedā€ against long after that.....


This is actually my home town.Ā  where I grew up.Ā  SoĀ gross

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2 hours ago, Blue Horseshoe said:


Nothing but drivel from this dude.Ā  Stop posting, you're making all of us much dumber.Ā  If we wanted alt right talking points there's plenty of other places to get them.

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11 hours ago, BeachGuy23 said:

Nothing but drivel from this dude.Ā  Stop posting, you're making all of us much dumber.Ā  If we wanted alt right talking points there's plenty of other places to get them.

Liberals can't get any dumber. They hit rock bottom years ago.Ā 

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18 minutes ago, seafoam1 said:

Liberals can't get any dumber. They hit rock bottom years ago.Ā 


Have you noticed that Wade Garrett/James Daulton/Ravensfan, with his new alias here, can't use his signature anti-lgbt slurs, his bigotry, his "boyo" and his same brand of personal attacks. Because it would out him to the site owner here and get him banned again as soon as someone reported him.Ā 

How much of a tough guy is "Wade Garrett" if he promoted himself as a "tell it like I want and how I see it" open troll, and now he can't tell it like he wants to anymore.Ā 

He had to neuter himself otherwise he'd be banned again. Not much dignity left for a supposed tough guy.Ā 

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