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Trump 42, Biden 36, RFK jr. 22....oh my!

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What are the authoritarian bastards going to do?  Their puppet candidate is being flanked from both sides.  Can they start assassinating leaders again?  They caught a lot of flack the last time they did it. 

All these ridiculous prosecutions are blowing up in their faces.  Trump just keep rising as the number of cases increase.  The coordinate media attacks are having no impact on RFK jr. or Trump.   Biden has zero charisma to begin with, now he can't even string a sentence together and is even lucky to be aware of where he is.  

I don't see Biden's path to victory.  Biden could end up in third place with only the braindead, pro-authoritarian idiot votes.  

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Wow. If RFK really can serve as a viable third party candidate, things'll be interesting. I didn't expect much since the left wing corporate media has been character assassinating him all along.

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8 minutes ago, Voltaire said:

Wow. If RFK really can serve as a viable third party candidate, things'll be interesting. I didn't expect much since the left wing corporate media has been character assassinating him all along.

The majority of people do not listen to the state-corporate media anymore.  RFK jr. Is reaching people more directly through small independent media.  The next step for the authoritarian bastards is to shut those channels down.   They are desperate.   Will Google/YouTube and Facebbok cooperate this time around?   Most certainly so, but I doubt if they can control X and Rumble and other small independant platforms.  

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The authoritarian bastards in here just want to ignore the polling.   Just put their heads in the sand and hope their side can figure out how to cheat this next election.   

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1 hour ago, jonmx said:

The authoritarian bastards in here just want to ignore the polling.   Just put their heads in the sand and hope their side can figure out how to cheat this next election.   


RFK in the mix is all over the place in how he impacts the race. Will definitely do something, but IMO people will fall back to the main parties as the race gets closer to the end.

Would also help if you posted the poll you are citing.

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None of this will stand. RFK’s numbers will disappear to nearly zero before long; he won’t be a factor at all. Trump’s numbers will be close throughout but he should lose. In the end it will come down to Pennsylvania and Michigan. One concern with Michigan: Muslim Americans, who voted overwhelmingly for Biden last time, may decide to stay at home if Biden continues to support Israel too strongly. In a race this close that could make a difference. 

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1 hour ago, The Real timschochet said:

None of this will stand. RFK’s numbers will disappear to nearly zero before long; he won’t be a factor at all. Trump’s numbers will be close throughout but he should lose. In the end it will come down to Pennsylvania and Michigan. One concern with Michigan: Muslim Americans, who voted overwhelmingly for Biden last time, may decide to stay at home if Biden continues to support Israel too strongly. In a race this close that could make a difference. 

Tim, are you as still confident as ever that Joe will be the nominee?  Will it take a rapid decline in health to oust him?

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2 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

None of this will stand. RFK’s numbers will disappear to nearly zero before long; he won’t be a factor at all. Trump’s numbers will be close throughout but he should lose. 

And you will win a shlt economy and a terribly run nation in the end. 

Great for you. I hope you encounter an extremely violent angry illegal for your effort.  God knows this country let enough of them in already...

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47 minutes ago, seafoam1 said:

And you will win a shlt economy and a terribly run nation in the end. 

Great for you. I hope you encounter a extremely violent angry illegal for your effort.  

That would be solid, well deserved  karma.

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1 hour ago, seafoam1 said:

And you will win a shlt economy and a terribly run nation in the end. 

Great for you. I hope you encounter a extremely violent angry illegal for your effort.  


Until people realize how corrupt our three letter organization really are and how they are just an armed authoritarian branch of government working in the interests of the powerful elites, they will continue their growth and influence.   How our economy performs or other any of the wedge issues is of little concern.  Unless we regain our rights protected by the Constitution, we will cease being a free society.   A society where information and speech is all controlled by government and monopolistic corporations is not free.   

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16 hours ago, jonmx said:

I don't see Biden's path to victory.   

You can’t be serious here. With all the fraud, cheating and shenanigans that are going to happen between now and next year at this time, we are stuck with his handlers. The RINO’s will only solidify it. 

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2 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

None of this will stand. RFK’s numbers will disappear to nearly zero before long; he won’t be a factor at all. Trump’s numbers will be close throughout but he should lose. In the end it will come down to Pennsylvania and Michigan. One concern with Michigan: Muslim Americans, who voted overwhelmingly for Biden last time, may decide to stay at home if Biden continues to support Israel too strongly. In a race this close that could make a difference. 

The vast majority of people have not been brainwashed by the government media as you are.   RFK jr. is gaining support through independant media channels which you dismiss.  I know you will keep believing the BS spin from the government media because you are still dillusional that the media is honest and without an agenda. 

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9 minutes ago, RogerDodger said:

RFK is running on reparations.  Everyone knows what side that syphons votes off of.  :thumbsup:

Wait...wut?  He's actually saying that we should pay reparations?   If so, that's an automatic "No f'n way" from me.  It'll be Trump then.

If reparations ever happen there WILL be another Civil War.  That's not how equality is supposed to work.

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16 hours ago, jonmx said:

What are the authoritarian bastards going to do?  Their puppet candidate is being flanked from both sides.  Can they start assassinating leaders again?  They caught a lot of flack the last time they did it. 

All these ridiculous prosecutions are blowing up in their faces.  Trump just keep rising as the number of cases increase.  The coordinate media attacks are having no impact on RFK jr. or Trump.   Biden has zero charisma to begin with, now he can't even string a sentence together and is even lucky to be aware of where he is.  

I don't see Biden's path to victory.  Biden could end up in third place with only the braindead, pro-authoritarian idiot votes.  

Good schtick.

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One thing I'll say about the 2024 election is that if the Democrats run Biden again, as far as I'm concerned, any time they question a Republican's mental state in the future... their concerns will fall on deaf ears.

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22 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

Wait...wut?  He's actually saying that we should pay reparations?   If so, that's an automatic "No f'n way" from me.  It'll be Trump then.

If reparations ever happen there WILL be another Civil War.  That's not how equality is supposed to work.



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16 hours ago, jonmx said:

I don't see Biden's path to victory.

There were at least 81M "people" who voted for him 3 years ago... I don't envision that demographic going away.  I mean, I don't think there's a liberal on this board would vote for anyone other that Biden.

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1 hour ago, TBayXXXVII said:

There were at least 81M "people" who voted for him 3 years ago... I don't envision that demographic going away.  I mean, I don't think there's a liberal on this board would vote for anyone other that Biden.

If it comes down to Trump being the other choice all liberals, many moderates, and some Republicans will vote for anyone else.

If there are enough options like Cornell West or RFK it could pull enough votes away from Biden to make the difference.

Polls including RFK are all over the place however and it is still so early. 

Perhaps Liz Cheney runs and adds another wrinkle. Perhaps Biden or Trump has a health issue. Lots of shet can go down.

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1 hour ago, TBayXXXVII said:

There were at least 81M "people" who voted for him 3 years ago... I don't envision that demographic going away.  I mean, I don't think there's a liberal on this board would vote for anyone other that Biden.

This could have maybe changed if Donald had tried to act like anything other than a rabid, narcissistic, authoritarian criminal (yaknow, just Don bein' Don) since his ouster. But since he owns the Republicans lock, stock, and barrel, and he just continues stomping all over the law, executive and political norms, and common decency, this is what we get. If the R's could put up literally ANYONE other than Trump, they win '24 in a landslide.

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Trump 42, Biden 36, RFK jr. 22....oh my!

Oh my indeed...I wondered why the OP didn't give a link or mention who conducted the poll.

That was because it was a Harvard-Harris online poll. :lol:

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5 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

None of this will stand. RFK’s numbers will disappear to nearly zero before long; he won’t be a factor at all. Trump’s numbers will be close throughout but he should lose. In the end it will come down to Pennsylvania and Michigan. One concern with Michigan: Muslim Americans, who voted overwhelmingly for Biden last time, may decide to stay at home if Biden continues to support Israel too strongly. In a race this close that could make a difference. 

They also don’t like the lgbtq agenda being pushed on their kids in schools. 

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2 hours ago, TBayXXXVII said:

There were at least 81M "people" who voted for him 3 years ago... I don't envision that demographic going away.  I mean, I don't think there's a liberal on this board would vote for anyone other that Biden.

Zuckerbergs unsecured ballot drop boxes are being outlawed in many places. 

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20 hours ago, jonmx said:

What are the authoritarian bastards going to do? 


Team Blue will cheat. No doubt in my mind at this point. Every way possible.

If that doesn't work, they'll attempt to assassinate Trump, if it's clear he'll win. ( This is why the Speaker position is in so much flux right now, Trump wants someone loyal to him there, so if he is assassinated, along with his VPOTUS, the line of succession will fall to someone who will go after Team Blue and the corporate establishment)

If they can't manage that, they'll engage in endless rioting, looting and burning like in 2020. The hard line establishment Democrats in real power would rather America be turned to ash, and to leave their children nothing, than to see Trump in the White House again. 

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1 hour ago, squistion said:

Trump 42, Biden 36, RFK jr. 22....oh my!

Oh my indeed...I wondered why the OP didn't give a link or mention who conducted the poll.

That was because it was a Harvard-Harris online poll. :lol:

The guy who copy/pasted everyone else's thoughts from Twitter 24/7 and every "anonymous" and "source close to X" link he could find and then declared them to all to be absolutely 100% true is complaining about sources?  :lol:

GTFO you disingenuous POS.

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7 hours ago, thegeneral said:


Would also help if you posted the poll you are citing.

Agreed. Went to realclearpolitics and found nada.

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19 minutes ago, Dozer FBG said:

You freaking wackadoos are dangerous. Please stop being so got dam crazy!

The TDS afflicted guy who posted every anonymous source links, lies and half-truths he could find about Trump 24/7 is calling others "wackadoos"?

GTFO you moron.  Go ruin a different forum with your mental illness.

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21 minutes ago, Voltaire said:


None of these three-way polls indicate what the OP posted.

This is what I have been seeing. Squis indicated it was an online poll.

It’s still so early and I think the thing that RFK got the most traction for was his anti-vax stuff, for lack of a better term, and that he’s not Biden or Trump.

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5 hours ago, RogerDodger said:

RFK is running on reparations.  Everyone knows what side that syphons votes off of.  :thumbsup:

Not true.  The is media spin.  Take a quote out of context from decades ago.  RFK jr. is for investments in poor areas, but not based on race. 

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49 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

This is what I have been seeing. Squis indicated it was an online poll.

It’s still so early and I think the thing that RFK got the most traction for was his anti-vax stuff, for lack of a better term, and that he’s not Biden or Trump.

It's a Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll.



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22 hours ago, Voltaire said:

Wow. If RFK really can serve as a viable third party candidate, things'll be interesting. I didn't expect much since the left wing corporate media has been character assassinating him all along.

How I see it. RFK will get votes from the Democrat's who realize Biden is an idiot but hate the orange man. He will help Trump IMO

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58 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

The TDS afflicted guy who posted every anonymous source links, lies and half-truths he could find about Trump 24/7 is calling others "wackadoos"?

GTFO you moron.  Go ruin a different forum with your mental illness.

Could be the worst case of TDS ever.    

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13 minutes ago, joneo said:

How I see it. RFK will get votes from the Democrat's who realize Biden is an idiot but hate the orange man. He will help Trump IMO

RFK jr. will impact both candidates equally.   What I like about it is that we will have 2/3rds of voters voting against the corrupt establishment.  It should open up a lot of eyes of people who have been programmed to hate Republicans to start to see it as the Democrats who are the war-mongers, big-government-corporate allience authoritarians who are working to destroy individual freedoms.   Biden will attract those who love lockdowns, vax-mandates, social credit scores, energy use restrictions, population control......basically those who feel we need elitist authoritarian control by a massive bureaucracy to save the world.  Where it will help Republicans should be in Congress.

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1 minute ago, jonmx said:

RFK jr. will impact both candidates equally.   What I like about it is thst we will have 2/3rds of voters voting against the corrupt establishment.  It should open up a lot of eyes of people who have been programmed to hate Republicans to staet to see it is the Democrats who are the war-mongers, big-government-corporate allience authoritarians who are working to destroy individual freedoms.   Biden will attract those who love lockdowns, vax-mandates, social credit scores, energy use restrictions, population control......basically those whonfeel we need elitist authoritarian control by a massive bureaucracy.  

RFK is an effing joke and you starting a thread based on internet poll underscores why you were nicknamed wrong_mx. 

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4 minutes ago, jonmx said:

RFK jr. will impact both candidates equally.   What I like about it is that we will have 2/3rds of voters voting against the corrupt establishment.  It should open up a lot of eyes of people who have been programmed to hate Republicans to start to see it as the Democrats who are the war-mongers, big-government-corporate allience authoritarians who are working to destroy individual freedoms.   Biden will attract those who love lockdowns, vax-mandates, social credit scores, energy use restrictions, population control......basically those who feel we need elitist authoritarian control by a massive bureaucracy to save the world.  Where it will help Republicans should be in Congress.

We don’t have anything. Just meaningless  polls a year out.

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